Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Type: E or H?


Location. Carroll County Maryland

Date: 1959

Time: night

While on duty a police officer saw a huge hairy bipedal creature cross a dirt road in front of his car and step over a barbed wire fence. The police officer yelled halt and the creature turned and approached the officer, who in turn fired his gun at the entity with no apparent effect. The police officer then fled the area.
HC addition # 3069

Source: Mark Opsasnick, The Bigfoot Digest

Type: E


Location. Fiambala, Catamarca, Argentina

Date: 1959

Time: night

The young witness remembered being in her house with her mother and grandmother and the lights going out. As her mother and grandmother investigated a commotion with the chickens in the yard, the witness saw, apparently standing on a chair in the living room, a very small dwarf-like creature wearing a brown smock and a large floppy hat, she was not able to see his face. The witness screamed and her mother and grandmother came running in the room, by this time the little man had disappeared.
HC addendum

Source: Proyecto CATENT, Argentina

Type: E


Location. Ganden, Tibet

Date: 1959

Time: night

A delegation of Soviet scientists/scholars was introduced to an aged Tibetan monk with a profound knowledge of astronomy and problems peculiar to space travel. This lama was convinced that intelligent life existed on other worlds, and that, under the proper conditions, he could achieve visual contact with such beings from the beyond. The lama chose two scientists from the delegation. He instructed them in a special form of concentration and in the nutritional details of a special diet. After some days had gone by the lama invited the Russians to come to his cell. There, he introduced them to a piece of machinery entirely unknown to these savants. This mysterious apparatus---the details of which Kolosimo does not record---was emitting an odd, muffled noise. Suddenly, what looked like a cloudy face appeared in the center of the room. This manifestation slowly took on the indistinct form of a humanoid. The eerie figure stood erect and motionless, gazing at them blankly. Then there materialized in front of it what looked like a moving replica of our solar system, including Mercury, Venus, earth and the other planets slowly revolving around a central sun. This almost ghostly solar system had an anomalous feature: a tenth planet orbiting in leisurely fashion beyond the orbit of Pluto. Was this object from a sort of time capsule, an artifact meant to convey some sense of the knowledge and circumstances of the sentient species, which had occupied our planets before us?
HC addendum

Source: Peter Kolosimo, & Hartwig Hausdorf, The Chinese Roswell Type: F?


Location. Conneautville, Pennsylvania

Date: 1959

Time: night

Caroline McAdoo (involved in other encounters) was walking home along a rural road when she saw the shadow of a creature with a huge body and a small head. She reported a choking odor of rotten garbage and various vocalizations comprising of whistling, laughing, and screaming sounds. The creature touched the shoulder of the witness.
HC addendum


Type: E


Location. At sea in the Florida Straits

Date: 1959

Time: 2200

While serving in the USN aboard the aircraft carrier USS FDR, Chester Grusinski was below decks when he noticed a number of seamen hurrying up to the flight deck of the carrier. When he got to the flight deck, there were approximately 25 other men present observing an oblong, orange light in the sky. The light approached the carrier in a "wobbling" fashion, blocking out the background of stars in the sky and becoming larger. At a distance of probably no more than several hundred feet from the vessel, it stopped and hovered; Grusinski could clearly see a row of square windows, lighted within by a dull orange glow; in two of these windows, to his left, he could see occupants, one in each window. One appeared to be leaning against the glass and looking down at the witnesses, while the other could be seen only from the neck up. Then they both moved away and were no longer visible. At is closer range; Grusinski could feel a wave of warmth coming from the object. After the figures disappeared, the bottom of the object began glowing a red orange; it became brighter as the object began to move off, and they could clearly see then that it was cigar shaped. The faster it moved, the brighter it got. The observation lasted from two to five minutes. The next day, Grusinski, got up early to see if there was any reference to the incident in the "plan of the day." He found none; when queried about it by others, he denied having seen anything. On the other hand, he was unable to find anyone else who was willing to talk about it.
Humcat 1959-17

Source: Dr Ron Westrum

Type: A


Location. Leigh England

Date: 1959

Time: 2230

Mrs C Wickens had been visiting her sister's home in Leigh and on her way to catch a late bus noticed three figures crouching on the nearby grass verge; she could also make out several other groups of three and four figures standing further back in the shadows. All were dressed in clothing of dazzling white and wore balaclava-type helmets over their heads. They stood motionless, watching the witness, and there was a strange silence over the area. Then, on her left, she suddenly noticed a solitary robot-like figure standing well over six-feet, and she was seized by terror and couldn't go on. She fled back to her sister's home where she remained for the night. Her sister wrote the experience off, claiming she had seen "boy scouts" camping on the green for the night. In the morning there were no signs of such.
Humcat 1959-16

