Called “Reading” till 7/24/2010 and then changed to “18c r

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Bledsoe, Robert S. "Empathetic Reading and Identity Formation." Lessing Yearbook, 33 (2001), 201-32.

Bleichmar, Daniela, and Peter C. Mancall (eds.). Collecting Across Cultures: Material Exchanges in the Early Modern Atlantic World. (Early Modern Americas.) Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. Pp. 392; 14 essays; 67 illustrations (12 in color).

Bloch, Jean. “Contrasting Voices: Male and Female Discourse on the Education of Women in Eighteenth-Century France.” Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 303 (1992), 276-79.

Bloch, Jean. Rousseauism and Education in Eighteenth-Century France. (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 325.) Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1995. Pp. xii + 261.

Blom, Philipp. To Have and To Hold: An Intimate History of Collectors and Collecting. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2003. Pp. xiv + 273; illus.; index. [Rev. by Jenny Uglow in TLS (July 25, 2002), 18-19; briefly in New Yorker (March 17, 2003), 149. Covers collecting since the Renaissance.]

Blondeau, Catherine. "Lectures de la correspondance de Julie de Lespinasse: Une étude de réception." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 308 (1993), 223-32.

Blum, Rudolf. "Nationalbibliographie und Nationalbibliothek: Die Verzeichnung und Sammlung der nationalen Buchproduktion, besonders der deutschen, von den Anfängen bis Zweiten Weltkrieg." Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 35 (1990), [i]-[vi] 1-294; abstract or table of contents [1-10]; bibliography; index. [With sections involving 17C and 18C Germany, The Netherlands, France, and England (55-64).]

Bly, Antonio T. “America’s ‘Cumbersome Democracy’ in Print” Histories of Reading and Writing in Early America” [review essay]. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 46, no. 1 (2012), 151-54.

Bly, Antonio T. “Breaking with Tradition: Slave Literacy in Early Virginia, 1680-1780.” Ph.D. Dissertation, College of William and Mary, 2006. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67A, no. 9 (2007), 3451.

Bly, Antonio T. “’Pretends He Can Read’: Runaways and Literacy in Colonial America, 1730-1776.” Early American Studies, 6, no. 2 (2008), 261-94; summary.

Bly, Antonio T. “’Reed through the Bybell’: Slave Education in Early Virginia.” Book History, 16 (2013), 1-33.

Boddy, Ernest H. "The Dalton Book Club: A Brief History." Library History, 9 (1992), 97-105; 1 illustration. [Formed in 1764 in Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria, formerly in Lancaster.]

Bödeker, Hans Erich. "Die Bibliothek eines Aufklärers: Georg Foster." Aufklärung, 6 (1992), 95-123.

Bödeker, Hans Erich (ed.) Histoires du livre: Nouvelles orientations: Actes du colloque du 6 et 7 septembre 1990, Göttingen. (In octavo, 1.) Paris: IMEC; Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1995. Pp. 504. [Includes Frédéric Barbier's "Le comparatisme comme nécessité heuristique pour l'historien du livre et de la culture" (433-49); Roger Chartier's "De l'histoire du livre à l'histoire de la lecture: Les trajectoires françaises" (23-45); Robert Darnton's "Histoire du livre, Geschichte des Buchwesens: An Agenda for Comparative History" (451-58); John L. Flood's "Überlegungen zu Buch- und Buchgeschichte aus komparatistischer und interdisziplinärer Sicht" (385-416); David D. Hall's "The History of the Book in the United States: Prospects and Perspectives" (47-60); Lotte Hellinga's "Planning the History of the Book in Britain: Seeking Definitions" (61-71); Paul G. Hoftijzer and Otto S. Lankhorst's "Book History in the Netherlands: A Survey of Studies of the Early Modern Period" (139-96); Henri-Jean Martin's "Pour una histoire comparative du livre: Quelques points de vue" (417-32); Renato Pasta's "Towards a Social History of Ideas: The Book and the Booktrade in Eighteenth-Century Italy" (101-38) Ian Willison's "A Note on Recent Developments in the History of the Book in Britain and France, and on the Prospects before Us" (73-79).]

