Bourgeois Deeds: How Capitalism Made Modernity 1700-1848

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1 Mokyr Gift of Athena DATE

2 cite

3 Le Roy Ladurie 1978 (1980), p. 337.

4 Cite Landes

5 Cite Smith; italics supplied.

6 Cite Arjo

7 Insert cite to Oxford Economics report on India

8 Delacroix 1995, p. 126.

9 Book I, section 40, p. 54 of English edition; I.43, p. 57; II.65, p. 138.

10 Le Roy Ladurie 1978 (1980), p. 340.

11 Keynes 1936, p. 383.

12 Das Kapital 1867, German edition, Band 23, 1962, p. 168.

13 Plantinga 2000, p. xiv.

14 For the international comparisons Maddison 1991, 2001; for Britain itself Feinstein 1978, 1988 and Crafts 1985a. For an engaging summary and interpretation, Brad de Long NNNN.

15 Maddison 2001, p. 264, Table B-21.

16 Boswell, Life, 1763, Aetat. 54, Everyman ed., I, p. 273.

17 Hist Ec Anal, p. 571.

18 Thus Richard Bronk argues, p. 61 of MS., “There is no evidence” just before para. “Mill believed”

19 cite Levy and Sandra Peart

20 personal correspondence, quoted in Cameron.

21 Letter to Thomas Bentley, quoted in Mokyr 2008, p. 89 [or thereabouts]

22 quoted in Mokyr 2008, p. 89 [or thereabouts]

23 1830: I, ii, 185

24 HisEcAnal 1954, p. 572n5.

25 Hist Ec Anal p. 572.

26 Lindert and Williamson 1983a.

27 1971: 41 2.

28 1941 :41.

29 Jones 1981, 1988; Mokyr 1990a.

30 cite

31 Crafts 1985a and Harley 1982

32 McCloskey 1991.

33 Berg 1985; Hudson 1986, 1989

34 Musson 1978: 8, 61, 167 8.

35 Mokyr 2008, p. 93 or so.

36 Macaulay, 1830, p. 185.

37 Tusser, Five Hundred Points, 1580, p. 13. I modernize spelling and punctuation in quoting earlier English. The past is a foreign country, but the fact should show in its strange behavior and strange ideas, not in its spelling conventions.

38 Introduction by A. L. Basham, p. 120, to in Embree, ed., Sources of Indian Tradition, Vol. I. The passage below is Dīgha Nikāya 3.182ff., reprinted p. 123

39 Walter, late 13th century, in Oschinsky, 1971, p. 309.

40 Senechaucy, late 13th century, in Oschinsky, 1971, p. 269.

41 Tusser, Five Hundred Points, 1580, p. 18.

42 Dickens, David Copperfield, 1849-50, Chapter 12.

43 McCloskey and Nash, "Corn at Interest, " 1984. Cf. Cipolla, 1993, p. 89.

44 Fogel, Escape from Hunger, 2004.

45 Innes, "Introduction," 1988, TITLE, p. 5.

46 Weber 1923 [trans Frank Knight 1927], p. 355.

47 Weber, Protestant Ethic, 1904-05, p. 17.

48 Boswell's Life, April 14, 1778, quoted in Mathias, p. 302.

49 Marx, Capital, 1867, Chp. 24, Sec. 3, p. 651.

50 E.g. Marx, Capital, 1867, Chp. 24, Sec. 1, p. 641; and Chp. 26, p. 784, "We have seen how money is changed into capital; how through capital [a] surplus-value is made, and from surplus value more capital."

51 Santhi Hejeebu and I have laid out the case against Polanyi's economic history in "The Reproving of Karl Polanyi," 2000.

52 Heilbroner, Worldly Philosophers, DATE, p. 201. Compare p. 156, "an owner-entrepreneur engaged in an endless race," and so forth.

53 Weber, Protestant Ethic, 1904-05, p. 53.

54 Marx, Capital, 1867, Chp. 24, p. 652. And "accumulation for accumulation's sake, production for production's sake."

55 Lawrence, Studies, 1924. The most well-known of the amused ironies is his comment on a late addition to his list of virtues, Humility: "I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue; but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it” Claude-Anne Lopez remarked once that Franklin will lack a full biography until someone with a sense of humor attempts it.

56 Weber, Protestant Ethic, 1904-05, p. 51, italics supplied.

57 Tronto, Moral Boundaries, 1993, p. 29.

58 Haskell's remark is quoted in Innis, "Introduction," 1988, p. 39n61.

59 Macfarlane, Culture of Capitalism, 1987, p. 226.

60 Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759 1790, III.6.6, p. 173.

61 Marx, Communist Manifesto, 1948, p. 59.

62 Mathias 1973, “Capital, Credit and Enterprise in the Industrial Revolution," where exactly?

63 Rostow, Stages, 1960; Easterly, Elusive Quest, 2001.

64 McCloskey, "Industrial Revolution," 1981.

65 Jones, Increasing Returns, 1933 should be better known among economists. A student of Marshall, he anticipated the mathematics of the "residual." He died young, and his work was forgotten except by economic historians.

66 Pomeranz, Great Divergence, DATE

67 Marx, Capital, 1867, p. 784.

68 Gerschenkron, "Reflections on the Concept of `Prerequisites,'" 1957, p. 33.

69 Marx, Capital, 1867, Chp. 24, Sec. 3, p. 656.

70 Crafts, Leybourne, and Mills, 1991, Table 7.2, p. 113.

71 Postan is quoted with approval by another great student of the times, Carlo Cipolla in Cipolla, 1993, p. 91.

72 Capital, p. 785.

73 Capital, p. 833.

74 Wallerstein TTLE DATE

75 Augustine, Confessions, 398 AD, IV, x.

76 See Douglass North's Under the Process, 2004, and Ogilvie's devastating empirical inquiry Ogilvie, 2004 into the Panglossian hypothesis.

