Called “Reading” till 7/24/2010 and then changed to “18c r

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Castillo Gómez, Antonio. Historia mínima del libro y la lectura. Madrid: Siete Mares, 2004. Pp. 158. [Treating both sides of the publisher-reader exchange, stressing the expansion in the reading public and increase in literacy and covering children's literature, chapbooks, and distribution networks. Rev. (briefly, favorably) by Carmen Peraita in Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 67 (for 2005 [2007]), 229.]

Castillo Gómez, Antonio. Leggere nella Spagna moderna: Erudizione, religiositá, e svago. [A collection of five essays focused on the early modern Spanish reader (or some of them), previously published, now translated into Italian. Bologna: Pàtron, 2013. Pp. 126. Rev. (favorably) by Flavia Bruni in SHARP News, 23, no. 2 (Spring 2014), 4-5.]

Castillo Gómez, Antonio (ed.). Libro y lectura en la Península Ibérica y América: Siglos XIII a XVIII. Salamanca: Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2003. Pp. 318. [The nine essays include one treating readers' annotations.]

Catalá Sanz, Jorge Antonio, and J. Boignues Palomares.. La biblioteca del primer marqués de Dos Aguas, 1707. Valencia: Departamento de Historia Moderna, U. de Valencia Prensa, 1992. Pp. 365; illus.; index. [The marqués Rabasa de Perellos y Reafull, Giner (d. 1707); catalogue in Spanish; transcribed titles often in Catalan.]

Cátedra, Pedro M., Maria Luisa López-Vidriero, and Pablo Andrés Escapa (eds.). De libros, librerías, imprentas y lectores. (Seminario de Estudios Medievales y Renacientistas.) Salamanca: U. de Salamanca, 2002. Pp. 537; illus.; index.

Cátedra, Pedro M., María Luisa López-Vidriero, and Maria Isabel de Páiz Hernández (eds.). La Memoria de los libros: Estudios sobre la historia del escrito y de la lectura en Europa y América. (Serie major, Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, 4-5.) 2 volumes. Salamanca: Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, 2004. Pp. 917 + 813; illus. [Roughly one hundred studies, with those concerning the eighteenth century found in Volume 2. Included are, in Vol. 1, M. D. Sánchez Cobos's "Mariana de Montoya, una mujer impresora en la Baeza de comienzos del XVII"; and, in Vol. 2, J. Durán Barceló's "El orden de la ficción literaria en la biblioteca del monasterio de El Escorial." Rev. by Isabelle Diu in Bulletin du bibliophile (2006), 380-85; (fav.) by Carmen Peraita in Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 66 (for 2004 [2006]), 253.]

Cavagna, Anna Giulia. “È gran fatica di memoria à ricordarsi de’ libri.” I cataloghi (TECA), (September 2011), 15-38. [Exemplifying the diverse uses of library catalogues across diverse historical periods.]

Cavagna, Anna Giulia. “Eighteenth-Century Italian Books in London: The Presence of Italian Regional Publishing in the Collections of the British Library.” Pp. 120-44 in Britain and Italy in the Long Eighteenth Century: Literary and Art Theories. Edited by Rosamaria Loretelli and Frank O’Gorman. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010

Cavagna, Anna Giulia. "I Libri di Giovanni Giacomo Marinoni." Pp. 129-53 in Gli spazi del libro nell'Europa del 18 secolo: Atti del Convegno di Ravenna: 15-16 dicembre 1995. Edited by Mario Gioia Tavoni and Francoise Waquet. Bologna: Patron, 1997.

Cavallo, Guglielmo, and Roger Chartier (eds.). A History of Reading in the West. (Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book.) Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. Amherst: U. of Massachusetts Press, 1999. Pp. ix + 478; bibliography. [Rev. by James Smith Allen in Libraries and Culture, 36 (2001), 484; by J. Backhouse in History Today, 50, no. 6 (June 2000), 58; (fav.) by Candy Gunther Brown in SHARP News, 10, no. 1 (Winter 2000-2001), 12; (fav.) by Jonathan Rose in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 95 (2001), 251-52; by Sue Waterman in Modern Language Notes, 116 (2001), 596-601. This collection was translated into German and published as Die Welt des Lesens: Von der Schriftrolle zum Bildschirm (Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag; Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1999), pp. 688; indices.]