Bödeker, Hans Erich. “’The Invisible Commerce of Hearts and Minds’: Authors, the Literary Market, and the Public in Eighteenth-Century Germany.” Pp. 583-612 in Le Livre et l'historien: Études offertes en l'honneur du Professeur Henri-Jean Martin. (Histoire et civilisation du livre, 24.) Edited by Frédéric Barbier, Annie Parent-Charon, François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Claude Jolly, and Dominique Varry. Geneva: Droz, 1997. Pp. xvii + 817 + [7]; index.

Bödeker, Hans Erich. "Livres pour et contre le Révolution française: La clientèle du librairie de Münster Teissing entre 1790 et 1800." Leipziger Jahrbuch zu Buchgeschichte, 1 (1991), 139-53.

Bödeker, Hans Erich, and Ernst Hinrichs (eds.). Alphabetisierung und Literalisierung in Deutschland in der Frühen Neuzeit. (Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung, 26.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1999. Pp. vi + 366; charts, graphs, illus.; maps; tables. [The 16 essays include the editors' introduction, Andrea Hofmeister's "Ländliche Alphabetisierung in Südniedersachsen: 'Großtraum' Göttingen und nordwestliches Harzvorland" (11-32); Norbert Winnige's "Alphabetisierung in Althessen: Zum Stand der Signierfähigkeit in Hessen-Kassel um 1800" (33-67); Reiner Prass's "Preußich-gewerblicher Vorsprung und katholischländliche Rückständigkeit? Zur Alphabetisierungs in Minden-Ravensberg und Corvey-Paderborn" (69-93); Jens Riederer's "Prämie der Aufklärung: Zum Alphabetisierungsvorsprung im Fürstentum Halberstadt gegenüber der Magdeburger Börde um 1800" (95-118); Susan Klehn's "Alphabetisierung in der Stadt Braunschweig um 1800: Die Magnigemeinde als Stichprobe" (141-62); Bettina Busch-Geertsema's "'Elender als auf dem elendesten Dorfe'? Elementarbildung und Alphabetisierung in Bremen am Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts" (181-200); Anne-Kristin Kupke's "Elementarschulunterricht in Kursachsen um 1670" (225-52); Gisela Teistler's "Fibeln als Dokumente für die Entwicklung der Alphabetisierung: Ihre Entstehung und Verbreitung bis 1850" (255-81; illus.); Reinhart Siegert's "Zur Alphabetisierung in den deutschen Regionen am Ende des Jahrunderts: Methodische Überlegungen und inhaltliche Bausteine aus Quellenmaterial der Volksaufklärung" (283-307); and Alfred Messerli's "Literale Normen und Alphabetisierung im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert in der Schweiz" (309-26).]

Bödeker, Hans E., and Anne Saada (eds.). Bibliothek als Archiv. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instututs für Geschichte, 221.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007. Pp. 313; 15 illustrations; table. [Includes Christiane Berkvens-Steveelinck’s “Sur la trace des humanistes: La Bibliothèque universitaire de Leyde”; Saada’s “Das Göttinger Bibliotheksarchiv als Archiv des Auklärungsprozesses”; Helmut Rohlfing’s “’Sagen Sie nicht, daß das Archiv unbeträchtlich sey’: J. D. Reuß und das erste Findbuch zum Göttinger Bibliotheksarchiv”; Graham Jefcoate’s “The Principle of ‘Universality’: English Collections in the Libraries of Göttingen and Corvey”; Thomas Knowles’s “Private and Institutional Collections in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society”; Detlef Döring’s “Die Leipziger öffentlichen Bibliotheken des 18. Jahrhunderts als Faktoren des wissenschaftlichen Lebens”; Emmanuelle Chapron’s “Utilité publique et organisation du savoir-dand les bibliothèques florentines du XVIIIe siècle: Marie Drut-Hours “Les bibliothèques de l’Aufklärung: La genèse d’une bibliothéconomie: L’exemple des bibliothèques de Deux-Ponts et de Trèves” Wijnand Mijnhardt’s “From Private to Public: Bookseller Records and the Changing Perspectives on the Library 1650-1850”; Martin Gierl’s “Bauen an der festen Burg der Auklärung: Historia literaria von Heumann bis Eichorn und die Göttinger Universitaät als reale und fiktive Bibliothek.”]

Bodleian Library (comp.). A Catalogue of the Books Relating to British Typography, and Saxon and Northern Literature Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library in the Year MDCCXCIX By Richard Gough Esq., F.S.A. 1814; reprinted in facsimile: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. 458; index. [Gough, antiquarian and bibliophile, 1735-1809.]

