AnnRpt2000. book

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Cooperation with Government and other public institutions
nomic Policy, and the Journal of the Australian
Population Research; assisted Dr Alan Gray regarding
Oxfam International mission to assist with the improve-
ment of the conditions of Indigenous Australians by
contributing to enhanced international scrutiny and
pressure; adviser to Mr Ross Jones, ATSIC; adviser to
the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and
Research; adviser to Ms Amanda Couthardt from a
Queensland legal firm; adviser to ABS; Submission to
the CGC inquiry.
Boyd HUNTER and Matthew GRAY, completion of
three major reports for DEWRSB analysing data from
the longitudinal survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander job seekers.
Robert LEVITUS, consultant, National Museum Of
Australia: The History of Aboriginal Rights.
Siobhan McDONNELL, book reviewer, Indigenous
Law Bulletin.
David MARTIN, lecturer on native title to Law School,
University of New South Wales); examiner, Masters
Thesis, La Trobe University; adviser, Interdepartmental
Committee examining potential reform of the Pre-
scribed Bodies Corporate regime under the NTA.
Kate ROSS and John TAYLOR, consultants, ATSIC
State Office in New South Wales: Baseline Indigenous
Comparative Social and Economic Study.
Tim ROWSE, elected member, Australian Academy of
Humanities; book reviewer, Historical Records of Aus-
tralian Science.
Will SANDERS, academic supervisor, Australian Na-
tional Internship Program of students working with the
Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, Office of Indig-
enous policy, Department of Prime Minister and
Will SANDERS and Diane SMITH, provision of ad-
vice and case studies to ATSIC for submission to the
McClure Welfare Reform Group.
Diane SMITH, lecturer, Geography Department,
Honolulu University, Hawaii; presenter: Federal Treaty
Negotiation Office, Vancouver, British Columbia;
Centre for Property Studies, University of New Bruns-
wick, Frederickton; Department of Sociology, Saint
John’s University, New Brunswick; International Day
of Indigenous Peoples Conference hosted by the Feder-
al Government’s Department of Indian and Northern
Affairs Canada, Ottowa; Centre for Comparative Stud-
ies and Ethnicity, Stanford University, Palo Alto;
Presidential Mediation Consultant, NNTT for Nguna-
wal native title claims in the Australian Capital
John TAYLOR, collaborated with the South East Arn-
hem Land Collaborative Project, University of
Wollongong; collaboration with colleagues at the Uni-
versity of Adelaide, University of Waikato, University
of Houston, University of Calgary, Mahidol University,
McMaster University and Stanford University; mem-
ber, ABS General Social Survey Reference Group;
member, ABS Indigenous Social Survey Reference
Group; referee for Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Statistics; participant in consortium led by the
VKHRCDU, University of Melbourne; consultant,
Parks Australia North division of Environment Austral-
ia: Population Dynamics in the Mutitjulu Community.
John TAYLOR and Neil WESTBURY, consultancy for
Fred Hollows Foundation and Jawoyn Association.
Neil WESTBURY, consultant, ATSIC State Office in
New South Wales.
Centre for Cross-Cultural Research
Adjunct Professor with the HRC, worked on a third 13-
part series for the ABC. One part deals with the prove-
nance of selected European and American works of art
in Australian collections. Betty was Chair of the ACT
Centenary of Federation Committee; member, Federal
Council for the Centenary of Federation, and Chair of
its Events and Celebrations Committee; member of the
Australia/India Council.
Pip DEVESON co-curated 'Yingapungapu', one of the
opening exhibitions in the Gallery of First Australians at
the NMA, that included three short films featuring the
Yingapungapu sand sculpture used in mortuary and
cleansing ceremonies in North East Arnhem Land.
Centre for Educational Development 
and Academic Methods
Matthew ABSALOM, invited with Margot Pearson to
review a book proposal for the Sage Publishing Book
Series: Teaching and Learning the Humanities in High-
er Education.
Gerlese ÅKERLIND, joint coordinator, EARLI Special
Interest Group on Experience and Awareness, member,
organising committee for the International Workshop
on 'Updating Phenomenography', University of Hong
Kong; reviewer for the journal, HERD.
Don ANDERSON, member, New Zealand Academic
Audit panel; member, editorial boards of the journals
Social Psychology of Education (USA), Higher Education
Research and Development (Aus), and Higher Education
Richard JOHNSON, prepared a discussion paper on
the general theme of The Place of Universities today
and the Structures to Carry out their Roles for DETYA;
prepared a paper on gaps in educational research, for the
Enquiry into Teacher Education in NSW; Writing for
DETYA an overview of four pieces of research on the
impact of research in education to be published during
2001; writing four sets of discussion notes on books for
the Victorian Council of Adult Education; cooperated