Cayuela, Anne. Le paratexte au Siècle d'Or: Prose romanesque, livres et lecteurs en Espagne au XVIIe siècle. (Travaux du Grand Siècle, 5.) Geneva: Droz, 1996. Pp. 438.

Ceccarelli, Maria Grazia. Vocis et animarum pinacothecae: cataloghi di biblioteche private dei secoli XVII-XVIII nei fondi dell'Angelica. Rome: Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali; Biblioteca Angelica, 1990. Pp. xxii + 326; bibliography; illus.; index.

Ceriotti, Luca. "Gli ultimi anni dell'Annunziata: La Biblioteca varesiana dei Minori Riformati dal 1785 al 1810." Bibliofilia, 106 (2004), 291-308.

Cerman, Ivo, Rita Kreuger, and Susan Reynolds (eds.). The Enlightenment in Bohemia: Religion, Morality, and Multiculturalism. (SVEC, 2011:07.). Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2011. Pp. xii + 340; 7 illustrations. [Includes Cerman’s introduction, essays on the Enlightenment institutions, such as Kreuger’s “The Scientific Academies and the Beyond: The Institutions of Enlightenment”; Cerman’s “The Enlightenment Universities”; and Claire Madl and Michael Wögerbauer’s “Censorship and Book Supply”; and Andreas Önnefors’s “Freemasonry and Civil Society: Reform of Manners and the Journal für Freymaurer (1784-1786).” Two later sections mainlin involve the impact of Jesuit and Jewish thought and education.]

Cestelli, Katia (ed.). Le Antiche edizioni pistoiesi della Biblioteca comunale Forteguerriana: Catalogo. (Toscana beni librari, 20.) Florence: Pagnini; Regione Toscana, 2005. Pp. ii + 418; illus.; indices. [Includes a catalogue of 429 18th-century editions printed in Pistoia and held by the city's library; with essays on printers. Briefly noted {by Neil Harris?} in Library, 7th ser., 7 (2006), 218.]

Cestelli, Katia, and Anna Gonzo (eds.). Provenienze: Metodologia di rilevamento, descrizione e indicizzazione per il materiale bibliografico: Documento elaborato dal Gruppo di lavoro sulle provenienze coordinato dalla Regione Toscana e dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento. (Servizio beni librari e archivistici, 9.) Trento: Provincia Autonoma Trento; [Florence:] Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale, 2009. Pp. 156; illustrations.

Chabut, Marie-Hélène. “La Femme de lettres: Isabelle de Charrière écrivaine et lectrice des Lumières.” Pp. 127-47 in Belle de Zuylen / Isabelle de Charrière: Education, Creation, Reception. (Faux Titre, 276.) Edited by Suzan van Dijk, Valérie, Monique Moser-Verrey, and Strien-Chardonneau. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2006. Pp. 343.

Chabut, Marie-Hélène. “Mistress Henley lectrice de l’Encyclopédie? Ou les limites du project encyclopédique.” Pp. 289-99 in Les discours du corps au XVIIIe siècle: Littèrature-Philosophie-histoire-sciences. (La Républiques des lettres.) Edited by Hélène Cussac, Anne Deneys-Tunney, and Catriona Seth. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008.

Chapron, Emanuelle. “Ad utilità a pubblica”: Politique des bibliothèques et pratiques du livre à Florence au XVIIIe sicle. (Histoire et civlisation du livre, 31.) Geneva: Droz, 2009. Pp. 467; illus. [Rev. by Anthony Hobson in Library, 7th series, 11 (2010), 115-18; by Gérard Morisse in Revue francaise d’histoire du livre, 130 (2009), 295; by Luca Rivali in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 12 (December 2009), 5-6.]

Chapron, Emmanuelle. ”Bibliothèques publiques, politiques et pratiques du livre à Florence au XVIIIe siècle.” La fabbrica del libro, 12, no. 1 (2006), 7-12.

Chapron, Emmanuelle. “Circulation et usages des catalogues de bibliothèques dans l’Europe du XVIIIe siècle.” Pp. 29-50 of Un’istituzione dei Lumi: La Biblioteca: Teoria, gestione e practiche bibliloteconomiche nell’Europe dei Lumi. Convegno internazionale, Parma, 20-21 maggio 2011. (Caratteri, 8.) Edited by Frédéric Barbier and Andrea De Pasquale. Parma: Museo Bodoniano, 2012. Pp. 243; illustrations.

