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Saillant, John. “’Profitable Reading’: Literacy, Christianity, and Constitutionalism in Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative.” Pp. 153-69 in Teaching Olaudah Equiano’s Narrative: Pedagogical Strategies and New Perspectives. Edited by Erich D. Lamore. Foreword by Vincent Carretta. Knoxville: U. of Tennessee Press, 2012. Pp. xxix + 328.

Saisselin, Rémy G. "After the Battle: Imaginary Libraries in the Eighteenth Century." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 311 (1993), 115-41.

Sajdi, Dana. The Barber of Damascus: Nouveau Literacy in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Levant. Stanford: Stanford U. Press, 2013. Pp. xv + 293.

Saktorová, Helena. “Kniznica Jána Batisa z Malého Cepcína” [The Library of Ján Batis from Maly Cepcín”]. Studia Bibliograhica Posoniensi (Slovak ejournal from Bratislava), 2012 (2012), 113-31; bibliography [121-30]. [Identifies 44 titles from the library of bookcollector Ján Batis (1739-1810).]

Salas Plascencia, Jesús Carlos. Historia de las bibliotecas en Sonora. Mexico, D. F.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Dirección General de Bibliotecas, 1992. Pp. 219; illus. [The first 18 volumes in this series are listed under the series title "Historia de las bibliotecas en los estados de la República Mexicana."]

Sánchez-Cervera Oriol, Pilar, and Carmen M. Jiménez-Castellanos. “El fondo antiguo de la Real Academia de Medicina de Sevilla.” Pp. 169-76 in De libros y bibliotecas: Homenaje a Rocío Caracuel. Edited by Sonsoles Celestino Angulo. Foreword by José M. Vega Pigueres. Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, 1994.

Sánchez-Eppier, Karen. “Practising for Print: The Hale Children’s Manuscript Libraries.” Journal of the History of Children and Youth, 1, no. 2 (Spring 2008), 188-209. [The wealthy Bostonian family of Nathan Hale (1784-1863) created a lending library of handmade books as an educational strategy.]

Sánchez Espinosa, Gabriel. La Biblioteca de José Nicolás de Azara [Marqués de Nibbiano, 1730-1804]. Madrid: Calcografía Nacional; Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 1997. Pp. 294; facs. [Rev. by Pedro Álvarez de Miranda in Dieciocho, 23 (2000), 342-43; (fav.) by Jean Pierre Dedieu in Bulletin hispanique, 101 (1999), 318-21; by Russell P. Sebold in Hispanic Review, 67 (1999), 92-94.]

Sánchez Espinosa, Gabriel. “Los puestos de libros de las gradas de San Felipe de Madrid en el siglo XVIII.” Goya: Revista de Arte, no. 135 (April-June 2011), 142-55.

Sánchez Hita, Beatriz. “Escribir para ellas: Prensa y novela para mujeres: El Caso del Correo de Cádiz (1795-1800) y el Correo de las Damas (1804-1808). Bulletin d’histoire contemporaine de l’Espagne, 49 (2014), 35-62. [In an issue devoted to “Transferts culturels: La traduction (XVIIIe-XXe s{iglos}.).”]

Sánchez Hita, Beatriz. “Prensa para mujeres en Cádiz después de 1791: El Correo de las Damas (1813).” Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, 11 (2003), 111-47.

Sánchez Hita, Beatriz. “Qué leían los niños y niñas en la Guerra de la Independencia?” Pp. 69-81 in Aportaciones del constitucionalismo español a educación lingüística y literaria (1812-2012). Edited by Lucía Pilar Cancelas y Ouviña and Manuel Francisco Romero Oliva. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2013 [also an e-book, 2014].

Sanchez Mariana, Manuel (ed.). Trabajos de la Asociación Española de Bibliografía. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura; Biblioteca Nacional, 1993. Pp. 489; illustrations. [Includes Esperanza Bonilla Martínez's "Una biblioteca poco explorada: La Arzobispal de Sevilla" (39-46); José Antonio Pérez Rioja's "Libros sobre el libro: 1988-1990" (227-41); María José Porro Herrera's "Reconstrucción aproximativa al fondo bibliográfico del convento de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, de Carmelitas Descalzos, de Benamejí [collections now in the Biblioteca Pública of Cordoba]" (243-60); Maria Grazia Profeti's "Los textos literarios para el teatro: Recensión bibliográfica" (261-74); José Simón Díaz's "Cin impresos raros de los Siglos de Oro" (317-36); and Germán Vega García Luengos's essay "Impresos teatrales sevillanos del siglo XVIII: Puentas de un estudio" (367-74); María José López-Huertas Pérez's "Bibliografía de impresos granadinos de los siglos XVII y XVIII: Características generales" (427-32).]

