AnnRpt2000. book

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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
mittee, Australian Women’s Health Network; patron,
Family Planning Association; member, Canberra Cen-
tre for Women’s Health Matters.
Dr James BUTLER, member, Early Detection and Di-
agnosis Working Group, NHMRC National Breast
Cancer Centre; member, Central Coordinating Com-
mittee, Department of Veterans Affairs Preventive Care
Trial; member, Consultative Committee on Diagnostic
Imaging Research Program (CCDIRP), Common-
wealth Department of Health and Aged Care; member,
advisory board, Global Health Outcomes Board, Phar-
macia; referee, Journal of Health Economics and
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health;
consultant, Schering-Plough Pty Ltd; Applied Econom-
ics Pty Ltd on a project for the Commonwealth
Department of Health and Aged Care; Commonwealth
Department of Health and Aged Care; Royal Australa-
sian College of Surgeons on behalf of AusAID;
Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation
Prof John CALDWELL, Vice President, Australian Re-
productive Health Alliance; patron, Australian
Population Association; Honorary President, Interna-
tional Union for the Scientific Study of Population;
referee, Population and Development Review, Social Sci-
ence and Medicine, Studies in Family Planning, Journal of
Comparative Family Studies and International Planned
Parenthood Perspectives; member, editorial boards, Pop-
ulation and Development Review,  Social Science and
Medicine, Studies in Family Planning, Pakistan Develop-
ment Review, Sociological Perspectives, Journal of
Population Research, African Journal of Reproductive
Health, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, De-
mographic Research, Journal of Health Management,
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition and Global
Bioethics; consultant, AusAID, HIV/AIDS in Mela-
nesia; referee, Wellcome Foundation.
Pat CALDWELL, member, editorial board, Global
Dr Gordon CARMICHAEL, immediate past president
and member of council, Australian Population Associa-
tion; referee, Journal of Population Research and Asian
and Pacific Migration Journal; guest editor, Supplement
to Volume 18, Proceedings of the APA/PANZ Millen-
nium Meeting, Journal of Population Research; invited
reviewer, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Fer-
tility and Family Surveys, Standard County Report
series; Grounds and Fixtures Officer, Junior League
Management Committee, Soccer Canberra; president,
Woden Valley (Junior) Soccer Club.
Dr Phyll DANCE, member, Steering Committee for
research on Safe disposal of injecting equipment, Aus-
tralian IV League; member, Steering Committee for
research on Evaluation and proposed best practice for
Therapeutic Communities, The Australian Therapeutic
Communities Association; secretary, Canberra Injectors
Dr Phyll DANCE, Roslyn BROWN, ACT Legislative
Steering Committee.
Dr Phyll DANCE, Roslyn BROWN, and Dr Gabriele
BAMMER, Department of Health and Aged Care ACT
Branch on residential care needs for older Indigenous
Dr Keith DEAR, associate editor, Journal of Statistical
Computation and SimulationAustralasian Regional Edi-
tor, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics; referee,
Medical Journal of Australia, Statistics in Medicine and
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology; consult-
ant, National Health Sciences Centre, statistical analysis
of the ‘Vaccine Intervention Trial in Early IDDM’; ref-
eree, National Health and Medical Research Council
Project Grants.
Prof John DEEBLE, consultant, The Financing of Pub-
lic Health Laboratory activities of public health
importance; National Public Health Partnership.
Jane DIXON, member, ACT branch Public Health As-
sociation of Australia; executive board member,
International Society for Equity in Health; referee,
NSW Health Promotion Demonstration Research
Grant Scheme.
Prof Bob DOUGLAS, convener, Annual Conference of
the Australasian Epidemiological Association (AEA);
co-opted member, AEA Council; member, Network of
Academic Australian Public Health Institutions, Direc-
tor’s Network; coordinating editor, Cochrane
Collaborative Review Group on Acute Respiratory Infec-
tions; referee, Medical Journal of Australia and Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Public Health; referee, Na-
tional Health and Medical Research Council Project
Grants; Sax Orator for the Public Health Association of
Australia (ACT Branch).
Dr Rennie D’SOUZA, secretariat, National Certifica-
tion Committee for Poliomyelitis Eradication;
secretariat, National Polio Expert Committee; member,
Oral Polio Vaccine/Injectable Polio Vaccine Working
Richard ECKERSLEY, member, OzQol, Australian
Quality of Life Studies; member advisory board, Expert
Steering Committee, National Drug Strategy Preven-
tion Agenda, Commonwealth Department of Health
and Aged Care; member advisory board, External Ref-
erence Group, Measuring Australia’s Progress,
Australian Bureau of Statistics; member advisory board,
Reference Panel, Human Settlements chapter, State of
the Environment, Australia 2001, Environment Aus-
tralia; member advisory board, Reach Out! On-Line
Youth Suicide Prevention Service; member, Research
Advisory Group, Kids Help Line; consultant, Health
Inequalities Research Collaboration, Commonwealth
Department of Health and Aged Care; referee, Queens-
land University of Technology 2000 grants in support
of creative works in the arts and design; 2001 ATN
small grants application; submission to inquiry into the

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