Chapron, Emmanuelle. “Lire plume à la main: Lire et écrire à l’époque moderne à trafvers les ouvrages annotés du fonds ancien du Centre culturel irlandais de Paris.” Revue française d’histoire du livre, 131 (2010), 45-69.

Chapron, Emmanuelle. “Les Veilles studieuses: Représentations et pratiques de la lecture nocturne au XVIIIe siècle.” Histoire et civilisation du livre, 7 (2011), 261-84.

Charle, Christophe, and Jacques Verger. Histoire des universités. Paris: PUF, 1994. Pp. 128. [Rev. (in French) by Marie-Thérèse Isaac in Paedagogica Historica, 31 (1995), 803-05.]

Charlton, Kenneth. "Women and Education." Pp. 3-21 of A Companion to Early Modern Women's Writing. Edited by Anita Pacheco. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.

Charon-Parent, Annie. “L’Antiquité dans quelques bibliothèques d’architectes français du XVIIIe siècle.” Pp. 159-70 in D’une Antiquité l’autre: La Littérature antique classique dans les bibliothèques du XVe au XIXe siècle. (Métamorphoses du Livre.) Edited by Catherine Volpilhac-Auger. Lyons: ENS, 2006. Pp. 230.

Charon-Parent, Annie, Claire Lesage, and Eve Netchine (eds.). Le Livre entre le commerce et l’histoire des idées: Les catalogues de libraires (XVe-XIXe siècle). Paris: École nationale des chartes (distributed by Geneva: Droz [in Droz’s series Études et Recontres de l’ École des Chartes]), 2011. Pp. 280; illustrations (some in color). [Papers from a 2008 conference at the École nationale des chartes, including Otto S. Lankhorst’s “Les catalogues du ‘magasin de l’univers’: Intérêt et sauvegarde des catalogues de libraires néerlandais de l’Ancien Régime”; Giles Mandelbrote’s “Les Catalogues de libraires dans les collections de Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753); Véronique Sarrazin’s “L’affichage des ix et la promotion des livres dans les announces de librairie au XVIIIe siècle”; Maria Gioia Tavoni’s “Les accroches commerciales dans les catalogues de libraires italiens du XVIIIe siècle.”]

Charteris, Richard. "Charles Barlow: Portrait of a Bibliophile, XXXIV." Book Collector, 47 (1998), 352-62.

Charteris, Richard. “The Music Collection of the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg.” Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 30 (1997), 1-138.

Charteris, Richard. “The Music Manuscripts Missing from the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg.” Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 35 (2002), 1-40.

Charteris, Richard. "Thomas Bever [1725-1791] and Rediscovered Sources in the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg." Music and Letters, 81 (2000), 177-209; appendices of manuscripts returned in May 1998 [188-93], and of books and manuscripts in the library of Thomas Bever [194-209]. [The second appendix offers the pressmark, date, general contents, evidence of ownership, noting bookplates and manuscript inscriptions, and name of other former owners. Many of the manuscripts are at Cambridge's Fitzwilliam Museum, which--sad to say--withdrew from examination half a dozen manuscripts in fragile condition, forcing Charteris to provide incomplete and secondary accounts.]

Chartier, Roger. Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer. (New Cultural Studies.) Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. Pp. 128; index. [Four essays including the three presented in 1994 at the University of Pennsylvania's Rosenbach Lectures; two appear to be revisions with new titles of formerly published essays ("Representations of the Written Word"; "Princely Patronage and the Economy of Dedication"; "From Court Festivity to City Spectators"; and Popular Appropriations: The Readers and Their Books," the last concerning chapbooks).]

