Cumulative Index 1930-1937

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Jones, L.M.:
“Greenville Jobless Council Gets Food For Hungry Workers,” Aprf 4 1931, 1
Jones, Lulabell:
“Our Tribute,” Mar-Apr 1935, 4
Jones, Mary Harris, aka Mother Jones:
“Veteran Labor Fighter Dies,” Dec 6 1930, 1
Jones, Oren:
“Mobile Workers Win Demands After Splendid Struggle,” Jun 10 1933, 1
Jones, Orphan: see Lee, Euel
Jones, Paul:
“Salvation Army Urges Slavery For Jobless,” Sep 19 1931, 1
Jones, Robert:
“Lynch Wave On Increase,” Sep 1934, 2

“Stool Pigeons Exposed,” Jul 1937, 15

Jones, T.E., Dr.:
“Scottsboro Deaths Halted By I.L.D., Mothers Berate Liebowitz [sic],” Dec 1934, 1
Jones, Van:
“Smelters Still On Strike At East Thomas,” Jun 1936, 3

“AF of L Reactionaries Block Support of Scottsboro Boys,” Jan 1937, 4

Jones, W.B.:
“AF of L Called in Troops; Miners In Mass Protest,” May 16 1931, 1

“Operators Indict 28 Harlan Miners in Murder Frame-Up,” May 30 1931, 1

“More Arrests in Harlan; Strikers Denounce U.M.W.A.,” Jun 20 1931, 1

“Harlan Terror Continues As Strike Looms,” Dec 19 1931, 2

Jones, Walter:
“Negro Congress To Fight Lynching,” Feb 1936, 6

Trade Union Topics, May 1936, 2

“How About It, Brother Jones?” May 1936, 2

Trade Union Topics, Jun 1936, 2

Jones, Will:
“Blacklisted Textile Worker Calls To Learn Lessons of Strike Betrayal,” Jan 1935, 5
Jones, Will “Soldier Boy”:
“Lynch Posse On Hunt For Negro In Birmingham,” Apr 11 1931, 2
Jonesboro, Ark.:
“Militia Called In Arkansas Church Row,” Sep 19 1931, 2
Jordan, I.P.:
“Demands Death Penalty For Killers of Gates In Atlanta,” Dec 6 1930, 2
Jordan, James:
Lynch Law At Work: Birmingham, Ala., Sep 19 1931, 2
Jordan, William:
“Police Murder 3 Negro Jobless At Chi. Eviction,” Aug 8 1931, 1
Joubert & Goslin Machine & Foundry Co.:
“Tennessee Coal and Iron Getting Ready for War,” Feb 20 1932, 2
Juarez, Mexico:
“Texas Toilers Forced By Law to Starve,” Jan 1935, 5
“To Speak on Soviet Farms, In Chatta.,” Dec 27 1930, 2
Judson Mill Village:
“Tell Clara Holden To Get Out Or Be Killed,” Sep 12 1931, 1
Judson, N.C.:
“Another Mill Cuts Wages,” Oct 10 1931, 4
July 4:
“July 4—Revolutionary Holiday,” Jul 1934, 2
Jury exclusion:
“Protest Against State Lynching Grows Rapidly,” Apr 18 1931, 1

Blurb, “Demand New Trial for Eight Negro Youths With Negro Jurors!,” Apr 18 1931, 3

“The Issues of the Scottsboro Case,” Apr 25 1931, 4

“Lynch Verdict In Frame-Up Against Jones,” Jan 30 1932, 2

“Court System Of All South Under Attack,” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Threaten Ades For Defending Orphan Jones,” Feb 20 1932, 2

“Tuscaloosa Lynch Officials Drive Out Lawyers For I.L.D.” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Will Demand New Trial For Framed Share-Croppers,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“T.C.I. Workers To Head City Ticket Of B’ham Communist Party,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“Murder Charges Hurled Against Judge, Sheriff, Deputies Of Tuscaloosa County By I.L.D.,” Sep 20 1933, 1