Sanchidrián Blanco, Carmen. "Historia de la Educación Infantil. Introducción [to an special-topic issue]." Historia de la Educación, 10 (1991), 9-14. [Within this collection by the same author is "Funciones de la escolarización de la infancia: Objetivos y creación de las primeras escuelas de párvulos en España" (63-88) and the bibliography "Historia de la Educación infantil: Bibliografía" (307-56).]

Sander, Torsten. Die Auktion der Dubletten der Kurfürstlichen Bibliothek Dresden 1775 bis 1777: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Buchauktionswesens. Dresden: Sächsische, Landesbibliothek Staats- und Univ.- Bibliothek, 2006. Pp. 101; illustrations.

Sander, Torsten. Ex Bibliotheca Bunaviana: Studien zu den institutionellen Bedingungen einer adligen Privatbibliothek im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. (Aufklärungsforschung, 6.) Dresden: Thelem, 2011. Pp. 388; bibliography; illustrations. [Based on a 2009 dissertation at the Techn. Universität Dresden. On the private library of Heinrich von Bünau, 1697-1762. Rev. by Gabriele Crusius in Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert: Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 36, no. 1 (2012).

Sandt, M. A. J. van de, and H. J. G. Onderdenwijngaard. "The Library of Dr Alexander van de Sandt (Xanten, 1663-1721)." Lias, 27 (2000), 3-94; 3 illus; 2 tables.

Santesso, Aaron. “’Playful’ Poetry and the Public School [Westminster].” Eighteenth-Century Life, 32, no. 1 (Winter 2008), 57-80..

Santiago Páez, Elena (ed.). La Real Biblioteca Pública, 1711-1760: De Felipe V a Fernando VI. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional, 2004. Pp. 545; illus. (some in color); index. [Includes Margarita Torrione's "Felipe V, bibliófilo: El peso de Francia en la Real Biblioteca Pública" (48-64); A. Mestre's "Los Orígenes de la Biblioteca Real (1711-1761)" (65-75); Torrione's "Libros y manuscritos personales de Felipe V" (197-207); and Santiago Páez's "La Real Librería o Real Biblioteca Pública" (221-35). Rev. (fav.) by Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa in Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 66 (for 2004 [2006]), 262-63.]

Santoro, Marco. Libri, edizioni, biblioteche tra Cinque e Seicento, Con un percoso bibliografico. Rome: Vecchiarelli, 2002. Pp. 221. [Rev. by Federica Rossi in Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana, ser. 9, 108 (2004), 567-68.]

Santoro, Marco. Storia del libro italiano: Libro e società in Italia dal Quattrocento al Novecento. (Bibliografia e biblioteconomia, 47.) Milan: Bibliografica, 1994. Pp. viii + 446; index.

Santos Puerto, José. “El último texto educativo de Sarmiento: Sobre el método de estudios de San Isidro de Madrid.” Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 6-7 (1996-1997), 207-39.

Sanz Marco, Carlos. Libros, lecturas y bibliotecas. Valencia: Edetania, 1996. Pp. 120.

Šapro-Ficovic, Marica, and Zeljko Vegh. “The History of Jesuit Libraries in Croatia.” Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2, no. 2 (2014), 283-301. [In an issue with the general focus of its lead essay, Kathleen M. Comerford’s “Jesuits and Their Books” (179-88).]

Sarbu, Aladár. “Hungarian Literary Nationalism and English Authors of the Eighteenth Century.” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 13, nos. 1-2 (Spring and Fall 2007 [2008]):23-34. [Sarbu shows how Hungarian efforts to modernize and civilize the country led to a translation campaign through the nineteenth century. Sarbu’s principal example is Hugh Blair’s Lectures on Rhetoric, translated by János Kis in 1838. It appears in a special issue devoted to reception issues for the long eighteenth century, with guest editors Gabriella Hartvig and Gabriella Vöo, who provide an introduction (214 pp. with summaries).]

