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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
dogenous productivity and risk premia effects, with Dr
K K Tang, University of Queensland.
McLEOD, Dr R H: Supervisor, PhD candidate, Uni-
versity of Melbourne.
MENG, Dr X: Two-tier labour markets in urban Chi-
na: occupational segregation and wage differentials
between urban residents and rural migrants, with Dr J
Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong; The gender
earnings gap: effects of institutions and firms – a com-
parative study of French and Australian private firms,
with Dr D Meurs; Labour market integration in urban
China, with Dr M Maurer-Fazio, Bates College, USA,
and Dr H Wang, Beijing University, China; Urban un-
employment and poverty in China, with Dr S Li,
Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social
SONG, Dr L: Private enterprise development in China:
study report, with Dr Y Yao, China Center for Eco-
nomic Research, Peking University.
WARR, Prof P G: Policy and economic policy in Indo-
nesia, with Prof K Anderson and G Wittwer, Centre for
International Economics, University of Adelaide; con-
tinuing research with Dr B Nidhiprabha, Faculty of
Economics, Thammasat University, Bangkok.
WEN, Dr M: Ownership and technical efficiency – a
cross-section study on the third industrial census of
China, with Dr D Li, Texas A&M University, and Prof
P Lloyd, University of Melbourne; Push or pull? The re-
lationship between development, trade and resource
endowment, with Prof S King, University of Mel-
bourne; Excess capacity investment: government versus
private firms, with Dr D Sasaki, University of Exeter;
Spatial distribution of manufacturing in China, with Dr
M Amiti, University of Melbourne. 
WOLFF, L: Japanese legal historiography, with Dr P
Schmidt, Centre for Asian and Pacific Legal Systems,
Faculty of Law, University of Sydney; Japanese legal ab-
breviations, with Assoc Prof L Nottage, Faculty of Law,
Kyushu University; Comparative corporate compli-
ance, with Dr C Parker, School of Law, The University
of New South Wales.
Division of Pacific and Asian History
BALLARD, Dr C: Colonial exploration of Dutch New
Guinea, with Dr A Ploeg, Utrecht University, Nether-
lands; member, research committee for the ‘The Race
for the Snow Mountains of West New Guinea’ exhibi-
tion, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, in conjunction with
the Tropen Instituut, Amsterdam, Viewpoint Produc-
tions Pty Ltd, Amsterdam, and the Royal Geographical
Society, London; technical advisor on the documentary
film Freeport, the Amungme, and the Mountains, with
Viewpoint Productions Pty Ltd, Amsterdam, and
Dutch national television; Agreement on a program of
international scientific cooperation (Programme Inter-
national de Cooperation Scientifique [PICS]) on Pacific
societies between RSPAS and the Centre de Recherche
et de Documentation sur l’Océanie (Marseilles,
France), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(CNRS); Memorandum of Understanding on long-
term research collaboration in Irian Jaya, with the Uni-
versitas Cenderawasih (Irian Jaya, Indonesia) and the
University of Amsterdam; New Caledonia, with École
des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and
the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(CNRS), France; ‘Racisms’, with Dr H Jebens, Froben-
ius Institute, Frankfurt.
BARMÉ, Prof G R: Qing dynasty history and the Yuan
Ming Yuan, with L Conner, New York; History of
Wang Fu Jing, Beijing’s main 20th century commercial
centre, with S Ye; Digital Encyclopaedia Project, with
the Long Bow Group, Boston, and the digital media
faculty at MIT; The Cultural Revolution Documentary
Film Project, with Dr C Hinton and R Gordon, Long
Bow Group, Boston, Prof E Perry, Harvard University,
Prof A Walder, Stanford University, Prof A Nathan,
Columbia University, and other academics in Sweden
and Australia; Chinese intellectual history, with Prof Xu
Jilan, Shanghai University; in collaboration with Asian
Studies Association of Australia, organised and inter-
preted for keynote speaker, Liang Xiaoyan, on ‘Civil
Society in China Today’; Voicing Concerns: Contem-
porary Chinese Intellectuality, with Dr G Davies,
Monash University.
CHOE-WALL, Dr Y H: Encyclopaedia of Korea, with
scholars from Australian and overseas universities.
DENOON, Prof D: Blackwells History of Australasia
Project, with Dr M Wyndham, The Faculties, and Prof
P Mien-Smith, University of Canterbury, Christch-
urch, NZ; A history of Papua New Guinea, with Dr A
Kituai, University of Papua New Guinea.
DENOON, Prof D, Prof B V LAL, Prof H NELSON,
BALEIWAQA (PAH): Bursting the boundaries: places,
persons, gender and disciplines, with Dr G Fry, Inter-
national Relations, Dr P Turnbull, Centre for Cross–
cultural Research, K Teaiwa, Anthropology, RSPAS, G
Rawlings, Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, RSPAS, and Dr
J Martinello and Dr A Chanter, University of Canberra.
ELVIN, Prof J M D: Introduction of the concluding
volumes of J Needham et al, Science and Civilisation in
China, in collaboration with the Needham Research
JACKSON, Dr P: Geopolitical history of Thai culture,
1850–2000, with Dr R Harrison, Thai Literature,
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of
LAL, Prof B V: Encyclopaedia of the Pacific Islands,
with scholars from around the world; Pacific People,
Pacific Places, with Department of History, University
of Canterbury.

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