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Stratford-on-Avon England

Date: January 1959

Time: 1715

Leonard Hewins saw a fiery round red object come in for a landing 100 yards away. When it stopped the light went out, and a blue haze about 12 ft high formed around the object. In this haze he saw 3 tall human like, blond haired figures wearing blue coveralls that "appeared to step up, lifting themselves with a clumsy movement." A 4th figure appeared and they seated themselves 2 in front and 2 in the rear; then the object began to glow red again, & rose with a trail of sparks & a rushing sound. A trail of multi-colored very beautiful stars shot out from the rear. He then heard a sound like rushing water, the same that you hear when pressing your ears in and out with your fingers when at a waterfall. The object then disappeared towards the west. The witness reported seeing a similar object in 1930 and again in 1953.
Humcat 1959-1

Source: John D Llewellyn for Bufora

Type: A


Location. Gdynia Poland

Date: January 21 1959

Time: night

A luminous object was seen to fall into the harbor of Gdynia; divers set to reach it brought back a piece of un-rusted metal whose composition is not publicly known. Several days later, a strange male figure wearing "a sort of uniform" was encountered dragging himself along the beach; part of his face & hair appeared to be burnt. On taking him to a hospital, it was found that the uniform was of metal, and that the being's organs were quite different from ours, the numbers of fingers & toes also different. The creature died after an armband was removed; its body was sent to the USSR. An autopsy revealed a different structure of internal organs and a spiral system of blood circulation. It had six fingered extremities and was about 1.60 meters in height. The body was stored in a frozen container and stored in an underground bunker apparently in the Moscow area. Apparently divers found half of the object embedded in the mud under the water. According to information later uncovered, in fact, not one, but two alien bodies were recovered on the shore within the short time gap between recoveries. One of the aliens was dead, while the second gave signs of life and remained alive for a long time. He was examined in the Gdynia-Redlow hospital and soon fell into a coma-like state after an arm bracelet was removed. The aliens had six digits on their hands and feet. An autopsy was conducted on one of the dead aliens; the second one (the one in coma like state) was put in a special chamber aimed to support its vital functions. The six-fingered being from Gdynia (the one taken to the USSR the other apparently remained in Poland at an undisclosed location) is still stored in an isolated top-secret underground bunker located under a building on the territory of the biomedical research facility center east of Solnechnogorsk, together with other alien bodies.
Humcat 1959-2

Source: Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, Anton Anfalov Lenura Azizova, Larissa Chora, and Bronislaw Rzepecki

Type: H


Location. Near New Richmond, Ohio

Date: January 30 1959

Time: night

A trucker driving on US Route 52 saw a bizarre gray "ugly" creature with tentacles crossing the road ahead of the truck, two hours later just across the border at Covington Kentucky a woman reported seeing a strange creature grayish in color, with a lopsided chest, ugly tentacles, and rolls of fat running horizontally over a bald head.
HC addendum

Source: Bigfoot, Tales of Unexplained Creatures UFO and Psychic Connections

Type: E


Location. Near Cedar City, Utah

Date: February 28 1959

Time: afternoon

Gerry Irwin, a Nike missile technician, was driving from Nampa Idaho to his barracks at Fort Bliss, El Paso. He'd reached Cedar City when he observed a glowing object crossing the sky. Irwin decided it may have been an airliner on fire, which was attempting to land, and he went to investigate. Using shoe polish, he wrote "Stop" on the side of his car, and left a note on the steering wheel which read: "Have gone to investigate possible plane crash. Please call law enforcement officers"). A short while later, a fish and game inspector did stop and took the note to the Cedar County sheriff, Otto Pfief, who returned to the site with a group of volunteers. No trace of an airplane crash was found, but Irwin was soon discovered unconscious and taken to a hospital. When Irwin finally woke up form a deep sleep, he was puzzled by the absence of his jacket. He was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under observation for four days, after which he returned to duty. Irwin behaved very strangely; he was plagued by fainting, didn't seem to be aware of the correct date, and kept asking, "were there any survivors?" He was placed in a hospital for psychiatric examination, and the day after being discharged, April 18, Irwin felt a powerful urge to return to the site of his strange encounter. Once there he walked straight to a bush and found his missing jacket. There was a pencil in a buttonhole with a piece of paper wound tightly around it. Irwin curiously took the paper and burned it. He then went to the sheriff Pfief, who provided him with all the details of the initial incident. Shortly thereafter, Irwin's case came to the attention of the inspector general, who ordered a new investigation. On July 10, Irwin re-entered the hospital. On August 1, he failed to report for duty. One month later, he was listed as a deserter and was never seen again.
HC addendum

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport To Magonia & The Ignored and Unexplained

Type: G?


