Cumulative Index 1930-1937

Jefferson County Foremen’s Assn

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Jefferson County Foremen’s Assn.:
“White Legion—Fascist Spy Gang Against Workers,” Jul 1934, 1
Jefferson Foundry Company:
“Speed Up On Part Time In Foundry,” Nov 15 1930, 3
Jefferson, Ga.:
My Life, Nov 8 1930, 4

My Life, Nov 15 1930, 4

My Life, Nov 22 1930, 4

My Life, Dec 13 1930, 4

Jefferson Mortgage:
“Workers Evicted From Shacks of Corporations,” Jun 1936, 6
Jefferson, Thomas:
The Reds Say, Sep 20 1930, 4

“The People Versus the Supreme Court,” Apr 1937, 5

Jehovah's Witnesses:
“Religious Group Persecuted In Georgia: 171 Witnesses Arrested in La Grange, Ga.,” Jun 1936, 3
Jellico, Ky.:
“Offer Reward For Jackson Dead Or Alive,” Mar 5 1932, 1
Jenks, Henry:
Lynch Law At Work: Knoxville, Tenn., Feb 7 1931, 2
Jenkins, Don:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4
Jenkins, Ky.:
“T. Meyerscough [sic] And Jim Grace Taken For Ride,” Oct 10 1931, 1
Jennings, R.W.:
“Mill Town Government,” Aug 29 1931, 3
Jensen, C.E.:
“Klan Killers Stand Trial In Tampa, Fla.,” Mar-Apr 1936, 1
Jerome, V.:
Contributor, “Negro Mother To Her Child,” Nov 29 1930, 2
Jersey City, N.J.:
“Workers Thruout [sic] World Demonstrate August 1st,” Aug 1 1931, 1
Jesup, Ga.:
“175 Laid Off,” May 16 1931, 2
A Communist To A Farmer, Nov 1 1930, 4

“Unions And The Communists,” Nov 8 1930, 2

Wanted Poster for Jesus, Jul 1936, 3
Jewell, W.F.:
“Monkey Town Nabobs Held on Drunk Charge,” Jan 2 1931, 2
J. F. Ames Bag Mill Company: see Selma Manufacturing Company
Jim Crow:
“What Do We Stand For?” Aug 16 1930, 1

“Will Nominate Negro Workers In Tenn., Ala.,” Aug 16 1930, 1

“New Orleans Dock Workers Strike,” Aug 16 1930, 1

Lynch Law At Work: West Point, N.Y., Aug 16 1930, 3

“Power Co. Lays Off Old Workers,” Aug 16 1930, 3

“Communists And Election,” Aug 16 1930, 4

The Reds Say, Aug 16 1930, 4

“A.F. of L. Fakers Convene,” Aug 30 1930, 1

“Unemployed In Chatta. Council,” Aug 30 1930, 2

“Big Wage Cuts At Connors Steel,” Aug 30 1930, 3

“Many Idle At Houston Port,” Aug 30 1930, 3

“5-Day Penalty for Mining Rock,” Aug 30 1930, 3

“20-Hour Day at City Tunnels,” Aug 30 1930, 3

The Reds Say, Sep 6 1930, 4

“Crisis Works In Houston,” Sep 13 1930, 3

“Pioneer Tells of Child Labor,” Sep 27 1930, 2

“Coming!” Sep 27 1930, 2

The Reds Say, Sep 27 1930, 4

“Elections in North Carolina,” Sep 27 1930, 4

“Houston TUUL Continues Work Despite the Attacks of Police,” Oct 4 1930, 2

“10 Cents An Hour!” Oct 4 1930, 3

“More Pay? ‘Bad Nigger,’ Says Boss, ‘Fired!’” Oct 4 1930, 3

“Club Worker Asking Pay,” Oct 4 1930, 3

“Won’t Sell Bargain Food To Negroes,” Oct 11 1930, 3

“Must Not Permit This To Happen Helps Boss,” Oct 18 1930, 3

“Young Workers In Atlanta,” Oct 25 1930, 1

“Fishermen in South Lowest Paid Workers,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“25¢ An Hour On Ringling Yacht,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“From Childhood To Manhood,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“Struggle Around Atlanta,” Oct 25 1930, 4