Boelcke, Willi A. "Wirtschaftsgeschichtsforschung in der Bibliothek." Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 30 (1997), 59-70.

Bohnsack, Petra, and Hans-Friedrich Foltin (eds.). Lesekultur: Populäre Lesestoffe von Gutenberg biz zum Internet. (Schriften der U. Marburg, 93.) With contributions by Siegfried Becker and others. Marburg: [Universitätsbibliothek], 1999. Pp. 289; illus. [Guide to an exhibition and to the holdings of U. Marburg's Universitätsbibliothek and its Institut für Europäische Ethnologie und Kulturforschung.]

Boitano, F. "Naudé's Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque." Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 18 (1996), 5-19.

Bollmeyer, Matthias “Die Bibliothek des jeverschen Bürgermeisters und Botanikers Georg Heinrich Bernhard Jürgens.” Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 68 (2013), 119-31. [On the private library of the Jürgens family, 1244 volume of which are preserved in the gymnasium in Jever (they are half law texts and a fifth related to Jürgens’s botany research.]

Bolton, Claire. A Winchester Bookshop and Bindery (1729-1991). Marcham [Oxford]: Alembic Press, 1991. Pp. 77 + 8 of plates; illus.

Bond, William H. “From the Great Desire of Promoting Learning”: Thomas Hollis’s Gift to the Harvard College Library. [Special issue of] Harvard Library Bulletin, n.s. 19, nos. 1-2 (Spring-summer 2008 {2010}.] Cambridge: Harvard University Libraries, 2010. Pp. 275; bibliography; 8 illustrations; legend [32-33]. [With a checklist of Thomas Hollis’s books given to the College, pp. 34-205; preceded by an introduction by Allen Reddick (1-31) and a preface by William P. Stoneman. Related to Bond’s 1982 Sandar’s Lecture in Bibliography.]

Bond, W[illiam]. H. Thomas Hollis of Lincoln's Inn: A Whig and His Books. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1990. Pp. xviii + 133; illus. [Rev. (fav.) by Michèle Valerie Cloonan in Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, 16 (for 1990 [1996]), 6, noting Bond provides "an in-depth account" of Hollis's bindings."]

Bond, William H., and Hugh Amory (eds.). The Printed Catalogues of the Harvard College Library, 1723-1790. (Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 68.) Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts (distributed by New Castle: Oak Knoll), 1996. Pp. xli + 710; facsimiles; index.

Bongie, L. "Nouvelles à la main: The Subscriber's View." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 305 (1992), 1744-47.

Böning, Holger. “Ist das Zeitungslesen auch dem Landmanne zu verstatten?” Überlegungen zum bäuerlichen Lesen in der deutsche Aufklärung.” Pp. 39-53 in Hören—Sagen—Lesen—Lernen: bausteine zu einer Geschichte der kommunikativen Kultur. Ed. by Ursula Brunold-Bigler and Hermann Bausinger. Bern: P. Lang, 1995. Pp. 822.

Böning, Holger. "Volksaufklärung und Kalender: Zu den Anfängen der Diskussion über die Nutzung traditioneller Volkslesestoffe zur Aufklärung und zu ersten praktischen Versuchen bis 1780." Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 56 (2002), 79-108; bibliography; illustrations; index.

Bonnel, Roland, and Catherine Rubinger (eds.). Femmes savantes et femmes d’esprit: Women Intellectuals of the French Eighteenth Century. New York: P. Lang, 1994. Pp. 449.

Boonstra, O. W. A. De waardij van eene vroege opleiding: Een onderzoek naar de impicaties van het alfabetisme op het leven van inwoners van Eindhoven en omliggende gemeenten, 1800-1920. (A.A.G. Bijdragen, 34.) Wageningen: Afdeling Agarische Geschiedenis, Landbouwuniversiteit, 1993. Pp. 464; illus.; summary in English and French. [Focused on the effects of increased literacy; originally presented as a dissertation at Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen. Rev. (fav.) by Monique Stavenuiter in Paedagogica Historica, 31 (1995), 583-85.]

Boran, Elizabethanne. "Education and Dissemination of the Word: A Baptist Library in the Eighteenth Century." In Propagating the Word of Irish Dissent, 1650-1800. Edited by Kevin Herlihy. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998.

