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Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
Berger, Department of Anatomy, Medical School, Uni-
versity of the Witwatersrand, Prof J. Parkington,
Department of Archaeology, Cape Town University,
Dr F. Thakeray, Transvaal Museum, Pretoria), Skhul,
Israel (Dr J. Pilbeam, Peabody Museum, Harvard Uni-
versity and Prof O. Bar-Yosef, Department of
Anthropology, Harvard University), Tabun (Prof C.B.
Stringer, Natural History Museum, London) and Ata-
puerca, Spain (Dr J.L. Arsuaga, Department of
Palaeontology, Universidad Compultense, Madrid
Dr J. Bermudes de Castro, Museo de Ciencias Natu-
rales, Madrid). He continues his collaboration with Prof
Bershov, Dr A. Gurbanov, Institute of the Geology of
Ore Deposits, Moscow and Dr D. Koshchug, Moscow
State University. Samples from the Eldzhurtinskiy gran-
ite complex have been employed to esablish which
surface sampling techniques can be used for ESR studies
of cooling and denudation rates. Samples were also col-
lected from the Elbrus for the reconstruction of the
eruption history of Europe’s highest volcano.
Prof R. GRÜN, Prof M McCULLOCH and Dr N.
Spooner are collaborators in Prof Miller’s (Department
of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boul-
der) successful NSF application “Megafauna
Extinction, Ecosystem Disruption, and Climate
Change in Australia: Assessing the Human Factor”.
C. HEATH has commenced a PhD study of the “Ori-
gin and composition of ore-forming fluids in the giant
Golden Mile gold deposit, Kalgoorlie” in collaboration
with Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines. The project
is being supported by a grant to Drs Campbell and Palin
through the SPIRT program.
E HENDY, Prof M. McCULLOCH and Dr M. GA-
GAN continued collaborative work with Drs J. Lough,
D. Barnes and P. Isdale. Hendy’s PhD research is a cen-
tral project of the AUSCORE (AUStralian COral
REcords) initiative to demonstrate that corals accurately
record common climate signals and can document dec-
adal to centennial climate variability in the Great
Barrier Reef over the last 400 years.
Dr J. HERMANN collaborated with Dr O. Müntener,
Geologisches Institut, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland, on
the differentiation of mafic magma at the continental
crust-mantle boundary and the exhumation of lower
crust and upper mantle during rifting; with Prof R.
Compagnoni, University of Torino, Italy, on the fea-
tures of ultra-high pressure metamorphism in the Dora-
Maira Massif; with Prof V. Shatsky and Prof A. Korsa-
kov, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russia,
on age and exhumation rate of diamondiferous rocks
from the Kokchetav Massif, Khazakhstan; with Dr M.
Scambelluri, University of Genova, Italy, on subduc-
tion related structures in the Erro-Tobbio unit, Western
Alps and on constraints on subduction zone fluids de-
rived from the high pressure break down of
serpentinites; with Dr B. Cesare, University of Padova,
Italy, on magmatic and metamorphic evolution of ma-
fic cumulates of the Tauern window, Alps and with Dr
Igor Villa, University of Bern, Switzerland, on dating of
multiply-zoned amphiboles.
Dr G.O. HUGHES is collaborating with M. Barry and
Prof G. Ivey of the Centre for Water Research, Univer-
sity of Western Australia, on aspects of mixing due to
turbulence in stratified fluid.
Dr G.O. HUGHES continued a collaboration with Dr
S.B. Dalziel, Department of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Dr P.F.
Linden, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace En-
gineering, University of California San Diego, and Dr
B.R. Sutherland, Department of Mathematical Scienc-
es, University of Alberta. They are studying the
evolution of internal gravity waves in a stratified fluid
and mixing due to stratified turbulence.
Prof B.L.N. KENNETT has continued to provide sup-
port to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
(CTBT) Organisation in Vienna. With J. Grant in
Tennant Creek he has been involved in the process of
the upgrade of the Warramunga Array to meet the re-
quirements of the treaty for both seismic and infrasonic
recording. The infrasound upgrade was completed in
October. Certification of both arrays will occur soon
following the completion of authentication procedures
for the data being transmitted by satellite to Vienna. He
was also a member of the review team for the Interna-
tional Data Centre for the CTBT carried out over a
two-week period at the beginning of November.
Prof B.L.N. KENNETT is President of the Interna-
tional Association for Seismology and the Physics of the
Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) and in that position is a mem-
ber of the Executive Committee of the International
Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
Prof B.L.N. KENNETT has established collaborative
links with the Earthquake Research Institute, Universi-
ty of Tokyo for the Ocean Hemisphere Project (Prof Y.
Fukao) and the study of strong ground motion (Dr K.
Koketsu, Dr T. Furamura).
Dr R.C. KERR continued a collaboration with Dr S.J.
Barnes of Division and Exploration and Mining, Perth,
in modelling komatiite lava emplacement and thermal
erosion at Perserverance, Western Australia.
Dr R.C. KERR continued a collaboration with Dr
C.M. Lesher, Mineral Exploration Research Centre,
Laurentian University, and Dr D.A. Williams, Depart-
ment of Geology, Arizona State University, in
developing and applying numerical models of the sub-
marine flow of komatiite lavas.
Prof K. LAMBECK is a member of the EPILOG steer-
ing committee (climate and environment during the
Last Glacial Maximum), of the BALTEEM working
group (Palaeoenvironment and Palaeoclimate of the
Baltic during the Last Interglacial), an associate member
of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and a

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