“Call for Mass Conference Against Lynch-Law,” Nov 1 1930, 3

“Negro Plasterers Kept Out of Union; Jobless,” Nov 1 1930, 4

“The Election Campaign,” Nov 1 1930, 6

“Ladies Hold Nice Conference,” Nov 8 1930, 1

“Use Negro Taxes to Better White Section,” Nov 8 1930, 3

“The Bond of Solidarity Grows Stronger,” Nov 8 1930, 4

My Life, Nov 15 1930, 4

“Negroes Suffer Most In Crisis,” Nov 22 1930, 1

“Bosses Treat Negro Miners Like Slaves,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“Cut Wages Of All Building Workers,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“Illiteracy,” Nov 22 1930, 3

Charlotte Notes, Nov 29 1930, 2

“Demands Rent On Honk Of Horn—No?—Evicted!” Nov 29 1930, 3

“Use Race Lies To Cut Wages,” Nov 29 1930, 3

“Bringing Race Hatred on Job,” Dec 13 1930, 3

“United Fruit Speeds Up Men With Curses,” Dec 13 1930, 3

The Reds Say, Dec 20 1930, 4

“Starving Ex-Soldier For United Fight,” Dec 27 1930, 3

“Cause Behind Lynch Justice,” Jan 3 1931, 3

“Must Unite,” Jan 10 1931, 1

“More Food Riots Brew as Red Cross Give [sic] 50 Cent ‘Relief’,” Jan 17 1931, 1

“Didn’t Jim-Crow Negro Money—Jim-Crow Aid,” Jan 17 1931, 3

“The Birmingham Bosses Wage-Cutting Fund,” Jan 17 1931, 4

My Life, Jan 24 1931, 3

“Fakers Stop Ex-Soldiers Hunger March In Atlanta,” Feb 7 1931, 3

“B’ham Fires 200 Men As Bond Issue Drops,” Feb 14 1931, 4

“Connors Steel Has Only 30 Men at 25 Cents Hr.,” Feb 21 1931, 2

“Negro Teachers Get $34 Mo.,” Feb 21 1931, 2

“Preacher Does Stuff for Boss,” Feb 21 1931, 4

“Vote For Workers Men In the Chatta. Elections!” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Fight Segregation,” Mar 14 1931, 2

“Negroes Fired From City Jobs,” Mar 14 1931, 3

“The Struggle of the Negroes,” Mar 14 1931, 4

“Federal Farm Board Starvation Program,” Mar 21 1931, 4

“Fight Lynch Law on 28th,” Mar 28 1931, 1

“‘No Niggers’ Says A.F.L.,” Mar 28 1931, 1

“White Rulers Deny Negroes Schooling In Black Belt,” Mar 28 1931, 2

“Another Jim-Crow Law In Atlanta,” Apr 4 1931, 2

“Demonstrate May Day!” Apr 18 1931, 1

“The Issues of the Scottsboro Case,” Apr 25 1931, 4

“KKK Stops Cars To Make Negroes Keep In ‘Place’,” May 23 1931, 3

“Delegates Hit Jim-Crow Hard,” Jun 6 1931, 2

“Approve Denial of Negro Vote,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“Jim Crow Rules In Army, Also,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“Win Fight For Better School,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“Protest Attacks On Young Negro Workers In Char.” Jun 27 1931, 2

“Bosses Discover Greenville Slum,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“Gets Puppy For Two Weeks Work,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“YCL Holds Dance In Charlotte A Success,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“Gets 30 Days For Refusing White Man,” Jul 11 1931, 3