Location. Chantilly, Oise, France

Date: Spring 1959

Time: 1300

The witness, Suzanne boarded a non-stop train, which was headed north to Paris. In this crammed train she encountered two pretty young blond women, identical to each other like twins. As she approached them, they suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The following day on Sunday, she went to Catholic mass at 0800A and again encountered the same two identical blond women. Again as she attempted to approach them they again vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum

Source: Joel Mesnard, LDLN # 332

Type: E


Location. Silver Spring Maryland

Date: March 7 1959

Time: 0930A

Seeing behind a hedge a man in a white "helmet," Rev. Pearl Kerwin went around the hedge to meet him; she encountered a man in a white one-piece coverall type of suit covering even his feet, with bright blue trunks. The "helmet" was part of the suit, like a hood. She yelled, and the man ran off very rapidly, apparently "skimming" over the ground. John Gill, who saw his face at 15 ft distance, said there were 2 black holes where eyes should be.
Humcat 1959-3

Source: Eli Berzweig, Don Neill & Richard Hall for Nicap

Type: E


Location. Purnong Landing South Australia

Date: March 12 1959

Time: night

6-year old Kim Marks was preparing for bed when he saw a 5ft man, with a crimson face, wearing a red jacket & trousers with white trimmings. He was visible for a minute and a half. Kim's dog did not react. A few hours later, a multi-colored luminous object was seen close to the Marks property.
Humcat 1959-4

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: C?


Location. Colebrook New Hampshire

Date: March 19 1959

Time: 0100A

Two men were on the grounds of the Lady of Grace Monastery when they saw a large silvery Saturn shaped object descend over them, the craft had lighted windows around its lower portion and blinking red, yellow and green lights around the outer rim, it also emitted a loud humming sound. The craft flew towards and retreated from the witnesses several times. They apparently suffered a black out. Years later under hypnosis one witness recalled that the craft landed nearby on three legs and all normal noises ceased. They were both then taken inside, where they communicated by telepathy with several humanoids including a taller six-foot tall being that appeared to be the leader. Several experiments and examinations were conducted on them and they were taken onboard a larger craft or mothership where they saw other human abductees.
HC addition # 715

Source: Morton Schafer, Mufon Journal # 302

Type: G


Location. Lampertheim, Germany

Date: March 29 1959

Time: 2000

26-year old Horst Raps had gone out for a walk as suggested by his doctor after being diagnosed with a lung disease. As he walked he sees a light coming down from the sky. The light approaches and he sees an object within hovering one meter above the ground. The craft is saucer-shaped surrounded in a blue-violet light; it is surmounted with a cupola, which emits bright beams of light. Fascinated he sees a stairway descend to the ground and a tall heavyset man-like figure emerges. The figure is wearing a tight-fitting multicolored uniform. He approaches Raps and speaks in perfect German to him. He warns the witness of approaching future dangers and asks him to return to the same place 3 days later.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Geheimnisse Berlin January 1998

Type: B


Location. Charles Mill Lake Ohio

Date: March 28 1959

Time: night

Three witnesses encountered in a swampy area, a seven-foot tall luminous humanoid, apparently arm-less and with large bright greenish eyes. It left tracks behind resembling those of footgear worn by skin divers.
HC addition # 314

Source: Loren Coleman, Curious Encounters

Type: E


Location. Kankakee Illinois

Date: early April 1959

Time: 2030

David Soucie saw a white glowing disc land and a large ape-like creature appear in front of it and proceed to his direction; he hid and watched it pass him. No other information.
Humcat 1959-5

Source: Donald Keyhoe Nicap

Type: C


Location. Lampertheim Germany

Date: April 1 1959

Time: unknown

Horst Raps returned to the previously appointed site and again found the hovering blue-violet disc and the tall extraterrestrial awaiting him. This time he was invited onboard the UFO and supposedly taken on a ride to a planet in the Alpha Centauri Constellation. There he encountered various races of people, which lived in dwellings shaped like cupolas and cultivate multicolored flowers.
HC addition # 2440

Source: Ulrich Magin

Type: G


Location. Kankakee Illinois

Date: mid April 1959

Time: 2030

A week after the previous incident, Carl Miller & David Soucie, watching from a railroad bridge, both saw a white glowing disc hovering over the tracks. A huge black-silhouetted form was seen moving in front of the light. It was ape-like, with very long arms & no neck; it moved like an ape, using its arms. When it got within 100 yards of him, Miller ran.
Humcat 1959-6

