Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among Us

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HC addendum

Source: Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among Us

Type: E


Location. Pennsylvania, exact location not given

Date: Summer 1959

Time: late evening

The witness was sitting in his lounge chair, reading, dozing but was at the same time tense and restless. Something seemed to be at the back of his mind. Suddenly he looked toward the door. Somehow he knew someone was at the other side. He lay his book down got up and went to the door, opened it a crack and looked out. There were two men dressed in black there. They looked like identical twins. They were dark complexioned with Oriental eyes, but they were definitely not Orientals. They never said a word but the witness heard in his mind, "Are you ready?" He does not know why but for some reason he was ready to go. Since it was so terribly hot that night, he had stripped down to his "birthday suit" so when he reached for a pair of walking shorts again he heard in his mind, "That will not be necessary. No one will see you." They stepped out in the hall and instantly they were on top of a flat hill in back of the apartments. The witness was rather surprised that the scene had changed so quickly. He noticed the headlights of a car coming down the street, and he ducked behind the two men. He then heard some laughter in his mind, "We told you no one would see you. Try it." He then boldly stepped around in front of them, spread his feet apart, propped his hands on his hips, daring anyone to see me. But the car, with a man and a woman in it, passed a few feet from them not even looking in their direction. He turned to say something to his companions and they were looking up. He followed their gaze and realized that something was hanging there suspended above them. As he did so, an opening appeared in its center and blue-white light came tumbling out of it. He felt a queasy sensation in the pit of his stomach, like when you are in an elevator or an airplane that is dropping too fast. He could see apartment houses and the ground receding below them. They were floating up toward whatever the object was. He blacked out as they approached the opening. When he came to he was lying on his side facing a wall. He rolled over on his back and sat up. He was in an oddly shaped room. It somehow resembled a wedge of pie with the point of bitten off. The whole room was bare except for some kind of projection on which he was sitting. Everything seemed to be made out of a blue gray material. While the walls were very hard the surface on he was sitting was very soft even though everything seemed to have been made of the same material. The room was bathed in a soft glow and there were no shadows anywhere, but there was no light source that he could see. He then heard a female voice say, "He's awake now." He looked around to see if he could spot the speaker but saw nothing, just the walls. About this time on the short wall a door appeared and opened. He could see into a hallway. Although the hall was dark, here was blue-white illumination that appeared as though it was coming from some great distance. Two shadows flittered across the doorway. He couldn't tell anything about their shapes. The movement was too rapid and too distorted. But he received a mental impression of two people approaching---a man in the front and a woman in the back---carrying a tray full of some kind of surgical instruments and hypodermic syringes. His next memory was of being back in his apartment, in his chair, reading his book. An interesting detail was that a book that he had been reading went mysteriously missing for a week after the encounter and was later found right on the same spot where the witness had left it.
HC addendum

Source: Brad Steiger, "Alien Meetings"

Type: G


Location. Hickam Airfield, Oahu, Hawaii

Date: Summer 1959

Time: night

On a warm summer night, six-year old Maureen Izon was sleeping soundly on the bottom bunk when she suddenly felt a bitter chill around her. She opened her eyes and looked around. Standing at the side of her bed were three illuminated figures. They had no features at all. They looked like human silhouettes made up of white vapor. Being a devout Catholic, Maureen lifted a cross pendant around her neck towards the figures, but they remained standing by her bed. The taller figure moved toward her. She could feel the air getting colder around her neck and then she felt pressure around her neck. The figure was apparently trying to choke her. Maureen tried to bring his right hand up to make the sign of the cross. But her hand felt like it weighed a ton. At the same time she was having difficulty breathing. She barely managed to make the sign of the cross and began praying. Soon the figures vanished and the room became warm again. On a later date, the same witness woke up with a runny nose and when she reached over to the tissue box when suddenly a large hairy hand came up from behind the tissue box and grabbed her wrist. She attempted to scream but was unable to as a cold chill enveloped her body. She opened her mouth in an attempt to bite the hairy hand and it suddenly disappeared.
HC addendum

Source: Rick Carroll, Hawaii's Best Spooky Tales

Type: E


Location. Superior Montana

Date: June 1959

Time: 0100A

After several nights of waking up and finding the door to the bedroom ajar, the witness woke up that night to see five gray colored figures standing by the door looking at him and his sleeping grandfather next to him. He could see a column of light or "energy" in the middle of the room that appeared to be vibrating without any sound. This appeared to be the mode of transportation for the creatures. According to the witness this intrusion was repeated several nights in a row. No other information.
HC addition # 3625