“Sentences Two Boys To Death,” Dec 20 1933, 1

“Right of Negroes To Serve On Jury Clearly Declared,” May 1935, 3

Important News In Short: Norfolk, Va., May 1935, 4

“Will Never Give Up Jury Right, Negro Says,” May 1935, 4

“Find New Method For Discrimination,” Nov 1936, 4

“Case Effected By Scottsboro,” Nov 1936, 4

Juvenile Manufacturing Company:
“Women’s Home Work Pays Only 4¢ an Hour,” Mar 21 1931, 3

“Work on Infants’ Wear Brings ‘Just Enough For Beans,” Dec 20 1933, 3

Kahahawaii, Joseph:
“Hawaiian Plot To Kill Last of Civil Rights,” Feb 6 1932, 3
Kalinin, Mikhail:
“Workers Delegation To Soviet Union Witness Success,” May 30 1931, 2
Kamenovich, Vincent:
“General Strike is Prepared to Defeat Starvation Rule and Drive Out Bosses’ Gun Thugs,” Dec 19 1931, 1

“Spread Strike As Thugs Raid Union Center,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“Jail Defense Attorney On Arrival In Ky.,” Jan 16 1932, 1
Kanawha, W. Va.:
“Court Frees Murderer,” Jan 30 1932, 3
Kannapolis, N.C.:
“Lay-offs and Wage-Cuts Epidemic in Kannapolis,” Feb 14 1931, 3

“Stretch-Out and Cuts For Ky. [sic] Mill Workers”,” Mar 21 1931, 3

“Demands Graft to Cash Mill Checks,” Dec 26 1931, 3
Kansas City, Kan.:
Lynch Law At Work: Kansas City, Kan., Jan 17 1931, 2

“The Difference,” Feb 21 1931, 4

“Four Main Columns Will Reach Capitol Dec. 7th,” Oct 24 1931, 2

“Membership of the RR Unions Speaks,” Jun 1936, 7

Kansas City, Mo.:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4

Lynch Law At Work: Kansas City, Mo., Nov 1 1930, 2

Lynch Law At Work: Kansas City, Mo., Nov 15 1930, 2

“Negro Worker Shot Down By Brutal Police,” Dec 6 1930, 1

Lynch Law At Work: Kansas City, Mo., Feb 21 1931, 2

Lynch Law At Work: Kansas City, Mo., Apr 4 1931, 2

Kasper, John:

“Sue Police Chief For Fake Arrests And Third Degree,” Jan 16 1932, 2

Kassay, Paul F.:
“Mass Defense Drive Frees Kassay in Ohio,” May 9 1931, 3

“I.L.D. Wins Freedom For Oregon Worker,” May 16 1931, 2

Kaul, John Lanzel:
“Parasite Kills Self,” Sep 19 1931, 3
Kayu Mine:
“Morgan, Mellon, Ford, Insull Back of Murder Gang Active in Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 1
Kean, E.E.:
“Workers Resent TCI Politicians,” Jun 1936, 7
Keel, L.C.:
“Communists In Elections With Fighting Slate,” Oct 1934, 1
Kees, Willie:
“Three Negroes Are Lynched In One Week,” May 1936, 1
Keith, Anna:
Contributor, “Soviet Pioneers Write To Southern Workers Kids,” Jan 1935, 6
Keith, Fred:
“Fight Fascism And War Developing Right Here,” Sep 1934, 6

“Warrants Try Outlaw Reds, Workers’ Paper,” Sep 1934, 1

“Stool Pigeon!” Mar-Apr 1935, 2
Keller, William H.:
“Mass Pressure Forces Release of O. Spartaco,” Jan 2 1931, 2
Kelley, James Fred:
News In Brief: Rome, Ga., May 1936, 7
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact:
“Stop The Robber War Against China!” Mar 5 1932, 1
Kellum, Tillman:
Trade Union Topics, Sep 1936, 2
Kelly Ingram Park:
Caption to photo of Jane Speed, May 20 1933, 1