Source: Donald Keyhoe, Nicap

Type: C


Location. Sao Paulo Brazil

Date: April 26 1959

Time: midnight

Having see a "red hot" appearing disc in the sky before he went to bed, Luis Da Silva woke and felt a compulsion to go out to the garden, where he found a note telling him to return the next night at 0130A. He did so, and as a circular object appeared at an altitude of 300 ft he felt himself paralyzed. From the UFO descended in a spiral a man who did not quite touch the ground; he wore a helmet, and was clad in plastic clothing, with gloves looking like glass. He told Da Silva, to return on Thursday at 0205A, and re-ascended in a spiral to his craft. On Thursday the same sequence of events occurred, but 3 entities in sequence descended (only one at a time.) The last of these asked Da Silva for a sheet of paper, and inscribed upon it a message of unknown markings.
Humcat 1959-7

Source: Dr Walter Buhler SBEDV

Type: B


Location. New Paltz New York

Date: May 1959

Time: 0230A

Sitting at the window unable to sleep, Thomas McKinney saw on the New Paltz athletic field a large mushroom shaped object 50-75 ft in diameter, wrapped in a thin grayish mist. Several appendages that looked like ladders extended between its top and the ground, and small white lights "hopped" up and down these "ladders." After watching for an hour he woke his wife, and they both watched it for another hour before going to bed; they did not see it leave. No traces were found the next day.
Humcat 1959-8

Source: Gary Levine & Ted Bloecher

Type: B?


Location. Superstition Mountains, Arizona

Date: May 1959

Time: night

Two prospectors told a strange story while visiting with an old time of the Phoenix area. They claimed that for several days they noticed what they at first thought to be several small children playing near and in a small creek, which had water in it only during the early spring season. They were quite familiar with the many "strange" deaths that had occurred in this area and wisely felt that children had no business there. These small "children" appeared to be about five or six years old and would be seen in the same dry creek bed day after day as the prospectors went about their diggings. One day they decided to investigate and see what children could possibly be doing in such an area. When they reached the creek bed they discovered, to their amazement that the "children" had completely vanished but there, still very fresh in the sand, were footprints. These prints appeared as miniature duplicates of engineer boots. Although the miners returned to the same spot the next day they reportedly never saw the "children" again. Other witnesses claim to have seen these little "children" at closer range and say they look more like men than children. Some ranchers, while on roundups in this same area, say that they could clearly see "little men" as they called them, on the tops of ridges and mountains of the superstition range watching them.
HC addendum

Source: Commander X, Underground Alien Bases

Type: E


Location. Germany, exact location not given

Date: Summer 1959

Time: afternoon

The nine-year old witness had strayed from a picnic into some nearby woods when suddenly she had the feeling that she was being watched. She then found herself facing a short luminous being wearing a luminous reflective seamless suit. The being had a triangular face with cat like eyes. The witness had the impression that the creature had been caught by surprise and that he had been inspecting the plant life in the area. Next thing that the witness remembers was blacking out and seeing some lights, later she found herself back in the picnic with her family, feeling very strange.
HC addition # 1342

Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project

Type: E or G?


Location. Aberdeen, Washington

Date: Summer 1959

Time: afternoon

On a Friday afternoon Shirlee Teabo was driving to her home in the suburbs of Seattle when she barely noticed a tall, angular man hunched at the shoulder of a curving stretch of highway, she had never before picked up a hitchhiker yet for some reason she felt an inner compulsion to offer this man a lift. Almost without volition she backed her car along the shoulder of the freeway, but began to tremble with fright when he slid into the seat beside her. "Don't be afraid, Shirlee," she reports that he said. She wondered how he knew her name. She noted other odd things about her new companion. Although it was a steaming summer day, he wore a heavy pinstriped suit with wide out of date lapels, and a wide brimmed black hat pulled low over his eyes. Suddenly he was telling her things about herself that she had never told anyone, and she had the weird sensation that she had known him all her life. Increasingly suspicious, she pulled into a roadside restaurant area, hoping that the hitchhiker would look for another ride. But he followed her inside, and sat quietly while she ordered coffee and an ice-cream cone, declining anything for himself. She offered the stranger ice cream and he appeared to study the cone for a long time before tasting it. They returned to the car, and were cruising through Tacoma before Shirlee realized that she had no idea of her passenger's destination. "Oh, this will be fine," he said vaguely. She stopped the car, and he smiled and called good-bye. As she pulled back onto the roadway she glanced in the rearview mirror for a last glimpse of the stranger. But he was gone. She pulled off the road, looking frantically up and down the highway. There was nowhere for him to hide, yet he was nowhere to be seen. He had vanished. Another man, a neighbor known as Everett reported a very similar encounter with an equally described and garbed man who also mysteriously disappeared after a short car ride.
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