Source: NUFORC

Type: E


Location. Whitefield Manchester England

Date: June 26 1959

Time: unknown

The witness was walking along Alexander Avenue when he noticed two men that were walking ahead of him. The men were six-foot tall and had long blond hair; they also wore tight pants and large heavy boots. They turned a corner and when the witness quickly followed, the men had already vanished.
HC addition # 345

Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain

Type: E


Location. Boianai New Guinea

Date: June 26 1959 Time: 1845

A brightly luminous object descended to a height of about 300 ft, its apparent size then being about 5" at arm's length and its luminosity dull orange yellow. It was circular with a wide base and a narrower upper deck, and had 4 tapering legs, 2 at each end, on the bottom. A shaft of blue light shining upwards at 45 degrees was seen part of the time. On top of this appeared four men, surrounded at a little distance by an aura of luminescence. "If wearing clothes, they were very tight-fitting." Father Gill and 37 Papuans were witnesses. Several other smaller UFOs maneuvered around it. The object hovered, the men coming & going, for 2.5 hours. Then it shot off at tremendous speed.
Humcat 1959-9

Source: Rev Norman E G Crutwell, FSR Special Issue # 4

Type: A


Location. Boianai New Guinea

Date: June 27 1959

Time: 1800

24 hours after the previous sighting, the object re-appeared in the same position, a little further off. Four men were seen occupied with something on top of it. Father William Gill waved, and one of the men on the UFO did the same; then all the observers waved, and all 4 seemed to wave back. Flashlight signals were answered by movements of the object, which oscillated & then came somewhat closer. After this there was no further response. After about 1.5 hours of visibility low clouds hid the object.
Humcat 1959-10

Source: Rev Norman E G Crutwell, FSR Special Issue # 4

Type: A


Location. Washington DC

Date: July 9 1959

Time: 1400

An interesting para-psychological experiment closely tied to the UFO phenomenon was conducted on this day in Washington DC by the CIA and US Naval Intelligence. It was held at an office in a government building at the corner of 5th and K Streets. According to Lt Colonel Robert Friend, the officer in charge of Project Blue Book at the time and who was present at the session, telepathic communication was attempted through a psychic channeler who was also a military officer. Colonel Friend was invited to attend a meeting with this officer, and was given the following background information. A Canadian woman Mrs. Swan had come to their attention through the Canadian government. The Canadians had conducted an extensive investigation into Mrs. Swan's claims of contact with the aliens. With two Naval Intelligence officers present, she went into a trance and they asked her scientific and technical questions to which a woman of her education could not possibly know the answers. Yet as questions were put to her, she was able to answer quickly and easily, apparently with telepathic help from purported extraterrestrials. According to the report, the aliens represented an organization called the "Universal Association of Planets," and this group had a project monitoring Earth. The investigation took an unexpected turn when the woman informed one of the Naval officers that "they" were willing to answers questions directly through him, a Navy commander and intelligence officer---with no prior experience in telepathic communications. He took over, attempting to write down the answers to questions put to him by his associate Naval officer. The word traveled back quickly to Washington officials and a very skeptical CIA. Nevertheless, there was no strong reason to totally disbelieve the report of this respected Navy commander and his partner. A meeting was arranged to be held in the security portion of a Washington government building. When trance state contact was achieved, several questions were put to him, and answers came back quickly. "Do you favor any government group or race?" and "Would there be a third world war?" Both were answered "No." The officials present then asked to see a spaceship. The commander, still in a trance, told the group to look out the window and they would have proof. They did promptly and a dark saucer-shaped object was seen hovering in the sky "at approximately 1400 hours." They hurriedly made calls to the Washington radar center to confirm the presence of the object. Radar operators told them that they were experiencing a strange type of technical difficulty with their equipment, and radar was blocked for that quadrant of the sky over Washington. A follow up contact session was attempted that same day with only limited success, it was indicated, "this was not the right time".
HC addendum

Source: UFOCAT, quoting Don Elkins "Secrets of the UFOs", Robert Emenegger, "UFOs, Past, Present and Future"