Boran, Elizabethanne. "Libraries and Collectors, 1550-1700." Pp. 91-110 of The Oxford History of the Irish Book. Vol. 3: The Irish Book in English, 1550-1800. Edited by Raymond Gillespie and Andrew Hadfield. Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 2006. Pp. xxi + 477; bibliography; illus.; index.

Bordsen, Alice L. "Scottish Attitudes Reflected in the Library History of North Carolina." Libraries and Culture, 27 (1992), 121-42.

Bortolotti, Ilaria. “I Libri di Luigi Ferdinando Marsili: Da raccolta privata a biblioteca dell’Istituto delle Scienze.” TECA: Testimonianze Editoria Cultura Arte, 2 (2012), 71-88. [On the collection manuscripts and books, held by the Institute of science in Bologna, formerly owned by Marsili (1658-1730), military general and scientist.]

Boschung, Urs. "'Mein Vergnügen . . . bey den Büchern': Albrecht von Hallers Bibliothek, von den Anfängen bis 1736." Librarium, 38 (1995), 154-74; illus.

Boserup, Ivan, and David J. Shaw (eds.). Virtual Visits to Lost Libraries: Reconstruction of and Access to Dispersed Collections. Papers Presented on 5 November 2010 at the CERL Seminar Hosted by the Royal Library of Denmark, Copenhagen. (CERL Papers, 11.) London: Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2011. Pp. 171; illustrations. [The papers on personal and institutional libraries from a 2010 CERL conference include Boserup’s introduction and 11 papers in English, including Graham Jefcoate and Jutta Weber’s “Reconnecting the Forster Legacy: The Virtual Construction--and Reconstruction--of a Key Enlightenment Collection”; István Monok’s “Scholars’ Libraries in Hungary in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Reconstructions Based on Owners’ Mark Research”; Marina Venier’s “The Monastic Libraries in Rome, from the Lists of the Religious Orders for the Sacred Congregation of the Index to the Confiscation in 1873: The Reconstruction of the Eborense Library in the Monastery of Santa Maria in Aracoeli Belonging to the Friars Minor Observant”; Isabelle de Conihout’s “Identifying Libraries and Patrons of Bookbinding by the Evidence of Numbers”; Karen Skovgaard-Petersen’s “Gottorp Books in the Royal Library of Copenhag: Methodological Considerations on the Possibilities of Identification”; and Boserup’s “Some New Ways to Identify Prints with a Gottorp Provenance in the Royal Library.” Rev. (fav.) by Katherine Birkwood in Library and Information History, 29 (2013), 6-61.]

Bosquet, Marie-Françoise. “La Mise en scène des lectures et lectrices dans les Gynographes.” Études rétiviennes, 38 (December 2006), 5-17.

Bothien, Heinz (ed.). Joseph von Lassberg--Des letzten Ritters Bibliothek. Frauenfeld and Stuttgart: Huber, 2001. Pp. 214; illus. (some in color); indices. [With seven essays, including the editor's "Veröffentlichungen des Freiherrn Joseph von Lassberg" and "Ausgewählte Werke aus der ehemaligen Privatbibliothek des Freiherrn Joseph von Lassberg"; other contributions, most biographical, are by Volker Schupp, Dietrich Hakelberg ("Bibliotheca Laszbergiana"), Aenne Schwoerbel, Hans-Ulrich Wepfer, and Dominik Gügel.]

Bots, Hans. "La Bibliothèque du Roi et ses rapports avec la librairie hollandaise entre 1694 et 1735." Revue française d'histoire du livre, nos. 104-05 (1999), 253-70.

Bott, Rebecca J., and Adam V. Doskey. The Mellon Cataloging Project and Five Centuries of Book Ownership. Designed by Dennis J. Sears and Adam V. Doskey. Urbana: Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. Pp. 20; catalogue of exhibition held 15 June – 14 August 2009; 10 color illustrations. [A PDF of the exhibition is available at]

Bottasso, Enzo. “The Network of Libraries in Old Italian States.” (Translated by Sandra Da Conturbia.) Libraries and Culture, 25, no. 3 (1990), 334-44. [In a special issue on “Libraries and Librarianship in Italy,” edited by Maria X. Wells and Luigi Crocetti, with an introduction by Wells.]

