Boesenbergia longiflora (Zingiberaceae) and descriptions of five related new taxa

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L); Mae Sot Dist., 20 Aug 1994, Maxwell 94-911 (BKF).

 Kanchanaburi Province. Tha Sao 

Dist., 14 Sep 2010, Mood & Chalermglin 2049 (BISH; *); Huai Kayeng Dist., 15 Sep 2010, 

Mood & Chalermglin 2058 (BISH; *); Sai Yok, 16 Sep 2010, Mood Triboun 3009 (BISH; 

*); Sai Yok, 100 m, Aug 1928, Marcan s.n.(C, K); Ka Tha Lai, Fan Faung River Valley, 25 

km east of Wangka, 1 Jun 1946, Kostermans 787 (AAU, BO, C, L, P; *); Sai Sok Falls, 30 

Jun 1963, Larsen 10349 (AAU; *); Dong Yai Ban Ka Kwang, 14 Aug 1971, Phengkhlai 2959 

(AAU, BKF); Thong Pa Phum, 5 Jul 1973, Maxwell 73-109 (AAU; *); Sai Yok, Marcan s.n

(C, K); Thong Pha Phum, Triboun 21 (BK; *); Huay Ban Kao to Kritee, 4 Jul 1973, Geesink & 

Phengkhlai 6088 (BKF, L). 

Notes.  Boesenbergia kerrii is similar to 

B.  longiflora,  but the former has a more 

exserted, longer floral tube, broader, longer lip with a truncate apex, different labellum 

colour pattern and rectangular throat opening. When habitats are compared, B. kerrii 

is found only on or around limestone, while the type of 

B. longiflora and the specimen, 

Kress 03-7305 (US) appear to have been collected on sandstone or shale derived soils 

(USACE 1990). The small, bulb-like rhizomes described under 

B. longiflora are also 

found in B. kerrii. 

Boesenbergia collinsii Mood & L.M.Prince,

 sp. nov. 

Boesenbergiae longiflorae affinis, rhizomatium parvorum aliquot absentia radicibus


longis  crassis  tuberosis  abuntis,  pseudocaule  breviore  50

80  cm  longo,  floribus 

maioribus 4

4.2 cm longis 3 cm latis differt. 

TYPUS: Mood 12P171, Cultivated in Hawaii, USA, 1 Nov 2012  (holo BK; iso AAU). 

Originally from Thailand, Loei Province, eastern border with Nong Bua Lamphu 

Province, along road to Udon Thani, no exact location, c. 300 m asl, August 2003, 

Collins T-3068, cultivated as M06P14. (Fig. 10, 11, 17 & 19C)

Deciduous herb up to 80 cm tall; rhizome small, elongate c. 5 × 0.5 cm, externally 

brownish, internally yellow; tuberous roots prolific, c. 15-20, c. 10 × 1 cm, swelling 

to 1.5 cm in the lower third or tapering, externally pink, internally three concentric 

pink rings, root hairs many, c. 8 mm long, thin, white. Pseudostem  up to c. 20 cm 

long, composed of leaf sheaths, base oval, c. 2

-2.5 cm diam., 1-

2 leafless sheaths at 

the base, leaf sheaths longitudinally ridged, green or green and red, glabrous, margin 

hyaline. Leaves 5

-6 per pseudostem; petiole 12-16 cm, deeply channelled, light green 

or reddish, glabrous; ligule slightly bilobed, lobes an extension of the hyaline margin, 

c. 3 mm long, white, glabrous; lamina elliptical or broadly ovate, c. 28

-44 × 12-19 

cm, ventrally dark green, glabrous, dorsally lighter green, glabrous with a few hairs 

on the midrib, base rounded to cordate, sometimes asymmetric, apex acute to long 


Inflorescence radical, c. 3-6 or more per pseudostem, up to c. 9 cm long 

(including peduncle) produced from the rhizome below the stem; peduncle c. 1 cm 

long, white, glabrous, basal sheaths 1

-2, white, glabrous; spike horn-shaped, 5-8.5 × 

3 cm. Bracts cymbiform, c. 4, c. 5

-8 × 1.5-2 cm, distichously arranged, green or dark 

red, each bract enclosing one flower, apex sometimes curved; bracteole cylindrical, 

c. 5 × 0.5 cm, white, translucent, glabrous, open to the base, apex acute. Flowers c. 4 

per inflorescence, up to c. 15 cm long. Calyx tubular, 2 × 0.5 cm, white, translucent, 


Gard. Bull. Singapore 65(1) 2013

Fig. 10. Boesenbergia collinsii Mood & L.M.PrinceInk line drawing with watercolour of the 

type plant by Linda Ann Vorobik (2012).