Sarmant, Thierry. “L’abbé de Louvois: Bibliothécaire du roi, 1684-1718.” Revue de la BNF, no.41 [2012/2] (2012), 78-83.

Sarmant, Thierry. "La Bibliothèque du Roi et les débuts de la Révolution: Un témoignage inédit." Revue de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 14, no. 3 (1994), 52-63.

Satterley, Renae. “The Libraries of the Inns of Court: An Examination of their Historical Influence.” Library History, 24 (2008), 208-19.

Sauer, Christine (ed.). 642 Jahre Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg von der Ratsbibliothek zum Bildungcampus. (Beiträge zur Geschichte Kultur der Stadt Nürnberg / Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, 26.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013. Pp. 439; illustrations. [Begins with Sauer’s “Rats- und Stadtbibliothek von der Einrichtung bis Verlust der Eigenstandigkeit.” It includes Meta Bischoff, “Die Musikbibliothek--am Zielort angekommen” (161-70) and Horst Brenner, “Die Meistersinger-Sammlung der Stadtbibliothek und das Repertorium der Sangsprüche und Meisterlieder des 12. bis 18. Jahrhunderts” (197-204). Rev. by Peter Hoare in Library & Information History, 30 (2014), 65-66.]

Sauer, Elizabeth. "Paper-Contestations" and Textual Communities in England, 1640-1675. (Studies in Book and Print Culture.) Toronto: U. of Toronto Press, 2005. Pp. viii + 199; illus.; index.

Sauvy-Wilkinson, Anne. “Lecteurs du XVIIIe siècle: Les Abonnés de la Bibliothèque universelle des romans--premières approches.” Australian Journal of French Studies, 23 (1986), 48-60. [On subscriptions to the serial.]

Savoy, Bénédicte. "Codicologue, incunabuliste et rabatteur: La mission de Jean-Baptiste Maugérard dans les quatre départements du Rhin (1702-1805)." Bulletin du bibliophile (1999), 313-46.

Sayers, W. "Endnote: A Treatise from Enlightenment Sweden on 'Teaching the Mute to Read and Speak.'" Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 4 (1999), 321-30.

Schaab, Rupert. “Zwischen Jena und Göttingen: Die Ausrichtung der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Gotha, 1734-1919.” Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 41 (2008), 175-201. [In an issue with the focus “Forschungsbibliothek im Aufbruch.”]

Schad, Petra. Buchbesitz im Herzogtum Württemberg im 18. Jahrhundert: Am Beispiel der Amtsstadt Wildberg und des Dorfes Bissingen / Enz. Stuttgart: Thorbecke, 2002. Pp. 272; illus.; index. [Rev. by Holger Böning in Germanistik, 43 (2002), #3423.]

Schäfer, Jochen. “Adeliger Buchbesitz in der Zeit der bürgerlichen Wandels.” Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 67 (2012), 19-106. [On the library owned by Hessen nobleman George Ernst von und zu Gilsa (1740-1798), including a transcript of Ernst’s own inventory of 800 books.]

Schätti, Anita. Bibliographie der Geschichte des schweizerischen Bibliothekswesen. Bern: Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare, 1991. Pp. 397. [Published dissertation.]

Schattkowsky, Martina, Konstantin Hermann, and Roman Rabe (eds.). Dresdner Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare. Leipzig: Leipzig Universitätsverlag, 2014. Pp. 207; color illustrations. [Includes Kontantin Hermann’s “Zur Geschichte des Dresdner Bibliothekswesens” and his “Chronologie der Bibliotheksentwicklung in Dresden” (37-54, 193-205), and Roman Rabe’s “Zur Geschichte des Dresdner Bibliothekswesens” (9-36).]

Scheerder, Jozef. "De bibliotheek van het klooster Sint-Margaretha in Betlehem te Gent in 1783." Pp. 431-35 in Qui valet ingenio: Liber amicorum aangeboden aan Dr. Johan Decavele ter gelegenheid van zijn 25-jarig ambtsjubileum als stadsarchivaris van Gent. Ghent: Stichting Mens en Kultuur, 1996.

Schellenberg, Betty A. The Conversational Circle: Rereading the English Novel, 1740-1775. Lexington, KY: U. Press of Kentucky, 1996. Pp. 176.

