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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care; mem-
ber, Steering Committee for the evaluation of State
Based Organisations for Divisions of General Practice
Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care; trial
evaluation for joint venture, ACT Department of
Health and Community Services and ACT Division of
General Practice funded by the Department of Health
and Aged Care; external reviews of the evaluation of the
Divisions and Hospitals Integration Program (DHIP)
for the Department of Health and Aged Care; referee,
National Health and Medical Research Council Project
Grants; National Heart Foundation of Australia; Office
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, De-
partment of Health and Aged Care; Office of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Depart-
ment of Health and Aged Care; invited presenter:
public meeting of trial stakeholders, Hyatt Hotel; ACT
Department of Health and Community Care; Health
and Policy Resource Committee, Australian Council of
Social Services, Canberra.
Dr Len SMITH, national councillor, Australian Popu-
lation Association; board member, Health Informatics
Society of Australia; public officer, Australasian Epide-
miological Association; associate editor, Journal of
Population Research, referee, Medical Journal of Austral-
ia, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
and  Population and Development Review; referee, Na-
tional Health and Medical Research Council Project
Grants; referee, Australian Institute of Health and
Dr Wayne SMITH, steering committee for the Nation-
al Partnership for Childhood Development and Well-
Dr Andrea WHITTAKER, general councillor, Asian
Studies Association of Australia, 1998-2000; member,
editorial board, Women in Asia Series, Women’s Caucus
of the Asian Studies Association of Australia; referee,
National Health and Medical Research Council Project
Grants; Murdoch Institute; invited lecturer, Centre for
Southeast Asian Studies, University of Washington,
Eileen WILSON, member, ACT branch Public Health
Association of Australia; precis panel, Breastfeeding
Rosalie WOODRUFF, member, Australasian Epide-
miological Association; secretary, ACT branch Public
Health Association of Australia.
School of Mathematical Sciences
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
R J BAXTER, Member, editorial boards: Journal of Ge-
ometric and Functional Analysis, Journal of Statistical
Physics, Physica A, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society, Series A, Annals of Combinatorics, Theoretical
Physics and Related Mathematics (International Press);
Senior Fellow: Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Phys-
ics, Seoul, Korea.
H S BOOTH, Assistant editor, ANZIAM Journal; Re-
viewer, American Mathematical Society, (Mathematical
D J DALEY, Adviser/Consultant to ACT Board of Sec-
ondary Studies; Trustee and Assoc editor, Applied
Probability Trust and Journals.
J M GANI, Editor, The Mathematical Scientist; Manag-
ing Editor, Applied Probability Journals; member,
editorial board, Utilitas Mathematica, Stochastic Analysis
and its Applications, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied
in Medicine and Biology; Co-editor (with G R Haynatz-
ki, V R Haynatzki and S T Rachev), Math. Comput.
Modelling “Stochastic Models in Mathematical Biolo-
gy”, Special Volume 32, 1–2, 2000; member,
Australian-French Association of Professional and
Technical Specialists; Australian Academy of Science
Committee on Asian Exchange Fellowships; organiser
(with C E Praeger, I H Sloan, B Davies and A V Isaev),
World Mathematical Year 2000 Conference, ANU,
24–25 November, 2000.
P G HALL, Member, editorial boards, Annals of Statis-
tics, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics,
Econometric Theory, Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference, Korean Journal of Statistics, Probability Theory
and Related Fields, Statistica Sinica.
C C HEYDE, Board member, Australian Mathematics
Trust; member, Membership Committee, International
Statistical Institute; Bernoulli Society Publications
Committee; Publications Committee, International
Statistical Institute; Executive Committee, Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University; Di-
rector, Center for Applied Probability, Columbia
University; trustee, Applied Probability Trust; Editor-
in-Chief, Journal of Applied Probability, Advances in Ap-
plied Probability; (joint) Editor, Australian
Mathematical Society Lecture Series; Springer Series in
Probability and its Applications; Assoc editor, The Math-
ematical Scientist; Advisory Editor, Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis; Reviewer for the
National Science Foundation, National Research
Council of Canada, Australian Research Council.
A V ISAEV, Assoc editor, Journal of Mathematical Anal-
ysis and Applications.
L G KOVÁCS, Member, editorial boards, Journal of
Group Theory and Periodica Mathematica Hungarica.
S LIU, Reviewer, Mathematical Reviews; Contributing
Editor, Current Index to Statistics.
INTOSH, Member, editorial board, Bulletin
of the Australian Mathematical Society; Scientific Adviso-
ry Committee, International Conference on Clifford
Analysis, Prague.

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