“What! $3 Week Not Enuf? Get Out, Then,” Jul 11 1931, 3

“Sees Communist Party As Only Leader,” Jul 18 1931, 3

“‘Speak Up, Don’t Starve Quietly’,” Jul 18 1931, 3

“Insult Negroes Even in Jimcrow Part of Trolley,” Jul 18 1931, 3

“Doctor Treats Negro In Barn—Like Horse,” Jul 25 1931, 3

“Red Cross Refused To Treat Negro Wounded in World War,” Jul 25 1931, 4

“A Worker Who Has Finally Opened His Eyes,” Aug 1 1931, 3

“Huntingdon, Tenn., Workers Fight Division to Get Higher Wages.” Aug 1 1931, 2

“Must Cut Out Lynching by Organizing Together,” Aug 1 1931, 3

“Fire Char. City Worker With 13 Children,” Aug 15 1931, 3

“Significance of Yokinen,” Aug 15 1931, 4

“Bosses Use B’ham Killing To Check Workers Struggle,” Aug 29 1931, 3

“Conference To Demand Schools,” Aug 29 1931, 1

“‘Law and Order’ in Harlan County,” Aug 29 1931, 4

“Remember Bosses 1917 Lies And Ala. Terror Now,” Sep 5 1931, 3

“Workers Gain Boy’s Freedom,” Sep 5 1931, 3

“Jim Crow Relief For The Unemployed of Tampa, Fla.,” Sep 19 1931, 3

“Negro Candidates Prominet [sic] In N.Y. Communist Campaign,” Sep 19 1931, 1

“Errand Boy To Die For White Woman’s Crime,” Sep 26 1931, 2

“Insult Memory of Nat Turner,” Sep 26 1931, 3

Lynch Law At Work: Birmingham, Ala., Sep 26 1931, 4

“Workers’ Soccer League Against Boss Class Sport,” Sep 26 1931, 2

“Southern Steel Workers Following the Lead of Pittsburg Conference,” Oct 10 1931, 1

“Jim Crow School Treats Children Worse Than Dogs,” Oct 17 1931, 3

“Everything Is Jim-Crowed But Dollars,” Oct 17 1931, 4

“Landlord Tries To Jim-Crow TUUL,” Oct 17 1931, 4

“Negro Labor Increases In All Industry,” Oct 24 1931, 3

“Two Tennessee Cities Rank Highest In U.S. Illiteracy,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Preparing To Take Demands To Washington,” Oct 31 1931, 1

“Red Cross In Vile Plot To Enslave Labor,” Oct 31 1931, 2

“[Illegible] In Terror In Mississippi Farming Region,” Oct 31 1931, 3

“U.S. Delegation In Soviet Union,” Nov 7 1931, 4

“Birmingham Stool Pigeons Trying to Stop Workers Reading Red Literature,” Dec 5 1931, 3

“Camp Hill; A Beacon Light For Mass of Southern Land Slaves,” Dec 5 1931, 4

“Landlord Steals From Farm Hand,” Dec 12 1931, 3

“Ritchie, Maryland’s Lynch Governor, Defends Murderers of Matt Williams,” Dec 19 1931, 4

“Birmingham Police Take Negroes’ Guns,” Dec 19 1931, 4

“Pizitz Starvation Pay for Women Workers,” Dec 19 1931, 4

“Demands on Which Harlan-Bell-Tenn. Strike Called,” Dec 26 1931, 2

“Chest Got Money But Gave Soup To Jobless Worker,” Jan 2 1932, 3

“Miners Wages High In Land Of Soviet Rule,” Jan 2 1932, 3

“Many Perish In Black Belt Flood Disaster,” Jan 9 1932, 2

“Lynch Verdict In Frame-Up Against Jones,” Jan 30 1932, 2

“Hunger Prevents Study at School,” Jan 30 1932, 3

“Court Frees Murderer,” Jan 30 1932, 3

“Maryland Slavery At Point of Gun,” Jan 30 1932, 4

“Court System Of All South Under Attack,” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Neighborhood Councils Get Jobless Help,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“Negro Leaders Out of Georgia State Rebuplican [sic] Party,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“‘Liberator’ Special Scottsboro Number,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“Unemployed of Knoxville In Relief Drive,” Feb 20 1932, 2

“Danville Cops Raid Home and Jail Workers,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“The Murder of Harry Simms a Challenge to the Working Class,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“Longshoremen And Builders Fight Hunger,” Mar 5 1932, 3

“Present Negro Rights [illegible] Ruby Bates One [illegible] of March,” May 20 1933, 1

“What We Stand For,” May 20 1933, 1

“Relief Checks Are So Small that Workers Are Forced to Peddle; Negro Families Get Less,” May 20 1933, 3

“Red Cross Works Jobless Twelve Hours for $1.00,” Jun 10 1933, 3

“Disease, Hunger, Debt-Slavery Is Lot of Toilers on Va. Berry Farms,” Jun 10 1933, 3