Schellenberg, Betty A. “’The Society of Agreeable and Witty Companions’: Bookishness and Manuscript Culture after 1750.” Pp. 213-31 in Book Histories: Books, Literature, and Commercial Modernity, 1700-1900. Edited by Ina Ferris and Paul Keen. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Schenda, Rudolf. "Buchkultur, Lesekultur und Erzähkultur." Pp. 31-52 in Die Bedeutung des Buches--Gestern--Heute--Morgen: Referate einer Volesungsreihe des Collegium Generale der Universität Bern. (Berner Universitätsschriften, 40.) Bern: Haupt, 1996. Pp. 143. [Possibly also relevant to the 18C is Johannes Anderegg's "Lesewelt und Lebenswelt" (17-30).]

Schepp, Susanne. "Nürnbergs Lesegesellschaften an der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert." Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 17 (1992), 109-51.

Schepper de, Marcus, with contributions by Pierre Delsaerdt and others. Een hart voor boeken: Rubens en zijn bibliotheek. Antwerp: Stad Antwerpen, 2004. Pp. 124; catalogue of an exhibition at Museum Plantin-Moretus in March-June 2003 by de Schepper; illustrations (some in color); index. [Includes "Particulier boekenbezit in de zeventiende-eeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden" (14-21).]

Schepper, Marcus de, and Ronnie Dusoir (eds.), with contributions by Pierre Delsaerdt, Ronnie Dusoir, Francine De Nave, Dirk Imhof, and Dirk Sacré. La Passion des livres: Rubens et sa bibliothèque. Translated by Elisabeth Cluzel. Antwerp: Musea Antwerpen, 2004. Pp. 124; illus.; index. [Presumably a reproduction in French of the original Dutch exhibition catalogue (held at the Musea Antwerpen and the Museum Plantin-Moretus in March-June 2004). Preliminary essay include Pierre Delsaerdt's "Les bibliothèques privées des Pays-Bas méridionaux au 17e siècle" (14-21) and Dirk Sacré's "Een onbekende brief aan P. P. Rubens en Justus Rycquius" (27-29). There is also a 16-page extract of this catalogue, with the same French title and edited by De Schepper but with Ronnie Dusoir; it is translated by Elisabeth Cluzel.]

Schepper, Marcus de, Ann Kelders, and Jan Pauwels (eds.). Les seigneurs du livre: Les grands collectionneurs du XIXème siècle à la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. Brussels: Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, 2008. Pp. 217.

Schimmelman, Janice (comp.). Architectural Books in Early America: Architectural Treatises and Building Handbooks Available in American Libraries and Bookstores through 1800. Foreword by William Searle. Rev. 2nd ed. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 1999. Pp. 235; annotated bibliography of 147 architectural works. [Revises the 1985 effort published in PAAS. Rev. by Ellen Harris in Book Collector, 49 (2000), 624-25.]

Schippan, Michael. Die Aufklärung im Rußland im 18. Jahrhundert. (Wolfenbüttler Forschungen, 131.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. Pp. 493. [Rev. by Gary Marker in Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 37, no. 2 (2013); by Holger Siegel in Kritikon Literarum, 41, nos. 1-2 (2014), 43-47.]

Schlichtmann, Silke. Geschlechterdifferenz in der Literaturrezeption um 1800?: Zu zeitgenössischen Goethe-Lektüren. (Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, 107.) Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2001. Pp. viii + 303. [Treats the different reading performed by the two sexes.]

Schlueter, June. “Lost in Kassel.” Times Literary Supplement (22 February 2013), 15. [On English plays present in 1686 in the Palatine Library in Kassel.]

Schlup, Michel. "La lecture et ses pratiques dans la principauté de Neuchâtel au XVIIIe siècle à travers quelques écrits personnels." Musée Neuchâtelois, 4 (1996), 263-72. [On the primary materials studied, see the short, favorable review by Louis Desgraves in Revue française d'histoire du livre, nos. 94-95 (1997), 227.]

Schmid, Susanne. British Literary Salons of the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteeth Centuries. (Nineteenth-Century Lives and Letters.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. ix + 252. [Concerns the 1780s-1840s London literary scene, focusing on three salonniéres: Mary Berry, Lady Holland, and the Countess of Blessington.]

