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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
member of the Stage 3 Working Group concerned with
climate and environment of Europe during oxygen iso-
tope stage 3. In addition, he has cooperative research
projects with scientists in Italy, France, Netherlands,
Sweden, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United
Dr F.E.M. LILLEY is collaborating with Dr A. White
of Flinders University and Dr G. Heinson of Adelaide
University in a number of marine electromagnetic stud-
ies, the most recent of which is OCELOT2000.
Dr F.E.M. LILLEY and Dr A.P. HITCHMAN contin-
ued collaboration with Dr P. Milligan of AGSO on the
use of aeromagnetic crossover misfits as data of oppor-
tunity for studying electromagnetic induction in the
Dr F.E.M. LILLEY is collaborating with Prof J.T.
Weaver of the University of Victoria, Canada, on meth-
ods for the analysis of magnetotelluric data. Dr Lilley is
collaborating with Assoc Prof I.J. Ferguson of the Uni-
versity of Manitoba, Canada, on the interpretation of
magnetotelluric data from western Queensland. Dr Lil-
ley is collaborating with Dr M.R. Ingham of Victoria
University of Wellington, New Zealand, on E-Map
methods of magnetotelluric investigation.
Prof M. McCULLOCH collaborates with Dr M.
Kingsford from the Department of Biology, University
of Sydney, on trace element analyses of fish otoliths, Dr
C. Murray-Wallace, Department of Geosciences, Uni-
versity of Wollongong, to date marine sequences in the
Spencer Gulf, and Dr K. Moriarty and Dr R. Wells,
Flinders University, to date faunal remains from Nara-
coorte Cave. He is also collaborating with Dr T.
Tentori from Central Queensland University, Rock-
hampton, on trace element analyses of sclerites from
soft corals.
Prof M. McCULLOCH has continued his collabora-
tion with Dr A. Tudhope from the University of
Edinburgh on U-series dating fossil corals from the up-
lifted coral terraces at Huon Peninsula Papua New
Guinea. Collaboration continues with Prof U. Radtke
from Köln Unversity, Germany. He is also working
with Dr Ingram, University of California at Berkeley, in
a National Geographic sponsored project on coral
bleaching in the southern Pacific.
Prof I. McDOUGALL and Dr W.J. Dunlap have col-
laborated closely with S. McLaren, a PhD student in the
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of
Adelaide, and with Dr M. Sandiford, on a thermo-
chronological study of part of the northern Flinders
Ranges, South Australia. Prof McDougall is working
closely with Dr R. Watkins, Curtin University of Tech-
nology, on a project dealing with the mid-Cenozoic and
younger history of the northern Kenya Rift, east of Lake
Turkana. He also continued a collaboration with Dr G.
Acton, formerly of the University of New England, on
dating Cenozoic volcanic rocks in eastern Australia, to
better define the polar wander path of Australia.
Prof I. McDOUGALL accepted an invitation to partic-
ipate in a collaborative research project with Dr B.
Robineau and Dr P. Bachélery, Université de La Réun-
ion, on further studies of the history of the volcanoes of
La Réunion, Indian Ocean. A two-week visit was made
in July, fortuitously coinciding with the declining stages
of a volcanic eruption from the active volcano, Piton de
la Fournaise. He was privileged to undertake extensive
field work during the visit; this included the opportuni-
ty to appreciate some of the considerable advances in
understanding of the geology of La Réunion since he
worked there more than 30 years ago. He also maintains
an active collaboration with Prof F.H. Brown of the
University of Utah that deals with numerical time scale
studies of stratigraphic sequences in Kenya and Ethiopia
in relation to hominid evolution. This work is also
linked with that of Dr M.G. Leakey of the National
Museums of Kenya. A collaborative project with Dr D.
Karner, Dr P. Renne and T. Becker of the University of
California, Berkeley and the Berkeley Geochronology
Center on the usefulness of the high potassium mineral,
leucite, as a potential standard for dating Quaternary
rocks by the 
Ar method, was successfully com-
pleted during the year, as was a project collaboration
with Prof W.J. Verwoerd and Dr L. Chevallier, Univer-
sity of Stellenbosch, on K-Ar dating of Marion Island, a
Quaternary shield volcano in the Southern Ocean.
H. McGREGOR and Dr M. GAGAN continued col-
laborative research with Drs G. Brunskill, J. Lough and
D. Barnes. Ms. McGregor's PhD research is part of
Project TROPICS (Tropical River-Ocean Processes in
Coastal Settings) and aims to use corals to reconstruct
the mid-Holocene climate of the Western Pacific Warm
Pool north of Papua New Guinea.
Dr H. McQUEEN and Prof K. LAMBECK collaborat-
ed with Prof T. Sato of the National Astronomical
Observatory of Japan in operating and analysing a Su-
perconducting Gravimeter at Mt Stromlo to monitor
dynamic processes in the Earth. The former also collab-
orated with Dr M. Amalvict of the Université Louis
Pasteur in Strasbourg on FG5 Absolute gravimeter cali-
brations at Mt Stromlo.
Dr C.E. MARTIN collaborates with Dr D. Al Bakri
and Alma Joglekar, Orange Agricultural College, The
University of Sydney, on elemental and isotopic tracers
of the sources of phosphorus in the Orange water sup-
ply catchment. (Dr Martin is acting as Assoc Supervisor
for Joglekar’s PhD research).
Dr C.E. MARTIN continued to collaborate with R.
Syzmczak on studies of the noble metal geochemistry of
riverine and estuarine waters that were collected in Pa-
pua New Guinea on cruises of the R/V Franklin as part
of Project TROPICS (Tropical River-Ocean Processes
in Continental Settings).

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