77 Hist Ec Anal 1954, p. 572n2.

78 Schumpeter, The Theory of Economic Development 1926 [1934], p. 72.

79 Capital, p. 794.

80 Mokyr, Gifts of Athena, 2002, p. 297.

81 See for instance Baechler, 1971; McNeill, 1982; Jones, 1988; Tilly, 1990; Macfarlane, 2000.

82 Winthrop quoted in Innes, "Puritanism and Capitalism," 1994, p. 106.

83 Simmel, Philosophy of Money, 1900 1907, p. 444.

84 Quoted in Wood, Broken Estate, 1999, p. 262.

85 Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws 1748, I, p. 321, Book XX sec. 7, quoted in Innes 1994, p. 96.

86 Pat Hudson gives a brief but penetrating introduction to the issue in pp. 218-225 of her lucid classic, The Industrial Revolution 1992.

87 Hume 1741, “Of Civil Liberty,” p. 93.

88 Cite my books on this

89 As has been argued in detail by David Edgerton in Science, Technology, 1996 and Warfare State, 2005.]

90O’Brien and Engerman 1991 demur.

91 Ippolito 1975

92 Pollard 1973, 1981a; within Britain cf. Hudson 1989 and Crafts 1989a.

93 Mokyr 1985b: 175

94 Mokyr 1985b: 22 3 and works cited there

95 Comte-Sponville 1996 (2001), p. 89. The fount of such views in France is said to be the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Raymond Aron complains in his Memoirs 1983 (1990), p. 216 that when Merleau-Ponty writes in 1947 "as though it were an obvious truth, that 'the moral and material civilization of England presupposes the exploitation of colonies,’ he flippantly resolves a still open question."

96 The locus classicus for these calculations is Davis and Huttenback 1988.

97 Edelstein statistics from Floud and McC

98 citation

99 For the pro transport side, against my argument, see Szostak 1991.

100 McCloskey 1972; Allen 1992.

101 McCloskey 1975; Wordie 1983

102 Kussmaul cite.

103 E.g. Wrigley 1988;

104 1776: Lix.15: 112; cf. 1776: Lviii.24: 89.

105 Greenfeld 2001, p. 1.

106 Greenfeld 2001, p. 57.

107 Greenfeld 2001, p. 23.

108 Greenfeld 2001, p. 24

109 Greenfeld 2001, p. 23.

110 Greenfeld 2001, p. 58.

111 Greenfled 2001, p. 57.

112 Wheeler 1601, quoted in Greenfield 2001, p. 40.

113 Greenfeld 2001, p. 15.

114 Greenfeld 2001, p. 16; the phrases quoted just below are from the same paragraph.

115 Greenfeld 2001, p. 45.

116 Greenfeld 2001, p. 23.

117 Greenfeld 2001, p. 52.

118 Defoe, DATES, p. NNN, quoted in Greenfeld, p. 51.

119 Defoe DATES, Complete English Tradesman, p. NNN [about 140 or so], quoted in Greenfeld 2001, p. 55.

120 McCloskey 2006, pp. 243-244.

121 Greenfeld 2001, pp. 50, 57

122 Greenfeld 2001, p. 24.

123 Fiske 1991, p. 13; he means "marked" in the grammatical sense, that is, "specially acknowledged".

124 Geertz 1979, p. 137, quoted in North 1991, p. 104, italics supplied.

125 North 1991, p. 98.

126 North in fact made a notable scientific contribution, his best, in his work on ocean freight rates before the 19th century document just such effects. Cite.

127 Clark 2007 is good on this, pp. 10, 212.

128 Cite Hume

129 Mokyr 2008, p. 94 or so.

130 All this is from Mokyr 2008, p. 95-97 or so.

131 Cite Sol Tax

132 Postgate 1992, p. 80; the town’s actual name is uncertain.

133 Inferred using R. M. Adams’ densities from Postgate 1992, pp. 74, 80.

134 Kramer 1963, p. 89.

135 For example, Postan DDD, Herlihy DDDD; Raftis DDDD; McCloskey 1976.

136 McCormick 2002, p. 681.

137 Macfarlane 1979, p. 54.

138 As for example do Hejeebu and McCloskey 1999; 2005.

139 cite guy criticizing us

140 Polanyi, Great Transformation, p. 62.

141 Polanyi, The Livelihood of Man, p. 39.

142 Mauss 1923

143 Polanyi, The Livelihood of Man 1977, p. 40.

144 Polanyi, The Great Transformation, pp. 54-55. Polanyi later grouped householding as a special case of redistribution and includes ‘market’ as a third type of ‘economic integration’ Trade and Markets in Early Empires, 1957 and The Livelihood of Man, 1977.

145 McCormick 2001, pp.

146 Snell 1997, p. 149.

147 Gelb 1969; Veenhof 1972.

148 Cite from autobiography of NNNN

149 Klamer 2006; Klamer and Zuidhof 1998; cf. Van Staveren DDDD.

150 Klamer 2006, p. 13.

151 Issenberg 2007.

152 Fiske 1991 [1993], pp. 47, 45.

153 Fiske 1991 [1993], pp. 48-49.

154 p. 210.

155 Hourani 1991 2005, p. 96.

156 You may find more such learning about the word “bourgeois” in The Bourgeois Virtues, pp. 68-69.

157 in Forgacs, ed., p. 301.

158 Pocock 1981, pp. 356, 361, 364.


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