Important News In Short: Birmingham, Ala., Feb 1935, 4

News Notes: Birmingham, Ala., Mar-Apr 1936, 7
Kelly’s Creek Coal Co.:
“W. Va. Wage Cuts,” Mar 5 1932, 1
Kemenovich, Vincent:
“Miners! Unite And Fight!” Jul 4 1931, 1
Kenansville, N.C.:
“Prisoners Burned To Crisp,” Mar 14 1931, 3
Kenellovich, Kenneth:
“Cripple Pennsylvania Mine,” Oct 17 1931, 2
Kennedy, E.F.:
“Ala. Farmers Union Convention Votes State Organization Drive,” Dec 1936, 7
Kennedy, Thomas:
“Textile is Next,” Apr 1937, 4
Kenner, La.:
“Seen By A Worker,” Apr 11 1931, 4
Kensett, Ark.:
“Arkansas Cotton Pickers Strike,” Oct 11 1930, 1
Kent, C.D.:
“Mobile Workers Win Demands After Splendid Struggle,” Jun 10 1933, 1
Kentucky Federation of Labor:
“AF of L Called in Troops; Miners In Mass Protest,” May 16 1931, 1

“Harlan Miners Fight Rather Than Starve,” May 16 1931, 4

Kentucky King Mine:
“Morgan, Mellon, Ford, Insull Back of Murder Gang Active in Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 1


Kentucky Miners Aid:

“Victimize Harlan Dreiser Witnesses,” Dec 12 1931, 1
Kentucky Strike Relief Volunteers:

“National Relief On For Kentucky Striking Miners,” Jan 16 1932, 2

Kentucky-Tennessee Striking Miners Relief Campaign:
“Internation’l Workers’ Aid Issues Appeal,” Jan 2 1932, 1

“‘Just a Little Something To Eat While We Fight’,” Jan 30 1932, 2

“Knoxville Central Labor Body Helps United Mine Workers’ Official Fight Ky. Strikesrs [sic],” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Pineville Gang Steals Food; And Slugs Two,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“To All Who Are Outside The Kentucky Murder Zone,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Labor Fakers Of Chatta. In Scabby Deal,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“Rush Relief for Kentucky-Tenn. Striking Miners,” Mar 5 1932, 1
“The Korean Uprising,” Aug 1 1931, 4
Keo, Ark.:
“Starving Farmers Are Ready To Fight For Real Relief,” Mar 14 1931, 3
Keown, J.C.:
“Troops Threaten Hosiery Strikers,” Jan 1935, 3
Kernersville, N.C.:
“Strikes In Three North Carolina Textile Centers,” Jul 1936, 3
Kerr, Albert:
“Kill Jobless Negro,” Mar 7 1931, 3
Kester, Howard:
“Southern Commission Exposed as Aid Of the Bosses in Lynch Terror Drive,” Dec 5 1931, 2

“All-South Conference Called On Lynching, For Union Rights,” Jan 1935, 2

“All-South Meet For Union Civil Rights Called As Fight On Sedition Bills Grows,” Mar-Apr 1935, 1

“Arkansas Tenant Is Given 7 Years,” Mar-Apr 1936, 3

Kettle Island, Ky.:
“‘Just a Little Something To Eat While We Fight’,” Jan 30 1932, 2
Key, James L.:
“Strike In Atlanta Overall Factory,” Mar 7 1931, 1

“T.U.U.L. Warns Strikers of Coming Sell-Out,” Mar 21 1931, 1

Key West, Fla.:
“‘Hobo Express’ a Way To Evade the Fight,” Sep 19 1931, 3
Khalif, Leo:
“Brutal Attack On Woman By New Orleans Cops,” Jan 1935, 2
Khrushchev, Nikita:
“Workers Delegation To Soviet Union Witness Success,” May 30 1931, 2
Kiangai Province, China:
“Advancing Red Army In China,” Jun 27 1931, 1
“Call Workers To Smash Terror,” Sep 6 1930, 1

