AnnRpt2000. book

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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
China: APEC Agenda in 2001 by Ligang SONG with
Zhang Yunling, APEC Policy Research Centre CASS,
Private enterprise development in China: a study report
by Ligang SONG with Yang Yao, China Centre for
Economic Research, Peking University.
Asian agri-food demand trends by Ray TREWIN with
Mark Rosegrant, International Food Policy Research
Institute, Washington, DC.
Improving Japanese agricultural trade policies by Ray
TREWIN with Masayoshi HONMA, Seikei Universi-
ty, Tokyo; Alan Rae, Massey University, New Zealand;
Randy Stringer, Adelaide University; Yoshihisa Godo,
Meiji University, Tokyo.
Review of the survey of regional trade and investment
impediments by Ray TREWIN with Rob Scollay,
Auckland University; Shujiro Urata, Waseda Universi-
ty, Tokyo; Mari Pangestu, CSIS, Jakarta.
Integration of social development into economic plan-
ning by Ray TREWIN with Tran Tho Dat, Hanoi
Economics University; Orbeta Aniceto, PIDS, Manila.
Capital Mobility, Crisis and Adjustment in Malaysia by
Prema-Chandra ATHUKORALA with Michael Yap,
Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, Malaysia;
Ashok Gulati, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi.
Processed Food Exports from Developing Countries by
Prema-Chandra ATHUKORALA with Bhanupong
Nidhiprobha, Thamassat University, Thailand; Hansh-
eng Wang, Beijing University, China.
Liberalisation of exchange controls in Bangladesh by
George FANE with Helal Ahammad, Economic Re-
search Centre, University of Western Australia.
Analysis of welfare changes in computable general equi-
librium models by George FANE with Helal
Ahammad, Economic Research Centre, University of
Western Australia.
Philippine economy project by Hal HILL with A.
Balisacan, University of the Philippines.
Project on East Timor: an economic policy framework
for rapid growth by Hal HILL with Joao Saldanha, Uni-
versity of California, San Diego.
Global dimensions of demographic change by Warwick
McKIBBIN with Ralph Bryant, Brookings Institution,
Economics for an integrated world by Warwick McK-
IBBIN with Peter Wilcoxen, University of Texas at
Austin, USA.
Monetary and fiscal policy rules in the European Union
by Warwick McKIBBIN with Reinhard Neck, Univer-
sity of Klagenfurt, Austria; Gottfried Haber, University
of Klagenfurt, Austria.
The need for both intertemporal optimization and
stickiness in real world policy model by Warwick McK-
IBBIN with David Vines, Oxford University.
The gains from trade liberalisation with endogenous
productivity and risk premia effects by Warwick McK-
IBBIN with Andrew Stoeckel, Centre for International
Economics, Canberra.
Greenhouse gas policy in Australia by Warwick McK-
IBBIN with David Pearce, Centre for International
Economics, Canberra; K.K. Tang, University of
Queensland, QLD.
Global costs of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions by Warwick McKIBBIN with Philip Bagnoli,
Department of Finance, Canada; Robert Shackleton,
US Environmental Protection Agency, USA.
Labour market integration in urban China by Xin
MENG with Margaret Maurer-Fazio, Bates College,
USA; Hansheng Wang, Beijing University, China.
Two-tier labour markets in urban China: occupational
segregation and wage differentials between urban resi-
dents and rural migrants by Xin MENG with Junsen
Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The gender earnings gap: effects of institutions and
firms — a comparative study of French and Australian
private firms by Xin MENG with Dominique Meurs,
University of Paris II, Paris.
Ownership and technical efficiency — a cross section
study on the third industrial census of China by Mei
WEN with Dong Li, Texas A&M University, Texas;
Peter Lloyd and Stephen King, University of Mel-
bourne, Melbourne.
Excess capacity investment: government vs private firms
by Mei WEN with Dan Sasaki, University of Exeter,
Spatial distribution of manufacturing in China by Mei
WEN with Mary Amiti, University of Melbourne.
Japanese legal Historiography by Leon WOLFF with P.
Schmidt, Centre for Asian and Pacific Legal Systems,
Faculty of Law, University of Sydney.
Japanese legal abbreviations by Leon WOLFF with L.
Nottage, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, Japan.
Comparative corporate compliance by Leon WOLFF
with C. Parker, School of Law, The University of New
South Wales; S.K. Jayasuriya, Latrobe University,
Graduate Program in Public Policy
Technological change in the knowledge-based economy
by Donald LAMBERTON with G. Madden, Curtin
University, Perth.

Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
Industry Policy, Department of Political Science by
Glenn WITHERS with J. Wanna, Griffith University,
National Centre for Development Studies
Impact of National Competition Policy in Social Policy
Areas by Michael HESS with David Adams, Depart-
ment of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria.
Country Study Human Resource Management Practic-
es in PNG by Michael HESS with Benedict Imbun,
University of Papua, New Guinea, Port Moresby.
Fiji Sugar Industry: assessing international sugar market
reforms and their impacts and defining appropriate re-
sponses by Padma LAL with Jenny Bellamy, CSIRO
Brisbane; Kalio Tavola, Sugar Commission of Fiji,
Lautoka, Fiji; Mahendra Reddy, University of the
South Pacific, Suva, Fiji; Inoke Ratukalou, Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Fiji; Keshwa Reddy,
Ministry of Planning, Mark Williams, Ministry of
Lands, Fiji.
Corruption in Australia by Peter LARMOUR with Pe-
ter Grabosky, Australian Institute of Criminology,
Public Policy in Vietnam by Peter LARMOUR with Dr
Tranh, Ho Chi Minh Political Academy, Hanoi.
Financial Sector Reform in Vietnam by Suiwah LE-
UNG with Ngo Huy Duc, Ho Chi Min National
Political Army, Vietnam.
Asia Pacific Press by Maree TAIT with Linda Crowl,
University of the South Pacific, Suva; University of Ha-
waii Press, Honolulu; Oxford University Press, Oxford;
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; ADB, Philippines; Federa-
tion Press, Sydney; Conservation Melanesia Inc.,
Boroko; Mike Manning, Institute of National Affairs,
Port Moresby.
Short course training by Maree TAIT with Greg Bauer,
Macquarie University, Sydney
Sustainable development planning for Aboriginal com-
munities by Elspeth YOUNG with H. Ross, CRES,
ANU; J. Davies, University of Adelaide.
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy 
Opportunity Costs of Indigenous Disadvantage by Jon
ALTMAN with Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Native Title Representative Bodies: Re-Determination
Processes by Julie FINLAYSON and David MARTIN
with ATSIC Central Office
The History of Aboriginal Rights by Robert LEVITUS
with National Museum of Australia:
Baseline Indigenous Comparative Social and Economic
Study by Kate ROSS and John TAYLOR with the AT-
SIC State Office in New South Wales
Mediation of the Ngunawal Regional Agreement agree-
ment with the Australian Capital Territory
Government by Diane SMITH with NNTT
Mutitjulu Project by John TAYLOR with Parks Aus-
tralia North division of Environment Australia
Structural Barriers to Improved Nutrition Among Abo-
riginal People in the Katherine Region by John
TAYLOR and Neil WESTBURY with Fred Hollows
Foundation and the Jawoyn Association
Involvement of ATSIC Murdi Paaki Regional Council
in Proposed Barwon Darling Alliance Credit Union by
Neil WESTBURY with ATSIC State Office in New
South Wales
Centre for Educational Development 
and Academic Methods
The use of self managed tutorial groups in undergradu-
ate teaching and learning by Malcolm PETTIGROVE
with Linda Glassop, Research Fellow in the Euro-Aus-
tralian Co-operation Centre, University of Melbourne.
Centre for Mental Health Research
Collaborators in Program Research:
Anstey, Dr K., Prince of Wales Medical Research Insti-
tute, Randwick NSW
Easteal, Dr S., John Curtin School of Medical Research,
The Australian National University.
Grayson, Dr D., CERA, Concord Hospital, Sydney,
Hofer, Dr S., Dept of Human Development and Fam-
ily Studies and Centre for Developmental and Health
Genetics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Lynskey, Dr M., Lecturer National Drug & Alcohol
Research Centre, University of New South Wales,
Marshall, Dr R., Manager, Information and Perform-
ance Evaluation, Department of Human Services,
O'Toole, Dr B., Research Fellow, Department of Pub-
lic Health, UNSW.
Prior, Prof M., Department of Psychology, University
of Melbourne.
Pritchard, Z., Department of Botanical and Zoological
Sciences, ANU.
Sanson, Dr A., Department of Psychology, University
of Melbourne.

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