Bottasso, Enzo, and Roberto Alciati. Dizionario dei bibliotecari e bibliografi italiani dal XVI al XX secolo. Revised edition. Completed and edited by Roberto Alciati (following Bottasso’s death in 1998). Montevarchi: Accademia Valdarnese del Proggio, 2009. Pp. xxiv + 467; bibliography; illustrations. [Rev. by Emmanuelle Chapron in Bulletin du bibliophile 2012, no. 2 (2012); by Paolo Giambarella in Paratesto, 7 (2010); by Alfredo Serrai in Il Bibliotecaria, 3rd series, 2010, nos. 1-2 (January-August 2010); by Maria Gioia Tavoni in Nuovi annali della scola speciale per archvisti e bibliotecari, 24 (2010), 287-88.]

Bötte, Gerd-J. "The University Library at Göttingen as Germany's National Library for the Eighteenth Century: Christian Gottlob Heyne's Contemporary Acquisition Strategy and the 'Sammlung deutscher Drucke,' 1701-1800 on the Threshold of the Millennium." Library History, 15 (1999), 13-22.

Bottigheimer, Ruth. The Bible for Children: From the Age of Gutenberg to the Present. New Haven, CT: Yale U. Press, 1996. Pp. xiv + 338; illus.

Bottigheimer, Ruth B. "Bible Reading, ‘Bibles,’ and the Bible for Children in Early Modern Germany." Past and Present, no. 139 (May, 1993), 66-89; illus.

Bougé-Grandon, Dominique. "Enseigner les livres: Le témoignage de François de Los-Rios." Revue française d'histoire du livre, nos. 106-09 (2000 [March 2002]), 119-32.

Boulard, Claire. “Conservative or Reformer? The History and Fortune of Fénelon’s Traité de l’Education des filles [1687] in Eighteenth-Century England.” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, 12, no. 4 (2012), 48-77; summary.

Bourdin, Philippe, and Jean-Luc Chappey (eds.). Réseaux & sociabilité littéraire en révolution. (Histoires croisées.) Paris: Presses univesitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2007. Pp. 190; illus. [Includes the editors’ introduction, Philippe Bourdin’s “La postérité de la bibliothèque Romme: Le prêt privé dans les milieux néo-jacobins provinciau”; Fabrice Boyer’s “La famille Martignac: Des avocats musagètes en Bordelais”; Jean-Luc Chappey’s La Société nationale des Neuf Soeurs (1790-1793): Héritages et innovations d’une sociabilité littéraire et politique”; Antoine Lilti’s “Mondanité et Révolution: Les hommes de lettres et la sociabilité mondaine à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.”]

Bourke, Monique. "'William Mackenzie: America's First Book Collector': The Library Company of Philadelphia [review of exhibition]." Pennsylvania History, 62 (1995), 402-05.

Bourquin, Marcus, and Franz G. Maier. "Die wechselvolle Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek: Von der Moralischen Burger zur Stadtbibliothek Biel 1765-1925: 50 Jahre Stiftung Stadtbibliothek Biel 1926-1976." Bieler Jahrbuch (1991), 51-95; illus.

Boussel, Claire (trans. by Samia I. Spencer). "The Waning Days of the Académie Française, 1789-1793." XVIII: New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century, 4 (2007), 11-20; chronology.

Bouza, Antonio L. El ex libris: Tratado general: Su historia en la corona española. Madrid: Patrimonio Nacional, 1990. Pp. 148; illus (some in color).

Bowd, Rebecca. “’Books of every variety of taste’: Politeness, Improvement and Instruction in Eighteenth-Century Libraries.” (“Guest Editorial” in issue edited by Bowd on 18th-century libraries.) Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 157-58.

Bowd, Rebecca. “Useful Knowledge or Polite Learning? A Reappraisal of Approaches to Subscription Library History.” Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 182-95.

Bowden, Caroline. “Building Libraries in Exile: The English Convents and their Book Collections in the Seventeenth Century.” British Catholic History, 32, no. 3 (2015), 343-82.

Bowden, Caroline. “’A Distribution of Tyme’: Reading and Writing Practices in the English Convents in Exile.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 31, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall 2012), 99-116.

Boyle, Anne M. Sunday School: The Formation of an American Institution, 1790-1880. New Haven, CT: Yale U. Press, 1988. Pp. xii + 225; illus.; index. [Rev. by John Webster Grant in Historical Studies in Education, 3 (1991), 325-27.