“We Answer New Attacks With New Struggles,” Jun 10 1933, 4

“Covington Co. Masses Storm Court House,” Jul 12 1933, 1

“Labor Fakers Try Set White Against Negro,” Jul 12 1933, 3

The Question Box: “Unemployment Insurance What Does It Mean?” Jul 12 1933, 3

“Southern Textile Workers Strike As Code Brings Pay Cuts,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Will Demand New Trial For Framed Share-Croppers,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Gangs Terrorize Farmers Who Won’t Plow Under; Landlords Pocket Profits of Destruction,” Aug 15 1933, 2

“T.C.I. Workers Who Got $8.00 in 1930 Now Get $3.80; Company Deducts Jobless Aid From Pay When Re-Hiring,” Aug 15 1933, 2

“A.F. of L. Fakers Are Bosses’ People Says Steel Worker,” Aug 15 1933, 3

“Negroes Get Lower Price For Cotton,” Aug 15 1933, 3

Red Rhymes, Aug 15 1933, 4

“A Call To Action,” Aug 15 1933, 4

“The Communist Party Plans for the Coming Struggle,” Aug 15 1933, 4

“T.C.I. Workers To Head City Ticket Of B’ham Communist Party,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“Charity And Bosses Compete In Wage Cutting,” Aug 31 1933, 3

“Murder Charges Hurled Against Judge, Sheriff, Deputies Of Tuscaloosa County By I.L.D.,” Sep 20 1933, 1

“Jobs Are Fewer, Prices Higher, and Farmers Get Less,” Sep 20 1933, 3

“‘Re-Employment is Only In the Papers,’ Say Jobless in Arkansas,” Sep 20 1933, 3

“The Story Of My Life,” Sep 20 1933, 4

“Tuscaloosa Croppers Open Fight For Cash Share Of Cotton Check,” Nov 15 1933, 1

“Win Release of Eight Jailed in Birmingham,” Nov 15 1933, 2

“N.R.A. Means Pay Cuts, Speed-Up In Ala. Foundry,” Nov 15 1933, 3

“Men Of S.P. Lines Vote Strike, But Officials Sell Out,” Dec 20 1933, 1

Caption, Dec 20 1933, 2

Caption to photo of trucks, Dec 20 1933, 2

“‘Southern Worker’ Challenges N.R.A.’s Lower Wage-Scale for South; Shows that Talk of Cheaper Living Here is Lie,” Dec 20 1933, 2

“Small Cotton Growers Face Ruin in 1934,” Jan 20 1934, 1

“A.F. of L. Fakers Lead in Hounding Negro Employee,” Jan 20 1934, 2

“CWA,” Jan 20 1934, 2

“Wylam No. 8 Mine Cheats Workers On Yardage; Little Pay for Dead-Work,” Jan 20 1934, 3

“Westfield Plate Mill 110 Forces Men To Do Overtime Work Without Pay,” Jan 20 1934, 3

“Sloss-Scheffield [sic] Often Hogs Whole Pay-Check for Rent,” Jan 20 1934, 3

“Ex-Klansmen Denounce K.K.K., Join Communist Party,” Feb 10 1934, 1

“Toilers Roused By Georgia Terror Wave,” Feb 10 1934, 4

“Ala. Miners Down Tools, Defy Strike-Breaking Order Of N.R.A. Board,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“Governor Bars I.L.D. at Fake Hearing for Willie Patterson,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“Labor’s Two Hands: A True Story,” Mar 25 1934, 4

“Laundry Strikers Back At Work After Brazen Sell Out. Gather Forces For Bigger Struggles,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“Southern R.R. Isn’t Paying Enough to Live,” Mar 25 1934, 3

“Worker Photographers,” Mar 25 1934, 3

“I.L.D. To Appeal Lynch Verdict of Alabama Supreme Court; Demands Action from Roosevelt,” Jul 1934, 1