Chartier, Roger (ed.). Histoires de la lecture: Un bilan des recherches. Actes du Colloques des 29 et 30 janvier 1993. (In octavo, 2.) Paris: IMEC Éditions et Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1995. Pp. 320. [Includes essays on reading and the reader in Italy by Lodovica Braida ("Quelques considérations sur l'histoire de la lecture en Italie: Usages et pratiques du livre sous l'Ancien Régime" [23-49]); in Spain by Jean-François Botrel ("Les recherches sur le livre et la lecture en Espagne: XVIIIe-XXe siècles" [51-63]; in France by Hans Erich Bödeker ("D'une 'histoire littéraire du lecteur' à 'l'histoire du lecteur': Bilan et perspectives" [93-124]); in Germany by Frédéric Barbier ("De la République des auteurs à la République des libraires: Statut de l'auteur, fonctions et pratiques de la librairie en Allemagne au XVIIIe siècle" [415-49); in Holland by Otto S. Lankhorst ("Bilan sur l'histoire de la lecture en Hollande pendant l'Ancien Régime" [125-39]), in England by James Raven ("Du qui au comment: à la recherche d'une histoire de la lecture en Angleterre" [141-63]), in America by D.D. Hall ("Las lecteurs et la lecture dans l'histoire et dans la théorie critique: Un exposé sur la recherche américaine" [165-79]), in Russia by Alexandre Stroev ("Lecture en Russie" [181-96]), as well as essays on the relationships between reading and literature (as editions and illustrations), including A. Prassoloff's "Effets du droit d'auteur sur la lecture disponible" (201-09), Jean-Yves Mollier's "Histoire de la lecture, histoire de l'edition" (207-22); Henri-Jean Martin's "Lectures et mises en textes" (249-59), and Roger Chartier's "Lecteurs dans la longue durée: Du codex à l'écran" (271-83).]

Chartier, Roger. Lectures et lecteurs dans la France d’Ancien Régime. (L’universe historique.) Paris: Seuil, 1987. Pp. 370; illus. [Rev. by Eugene Weber in TLS (28 October 1987), 1069-70.]

Chartier, Roger. Lesewelten: Buch und Lekture in der frühen Neuzeit. Translated from the French by Brita Schleinitz und Ruthard Stäblein. (Historische Studien, 1.) Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1990. Pp. 191; bibliography. [A translation of Lectures et lecteurs dans la France d’Ancien Régime (1987). Rev. by Klaus Rek in Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte, 1 (1991), 323-24--the review's heading has the variant title Lesenwelten: Literatur und Lektüre in der frühen Neuzeit.]

Chartier, Roger. “Le Manuscrit à l’âge de l’imprime (XVe-XVIIe siècles): Lectues et réflexions.” Lettre Clandestine, 7 (1998), 175-93.

Chartier, Roger. The Order of Books, Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries. [L'Ordre des livres (1992).] Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. Stanford, CA: Stanford U. Press, 1994. Pp. xi + 126; bibliography [93-113]; illus.; index.

Chartier, Roger. "Text, Printing, Readings." Pp. 154-175 of The New Cultural History. Edited by Lynn Hunt. Berkeley, CA: U. of California Press, 1989.

Chartier, Roger, and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (eds.). Colportage et lecture populaire: Imprimés de large circulation en Europe XVIe-XIXe siècles. (In octavo.) Paris: IMEC; Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1996. Pp. 400; illus.

Chassagne, Annie. La Bibliothèque de l’Académie royale des sciences au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2007. Pp. 303; bibliography; illus. [Rev. by James E. McClellan III in Isis, 99 (2008), 176-77.]

Chatelain, Jean-Marc. “Bibliophilie et tradition littéraire en france au début du XVIIIe siècle.” Revue d’histoire Littéraire de la France, 115, no. 1 (2015), 91-102. [In a special issue on “Bibliophilie, collectionnisme et littérature française,” with an introduction by Gabriel de Broglie and a lead essay by François Moureau, “De la bibliophilie à l’histoire littéraire” (5-20).]

Chatelain, Jean-Marc. La Bibliothèque de l'Honnête Homme: Livre, lecture et collections en France à l'age classique. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2003. Pp. 212; 29 illus. (14 color plates); index. [Rev. (favorably; with another book in review essay "They order these things better . . .") {by Nicolas Barker} in Book Collector, 54 (2005), 495-512; by Fabrice Butlen in Bulletin du bibliophile (2004), 380-84; (fav.) by Ian Jackson in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 98 (2004), 370-73; by Kristian Jensen in Library, 7th series, 5 (2004), 328-29.]

