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Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
ogie Aplicada (PRUNA) (Conicet) Beunos Aries,
Long-term changes in gene frequency between the orig-
inal population and surviving populations of greater
gliders in isolated patches of eucalypt forest near Tu-
mut, NSW by TYNDALE-BISCOE, H with Dr A
Taylor, Department of Biological Sciences, Monash
Eph Antibodies by VIDOVIC, M with Prof U
Drescher, Department of Physical Biology, Max-Planck
Institute for Developmental Biology, Tubingen,
The Marsupial CRC. Fertility control of eastern grey
kangaroos by VIGGERS, K with Dr A Kitchener.
The Marsupial CRC. Issues associated with impacts of
eastern grey kangaroos in the ACT by VIGGERS, K
with Dr P Bayliss,
Methods for estimating population abundance of east-
ern grey kangaroos by VIGGERS, K with D Fletcher,
Environment ACT, Wildlife Research and Monitoring
Unit and The Marsupial CRC.
Assessment of parasitism in greater gliders using PCR of
faecal material by VIGGERS, K with Prof A Thomp-
son, Division of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences,
Murdoch University.
Population genetics of the greater glider in a fragmented
landscape by VIGGERS, K with Dr A Taylor, Depart-
ment of Biological Sciences, Monash University and Dr
D Lindenmayer, Centre for Resource and Environmen-
tal Studies, ANU.
Environmental Biology
Radiocarbon dating of archaeological sites in Australia
by BIRD, M with Dr D Bruno, Monash University, Dr
J Balme, University of WA, Dr R Bert, La Trobe Uni-
versity and Dr J Field, University of Sydney.
Carbon-isotope records of environmental change re-
corded in wool by BIRD, M with Dr B Witt, University
of Queensland, Gatton, QLD.
Studies of the fractionation of carbon-isotopes by mi-
croorganisms during soil carbon degradation by BIRD,
M with Dr Santruckova, University of Southern Bohe-
mia, Czech Republic.
A study of soil carbon in the Siberian boreal forests and
Botswana by BIRD, M and Styles J with Prof J Lloyd,
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry.
A study of carbon inventories in Botswanan soils by
BIRD, M with Dr E Veenendaal, Okavango Research
Centre, Botswana.
Radiocarbon dating of Australian Archaeological sites
by BIRD, M with Dr CSM Turney, Royal Holloway,
University of London and Dr L Ayliffe, CNRS-CEA,
Gif Sur Yvette, France.
Radiocarbon dating study of the Border Cave archaeo-
logical site by BIRD, M with Dr P Bowman, South
Africa Museum.
Photosynthetic acclimation of plants to growth irradi-
ance: the relative importance of SLA and nitrogen
partitioning in maximising carbon gain by EVANS, JR
with Dr H Poorter, Utrecht University, The
Investigating CO
 diffusion inside leaves by EVANS,
JR with Dr B Genty, University of Paris-Sud, France.
Leaf physiology by FARQUHAR, GD and MILLER,
JM with Dr RJ Williams, CRC for Tropical Savannas.
Studies of isotope dynamics in lupins and eucalypts by
Pate, University of Western Australia.
Carbon isotope discrimination in tree rings by FAR-
QUHAR, GD with Dr WG Allaway and D Pepper,
University of Sydney.
Enhancing the effectiveness of using carbon and oxygen
isotope discrimination measures to select elite pine
clones with improved water-use efficiency by FARQU-
HAR, GD with Dr ZH Xu, Dr M Dieters and Dr NV
Prasolova, Queensland Forest Research Institute and
Prof P Saffigna, Griffith University.
Stomatal models by FARQUHAR, GD with Dr T
Buckley, Prof K Mott, Utah State University, USA.
Investigations into the ecophysiology of three sympatric
eucalypts by FARQUHAR, GD and KRIEDEMANN
P with Dr J Anderson, Idaho State University, USA and
Dr Mike Austin, CSIRO.
Carbon and oxygen isotopes discrimination tropical
mangrove communities by FARQUHAR, GD and
WONG, SC with Prof JE Ong, and Dr WK Gong,
Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, University Sains
Isotope discrimination and wheat performance by FAR-
QUHAR, GD, WONG, SC and GAN, K with Dr R
Richards, Dr A Condon, Dr G Rebetzke and Dr A Wal-
croft, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Isotope discrimination in tree rings by FARQUHAR,
GD and BARBOUR, MM with Dr A Walcroft, Land-
care Research, New Zealand.
Oxygen isotope fractionation by FARQUHAR, GD
with Dr J Lloyd, Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochem-
ie, Jena, Germany.
The molecular physiology of ammonium transport in
rice by MASLE, J with Dr Upadhyaya, Dr P Ryan,
CSIRO and Dr M Udvardi, Max Plank Institute for
Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany.
