Amnesty International Report 2017/18

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Amnesty International Report 2017/18

executing six unarmed men and a 17-year-

old boy.


Torture and other ill-treatment remained 

routine in official places of detention and was 

systematic in detention centres run by the 

National Security Agency. In July, a Coptic 

man was arrested and detained in Manshyet 

Nasir police station in the capital, Cairo, in 

relation to a minor offence; 15 hours later, he 

was dead. Family members stated that they 

saw bruises on the upper part of his body, 

and the official autopsy report stated that his 

death was the result of a “suspected criminal 


Prison authorities, including in Tora 

Maximum Security Prison and Wadi el-

Natrun Prison, punished prisoners detained 

for politically motivated reasons by placing 

them in indefinite and prolonged solitary 

confinement. In February the Ministry of the 

Interior amended the prison regulations to 

allow solitary confinement to be increased up 

to six months; a practice that can amount to 

torture or other ill-treatment. Political activist 

Ahmed Douma spent his third year in solitary 

confinement in Tora Prison, confined to his 

cell for at least 22 hours a day. Muslim 

Brotherhood spokesman Gehad el-Hadad 

remained indefinitely detained in solitary 

confinement in Al Aqrab maximum security 

prison since his arrest on 17 September 


Other forms of ill-treatment and medical 

negligence in prisons continued; dozens of 

prisoners died, often due to prison authorities 

refusing to transfer them to hospital for 

medical treatment. In September, former 

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Mahdi 

Akef died in prison from pancreatic cancer.


Hundreds were sentenced, some to death, 

after grossly unfair mass trials. In September 

a Cairo criminal court sentenced 442 people 

in the case of the August 2013 al-Fateh 

mosque protests to prison terms of between 

five and 25 years after a grossly unfair trial of 

494 defendants. Courts continued to rely 

heavily on reports of the National Security 

Agency and unsound evidence, including 

confessions obtained under torture, in their 

sentencing. Civilians continued to face unfair 

trials before military courts; at least 384 

civilians were referred to military trials during 

the year.


Ordinary and military courts continued to 

hand down death sentences following grossly 

unfair mass trials. In June the Court of 

Cassation upheld the death sentences of 

seven men in two different cases after grossly 

unfair trials. At least six of the men had been 

subjected to enforced disappearance and 

tortured to force them to “confess” and the 

court relied heavily on these coerced 

confessions in its verdict and sentencing. 

Also in June, the Military High Court upheld 

death sentences against four men following 

grossly unfair trials in which the court relied 

on “confessions” obtained under torture 

during 93 days of incommunicado 



 On 26 December the authorities 

executed 15 men who had been convicted by 

a military court of killing nine military 

personnel in North Sinai in 2013.


Women and girls continued to face 

inadequate protection from sexual and 

gender-based violence, as well as gender 

discrimination in law and practice. The 

absence of measures to ensure privacy and 

protection of women reporting sexual and 

gender-based violence continued to be a key 

factor preventing many women and girls from 

reporting such offences. Many who did report 

offences faced harassment and retaliation 

from the perpetrators or their families. In 

some cases, state officials and members of 

parliament blamed victims of sexual violence 

and attributed the incidents to their 

“revealing clothing”. In March a young 

student was attacked and sexually assaulted 

by a mob in Zagazig city, al-Sharkia 

governorate. Instead of arresting the 

perpetrators and bringing them to justice, the 

Security Directorate in al-Sharkia governorate 

Amnesty International Report 2017/18


issued a statement mentioning that by 

“wearing a short dress” the victim had 

“caused the mob attack”.

Women continued to face discrimination in 

the judiciary. A number of women who 

attempted to apply to the State Council for 

appointment as judges were not given the 

papers needed to process their requests. One 

woman filed a suit against the State Council 

on grounds of discrimination.


Asylum-seekers and refugees continued to 

face arrest, detention and deportation for 

entering or exiting the country irregularly. 

Between January and April, immigration 

officials deported at least 50 asylum-seekers 

from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan, including 

young children, to their countries of origin 

without giving them access to legal 

representation or to UNHCR, the UN refugee 

agency. The forced return of Eritrean asylum-

seekers, as well as Ethiopian and Sudanese 

nationals with a well-founded fear of 

persecution, constituted refoulement. In July 

the authorities rounded up Chinese students, 

mostly of the Uighur ethnic minority, arresting 

at least 200 and deporting at least 21 men 

and one woman to China, in violation of 

Egypt’s non-refoulement obligations.



In the worst crackdown in over a decade, the 

authorities across Egypt rounded up and 

prosecuted people on the grounds of their 

perceived sexual orientation after a rainbow 

flag was displayed at a concert in Cairo on 22 

September. These prosecutions provoked a 

public outcry. Security forces arrested at least 

76 people and carried out at least five anal 

examinations, a practice which amounts to 

torture. Those arrested included a man and a 

woman who were detained for three months 

for carrying the rainbow flag at the concert, 

as well as people who made online 

expressions of support for the raising of the 

flag. Many of those arrested were entrapped 

by security forces through online dating 

applications. Courts sentenced at least 48 

people to prison terms of between three 

months and six years on charges that 

included “habitual debauchery”. The other 

people arrested remained in detention facing 

questioning by prosecutors.

In late October, a group of parliamentarians 

proposed a deeply discriminatory law 

explicitly criminalizing same-sex sexual 

relations and any public promotion of LGBTI 

gatherings, symbols or flags. The proposed 

law carried penalties of up to five years’ 

imprisonment, or 15 years’ imprisonment for 

a person convicted of multiple charges.


The authorities continued to violate the right 

to freedom of religion by discriminating 

against Christians. In August, security forces 

prevented dozens of Coptic Christians from 

praying in a house in Alforn village in Minya 

governorate, citing reasons of security. There 

was continued impunity for sectarian attacks 

on Christian communities, and the authorities 

continued to rely on customary reconciliation 

and settlements agreed by local authorities 

and religious leaders. Amid this impunity, 

violence by non-state actors against 

Christians increased significantly. Armed 

groups in North Sinai killed seven Coptic 

Christians between 30 January and 23 

February, prompting an unprecedented 

internal displacement of at least 150 Coptic 

families living in North Sinai.



The authorities 

failed to offer them the necessary protection 

or appropriate compensation. In December, 

IS claimed responsibility for the shooting of 

10 people in an attack on a church in 

Helwan in southern Cairo.

In November, an attack on a mosque in 

North Sinai during Friday prayers killed at 

least 300 worshippers. No group claimed 

responsibility for the attack.


The authorities subjected dozens of workers 

and trade unionists to arrest, military trial, 

dismissal and a range of disciplinary 

measures, solely for exercising their right to 

strike and form independent trade unions. In 

June a Cairo Misdemeanours Appeal Court 

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