Braches, Ernst. "The First Years of the Fagel Collection in Trinity College, Dublin." Pp. 189-96 in Across the Narrow Seas: Studies in the History and Bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries: Presented to Anna E. C. Simoni. Ed. by Susan Roach. Foreword by Mirjam M. Foot. London: British Library, 1991.

Brack, O M, Jr., and Mary Early. "Samuel Johnson's Proposals for the Harleian Miscellany." Studies in Bibliography, 45 (1992), 127-30.

Bradley, Matthew. “The Reading Experience Database.” Journal of Victorian Culture, 15 (2010), 151-53.

Bragaglia, Egisto. Gli ex libris italiani dalle origini alla fine dell'Ottocento. (Grandi opere, 7.) 3 vols. Milan: Editrice Bibliografica, 1993. Pp. 559; 2523 illus.

Bragagna, Laura, and Mauro Hausbergher (eds.). “Per vantaggio publico in ordine alle scienze”: La Biblioteca di Gian Pietro Muratori a Cavalese: Catalogo. (Biblioteche e bibliotecari del Trentino, 2.) Trento: Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza ai Beni Librari e Archivistici, 2006. Pp. lxiii + 411; illustrations. [Catalogue of the roughly thousand books, mostly eighteenth century, in a parish library left by Father Muratori (1708-1792) to his successors in Cavalese. Rev. (briefly noted) by Neil Harris in Library, 7th series, 10 (2009), 97; by Alessandro Ledda in L’almanacco bibliografico, no. 1 (March 2007), 10-12.]

Braida, Lodovica. “Tra storia della lettura e storia di una biblioteca privata: Della ‘pazza passione’ del canonico Ignazio de Giovanni per i libri.” Pp. 27-42 of Testo e immagine nell’editoria del Settecento: Atti del Convegno Internationale, Roma, 26-28 febbraio 2007. (Biblioteca di “Paratesto,” 4.) Edited by Marco Santoro and Valentina Sestini. Rome: Fabrizio Serra, 2008. Pp. xxx + 540.

Braida, Lodovica, and Alberto Cadioli (eds.). Testi et forme e usi del libro: Teorie e pratiche di cultura editoriale: Giornato di studio 2006: Università degli Studi di Milano-APICE, 13-14 novembre 2006. Milan: Sylvestre Bonnard, 2007. Pp. 285. [Thirteen essays on reading and publishing history, including Roger Chartier’s “Le materialità dello scritto: Che cos’è un libro? Risposte a una domanda di Kant” (13-25), and Patrizia Delpiano’s “I censori leggono romanzi” (117-133). Rev. (favorably, briefly) by Neil Harris in Library, 7th series, 10 (2009), 100.]

Brand, Joachim. "Zur Geschichte der Bibliotheken der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin--Preußischer Kulturbesitz." Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 37 (2004), 69-173; 6 illustrations.

Brandt, Deborah. Literacy as Involvement: The Acts of Writers, Readers, and Texts. Carbondale: Southern Illinois U. Press, 1990. Pp. 159.

Brandt-Schwarze, Ulrike, and Norbert Oellers (comps.). Die Dramen der Fürstlichen Bibliothek Corvey 1805-1832. Paderborn, Germany: Wilhelm Fink, 2000. Pp. 558; bibliographical catalogue (13-486); indices.

Bravo Liñán, Francisco. “La propensión lectora en el Cádiz de la Ilustración: Su reflejo en El Redactor General.” Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, 6 (1998), 11-40. [In an annual volume with the special focus and title “El libro y el lector.” Articles in this journal, 1991-2014, published by the University of Cádiz, are available as PDFs from contents tables at its website,]

Bray, Joe. The Female Reader in the English Novel: From Burney to Austen. (Routledge Studies in English Literature, 5.) New York: Routledge, 2009. Pp. viii + 200; index.

Bray, Joe, Miriam Handley, Anne C. Henry, and Jerome McGann (eds.). Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. Pp. xxiv + 341. [The covers title depicts the “r” in “Marking” as inserted above and between the “ak.” Includes such essays as Kate Bennett’s “Editing Aubrey” (271-90) and Bray’s “’Attending to the Minute’: Richardson’s Revisions of Italics in Pamela” (105-19).]

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