Schmid, Susanne. “The Countess of Blessington: Reading as Intimacy, Reading as Sociability.” Wordsworth Circle, 39, no. 3 (2008), 88-93. [In a special section introduced by Schmid (67-68) with the title “Romanticism, Reading, and Translation: The Processes of Literacy.”]

Schmid, Susanne. “’Hodge-Podge’ of Unreason or the ‘Citizens Academy’? The London Coffee-House, 1652-1800.” Das achtzehnte Jahrundert, 32 (2008), 62-73; summaries in French and German; illus.

Schmidt, David L., and B. A. Balcom. "The Règlements of 1739: A Note on Micmac Law and Literacy." Acadiensis, 23 (1993), 110-27.

Schmidt, Ulrike. “Jüdische Bibliotheken in Frankfurt am Main: Vom Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts bis 1938.” Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 29 (1987), 235-67; summary in English and French.

Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig, in collaboration with Werner Arnold, Jill Bepler, Helmar Härtel, Maria von Katte, Wolf-Dieter Otte, and Nickolas Pickwoad (eds.). A Treasure House of Books: The Library of Duke August of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. (Ausstellungs-kataloge der Herzog August Bibliothek, 75.) Translated by Malcolm Green. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz; Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 1998. Pp. 272; 115 illustrations. [Published on occasion of a Grolier Club exhibition of books from the Herzog August Bibliothek, 8 December 1998 to 6 February 1999, hence with an introduction by Grolier Club President William T. Buice, III, and with an account of the exhibition cases and with select illustrations of exhibited materials. Contains a survey of the library's holdings by Director Schmidt-Glintzer, noting important collections acquired, a history of the library by Jill Bepler, listing its librarians, and other more specific historical studies of collectors and collections, such as Schmidt-Glintzer's "Wolfenbüttel Profiles: Collectors in a Library" (9-15); Bepler’s “The Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel: Foundations for the Future” (17-27); Marie von Katte's "The Bibliotheca Augusta as a Growing Universe from 1586 until 1666" (53-63); Nicholas Pickwoad's "Bookbindings in the Bibliotheca Augusta" (65-104); Helmar Härtel's "Duke August and His Book Agents" (105-18); and Wolf-Dieter Otte's "The Hunting Collector" (199-30). Rev. by T. H. Howard-Hill in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 93 (1999), 294-96.]

Schmitt, Clément. “La Bibliothèque des Récollets de Diekirch (Luxemburg) à l’époque de la suppression (1793).” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 82 (1989), 166-82.

Schmitt, Clément. "Le Fonds ancien de la bibliothèque franciscaine de Metz.” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 86, nos. 1-2 (1993), 61-80.

Schmitt, Clément. "Les Livres anciens de la Bibliothèque franciscaine de Metz." Cahiers Elie Fleur, 12/13 (1995/1996), 115-56; illus.

Schmitz, Wolfgang. “Ein wenig Pralerey und Charlatanerie’: Die progagandistische Selbstdarstellung der Universität Göttingen und ihrer Bibliothek in der Aa Münchhausen.” Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 41 (2008), 17-43. [In an issue entitled “Forschungsbibliothek im Aufbruch.”]

Schnapp, Jeffrey, and Matthew Battles. The Library beyond the Book. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013. Pp. 176; 50 illus. [Examines what functions and roles libraries have played besides presenting books to readers.]

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes (ed.). Buch und Fürstenhof in der frühen Neuzeit. Bern: P. Lang, 2009. Pp. 540.

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "Der Ort der Bücher in der Bibliothek und im Katalog am Beispiel von Herzog Augusta Wolfenbütteler Büchersammlung." Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, no. 59 (2005), 91-104.

Schneiders, Paul. Lezen voor iedereen: Geschiedenis van de openbare bibliotheek in Nederland. Den Haag: Nederlands Bibliotheek en Lectuur Centrum, 1990. Pp. 248; illus.; index.

Schneiders, Paul. “Library History Research in the Netherlands: Problems and Suggestions.” Libraries & Culture, 25, no. 1 (1990), 4-10. [In an issue with surveys of 20C research on library history in diverse countries, edited by Paul Kaegbein and Paul Sturges, papers from a symposium in April 1998 at the Herzog August Bibliothek on “Library History Research in the International Context.”]

Schneiders, Paul. Nederlandse bibliotheekgeschiedenis: Van librije tot virtuele bibliotheek. The Hague: NBLC Uitgeberij, 1997. Pp. 392; illus. (some in color); index; summary in English. [Rev. by Peter Hoare in Library History, 15 (1999), 72-73.]