Checa Beltrán, José (ed.). Lecturas del legado español en la Europa ilustrada. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert; Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2012. Pp. 303. [Treats the perception of Spain and the reception of its cultural products by the rest of Europe, describing channels of communication between Spain and Europe in general. Rev. by Fernándo Durán López in Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 14 (2013), 377-84; by I. López Martín in Anuario de Estudios Filológicos, 36 (2013), 198-203; by Antonio Rivero Machina in Archivium, 63 (2013), 423-28; by Eduardo San José Vázquez in Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 23 (2013), 221-25.]

Chen Sham, Jorge. "La sátira del letrado en el siglo XVIII español: ?cliché o sociotipo?" Dieciocho, 25 (2002), 229-43.

Chervel, André. Les Auteurs français, latins, et grecs au programme de l'enseignement secondaire de 1800 à nos jours. Paris: Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique, 1986. Pp. 388; indices.

Cherval, André, with Pierre Coll. L'Enseignement du français à l'école primaire: Textes officiels concernant l'enseignement primaire de la Révolution à nos jours. Vol. 1 [of 3]: 1791-1879. Paris: Institut national de Recherche Pédagogique; Éditions Economica. Pp. 368; index.

Chevalier, Maxime. "'Lectura y lectores': Veinte años después." Bulletin hispanique, 99 (1997), 19-24.

Chevallier, Laurence. “Trois bibliothèques d’architectes au siècle des Lumières.” Revue française d’histoire du livre, 126-27 (2007), 159-76.

Chevrier, Hervé. "Catalogue des imprimés provenant des archives de la Société des sciences historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne (1521-1800); deuxième partie: 1788-1800." Bulletin de la Société des sciences historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne, 122 (1990), 193-204.

Chevrier, Katia. “Le Fonds musical de Rivaz”: La bibliothèque musicale d’une famille valaisanne au XVIIIe siècle: Histoire et catalogue. Sion: Flatus, 2008. Pp. 109; bibliography; illustrations; index.

Chico, Tita. “Clarissa’s Readers.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 49 (2008), 273-78.

Child, Elizabeth: "'To Sing the Town': Women, Place, and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Bath." Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 28 (1999), 155-72.

Chocano Mena, Magdalena G. "Colonial Printing and Metropolitan Books: Printed Texts and the Shaping of Scholarly Culture in New Spain, 1539-1700." Colonial Latin American Historical Review, 6 (1997), 69-90.

Choisi, Elvira. "Academicians and Academies in Eighteenth-Century Naples." Journal of the History of Collections, 19 (2007), 177-90.

Choppin, Alain (ed.). Les Manuels scolaires en France. Vol. 4: Textes officiels 1791-1992 (edited with Martine Clinkspoor); Vol. 5: Les manuels d'allemand. Paris: Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique; Publications de la Sorbonne, 1993, 1993. Pp. 593; 413; bibliography; index. [Rev. by Olaf Moens in Paedagogica Historica, 31 (1995), 218-19. Two of a seven volumes offering the results of the "Emmanuelle" bibliographical project (computer database) compiling official school texts, led by Choppin at the INRP in Paris. (One RLIN catalogue entry notes the 7 vols. are co-edited by Marie-Anne Decouche-Beauchais and Robert Gougnard, but entries for individual volumes aside from the fifth credit Choppin alone.) In 1987, Choppin brought out the first two volumes for the same publishers: Les manuels de grec and Les manuels d'italien (pp. 204 and 132, with indices). The third compilation was Les manuels de latin, and the sixth Les manuels d'espanol. Choppin's 7th volume, Bilan des études et recherches, appeared in 1995 (pp. 155; bibliography; index). Choppin also edited a special issue of Histoire de l'Education (no. 58, May 1993) devoted to Manuels scolaires, états et sociétés: XIXe-XXe siècles.]

Choppin, Alain. Les Manuels scolaires: Histoire et actualité. (Pédagogies pour demain.) Paris: Hachette Éducation, 1992. Pp. 223 + [xvi]; illus. (some in color). [Rev. by M. Crubellier in Histoire de l'éducation, no. 58 (May 1993).]

Choteev, Pavel. “Das deutsche Buch in Rußland in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts.” Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 19 (1995), 106-08.

Christensen, Nina. “Lust for Reading and Thirst for Knowledge: Fictive Letters in a Danish Children’s Magazine of 1770.” The Lion and the Unicorn, 33, no. 2 ([April] 2009), 189-201. [In a special issue entitled “Performing the Didactic,” along with essays by Andrea Immel and Donelle Ruwe]

Ciro, Jennifer. "Country House Libraries in the Nineteenth Century." Library History, 18, no. 2 (2002), 89-98.