Important News In Short: “I.L.D. 9 Years Old”,” Jul 1934, 2

“Miners ‘Holiday’ Gains Demands,” Jul 1934, 3

“Sharecroppers Only Way Out To Build Union,” Jul 1934, 3

“A.F. of L. Big Shots Betray Rank And File,” Jul 1934, 4

“Boss Killings Fail Stop Gulf Longshoremen,” Sep 1934, 1

“White and Negro Workers In New Orleans United Front,” Sep 1934, 2

Important News In Short: Montgomery, Ala., Sep 1934, 3

“NRA Hits Negro Workers Again,” Sep 1934, 3

“Not Afraid Of Jail—Norfolk Worker Writes,” Sep 1934, 5

“Pledge To Build Communist Party In Mobile,” Sep 1934, 5

“Scabs Work at TCI After Strike Sell-Out; Co. Divides Negro, White,” Sep 1934, 5

“Selma Bag Mill Cuts Force Half As New Deal,” Sep 1934, 5

“Communists In Elections With Fighting Slate,” Oct 1934, 1

“Sharecroppers Win Strike Gains As Whites and Negroes Unite,” Oct 1934, 1

“East Coast and Gulf Marine To Strike,” Oct 1934, 4

“Bill For Negro Rights Backed By Communists,” Oct 1934, 6

Important News in Short: San Francisco, Calif., Nov 1934, 4

“B’ham Girl Goes Anti-War Meet,” Nov 1934, 5

“FERA Layoffs In Jacksonville Follow Fakers,” Nov 1934, 5

Important News In Short: Louisville, Ky., Dec 1934, 6

“Durr May Have To Leave Town on Wave of Workers’ Anger At Lyncher Writings,” Jan 1935, 2

Important News In Short: Oxford, Miss., Jan 1935, 4

“Negroes Treated Like Dogs On CWA,” Jan 1935, 4

“Long Dictatorship Upheld By Troops In Louisiana,” Feb 1935, 1

“Negroes Driven Out By Slum Clearance,” Feb 1935, 3

“Smash Jim Crow In Union Says Steel Worker,” Feb 1935, 5

“Pipe Shop Worker Calls for Unity Against Bosses,” May 1935, 5

“Miners Hail Industrial Union Fight,” Feb 1936, 1

“Relief Sewers Must Buy Coal,” Feb 1936, 5

“Workers Leader Victim Memphis Police Terror,” Feb 1936, 6

“Miners’ Convention,” Feb 1936, 8

“Negro Girl Describes Jim Crow School,” Jun 1936, 7

“Relief Jim Crow In Greensboro,” Jul 1936, 6

“Answer Carpetbaggers,” Apr 1937, 2

“School’s Our Right,” Jul 1937, 15

Untitled editorial cartoon, Jul 1937, 15

Jimison, Will:
“Tuscaloosa Lynch Officials Drive Out Lawyers For I.L.D.” Aug 15 1933, 1
Jocassee, S.C.:
“Cropper Kills Landlord,” Mar 28 1931, 3
Johannesburg, South Africa:
“South Africans Lose Jobs,” Oct 18 1930, 3

“Drouth In So. Africa,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“Oppressors Wiping Out Native African Peoples,” Aug 15 1931, 4
John Sealy Hospital:
“Sick Seaman Told To Eat Well—But How?” Feb 7 1931, 3

“Deport Mexican Who Worked Too Hard,” Mar 28 1931, 3

Johns Hopkins University:
“Southern Students Go To World Meet,” Feb 1935, 2
Johnson, Albert:
Trade Union Topics, Sep 1936, 2
Johnson, Arnold:
“Jail Ky. Strike Leaders; Terror Of Thugs Grows,” Aug 15 1931, 1
Johnson, Birthy:
“Union Wins Benefits for Sharecroppers,” Jun 1936, 5
Johnson City, Tenn.:
“Such Fakers For Bosses’ Candidates,” Nov 1 1930, 5

“Will Elizabethton Fighters Accept New Stretch-Out?” Dec 27 1930, 4

“Cut Wages 70 Cents Daily Johnson City,” Apr 11 1931, 3

“Jail NTWU Organizers In Elizabethton,” Jul 4 1931, 1

“‘Everything’s Lovely,’ Says Tennessee’s Prison Head!” Aug 31 1933, 4
Johnson, C.H.:
“Black Judases in the Lynch Mob,” Aug 15 1931, 4
Johnson, Clyde L.:
“Farm Conference Demands Relief,” Nov 1936, 5