The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
with the Faculty of Nursing, University of Newcastle, in
a project on Consumer Participation in Health Care;
Continued commissioned tasks for the Australian
Council of Deans of Nursing.
Margot PEARSON, during UK conference met with
Dr Pat Cryer, Visiting Professor for the Development of
Graduate Education at Manchester University; and Dr
Angie Titchen, co-editor of Practice Knowledge and Ex-
pertise in the Health Professions (Oxford, Butterworth-
Heinemann) in which Margot has a chapter; co-au-
thored an article with Dr Angela Brew on Research
Training and Supervision Development; reviewer for
The Australian Journal of Adult and Community Educa-
tion; referee for the journal Higher Education Research
and Development, co-supervisor of a PhD student in the
Sociology Program, who is lecturing in NZ; attended
the meeting of directors of ADUs at UWA, Perth.
Malcolm PETTIGROVE, principal member of ANU’s
GCCA/CEQ/PREQ liaison group.
Chris TREVITT, ANU representative, Association of
Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) international confer-
ence on 'Distance Learning and the Internet', Southern
California University, Los Angeles; invited to: advise
the Institute of Foresters of Australia; critically review a
substantial (£3 million) Joint Infrastructure Fund pro-
posal to the UK Economic and Social Research
Council; review papers for Higher Education Research
and Development.
Centre for Mental Health Research
Dr H. CHRISTENSEN, member, Editorial Boards,
Psychology and Aging and Gerontology; member, Scientif-
ic and Research Sub-Committee of the Alzheimer's
Association; member, Medical and Scientific Advisory
Panel, Alzheimer's Disease International; Mental
Health Reference Group HealthPact.
Dr K. DEAR, Associate Editor, Journal of Statistical
Computing and Simulation; Australasian Regional Edi-
tor, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics.
Prof A.S. HENDERSON, editor for Australasia and
the Far East, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemi-
olog; member, editorial boards: International Journal of
Methods in Psychiatric Research, Dementia, European Ar-
chives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, New
Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry and Ag-
ing and Mental Health; member, board of assessors,
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry;
member, editorial review panel, Australasian Journal on
Ageing; member, Committee of International Consult-
ants, Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale (Rome).
Prof A.F. JORM, Editor-in-Chief, Australasian Journal
on Ageing; member, Editorial Board, International Jour-
nal of Methods in Psychiatric Research; Acting Chair,
Departmental Ethics Committee (Commonwealth De-
partment of Health and Aged Care); president,
Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research; member,
Scientific and Research Sub-Committee of the Alzhe-
imer's Association; member, Medical and Scientific
Advisory Panel, Alzheimer's Disease International;
member, Board of the Mental Health Council of Aus-
tralia; member, Research Committee of the Australian
Rotary Health Research Fund; chair, NHMRC Project
Grant Discipline Panel in Mental Health.
Dr B. RODGERS, Advisory Editor, Journal of Social
Welfare and Family Law; member, NHMRC Project
Grant Discipline Panel in Health Sciences; member,
New Zealand Health Research Council Project Grant
Assessing Committee in Public Health.
During 2000, staff of the Centre reviewed 74 manu-
scripts for journals, assessed 22 grant applications for
Australian and overseas funding organisations and ex-
amined 2 theses.
Humanities Research Centre
The Consortium for Research and Information Out-
reach (CRIO) is a joint initiative of the CCR and HRC
and seeks to partner with cultural institutions in Aus-
tralia in order to make the results of research available to
a broad range of people and groups in a variety of forms,
but particularly through digital media technologies.
The first of our partners is the National Museum of
Australia (NMA), and we are currently in discussions
with the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) with a view to their
future membership.
Ralph ELLIOTT, AM, lecturer under the auspices of
the English Department at University College, Austral-
ian Defence Force Academy.
Bill GAMMAGE, Co-commentator, Anzac Day
march, ABC TV Adelaide; ‘Anzac’ commentary for
NBC (US) Olympic Games coverage; Interviews for the
National Library of Australia’s Oral History Unit:
‘Drovers’ Reunion’, Camooweal, QLD; launched the
history issue of Rural Society, Wagga Wagga City
Council Chambers.
Iain McCALMAN, Council Member, Australian Acad-
emy of the Humanities; Vice President, Australian
Academy of the Humanities; Member, Research Infra-
structure Committee, Academy of the Humanities;
Member, International Advisory Committee, Consorti-
um of Humanities Centres and Institutes; President,
Australian Consortium of Humanities Centres and In-
stitutes; President, Australasian and Pacific Society of
Eighteenth-Century Studies; Member, National Li-
brary of Australia, Harold White Fellowship
Committee (representing the Academy of Social Scienc-
es in Australia); Member, International Affiliates Board,
Humanities Research Institute, University of Califor-
nia; Member, Advisory Board, Research Institute in the
Humanities and Social Sciences, Sydney; Member, Na-
tional Museum of Australia, Academic Advisory Group;
Interim Academic Planning Coordinator, National Eu-

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