Type: F


Location. Near Sapulpa Oklahoma

Date: July 12 1959

Time: night

Frank B Standing Horse was in a field clearing some land for a local church when a large disc shaped craft landed nearby. Three normal looking men emerged from the craft and invited him onboard. Inside the witness met a beautiful woman six-feet 4 inches tall with long black hair and blue eyes. The witness supposedly took a long journey to several planets including Mars where he saw some large rock-like buildings, & to the planet Oreon where he saw large beautiful buildings & churches. He was eventually returned.
HC addition # 2284

Source: Flying Saucers Intl Issue # 25, July 1967

Type: G


Location. Blenheim New Zealand

Date: July 13 1959

Time: 0540A

Walking to her cow shed, Mrs Frederick Moreland saw a round object with 2 green lights come down out of the clouds to hover at rooftop level. Around its edge were 2 counter-rotating belts of fiery orange jets. A glass like cowl covered its top, and through this she could see 2 men wearing diver's helmets, one of whom stood up & leaned forward; both were clad in tight fitting silvery colored suits. As it departed, the UFO made a whining high-pitched sound, and left behind it a smell "just like pepper."
Humcat 1959-11

Source: Harold Fulton, Apro Bulletin 9/59

Type: A


Location. Near Fort Garland California

Date: August 1959

Time: night

The witness was driving in the desert with a friend when the car ahead of them suddenly disappeared. Later around sunset he went alone to take photographs and was sitting in the car when he apparently experienced a time lapse. He remembers standing in a transparent cylinder inside a large room; there he saw several humanoids wearing armor like outfits. They communicated with the witness by using telepathy and told him they were in a hovering space station above the earth. He was taken to a room where he was shown an anti-gravity device. He was also told that they had taken the vehicle and driver that he had seen to disappear earlier.
HC addition # 462

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the Measure Of A mystery

Type: G


Location. Lake Bonita New Mexico

Date: August 20 1959

Time: 0300A

The witness and three young girls were sleeping in a station wagon, when they saw a bright fireball like object descend and land on the side of the nearby mountain. Several figures carrying bright flashlight like objects apparently emerged from the object and approached the witnesses' location, shining beams of light inside the vehicle, illuminating the area like daylight. The figures then left the area and the witness exited their vehicles and crawled to a nearby cabin.
HC addition # 3604

Source: NUFORC

Type: C


Location. Werdehl-Eveking Germany

Date: August 25 1959

Time: 1100A

Near Hagen, Lutz Holtmann walks toward a bright object in a forest, and fainted when he got close to it. When he regained consciousness, he saw it take off silently, and vertically. It was round, had a tripod landing gear, with two rows of bright openings, and was about 30 meters in diameter. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Nachrichten October 1959

Type: G? Unexplored abduction event?


Location. Near Gills Rock, Wisconsin

Date: September 13 1959

Time: 1400

Scott Mitchell was on the hallway of his home when he saw a being described as dark gray, wrinkled skin throughout its body, standing at the opposite end. The being communicated in a telepathic voice that went directly to the witness head. "Do not be afraid, we will not harm you." Scared the witness attempted to run but was paralyzed in his tracks, time seemed to slow down around him. A greenish haze surrounded the witness and the being glided towards him. The witness then lost consciousness. His next memory was of waking up in the house in a back bedroom. Witness has experienced further encounters.
HC addendum

Source: UFOs and Aliens Among Us

Type: E or G?


Location. Near Moscow Russia

Date: September 26 1959

Time: night

A Russian military aircraft discovered from the air the crash site of a large disc shaped craft, it appeared to be smoldering and it was shattered with one large piece broken off. The largest section of the craft was transported by helicopter to a nearby airfield at Aktyubinsk. It was discovered that it was badly damaged by some kind of explosion and fire and the inside was completely charred. On the site it was discovered noticeable radiation and among the fragments the body of an 80 cm dwarf-like humanoid was found. Fragments of the craft were transported to different scientific secret locations and the body to an underground bunker in Moscow.
HC addendum