Caption, Dec 1936, 1

“Gulf Maritime Workers Strike,” Dec 1936, 1

“Farm: Share Croppers Union Demands Land for Landless,” Mar 1937, 13

Johnson, C.W.:
“Slashing Wage Cuts In Mills of Charlotte Area,” Jan 24 1931, 3
Johnson, Ed:
“Selma Negro Free On ‘Rape’ Charge,” Dec 1934, 2
Johnson, Ed M.:
Lynch Law At Work: Montgomery, Ala., Sep 12 1931, 2
Johnson, Edwin:
“Plowing Under Puts Tenants Deeper Into Debt; Mortgaged Farmers Fear Foreclosure in Fall,” Aug 15 1933, 3
Johnson, Elie:
“Bloody Lynch Law Toll Mounts For This Year,” Sep 5 1931, 2
Johnson, Florence:
“Lynch Law at Work,” Oct 11 1930, 2
Johnson, George:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4
Johnson, George W.:
“Communists In Elections With Fighting Slate,” Oct 1934, 1
Johnson, Ham:
“Union Furnace Men Acquitted of Frame-Up,” Jun 1936, 1
Johnson, Henry:
Caption to photo of leaders of National Negro Congress. Apr 1937, 4
Johnson, Herbert:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4
Johnson, Gen. Hugh S.:
“‘Southern Worker’ Challenges N.R.A.’s Lower Wage-Scale for South; Shows that Talk of Cheaper Living Here is Lie,” Dec 20 1933, 2

“A.F. of L. Big Shots Betray Rank And File,” Jul 1934, 4

“Harriman Strikers Write Letter To Roosevelt Showing Up NRA,” Sep 1934, 4

“NRA Overthrow Signal For Pay Slashing Drive,” Jun 1935, 1

Johnson, James Weldon:
“Scottsboro Defense Committee,” Feb 1936, 6
Johnson, Joe Spinner:
“Alabama Lynchers Don’t Count The Dead,” Jan 1936, 4

“Honor Roll of Workers Slain by Landlords in Sharecropper Strikes,” Jan 1936, 4

“I.L.D. Pamphlet Describes Terror In South,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4
Johnson, L.C.:
“Thousands Hit Murder Assault On Powell Boy,” Feb 1936, 3
Johnson, Lester:
“Workers’ Congress To Washington Supported By Southern Masses As Unions Back Insurance Bill,” Dec 1934, 1
Johnson, M.:
“It Won’t Be Long,” Apr 1937, 15
Johnson Mill:
“Demand State Jobless Fund In N. Carolina,” Dec 13 1930, 1

“Wages Again Cut In Mills At Charlotte,” Mar 7 1931, 2

Johnson, Ned:
Untitled, Nov 22 1930, 3
Johnson, Odell:
“Chain Gang Prisoner Dies Of Brutality,” Jul 18 1931, 4
Johnson, Oscar:
“Cotton Row,” Mar 1937, 13
Johnson, Pa.:
“Big Election Gains by Reds Throughout Land,” Nov 15 1930, 1
Johnson, Paul:
“Communists In Elections With Fighting Slate,” Oct 1934, 1
Johnson, “Stick”:
“Jobless Council Grows Despite Greenville K.K.K.,” May 2 1931, 2
Johnson, Thes. L:
Untitled, Aug 30 1930, 2
Johnson, Tom:
“Will Nominate Negro Workers In Tenn., Ala.,” Aug 16 1930, 1

“T.C.I. Hounds Birmingham Workers,” Aug 16 1930, 1

Contributor, “Communists And Election,” Aug 16 1930, 4

“Farmers Rally For Struggle at Election Meet,” Aug 30 1930, 1

“Call Workers To Smash Terror,” Sep 6 1930, 1

“Carry on the Fight for Social Insurance!” Sep 6 1930, 4

“B’Ham Workers Resist Terror,” Sep 13 1930, 1

Contributor, “Alabama Politicians Exposed,” Sep 13 1930, 1

Contributor, “Turn Defeat Into Success In Alabama Election Campaign,” Sep 27 1930, 4

Contributor, “Vote Down Fake Relief Plan In Tenn.--Vote Red,” Nov 1 1930, 5

“Demand Death for Lynchers; Right to Build Negro Nation,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“Steel Barons Reopen Case Against Reds,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Try To Stop T.C.I. Workers Organizing,” Jan 10 1931, 1

