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Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
Dr A.J. BERRY collaborated with Dr M. James on neu-
tron diffraction studies of humite minerals.
Dr A.J. BERRY visited the School of Chemistry, Uni-
versity of Exeter, United Kingdom as part of his
collaboration with Drs S.C. Wimperis and S.E. Ash-
brook on nuclear magnetic resonance studies of high-
pressure hydrous magnesium silicates.
Dr M. BIRD collaborated with Dr B. David, Monash
University, Dr J. Balme, University of Western Austral-
ia, Dr B. Roberts, La Trobe University, and Dr J. Field,
University of Sydney on the radiocarbon dating of ar-
chaeological sites in Australia. He also worked with Dr
B. Witt of the Gatton Campus of the University of
Queensland on carbon-isotope records of environmen-
tal change recorded in wool.
Dr M. BIRD continued collaboration with Dr H. San-
truckova of the University of Southern Bohemia, Czech
Republic, on studies of the fractionation of carbon-iso-
topes by micro-organisms during soil carbon
degradation. He is also working with Prof J. Lloyd, Max
Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry on a study of soil
carbon in the Siberian boreal forests and Botswana. He
also continued to collaborate with Dr E. Veenendaal,
Okavango Research Centre, Botswana on a study of car-
bon inventories in Botswanan soils, and he collaborated
with Dr C.S.M. Turney, Royal Holloway, University of
London and Dr L. Ayliffe, CNRS-CEA, Gif Sur Yvette,
France on the radiocarbon dating of Australian Archae-
ological sites. Together with Dr P. Bowman of the
McGregor Museum, South Africa, he is participating in
a radiocarbon dating study of the Border Cave Archae-
ological site.
Dr J. BRAUN is working on a project studying the dif-
fusion of argon in K-feldspars with Dr J. Lee of Queen’s
University, Canada. He continues collaborative work
on the dynamics of compressional orogens and the in-
teractions between tectonics and erosion with the
Geodynamics Group of Prof C. Beaumont at Dalhousie
University, Canada. He is collaborating with Miss S.
Frederiksen of the University of Aarhus, Denmark on
incorporating strain localization in models of continen-
tal extension, and with Mr. Y. van Brabant of the
University of Liège, Belgium on the tectonic develop-
ment of the Variscan fold-and-thrust belt in the Rheno-
hercynian zone in Belgium and Germany.
Drs I.H. CAMPBELL and J.M. PALIN, in collabora-
tion with Placer Granny Smith Pty Ltd have obtained a
SPIRT grant for “Mapping ore-fluid pathways around
mesothermal gold deposits in the Laverton region, WA
using alkali elements and stable isotopes. A. Stoltze be-
gan a PhD on the project late in the year.
SETIABUDI are working with Rio Tinto Indonesia on
a study of the Kelian Gold Mine in Kalimantan.
Prof J. CHAPPELL undertook a collaborative project
in the Flinders Ranges with Prof M.A.J.Williams of Ad-
elaide University and Dr D. Adamson of Macquarie
University, determining the nature, extent and palaeo-
climatic implications of newly-discovered Late
Pleistocene wetland deposits. He also gave a series of
lectures over a week as Distinguished Lecturer at the
School of Geography and Geology, University of Wol-
longong. In partnership with Dr M.Bird, he
collaborated with Dr B. Witt of the Gatton Campus of
the University of Queensland on carbon-isotope
records of environmental change recorded in wool and
shearing-shed dung accumulations.
Prof J. CHAPPELL continued his collaboration on
Cenozoic fossil sites with Dr K Aplin of the Western
Australian Museum, with field trips together to new
sites in the Kimberley and Barrow Island.
Prof S.F. COX is supervising University of Newcastle
PhD students, K. Ruming and T. Wilson. He is also
collaborating with Dr M. Knackstedt (jointly at the
University of New South Wales and The Australian Na-
tional University) in the development and application
of percolation theory to modelling fluid flow in hydro-
thermal systems. He is also collaborating with the latter
in the development of x-ray tomography facilities to
characterise fracture and pore geometries in deformed
rocks. Moreover, together with Dr J. Streit, National
Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Univer-
sity of Adelaide, he is preparing a joint work on the
evolution of fracture geometries in deforming rock ana-
logue materials. In May, he presented part of a
workshop to Masters students and minerals industry
participants at the CODES Special Research Centre at
the University of Tasmania.
Prof S.F. COX is conducting collaborative research on
structural and deformational controls on fluid flow and
ore genesis in Archaean lode gold deposits in the Kam-
balda area sponsored by WMC Resources Ltd (St Ives
Gold Operations) and the ARC-APA(Industry)
scheme. He is also collaborating with Dr B. Drum-
mond (AGSO) on aspects of crustal-scale fluid flow
through fault systems in the Eastern Goldfields of West-
ern Australia. In December, Prof S.F. Cox participated
in a joint AGSO-NSW Department of Minerals and
Energy workshop on seismic hazard in the Newcastle
S.J. FALLON is working with Dr J. Lough and Dr D.
Barnes (AIMS) and J. White from Misima Mines Ltd.
documenting environmental influences on Porites cor-
als from a high sedimentation environment, Misima
Island, PNG.
C.M. FANNING collaborated with Assoc Prof C. Fer-
gusson, University of Wollongong on the Anakie Inlier
of Queensland, Prof C.J. Wilson and S. Boger, Univer-
sity of Melbourne on the age and evolution of the
southern Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica, Dr G.
Clarke and N. Kelly, University of Sydney on the age
and evolution of eastern Enderby Land, Antarctica, and

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