Source: Anton "Cade" Belousov, Soviet X Files List

Type: H

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 8



Location. Mariannelund Sweden

Date: September 29 1959

Time: 1855

On running outside after an electrical power failure, Mr. Gideon Johansson and his son saw a brilliant white light hovering over a nearby building. This descended, breaking through the top a maple tree, until it was only 18" above the street, and 10 ft from Mr. Johansson. It was an oval, dome shaped machine 12 ft long & 8 ft high, light blue in color; in front was a large window surrounded by rivet-heads. Inside this, brilliantly illuminated by a white light, he could see 2 small, seated individuals, with very high crowned heads, big eyes, small mouths, and pointed chins. Each had an earphone on one ear. They wore white uniforms with broad black belts crossed over their shoulders & chests. One of them loosened his belt to work on something below the window level. After 2 minutes the craft floated along the street for 25 yards, then disappeared in a flash, with a rush of air. A glassy deposit was found on the power line 1 km away. Mr. Johansson suffered ill effects to his health, and the maple tree eventually died.
Humcat 1959-12

Source: K Gosta Rehn for Apro & Anders Liljegren for UFO Sweden

Type: A


Location. El Cobre, Algeciras Spain

Date: October 16 1959

Time: 0300A

A worker was alone at a local water plant when suddenly all electricity and light at the plant was shut off. He went outside to see what had caused the outage and felt a strange electrical sensation in the air. He then saw about 200 meters away a hovering luminous object that was very close to the ground, it was shaped like a half egg on top of a plate, and it emitted a brilliant orange green & purple light. Next to the object stood two tall human like figures wearing shiny silvery orange outfits, one of the beings bent down under the object and appeared to look inside. All the time the witness was not able to move a muscle, holding a flashlight in his hand. Somehow he was suddenly able to turn the flashlight on and both beings re-entered the object, which then ascended slowly emitting a loud buzzing sound and increasing in luminosity. Ground traces were found at the site. And the witness almost suffered a nervous breakdown afterwards.
HC addition # 94

Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis

Type: B


Location. Aubagne Bouches du Rhone France

Date: end of October 1959

Time: 1800

Miss Moulet, 45, was hanging out her washing in the twilight, with her 3 children, when she saw an egg-shaped object descend silently, to hover just above her. Through a wide triangular window in its front, strongly illuminated, she could see about 20 persons, tall, with wavy blond hair and very light skin, wearing white suits and short sleeves. They were smiling or perhaps laughing at her. The air became very cold. After 10-15 minutes the object took off again, disappearing in 2 or 3 seconds, leaving a slight trail.
Humcat 1959-15

Source: M Cohin of SVEPS in LDLN # 125

Type: A


Location. County Carlow Ireland

Date: November 1959

Time: daytime

A man removing a large bush with a bulldozer was startled to see a three-foot tall red man-like figure run out from underneath the machine & run across the field, it jumped over a fence and disappeared into the next field. Three other witnesses saw the running figure.
HC addition # 1388

Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!

Type: E


Location. Near Marysville California

Date: November 15 1959

Time: 0300A

The witness who was on leave from the army was driving on US99 with two friends when he was suddenly beamed onboard a hovering bluish white craft. His two friends were apparently put to sleep and not disturbed. The witness was then taken to a room that had many instruments by six four-foot tall humanoids with large human like eyes and given a medical examination. The beings wore silvery gray outfits with a dark triangle-like insignia on their chest area and apparently glided above the floor instead of walking. The witness was later deposited back in his vehicle unharmed.
HC addition # 196

Source: Nick H Edwards, Cuforn Bulletin Nov/Dec 1988

Type: G


Location. Pinhal, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Date: December 1959

Time: unknown

A witness encountered a two-meter tall humanoid with large eyes, blond hair, and wearing a tight fitting gray coverall. He was accompanied by a shorter, 1.60 meter in height, also human in appearance. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni

Type: E?


Location. Near Cherry Point Station, North Carolina

Date: December 1959

Time: 1500

A young man living near the 2nd Marine Air wing was playing baseball with high school age friends when someone hit the ball over the roof of his house. He chased the ball and saw a round, disc-shaped craft with platform around it just "sitting" in the air. The craft was 40 feet in diameter sat motionless and soundless about 100 feet away and about 20 feet high. An opening appeared in the UFO and a humanoid in a skintight suit and skullcap stepped out onto the platform. The humanoid after a few seconds spotted him and immediately reentered the UFO. The object then zoomed away. The humanoid stood about five feet three and wore a gray suit. The unknown object appeared to use colors to mimic its background for camouflage purposes. He says despite being only several miles from the Marine base he never considered the UFO was a man-made craft because of it seamless construction, zero engine noise, and great speed displayed. The entity, despite its short stature, did have human form.
HC addendum

Source: John Thompson, Filer's Files # 50

Type: B


Location. Brocton England

Date: December 1959

Time: night

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