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Pronouns - Adverbs (Elementary \ Pre-Intermediate)
Book 1 Part B

60. The bananas were not ripe, so we did not buy ______ .
A) it
B) its
C) them
D) they
61. Please open the window. I can’t reach ______ .
A) him
B) her
C) them
D) it
62. My father listened to the news. He was very pleased with ______.
A) they
B) them
C) it
D) its
63. Can you tell me ______ best way to the station?
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) _
64. She works as ______ clerk in a very large bank.
A) a
B) an
C) the
65. Cyprus is ______ island in the Mediterranean.
A) a
B) _
C) the
D) an
66. There is ______ excellent film on television this evening.
A) a
B) __
C) the
D) an
67. In England there is a saying. “______ apple a day keeps the doctor
away”. This means that apples keep you healthy.
A) An
B) A
C) The
68. It is going to rain. I must buy ______ umbrella quickly.
A) an
B) a
C) the
D) __
69. ______ other day I had a letter from my friend.
A) A
B) An
C) _
D) The
70. They enjoyed ______ at the party.
A) himself
B) themselves
C) them
D) __
71. My friend cut ______ when she was cooking.
A) myself
B) himself
C) herself
D) her
72. Help ______ to some more coffee.
A) yourself
B) myself
C) you
D) yours
73. I taught ______ to play the guitar. I’ve never had lessons.
A) me
B) myself
C) himself
D) herself
74. The cow hurt ______ when it tried to get through the fence.
A) himself
B) herself
C) itself
D) themselves
75. That machine is automatic. It runs by ______ .
A) itself
B) it
C) themselves
D) herself
76. She is wearing ______ unusual dress .
A) a
C) the
D) an
77. The car was traveling at more than 90 miles ______ hour when the
accident happened.
A) an
B) a
C) _
D) the
78. It’s ______ time for us to go home.
A) _
B) a
C) the
D) an
79. This cake was made with ______ butter so it should be good.
A) a
B) _
C) the
D) an
80. His parents and ______ went to a concert last weekend.
A) me
B) our
C) mine
D) us
81. I enjoyed ______ vacation. Did you enjoy ______ too ?
A) me
B) my
yourself C) mine
D) my
82. ______ of the children is sick today.
A) One
B) Fewer
C) Many
D) Some
83. Everyone is responsible for ______ own composition.
A) his
B) their
C) nobody’s
D) all their
84. I asked her ______ was on the phone.
A) which
B) who
C) whom
D) whomever
85. I don’t have ______ petrol in my car.
A) some
B) no
C) any
D) lots of
86. He knows ______ about sports.
A) nothing
B) anything
C) at all
D) something
87. The children ran screaming into ______ own rooms.
A) his
B) they’re
C) their
D) its
88. ______ of us are staying home.
A) Some
B) A little
C) Couples
D) Much
89. There is ______ food in the house.
A) none
B) some
C) no
D) any
90. Misfortunes like that aren’t ______ fault.
A) each
B) anybody
C) no one’s
D) anybody’s
91. This test is for students ______ native language is not English.
A) that
B) whose
C) of whom
D) which
92. Please lend me ______ dollar.
A) a
B) an
C) any
D) a few
93. Her mother wants ______ to wash the dishes.
A) she
B) her
C) hers
D) she herself
94. Each of the children ______ given a box of chocolate.
A) was
B) were
C) are
D) aren’t
95. Everyone ______ in the room now.
A) are
B) is
C) were
D) weren’t
96. Everybody in the classroom ______ sleepy.
A) is
B) has
C) are
D) weren’t
97. They were here, but they have gone back to ______ apartment.
A) they’re
B) theirs
C) hers
D) their
98. A couple of the players ______ leaving now.
A) is
B) are
C) was
D) were
99. All the businessmen ______ staying at the hotel.
A) isn’t
B) was
C) is
D) are
100. A: Whose coat it that?
B : It’s ______ .
A) my daughter’s
B) of my daughter
C) to my daughter
D) of my daughter’s
101. A: Do you have five dollars?
B: No, I don’t, but Oswald has ______ money with him.
A) a lot of
B) much of
C) many
D) lots
102. Someone forgot an umbrella. I’ll try to find out ______ it is.
A) whom
B) of whom
C) whose
D) who
103. Most of the students ______ in the classroom now.
A) were
B) was
C) are
D) is
104. A: May I help you?
B: Yes, I want three ______ .
A) cans beans
B) cans of beans C) can of beans D) can beans
105. Half of the salad ______ yours.
A) is
B) were
C) are
D) aren’t
106. “That coat is expensive, isn’t it?” “Yes, it costs ______ .”
A) very many
B) a lot of
C) too much money
D) too many
107. A: Let’s have lunch at the Sultan Restaurant.
B: I can’t. I didn’t bring ______ money today.
A) some
B) any
C) none
D) no
108. A: Would you like some coffee?
B: Yes please, but just ______ .
A) few
B) a few
C) little
D) a little
109. A: Whose house is that?
B: It’s ______ .
A) the Taylor
B) the Taylors
C) the Taylor’s
D) the Taylors’
110. Would you like ______ of this cake?
A) some
B) a few
C) few
D) little
111. The boy has a knife. Don’t let him cut ______ .
A) himself
B) itself
C) herself
D) yourself
112. A: Do you read a lot?
B: Yes, I read ______ books every year.
A) a lot
B) a lot of
C) too much
D) very few
113. A: What is the matter with the baby?
B: She is ______ hungry.
A) a few
B) a little
C) little
D) few
114. My niece can’t find her umbrella. Is this blue one ______ ?
A) of her
B) his
C) mine
D) hers
115. He paid for an ice-cream for ______ .
A) I
B) mine
C) my
D) me
116. A: Have you read this new book by Robert O’Neill?
B: No, I haven’t. ______ like to read it.
A) He’d
B) She’d
C) We’d
D) I’d
117. A: Is Ashley’s new dress blue?
B: No, ______ is green. Helen’s is blue.
A) hers
B) her
C) mine
D) ours

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