Boesenbergia longiflora and related taxa

Fig. 11.  Boesenbergia collinsii Mood & L.M.Prince. A. 

First-day flower of M06P14B. & C. 

Flower and plants of M3035. D. Rhizome and tuberous roots of M06P14. (Photos: J. Mood)


Gard. Bull. Singapore 65(1) 2013

glabrous, apex bi-dentate. Floral tube 14 cm long, 3 mm wide at the base, white, 

glabrous externally and internally, dorsal corolla lobe lanceolate, 3

-3.2 × 1 cm, creamy 

white, glabrous, margins involute, ventral lobes linear, 4 × 0.6 cm, creamy white, 

glabrous, margins involute; androecial tube cup-shaped, c. 8 mm long, c. 5 mm diam. 

at the top, yellow, glabrous externally and internally. Labellum saccate, semi-orbicular, 



4.2 cm long, 3 cm wide (when flattened at broadest point) light yellow, throat centre 

bright orange-red, maculate with yellow showing through as dots, interrupted with a 

yellow, irregular band, then a dark red band across the lip, turning to pink towards the 

apex, externally with a few glandular hairs, internally glabrous, margin entire, revolute 

on the sides, apex slightly truncate, wavy; lateral staminodes obovate, 1.6 × 1 cm, 

light yellow, dorsal surface with few glandular hairs, ventral surface glabrous, apex 

rounded, revolute, margin wavy. Stamen

 11 mm long, filament 1.5-2 mm long, 2-3 

mm wide at the base, light yellow, few glandular hairs, anther c. 9 mm long, 3 mm 

wide (first day) then c. 6 mm wide (thecae diverging on the second day) apex slightly 

bilobed with no anther crest, thecae 9 × 1 mm, red, dehiscing along the entire length. 

Ovary c. 8 × 5 mm, trilocular, axile placentation, white, glabrous; style

 filiform, white, 

glabrous, stigma rounded to oval, white, ostiole oval, without cilia, exuding a sticky 

liquid on the second day; epigynous glands narrowly ovate, two, 5 mm long, light 

yellow. Fruit a capsule, elliptical, c. 2 cm long, 1 cm wide, trilocular, white, glabrous, 

dehiscence loculicidal, valves rolling outward into coils; seed round, c. 15, c. 3 mm 

diam., light brown, slightly pubescent, aril white, translucent. (Measurements based 

on living, cultivated material of M06P14).

Distribution. This species is more northerly in distribution than B. kerrii, extending 

from Northern Lampang Province into Southern Lamphun Province. Moving eastward, 

the species is not documented again until the mountains of northern Phitsanulok 

Province, then northward into Loei and Nong Bua Lamphu Provinces. Currently, there 

are no known specimens from the Lao P.D.R.

Ecology. This species has been found only on or around the base and slopes of limestone 

outcrops in secondary forest with bamboo. Specimens from eastern Thailand also 

occur on the lower slopes of larger mountains with limestone geology. The plants 

prefer wet, but well-drained micro-habitats, even growing in the cracks and crevices 

of rock similar to B. kerrii. A single plant was found growing in a tree crotch, possibly 

indicating some consumption of the capsules and seed by rodents or birds. Plants can 

occur singly or as small populations of scattered individuals. 


Flowering from June to mid-October with a two-day flowering cycle for 

each flower.

Etymology. Named for Mark Collins (1963

-2011) an American horticulturist who was 

an avid plant collector and enthusiast. For over twenty years he promoted Zingiberales 

worldwide and provided hundreds of plants to botanical gardens for conservation. This 


Boesenbergia longiflora and related taxa

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