AnnRpt2000. book

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Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
McCORMACK, Prof G: Situating Okinawa: politics,
economy and identity with Dr G Hook and Dr R Sid-
dle, University of Sheffield, UK; discussion meeting at
Seoul National University on shared research interests
with Japan specialist scholars of Seoul National Univer-
sity, Sejong Institute, Kookmin University; preliminary
meeting in Osaka with President and Vice–President of
Osaka Foreign Studies University, Prof Akagi and Prof
Nishimura, discussing common research agendas and
possible cooperation, especially with regard to the Me-
kong River region.
MORRIS-SUZUKI, Prof T: Multiculturalism in an age
of globalisation, with Prof T Iyotani, et al., Hitotsub-
ashi University, Japan; Internationalisation of Japanese
science and technology information, with Dr M Low,
University of Queensland, and Prof S Nakayama, et al.,
Kanagawa University, Kanagawa, Japan; Americanisa-
tion and East Asia, with Prof T Nakano, Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies, and others; Asia–Pacific
network of Asian studies, with 25 representatives from
15 countries.
and Prof G BARMÉ: New stage of globalization and
Asian societies, with Prof T Saito, Tokyo University of
Foreign Studies, Japan, and the Japanese Ministry of
NELSON, Prof H: Research into World War II in Pa-
pua New Guinea, with the Australian War Memorial;
collaboration with the National Museum of Australia
and the Centre for Cross–cultural Research, ANU, to
provide information for the museum’s opening
NELSON, Prof H and Dr K TAMURA: Experiences
and participation in World War II in Papua New Guin-
ea, with Dr H Iwamoto, Tsukuba University, Tokyo,
and others, including scholars from Papua New
TAMURA, Dr K: Migration in the Asia–Pacific Area,
preliminary discussions with the Japan Centre for Area
Studies and the National Museum of Ethnology, Osa-
ka, Japan.
Division of Politics and International 
AMYX, Dr J, Beyond Bilateralism: US–Japan Cooper-
ation / Competition in Asia project (sponsored by the
Japan–US Friendship Commission [JUSFC]), with col-
leagues in the US (University of California–San Diego,
University of Washington, University of Southern Cal-
ifornia, Harvard University, Middlebury College) and
in Singapore (National University of Singapore) (book
in progress, edited by Ellis Krauss and T J Pempel); Ja-
pan: the Lost Decade project (sponsored by the
Institute of Social Sciences, Tokyo University) with col-
leagues in the US (University of California, Berkeley,
Yale University, Purdue University, Harvard Universi-
ty, University of Hawaii, Brigham Young University)
and in Japan (University of Tokyo, Kobe University,
Sophia University, Aoyama Gakuin University) (book
in progress, edited by Nobuhiro Hiwatari); Japan's
Bubble Economy project (sponsored by the National
Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA), Tokyo),
with colleagues in Japan (University of Tokyo, Kyoto
University, Keio University, Osaka City University,
Kobe University) and in the US (University of Califor-
nia, San Diego) (book in progress, edited by Michio
Muramatsu and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara); Japan's
Economic Crisis: Building a New Model project (spon-
sored by the US–Japan Foundation) with colleagues in
the US (Stanford University, Institute for International
Economics) and in Japan (the National Graduate Insti-
tute for Policy Studies, Ministry of Finance) (book in
progress, edited by Daniel Okimoto). 
COLLIER, Dr C: Supervisor, National Visiting Schol-
ar, University of Adelaide.
CROUCH, Dr H: Director, Indonesia Project, Inter-
national Crisis Group.
ELLIOTT, Dr L: Non-traditional security issues in
Southeast Asia (Ford Foundation Project), with Insti-
tute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang
Technological University; Engaging governance, with
the Centre for International Politics, Department of
Government, University of Manchester.
FRY, G: Contending images of world politics, with Dr
J O’Hagan, Centre for International Studies, University
of Southern California; examiner, Honours theses,
Flinders University.
HAMILTON-HART, Dr N: Political economy of fi-
nance in Malaysia, with K S Jomo, University of
HARRIS, Prof S: Alliance relationships, with Australian
academics and the Kennedy School at Harvard
KERKVLIET, Prof B: Meanings and practices of free-
dom in Asia and Africa, with colleagues in the US
(Washington, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia Universi-
ties, University of Wisconsin, University of California,
Los Angeles) and in the UK (University of London,
Buckingham University); Agricultural collectivization
and decollectivization, with colleagues at Hanoi Na-
tional University; Land policies and related issues, with
colleagues at the University of Sydney and the College
of Agriculture no. 1, Vietnam; collaborative teaching
and staff development: with Prof David Marr, working
with colleagues at the Hanoi National University's Col-
lege of Social Science and Humanities to have visiting
fellows and two PhD students from Vietnam at the
ANU (four-year project, funded by Ford Foundation);
thesis examiner, PhD dissertation for University of New
South Wales and MA thesis for National University of
Singapore; coordinator for ANU Fellowships for South-
east Asian Studies, which enable graduate students and

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