The functional genomics of root mechanical impedance
and drought stress by MASLE, J and MALESZKA R
with INRA and CNRS (Versailles-Le Moulon).

The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
Assessment of the tin gene for yield improvement in
wheat by MASLE, J with Dr R Richards and Dr A van
Herwaarden, CSIRO.
Eurosiberian Carbonflux project in Siberia by STYLES,
JM and FARQUHAR, GD with Dr J Lloyd and Dr D
Schulze, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Je-
na, Germany; Dr R Leuning and Dr M Raupach,
CSIRO; Dr F Kelliher and Dr J Byers, Manaaki When-
ua Landcare Research, New Zealand; Dr N Tchebakova
and Dr O Chibistova, V.N. Sukachev Institute of For-
ests, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Effects of elevated CO
 on the growth and water-use
eficiency of Acacia auriculiformis by WONG, SC and
FARQUHAR, GD with Dr KC Woo, Northern Terri-
tory University.
Rootstock influence on the relationship between vine
performance and grape quality (ARC-SPIRT funded
project) by WONG, SC and YONG, JWH with J
Smith and Prof G Scollary, Charles Sturt University,
Wagga Wagga, NSW and Dr B Holzapfel, NSW
On the physiology of orchids by WONG, SC with Prof
CS Hew, School of Biological Sciences, National Uni-
versity of Singapore.
On ecophysiology of tropical rainforests by WONG,
SC and FARQUHAR, GD with Dr IM Turner, Singa-
pore Botanic Gardens.
Isolation and analysis of cytokinin mutants of Arabi-
dopsis thaliana by transposon tagging approach by
T Tantikanjana and Prof V Sundaresan, Institute of
Molecular Agribiology, National University of Singa-
pore, Singapore.
Ecosystem Dynamics
Effects of elevated [CO
] on hydraulic architecture of
eucalypt seedlings by BALL, MC with Dr B Atwell,
Macquarie University.
Strategies of water use in dry rainforest tree species:
linking hydraulic architecture and function by BALL,
MC with B Choat and Dr JAM Holtum, James Cook
Biomechanics of freezing damage in eucalypt seedlings
by BALL, MC with Dr J Wolfe, University of NSW.
Seasonal variation in acclimation of respiration to tem-
perature in snow gum seedlings by BALL, MC with Dr
OK Atkin, York University.
Biomechanics of freezing damage in eucalypt seedlings
by BALL, MC and CANNY, MJ with Dr AB Nicotra,
ANU, Dr J Wolfe, University of NSW and D Hughes,
CSIRO Land and Water Research.
Land use change in the Miombo of Southern Africa by
DAVIES, I with Dr P Desanker, University of Virginia,
Global change impacts on landscape fires working
group by LAVOREL, S with Dr M Flannigan, Dr R
Gardner, Dr G Cary, National Center for Ecological
Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, USA.
Long-term population dynamics of rainforests by NO-
BLE, IR and DAVIES, I with Prof JH Connell,
University of Santa Barbara, USA.
Mechanisms maintaining diversity of trees in tropical
and subtropical rain forest by NOBLE, IR and GE-
HRING, CA with Prof JH Connell, University of Santa
Barbara, USA.
Modelling the dynamics of landscapes by NOBLE, IR
and DAVIES, I with Dr S Lavorel, Centre d’Ecologie
Fonctionelle et Evolutive, CNRS, France, Dr J
Gignoux, Ecol Normale Superiore, CNRS, France and
Dr RH Gardner, University of Maryland, USA.
Exchange visits of senior staff and students on vegeta-
tion and landscape modelling and the response of
landscapes to global change by NOBLE, IR with Dr S
Lavorel and Dr J Gignoux, CNRS, Montpellier and
ENS, Paris.
The Greenhouse Alliance of CRC's with an interest in
climate change and greenhouse issues initiated by NO-
BLE, IR with Cooperative Research Centres with a
greenhouse interest.
Development of an open standard for greenhouse ac-
counting in forests by NOBLE, IR with Sydney Futures
Exchange and NSW State Forests.
Rangeland monitoring using satellite imagery by ROD-
ERICK, ML with A Holm, University of WA and Dr S
Cridland, Environmental Resource Information
Estimating pasture productivity using satellite imagery
by RODERICK, ML and HUME, I with Dr T McVic-
ar, CSIRO.
Climate-vegetation models by RODERICK, ML with
Dr A Sparrow, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Spatial modelling of the interactions between sponges
and echinoderms by ROXBURGH, SH with Dr A
Davis, University of Wollongong.
Competition and coexistence in an Australian understo-
rey forest community by ROXBURGH, SH with Dr P
Chesson, University of California, USA.
Development of novel methods for determining guild
structure from plant competition experiments by
ROXBURGH, SH with Dr JB Wilson, Otago Univer-
sity, New Zealand.
Development of methodologies for carbon-budget
modelling at landscape to regional scales by

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