“Carry on the Fight for Social Insurance!” Sep 6 1930, 4

“Free American Labor,” Sep 6 1930, 4

“I.L.D. Protests Miami Flogging,” Oct 4 1930, 1

Lynch Law At Work: Jacksonville, Fla., Oct 4 1930, 2

“Preparing the Ground in Georgia,” Oct 4 1930, 4

“Try To Stop T.C.I. Workers Organizing,” Jan 10 1931, 1

“Rush to Defense of Our Comrades,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Kidnap Two Organizers In Dallas,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Tell Clara Holden To Get Out Or Be Killed,” Sep 12 1931, 1

“Kidnap, Beat Unemployed In S. Carolina,” Oct 3 1931, 2

“T. Meyerscough [sic] And Jim Grace Taken For Ride,” Oct 10 1931, 1

“20,000 Alabama Textile Workers Strike, Picket,” Sep 1934, 1

“Gelders Kidnapped, Beaten; Protested Barton Arrest,” Nov 1936, 1

Kilby Prison:
“54 Delegates From 3 States Present; Send 9 to St. Louis,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“Protest Against State Lynching Grows Rapidly,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“Parents See Boys In Kilby; Solid For ILD,” May 23 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Parents Statement,” May 23 1931, 4

“‘Peace And Harmony’ of an Electric Chair,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“N.A.A.C.P. Joins Lynching Mob,” Jun 13 1931, 4

“Convicts Sweat In Ala. Jails for 15 Cents a Week,” Jun 20 1931, 3

“Boys In Kilby Say They Will Stick to I.L.D.,” Jun 27 1931, 1

“Boys Tormented By Jailer At Kilby Prison,” Jul 4 1931, 1

“International Solidarity,” Jul 18 1931, 4

“Parents Visit Scottsboro Nine In Kilby Prison,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Camp Hill Cropper At Chattanooga Meet,” Aug 29 1931, 1

“White Thug Shoots Helpless Negro Prisoner,” Oct 10 1931, 3

“[Illegible] Immediate [Illegible] of Roy Wright,” Oct 17 1931, 3

“Demand Release of Boys From Kilby Death Cells,” Dec 26 1931, 1

“Mass Power Will Free the Scottsboro Boys,” Jan 9 1932, 4

“Court System Of All South Under Attack,” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Workers of World Demand Release of Scottsboro Boys,” Feb 20 1932, 3

Caption to photo of Bennie Foster, Jan 20 1934, 1

Caption, Feb 10 1934, 1

“N.A.A.C.P. Misleaders Betray Peterson In Death Cell,” Feb 10 1934, 2

“‘Save Him By Your Protest And Outcry’—Mrs. Peterson,” Feb 10 1934, 2

“Alabama Rulers Push Plan For Legal Massacre February 9; I.L.D. Sends Protest Delegation to Montgomery,” Feb 10 1934, 4

“Governor Bars I.L.D. at Fake Hearing for Willie Patterson,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“Roosevelt Refuses Save Scottsboro 9; ILD Appeals Cases,” Sep 1934, 2

“Tuscaloosa Lynchers Again Active,” Sep 1934, 2

“They Shall Not Die,” Nov 1934, 6

“I.L.D. Gains Removal From Death Cell For Patterson,” Jun 1935, 4

Kilgore, Tex.:
“Chain Jobless In Texas Church,” Mar 21 1931, 4

“10,000 Texas Workers Jobless As Martial Law Is Declared,” Sep 5 1931, 3

“Try Discredit ‘Reds’ in Oil Field Blazes,” Sep 12 1931, 2
Killian, Jess:
“Murder Gang Indicts Three Mine Leaders,” Oct 24 1931, 1
Kilmichael, Miss.:
“Southern Worker In Heart of Mississippi,” May 2 1931, 3