Schnoor, Franziska, and Karl Schmuki (eds.). Klosterbibliotheken in der Frühen Neuzeit: Süddeutschland, Österreich, Schweiz. Akten der Tagung des Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreises für Bibliotheks-, Buch- und Mediengeschichte und der Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen 28. bis 30. April 2011. (Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 45.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. Pp. vi + 341; illustrations. [Papers from a 2011 conference at St Gallen, including Magda Fischer, “Reichenauer Kulturerbe: Das Kloster und seine Bücherschätze im 18. Jahrhundert” (71-110); Jakob Kuratli Hüeblin, “Zwischen Klosterbrand and Säkularisation: Schicksale der Pfäferser Klosterbibliothek in der frühen Neuzeit” (155-70); Angela Karasch, “Die Bibliothek der Benediktinerabtei St. Peter auf dem Schwarzwald, ihre Büchersammlung und ihr historischer Katalog” (111-34); Odo Lang, “Die Stiftsbibliothek Einsiedeln zwischen 1500 und 1800” (135-44); Hanspeter Marti, “Schweizer Klosterbibliotheken im Blickfeld von Bibliotheksgeschichte und Kulturpolitik” (39-56); Christine Paschen, “Der Umgang mit verbotener Literatur in der Amberger Jesuitenbibliothek” (269-82); Lukas Schenker, “Die Bibliothek des Klosters Mariastein: Ein Sonderfall” (145-54); Alois Schmid, “’Religioni, scientiis, artibus dedicatum’: Oberdeutsche Klosterbibliotheken des Barock” (11-38); Schmuki, Karl, “’Sehr verdammliche Schriften’: Die barocke Klosterbibliothek von St Gallen wird gesäubert” (283-96); Thomas Stockinger, “Klosterbibliothekar und Gelehrter: Bücherkauf, Tausch und Ausleihe in der Korrespondez von Bernhard Pez OSB (1683-1735)” (195-226); Ernst Tremp, “Klöster als Bücherproduzenten: Die St Galler Stiftsdruckerei in der Barockzeit (1633-1800)” (249-68).]

Schoenecker, Aurore. “’Pour voyager sans crainte de se mouiller les pieds, jusqu’aux monts Pyrénées’: Dl’utilité des livres de apprentissage de l’espagnol en France au XVIIIe siècle.” Revue de la BNF, no. 48 (2014/3) (2014), 64-73.

Schöller, Wolfgang. "Die Bibliothek der 'Académie royale d'architecture' zu Paris (1671-1793.)" Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 38 (1992), 267-76; bibliography [272-76].

Schorb, Jodi. Reading Prisoners: Literature, Literacy, and the Transformation of American Punishment, 1700-1845. (Critical Issues in Crime and Society.) New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2014. Pp. ix + 250. [Part one is focused on “Literacy in the Eighteenth Century ‘Gaol’”; Part Two, on “Literacy in the Early Penitentiary,” with a chapter on “Reading and Reformation in Philadelphia’s Early Penitentiaries.”]

Schosler, Jorn. “Holberg, lecteur de Locke: Un exemple de réception chez les lumières danoises.” Dix-huitième siècle, 41 (2009), 517-35.

Schotte, Margaret. “’Books for the Use of the Learned and Studious’: William London’s Catalogue of Most Vendible Books.” Book History, 11 (2008), 33-57.

Schröder, Winfried. "Le Psudo-Vallée dans la bibliothèque de Gustav Schroedter." Le Lettre clandestine, 4 (1995), 539-40.

Schroeder, Barbara Whittum. “Educating Female Subjects in England, 1780-1850.” Ph.D. dissertation, U. of Pittsburgh, 1994. DAI, 56A, no.1 (July 1995), 205.

Schüler, Jürgen. "Ein fürsterliches Geschenk für Düsseldorfs 'öffentliche Bibliothèque': Dubletten der Mannheimer Hofbibliothek." Pp. 237-59 (with illus.) in Bücher für die Wissenschaft: Bibliotheken zwischen Tradition und Fortschritt, Festschrift für Günter Gattermann zum 65. Geburtstag. Edited by Georg Kaiser, Heinz Finger, and Elisabeth Niggemann. Munich: Saur, 1994.

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