Clapinson, Mary. A Brief History of the Bodleian Library. Oxford: Bodleian Library (distributed in North American by Chicago University Press), 2015. Pp. 208; 28 illustrations (including 16 color plates). [The second chapter reaches to 1700, the third to 1800 and the fourth to 1900.]

Clarke, Norma. "Report Back, Scrapbooks and Chapbooks: Reading, Writing, and Childhood 1700-1850." History Workshop Journal, 40 (Autumn 1995), 245-48.

Clarke, Peter D. (ed.). The University and College Libraries of Cambridge. (Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues, 10.) Introduction by Roger Lovatt. London: British Library in association with the British Academy, 2002. Pp. xcii + 899 + [8] of plates; illus. [Rev. by David McKitterick in TLS (February 14, 2002), 33.]

Clarke, Stephen. “Beckford and Nimby Pamby: William Beckford’s Notes in Horace Walpole’s Works.” Book Collector, 63 (2014), 47-81.

Clausen, Helge. "Two Cathedral Libraries in Copenhagen, 1648-1962: St. Andrew's Library and Niels Steensen's Library." Library History, 20 (2004), 19-32.

Clausen, Helge. "The written word is the most patient missionary": Catholic Literature and Catholic Public Libraries in Denmark from the Reformation to Vatican II, 1536-1962. Copenhagen: Catholic Publishers, 2006. Pp. 345; illus.; summary in Danish. [Ph.D. dissertation at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow. Rev. by Anne-Mette Kirkeby in Library History, 23, no. 1 (March 2007), 77-78.]

Clements, Diana. “The Library and Museum of Freemasonry.” Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art, and Belief, 1, no. 2 (2005), 293-95.

Clery, E. J., and Robert Miles (eds.). Gothic Documents: A Sourcebook: 1700-1820. Manchester: Manchester U. Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 306. [Rev. (with reservations) in review essay ("Gothic Readers versus Gothic Writers") by Marshall Brown in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 35 (2002), 615-22.]

Clingham, G[reg] J. “Bolingbroke’s Copy of Pope’s Works of 1717-1735 in Tonbridge School Library.” Notes and Queries, n.s. 33 [231] (1986), 500-02.

Clingham, Greg J., and N. Hopkinson. “[Samuel] Johnson’s Copy of the Iliad at Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk.” Book Collector, 37, no. 4 (1988), 503-21; illus.

Coates, Alan. "The Bodleian's Incunabula in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Their Acquisition, Cataloguing and Housing." The Bodleian Library Record, 15, no. 2 (1995), 108-18.

Coates, Alan. "The Old Library of Trinity College, Oxford." The Bodleian Library Record, 13 (1991), 466-78.

Cochetti, Maria (ed.). Mercurius in Trivio: Studi di Bibliografia e di Biblioteconomia per Alfredo Serrai nel 60o compleanno (20 novembre 1992). (Bibliotecario, n.s., 7.) Rome: Bulzoni, 1993. Pp. 221; bibliography [checklist of publications of Alfredo Serrai edited by Marino Panzanelli, 9-21]. [Essays on bibliography and library history, in Italian and English, including: "Elogio della biblioteca: Un possibile rilevamento per una storia libraria," on Giuseppe Bini of Friuli (born 1689), who wrote on libraries and bibliography, by Anna Giulia Cavagna (45-54); "Leibnitz e lo Jus Typographiae: Un promemoria del 1716 nella Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek di Hannover" by Margherita Palumbo (109-27); "Legatori vaticani," with an appended shop inventory from 1699 when Giovanni Walthier and Giovanni Paolo Cassioni took over the bindery, by Franca Petrucci Nardelli (153-61); "Gli scritti di Antonio Cesari e di Giovanni Vailati: Due sottoscrizioni italiane del primo Novecento" by Valentino Romani (163-68); "Libri, opuscoli e giornali per il buon patriota piemontese del 1799" by Ugo Rozzo (169-95, with bibliographies of 1790s publications advocating democracy and revolution, including, with prices in piemontese lire, those published by Librajo Balbino, 191-95).]

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