“Organizers On Trial Expose T.C.I. Terror,” Jan 17 1931, 2

“Farmers Invite Red Leader To Cullman Relief Mass Meeting,” Jan 31 1931, 1

Contributor, “‘10 Years In Prison For Every Communist In Alabama’,” Feb 14 1931, 4

Contributor, “Recruit Most Militant in Party,” Feb 14 1931, 4

“B’ham Trials Up; Another Jailed,” Feb 28 1931, 1

Contributor, “The National Revolutionary Struggle of the Negroes,” Feb 28 1931, 4

“Rush to Defense of Our Comrades,” Mar 7 1931, 4

Contributor, “The Revolutionary National Struggle of the Negroes,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Women’s Meet In Atlanta,” Mar 14 1931, 2

“The Struggle of the Negroes,” Mar 14 1931, 4

“Discharge Teacher for Red Views,” Mar 14 1931, 4

“Talk of Mutiny In Alabama Prisons,” Jan 2 1932, 2

Advertisement for “The Reds In Dixie,” May 1936, 6

Advertisement for “The Reds In Dixie,” Jun 1936, 5

Advertisement for “The Reds In Dixie,” Jul 1936, 3

Contributor, Advertisement for “Reds in Dixie,” Dec 1936, 16
Johnson, Wes:
“Mob Lynches Young Negro,” Mar 1937, 13

“Pass Anti-Lynch Bill,” Jul 1937, 2

“Alabama Court Frees Sheriff Who Let Mob Take Negro,” July 1937, 13
Johnson, Will:
Important News In Short: Birmingham, Ala., Jul 1934, 2
Johnson, Will H.:
“Farmers In Gun Fight For Bread,” Jan 3 1931, 1
Johnson, Dr. W.T.:
“Insult Memory of Nat Turner,” Sep 26 1931, 3
Johnson’s Shirt Factory:
“Picket Johnson Shirt Despite Arrest Of Girls,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“White Toilers Storm Jail To Free Negro In Tarrant, Ala.,” Feb 1935, 5

Johnston, Oscar:
“Small Cotton Growers Face Ruin in 1934,” Jan 20 1934, 1
Johnstown, Pa.:
“Hunger Regime Refuses Hear Our Demands,” Feb 14 1931, 1
Jokela, Selma:
“Greetings From U.S.S.R., Tells of Work On Farm,” Nov 29 1930, 3
Joliet, Ill.:
“Murder Five As Prisoners Demand Food,” Mar 28 1931, 2
Jolly Cab Co.:
Untitled, Jun 13 1931, 3
Jones, Cooper:
“Straight Creek Mines Resist Wages Cutting,” Oct 17 1931, 1

“Overflow Meet in Va.,” Feb 1935, 2

Jones, D.C.:
“Miners Ask Help In Harlan Strike,” Jun 6 1931, 1

“30 Delegates From Harlan At Pitt. Meet,” Jul 18 1931, 1

Judge ‘Fixes’ Miners Change of Venue,” Aug 29 1931, 1

“‘Law and Order’ in Harlan County,” Aug 29 1931, 4

“Deputy Murders 3 Harlan Miners,” Sep 5 1931, 1

“Rabid Judge Directs Fight For Owners,” Sep 12 1931, 1

“Defeat Raid Against Homes by Mass Action,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“We Defy Harlan Censors,” Sep 19 1931, 4

Jones, D.R.:
“Troops Enforce Injunction Against Striking Ky. Miners,” May 23 1931, 1
Jones, Fred:
“I.L.D. Defends Victims Of Ala. Lynch Justice,” Oct 31 1931, 1
Jones, Henry:
Lynch Law At Work: Fulton Springs, Ala., Sep 19 1931, 2
Jones, J.W.:
“U.S. Delegation In Soviet Union,” Nov 7 1931, 4
Jones, Jimmy:
“Klan Mayor Aids Com. Chest Fakes,” Dec 12 1931, 3
Jones, Julia:
“Fifteen Arrested In Georgia Terror Drive Under Slave Law,” Nov 1934, 1
Jones and Laughlin Steel Co.:
“Denied Hospital Treatment,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Racketeers in Patriotism,” May 1937, 6

The American Scene, “S.W.O.C. Wins 5-2 In J. And L. Election,” Jul 1937, 10

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