“Croppers Allowed 4 Cents on Cotton Now Selling at 10,” Aug 15 1933, 3

Kimbal, James:
“Tuscaloosa Croppers Open Fight For Cash Share Of Cotton Check,” Nov 15 1933, 1
Kimbel, John:
“Arrest Kimbel In Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 4
King, Carol:
“Boys Denounce NAACP; Want Real Defense,” Jan 9 1932, 1
King, Edgar:
“Fifteen Arrested In Georgia Terror Drive Under Slave Law,” Nov 1934, 1
King Edward Cigar Factory:
“Labor Fakers Try Set White Against Negro,” Jul 12 1933, 3
King Harlan Coal Co.:
“Morgan, Mellon, Ford, Insull Back of Murder Gang Active in Harlan,” Oct 3 1931, 1
King, Huey:
“Laundry Strikers Fight Cops, Scab Herders, Traitors,” May 1935, 1

Trade Union Topics, “White Legion Being Revived,” Nov 1936, 2

King, Hurt:
“Bloody Lynch Law Toll Mounts For This Year,” Sep 5 1931, 2
King, Jasper:
Lynch Law At Work: Laurel, Miss., Jan 24 1931, 2
King, Mrs. Jere:
“Gelders Kidnapped, Beaten; Protested Barton Arrest,” Nov 1936, 1
King, L.:
“NY Preacher Denies Hearing to Mrs. Wright,” Oct 31 1931, 4
King-Peavey, Mary: see Peavey, Mary King
King, Robert:
“Poor Farmers Shot Down By Landowners,” Dec 6 1930, 1
King, Sam C.:
“Free Banker But Jail Workers For Fighting Hunger,” Feb 14 1931, 3
King’s Mountain, S.C.:
“Hoover Calls for Attack on Workers,” Oct 18 1930, 1

“After Hoover, The Blackshirts,” Oct 18 1930, 1

The Reds Say, Oct 18 1930, 4

“The Election Campaign,” Nov 1 1930, 6

News of the Month in the South, “Youth Leadership Seminar to be Held in August,” May 1937, 12
Kingston, Ala.:
“Help Jobless B’ham Worker Save His Home,” Apr 11 1931, 3
Kingston City, Tenn.:
“Kidnapping and Frame-ups Mark War on Strikers,” May 1936, 1
Kingston, Jamaica:
“Garvey Exposed As Swindler,” Apr 11 1931, 1
Kingston, N.C.:
Lynch Law At Work, Oct 18 1930, 2

Lynch Law At Work: Kingston, N.C., Jan 10 1931, 2

“Workers’ Savings Wiped Out,” May 9 1931, 4
Kingston South neighborhood:
“Defy Sheriff By Mass Action and Halt Evictions,” Oct 10 1931, 3
Kingston-on-Thames, England:
Caption, “Babies In Gas Masks,” Jul 1936, 6
Kinney, Wash:
“Deputy Murders Kentucky Mine Strike Picket,” Feb 10 1934, 1
Kirby, James C.:
“Lash Sick War Vet In Alabama Prison,” Dec 19 1931, 2
Kirbyville, Tex.:
Important News In Short: Houston, Tex., Jul 1934, 2
Kirkland, Willie:
“Georgia Lynching Makes 34th In 1930,” Oct 4 1930, 1

Lynch Law At Work: Thomasville, Ga., Oct 4 1930, 2

“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4

“Exposes Thomasville Lynching,” Oct 11 1930, 1

Kirov, Serjei:
“Soviet Pioneers Write To Southern Workers Kids,” Jan 1935, 6
Kisheneff, Romania:
“White Guard Prince Commits Suicide,” Jan 2 1932, 4
Kitchens, Ralph:
Lynch Law At Work: Union, S.C., Dec 13 1930, 2
Kiwanis Clubs:
“Boss Says Jobless Dan’t [sic] Want Relief,” Sep 12 1931, 2
Kleeck, Mary Van:
“Workers Insurance Congress Unites Thousands in Washington: White, Negro Workers And Farmers Send Delegates From South,” Jan 1935, 1

