AnnRpt2000. book

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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
Risk and community safety research initiative by Dr
Stephen DOVERS; Prof John Handmer, Middlesex
University; Prof Tony Norton, RMIT University, Mel-
bourne with Emergency Management Australia,
Australian Institute of Emergency Management.
Policy processes and institutions for sustainability by Dr
Stephen DOVERS with various Australian researchers
and practitioners
Strategic environmental assessment by Dr Stephen
DOVERS with Dr Simon Marsden of the University of
Modelling climate-surface hydrology interactions in
data sparse areas by Dr Jason EVANS with Prof Tony
JAKEMAN, CRES; Prof Bob Oglesby, Purdue Univer-
sity, USA; Dr Bill Lapenta, ASA, USA.
Land and water resources: availability and limitations of
water and soil resources of the Mekong Delta with re-
spect to rice-shrimp farming by Dr Fereidoun
with Dr Donna Brennan, Research Program Manager,
Agricultural Development Policy, Australian Centre for
International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canber-
ra; Dr Nguyen Tat Dac, Institute of Applied
Mechanics, Ho Chi Minh City; Dr Do Tien Hung, Ge-
ological Survey of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City;
Nguyen Hong Bang, Geological Survey of Vietnam,
Ho Chi Minh City; Pham Van Giang, Geological Sur-
vey of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City; Vo Quang Minh,
Department of Soil Science, Can Tho University;
Luong Van Than, Southern Institute of Water Resourc-
es Research, Ho Chi Minh City; Nguyen Than Tin,
Sub-Institute for Water Resources Planning and Man-
agement, Ho Chi Minh City
Spatial interpolation of rainfall data using fast numeri-
cal approximations of minimum generalised cross
validation thin plate smoothing splines by Penny HAN-
Frank deHoog, CSIRO Division of Mathematics and
Information Sciences.
APEC Virtual Centre for Environmental Technology
Exchange by Lance HEATH with the Japanese APEC
VC Secretariat, Indonesian Ministry of Industry and
Trade, Vietnamese Ministry of Trade and the Environ-
ment, Thailand’s Department of Environment, Policy
and Planning, Australia’s Department of Industry, Sci-
ence and Resources and AusAID.
BioRAP: Tools for rapid assessment of biodiversity by
Dr Michael HUTCHINSON (with Prof Henry Nix,
Janet Stein, Dr Jennifer Kesteven) with CSIRO Divi-
sion of Wildlife and Ecology, Centre for Plant
Biodiversity Research, Bishop Museum of Hawaii, De-
partment of Environment and Conservation of Papua
New Guinea.
Spatio-temporal modelling of rainfall and temperature
by Dr Michael HUTCHINSON with Dr Lelys Guen-
ni, Simon Bolivar University, Caracas; Dr D.
McKenney, Canadian Forest Service.
Integrated catchment management system (ICMS) by
Prof Tony JAKEMAN, Dr Barry Croke, Juliet Gil-
more, Rebecca Letcher, Lachlan Newham and Chris
Buller with Sue Cuddy and Michael Reed, CSIRO
Land and Water
Groundwater modelling: modelling of the Jemalong
and Wyldes Plains Irrigation District and Lake Cowal
aquifer system by Ruben LAMPAYAN, Dr Fereidoun
GHASSEMI, Prof Ian WHITE and Prof Tony JAKE-
MAN with NSW Department of Land and Water
Conservation (Forbes and Dubbo offices).
Issues in integrated modelling and assessment (case
study on off-allocation access in the Namoi) by Rebecca
LETCHER with assistance and data provided by NSW
Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW
Department of Agriculture and Australian Cotton Re-
search Institute (ACRI) staff.
CHESS — The Central Highlands Environmental Sys-
tems Study by Dr David LINDENMAYER with Dr
Brendan Mackey, CRES, ANU; Dr Michael McCa-
rthy, University of Melbourne; Dr Malcolm Gill,
CSIRO Plant Industry, Ryan Incoll, CRES; Dr Ross
Cunningham, Statistics, ANU; C Donnelly, Statistics,
ANU; Dr Janette Lindesay, Geography, ANU.
Tree hollows and wildlife conservation: a textbook by
Dr David LINDENMAYER with Dr P. Gibbons,
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Queanbey-
an NSW
The Tumut fragmentation experiment by Dr David
Statistics, ANU; David RAWLINGS, Landscape Ecol-
Michael McCarthy, Departmant of Botany, University
of Melbourne; Prof Henry NIX, CRES; Prof Hugh
Possingham, Adelaide; Dr R Lacy, Brookfield Zoo,
Chicago; C DONNELLY, Statistics, ANU; Dr R.
PEAKALL, Botany and Zoology, ANU; Prof C. Mo-
ritz, Department of Zoology, University of Qld; Dr D.
Patkeau, Department of Zoology, University of Qld;
Prof H. Tyndale-Biscoe, RSBS, ANU; Dr A. Taylor,
Department of Biological Science, Monash University
A new textbook on the importance of off-reserve lands
and matrix management for biodiversity conservation
by Dr David LINDENMAYER with Dr J.F. Franklin,
University of Washington, Seattle.
Biophysical considerations in integrated catchment
management: a modelling system for Northern Thai-
land by Wendy MERRITT which forms part of the
Integrated Water Resources Assessment and Manage-
ment (IWRAM) project, a collaborative project
involving the Royal Project Foundation of Thailand,
the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Re-
search (ACIAR), the Department of Land

Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
Development in Thailand, the Australian National
University and university departments from Chiang
Mai, Maijo, and Kasetstart Universities.
Linking catchment characteristics to sediment and nu-
trient generation in the Upper Murrumbidgee
catchment by Lachlan NEWHAM with Strategic Part-
nerships with Industry — Research and Training
Long-term environmental change and landform evolu-
tion by Prof C.D. OLLIER with Prof Karna Lichnar-
Bergstrom Department of Physical Geographer Univer-
sity of Stockholm Sweden; Dr C.F. Pain, Australian
Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra; Dr J.P. Ter-
ry Department of Geography, University of the South
Pacific Fiji; Prof M. Coltorti Dipartimento di Scienze
della Terra Universita di Siena Italy; Prof J. Rabassa,
Rector Comahue University Neuquen Argentina.; Prof
R. Bourman, University of South Australia.
Ecological-economic modelling by Dr Jack PEZZEY
with Marty Anderies, CSIRO Division of Wildlife and
Ecology, Canberra
Reviews of economics of sustainability by Dr Jack PEZ-
ZEY with Mike Toman, Resources for the Future,
Washington DC (co-author)
Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature entries dealing
with Aboriginal Australia by Dr Deborah Bird ROSE, a
member of the Oceania Task Force, with general editor,
Bron Taylor, Director of Environmental Studies, and
Oshkosh Foundation Professor of Religion and Social
Ethics, the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
A book of collected essays on frontier landscapes by Dr
Deborah Bird ROSE co-edited with Dr Richard Davis,
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Is-
lander Studies. 
Dreaming ecology, Victoria River Region, Northern
Territory by Dr Deborah Bird ROSE with the Ngarin-
man, Bilinara, Ngaliwurru, Mudbura, Gurindji,
Malngin, and other Victoria River peoples.
Indigenous ecological knowledge in the northern flood-
plains by Dr Deborah Bird ROSE with the White-
bellied Sea Eagle clan (Rak Mak Mak), and the eco-
photographer Sharon D’Amico.
A rainfall-runoff modelling workshop centred around
the use of the model IHACRES conducted by Sergei
SCHREIDER and Jason EVANS for the Thai Depart-
ment of Land Development (DLD) in Bangkok,
Streamflow modelling in the Island Bend Catchment,
Snowy River by Dr Sergei SCHREIDER and Prof
Tony JAKEMAN with Geoffrey Adams, Snowy Moun-
tains Hydro-electric Authority (SMHEA)
Ecological economics theory by Dr David STERN with
Robert Kaufmann, Boston and Cutler Cleveland, Bos-
ton University, Robert Costanza, University of
Maryland; Mike Young, CSIRO; Steve Dovers, ANU
Global Climate Change by Dr David STERN with Dr
Robert Kaufmann, Boston University
Environmental Kuznets Curve by Dr David STERN
with Dr Roger Perman, University of Strathclyde; Mick
Common, University of Strathclyde
Resilience and resource depletion by Dr David STERN
with Dr Charles Perrings, University of York; Dr Cutler
Cleveland, Boston University
Hydrological analysis for the integration of agroforestry
into Australia’s farming systems by Jenny TICE-
HURST with CSIRO and the MDBC, as part of the
‘Heartlands’ Initiative. There is particularly a strong
link with CSIRO Land and Water due to supervision by
Dr Hamish Cresswell and Dr Neil McKenzie.
The vulnerability of the city: urban environment, infra-
structure investment by Prof Patrick TROY with
University of Western Sydney, Campbelltown and
Warren Centre, University of Sydney.
Catchment response to land use and climate change by
Prof R.J. WASSON with Kalgan case study (WA): Ag-
riculture WA, UWA; Ord case study (WA): Agriculture
WA, Rivers and Waters Commission, CSIRO, Aarhus
University; Herbert Case Study (Qld): CSIRO, DNR,
AIMS; Murrumbidgee case study (NSW): CSIRO,
Starr Consulting.
Futures in natural resource and environmental manage-
ment: postgraduate student think-tank by Su WILD
RIVER with assistance from Arcadian Solutions, con-
sulting agency.
Case studies of local government attempts to deliver en-
vironmental outcomes by Su WILD RIVER with about
45 individuals around Australia, mostly from local
Hydrogeology of the Pilliga Sandstone Aquifer in the
Western Coonamble Embayment and its implications
for water resource management by Carolann WOLF-
GANG with DLWC Parramatta and Dubbo offices
The Faculties
Faculty of Arts
Archaeology and Anthropology
Planning for project on Clines and Boundaries by Dr R.
and Prof R. Ward and Dr C. Gosden, Oxford
The Land of Iron: The Historical Archaeology of Luwu
and the Cenrana Valley. Results of the Origin of Com-
plex Society in South Sulawesi Project (OXIS) by Dr

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