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Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
Research School of Pacific and Asian 
Division of Economics
ATHUKORALA, Dr P-C: Capital mobility, crisis and
adjustment in Malaysia, with M Yap, Malaysian Insti-
tute of Economic Research; Processed food exports
from developing countries, with A Gulati, Institute of
Economic Growth, Delhi, Bhanupong Nidhiprobha,
Tamassat University, Thailand, and S K Jayasuriya, La
Trobe University.
DRYSDALE, Prof P, : Financial markets and policies in
East Asia, with R Gibbs, Macquarie Bank, D Wilson,
Goldman Sachs, H W Chung, Korea Institute of Fi-
nance, Dr R Rajan, University of Adelaide, Prof E
Sakakibara, Keio University, Dr S Grenville, Reserve
Bank of Australia, Prof M Kawai, The World Bank,
Prof K Inoue, Kobe University, Dr R Y Siregar, Nation-
al University of Singapore, Dr M Pangestu, Centre for
Strategic and International Studies, Dr M Habir,
PEFINDO, D Nellor, International Monetary Fund,
Dr K Henry, The Treasury, G Debelle, Reserve Bank of
Australia, Prof C-M Hsu, National Taiwan University,
B McCauley, Bank of International Settlements, Prof A
Grimes, National Institute of Policy Studies, Prof G
Fan, National Economic Research Institute, Prof B Ni-
dhiprabha, Thammasat University, Dr R Glick, Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Dr N K Jin, National
University of Singapore, Dr J-W Lee, Korea University,
Dr M Crosby, University of Melbourne, M Sherwin,
Reserve Bank of New Zealand, M Blejer, International
Monetary Fund, Dr H Soesastro, Centre for Strategic
and International Studies, Jakarta; Achieving high
growth: experience of transitional economies in East
Asia, with Dr Y Huang, Salomon Smith Barney, Prof M
Kawai, The World Bank, Prof D Perkins, Harvard Uni-
versity, Prof W T Woo, University of California, Davis,
Prof J Bonin, Wesleyan University, Dr W Martin, The
World Bank, Dr M Graham, Institute for International
Economics, Prof S Urata, Waseda University, L
Harkim, The World Bank, Prof W Hai, Peking Univer-
sity, Dr L Sun, Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,
Dr C Feng, Academy of Social Sciences, Dr J Riedel,
John Hopkins University, Dr L D Doanh, Central In-
stitute of Economic Management, R Luanglatbandith,
National Statistical Centre, Laos, Dr S Hach, Cambo-
dian Development Research Institute, Dr J Menon,
Asian Development Bank, Dr B Hitchcock, Asian De-
velopment Bank, Dr C K Quinones, Mercy Corps
International, B Babson, The World Bank, Dr M Than,
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, I Okamoto, Insti-
tute of Developing Economies, B Lintner, Far Eastern
Economic Review; Future financial arrangements in
East Asia, with H Kuroda, Ministry of Finance, Prof T
Ito, Ministry of Finance, Prof J Goto, Kobe University,
Prof E Ogawa, Hitotsubashi University, Prof N Yoshi-
no, Keio University, R Battellino, Reserve Bank of
Australia, Dr D Gruen, Reserve Bank of Australia, Dr K
Henry, The Treasury, P Furnell, The Treasury, Dr R
Rajan, University of Adelaide; Bank rescue packages in
Japan and Asia, with Dr J Corbett, Nissan Institute,
Oxford University, Dr E Sakakibara, Keio University,
Prof D Vines, Oxford University, Dr P Dee, Productiv-
ity Commission, Prof R Snape, Productivity
Commission; Key issues for East Asian food sector, with
Prof M Honma, Seikei University, Dr R Stringer, Uni-
versity of Adelaide, D Stokes, Productivity
Commission, J Kennedy, Supermarket to Asia, J Davis,
RIRDC; APEC agenda for 2001 Summit, with Prof Y
Zhang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Dr L Jian-
ren, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, X Zhou,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, C Luzhi, China
Institute for International Studies, Prof L R Lin, Nan-
kai University.
FANE, Dr G: Liberalisation of exchange controls in
Bangladesh, with Dr H Ahammad, Economic Research
Centre, University of Western Australia; Analysis of
welfare changes in computable general equilibrium
models, with Dr H Ahammad, Economic Research
Centre, University of Western Australia.
HILL, Prof H: Philippine Economy Project, with Prof
A Balisacan, University of the Philippines; East Timor:
an economic policy framework for rapid growth, with J
Saldanha, University of California, San Diego; examin-
er, PhD theses, La Trobe University and Adelaide
University; member, Review Committee, Australian
Centre for Korean Studies, Griffith University.
KALIRAJAN, Dr K P: Singapore economy: key issues
for the 21
 century, with Prof B Rao and Prof G Shan-
takumar, Department of Economics, National
University of Singapore; Sources of growth in East Asia,
with Prof N Singh, Department of Economics, Univer-
sity of California, Santa Cruz; Accelerating growth
through globalising Indian agriculture, with Prof U
Sankar, Madras School of Economics, Chennai, India.
McKIBBIN, Prof W: Global dimensions of demo-
graphic change, with Dr R Bryant, Brookings
Institution; Economics for an integrated world, with
Prof P Wilcoxen, University of Texas at Austin; Global
costs of policies to reduce Greenhouse gas emissions,
with Dr R Shackleton, US Environmental Protection
Agency; Monetary and fiscal policy rules in the Europe-
an Union, with Prof R Neck, University of Klagenfurt,
Austria; Monetary and fiscal policy rules in the Europe-
an Union, with G Haber, University of Klagenfurt; The
need for both intertemporal optimisation and stickiness
in Real World Policy Model, with Prof D Vines, Ox-
ford University; The gains from trade liberalization
with endogenous productivity and risk premia effects,
with Dr A Stoeckel, Centre for International Econom-
ics, Canberra; Greenhouse Gas Policy in Australia, with
D Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Canber-
ra; Global costs of policies to reduce Greenhouse gas
emissions, with Dr P Bagnoli, Department of Finance,
Canada; The gains from trade liberalization with en-

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