“Union Delegate to Workers’ Congress Reports—Urges Support For H.R. 2827,” Feb 1935, 4

Knabb, William:
“McCleny Turpentine Operators Charged with Peonage,” Jul 1937, 13
Knickerbocker Manufacturing Company:
News In Brief: West Point, Miss., May 1936, 7
Knight, E. M.:
“We Shan’t Forget,” Oct 1934, 2
Knight, Mrs. Lillian:
“Chi. Workers Continue Put Furniture In,” Sep 5 1931, 2
Knight, Merritt:
“Mill Thugs Beat Greenville Worker,” Jul 25 1931, 2
Knight, Russell:
“Charlotte Gives Bats For Bread,” Jan 3 1931, 1
Knight, Thomas E., Jr.:
“Legal Lyncher In Scottsboro Appeal Threat,” Sep 19 1931, 2

“Judge Furious at World-Wide Mass Protests,” Jan 30 1932, 1

“Rulers Fight to Go on Sweating Prison Labor,” May 20 1933, 4

“State Still Plans to Demand Their Electrocution,” Jun 10 1933, 2

“‘Forces Of Law’ In Alabama Are Parties To Savage Lynchings,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“These Three Men Are Parties To A Foul Murder: Demand Their Arrest,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“Rise In Mighty Protest Against the Savage Tuscaloosa Lynching,” Aug 31 1933, 4

“Murder Charges Hurled Against Judge, Sheriff, Deputies Of Tuscaloosa County By I.L.D.,” Sep 20 1933, 1

“I.L.D. Foils Legal Trick To Murder Scottsboro Boys,” Mar 25 1934, 2

“K.K.K. and New Fascist Gangs Organize,” Nov 1934, 3

“They Shall Not Die,” Nov 1934, 6

“Scottsboro Deaths Halted By I.L.D., Mothers Berate Liebowitz [sic],” Dec 1934, 1

“United Front Burning Need In Fight Against Hunger and Terror, Say Communists!” Dec 1934, 4

“U.S. Supreme Court Faces Negro Rights in Scottsboro Case,” Feb 1935, 3

Knights of Pythias:
“Facts Show 9 Negro Boys Innocent; Protest Grows,” Apr 25 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Protest Pours In From All Parts of Country,” May 9 1931, 4

“118 Churches Represented In Chicago,” May 30 1931, 1

“Win Release of Eight Jailed in Birmingham,” Nov 15 1933, 2

“Harlan Terror Continues As Strike Looms,” Dec 19 1931, 2
Knox, Matthew:
News In Brief: Birmingham, Ala., Mar-Apr 1936, 8
Knox City, Ky.:
“Harry Simms Murdered By Gun Thug,” Feb 20 1932, 1
Knoxville, Ky.:
“‘Just a Little Something To Eat While We Fight’,” Jan 30 1932, 2
Knoxville, Tenn.:
“Lynch Law at Work,” Oct 11 1930, 2

Lynch Law At Work: Knoxville, Tenn., Feb 7 1931, 2

“Tenn. Chain Gang Strikes,” Feb 21 1931, 1

Caption, “Starved by Mill Bosses; Join the N.T.W.,” Feb 21 1931, 3

“Wood Workers Strike In Knoxville Plant,” Mar 21 1931, 1

“Cabinet Makers Reduce Wage-Cut by Strike,” Apr 4 1931, 3

“Knoxville Workers Marched on City Hall,” Aug 1 1931, 3

“We Defy Harlan Censors,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“Two Tennessee Cities Rank Highest In U.S. Illiteracy,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Tammany Roosevelt ‘Winning South’,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“South Rallies For Kentucky Strike Relief,” Jan 30 1932, 1

“Knoxville Central Labor Body Helps United Mine Workers’ Official Fight Ky. Strikesrs [sic],” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Unemployed of Knoxville In Relief Drive,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Pineville Gang Steals Food; And Slugs Two,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“To All Who Are Outside The Kentucky Murder Zone,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Clarina Michelson Leaves Pineville Jail for Hospital,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Labor Fakers Of Chatta. In Scabby Deal,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“Armed Thugs Hold Up Highway Com.,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“Rush Relief for Kentucky-Tenn. Striking Miners,” Mar 5 1932, 1

“Carl Anderson, Liar and Faker, Cannot Be Found,” Mar 5 1932, 2

“Strike on R.F.C. Jobs in Memphis Stops Wage-Cut,” Jul 12 1933, 1

“Ky. Miners Find NRA Means Rising Prices, Wage-Cuts,” Dec 20 1933, 4

News In Brief: Knoxville, Tenn., May 1936, 7

“5,000 Workers Cut Off Ala. W.P.A. Rolls,” June 1936, 3

“Price Rise Makes Birmingham’s Milk Most Expensive in County,” Nov 1936, 4

“Religion,” Jul 1937, 13

Knoxville Journal, The:
“Offer Reward For Jackson Dead Or Alive,” Mar 5 1932, 1

“Carl Anderson, Liar and Faker, Cannot Be Found,” Mar 5 1932, 2

Knoxville News-Sentinel, The:
“Tenn. Chain Gang Strikes,” Feb 21 1931, 1

“We Defy Harlan Censors,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“Capitalist ‘Law and Order’ in Harlan and Scottsboro,” Jan 16 1932, 4

“Nanking Govt. Troops Flock To Red Army,” Jan 30 1932, 4

“Carl Anderson, Liar and Faker, Cannot Be Found,” Mar 5 1932, 2
Knoxville Times, The:
“Carl Anderson, Liar and Faker, Cannot Be Found,” Mar 5 1932, 2
Koch, Ray:
“Support Grows For Union Rights And Anti-Lynch Meet,” Feb 1935, 2
Kokomo, Ind.:

“Freezing Workers Seize Coal,” Oct 31 1931, 4

Kollwitz, Kathe:
“Scottsboro Protest Grows Thruout [sic] World,” Jul 18 1931, 1
Kona, Ky.:
“Kona Mines Cut Wages 5¢ on the Ton,” Jul 25 1931, 3
“The Korean Uprising,” Aug 1 1931, 4

“Japan Bandit Raids Upheld By League, U.S.,” Dec 19 1931, 1

Kosciusko, Miss.:
“6 Boys Sold Into Peonage,” Oct 25 1930, 2

“Fight for Right to Plant Corn,” Apr 18 1931, 3

“Strikers Railroaded to Pen In Mississippi,” Nov 1934, 2
Kosovar, Fred:
“Happenings In Norfolk,” Dec 20 1930, 3
Kraemer, A.F.:
“Relief Workers Jailed,” Jul 1936, 2
Kroger Grocery Stores:
News In Brief: Memphis, Tenn., Feb 1936, 4
Krups, Alice:
Contributor, “Soviet Pioneers Write To Southern Workers Kids,” Jan 1935, 6
Kruze, Paul:
“Hint At Troops To Fight Hungry,” Feb 28 1931, 1

“The Policy Of Hunger And Bayonets,” Feb 28 1931, 4

Ku Klux Klan:
“What Do We Stand For?” Aug 16 1930, 1

“T.C.I. Hounds Birmingham Workers,” Aug 16 1930, 1

“They Can Never Smash Us!,” Aug 16 1930, 4

“Call Workers To Smash Terror,” Sep 6 1930, 1

“Carry on the Fight for Social Insurance!” Sep 6 1930, 4

“Lonoke Farmers Make A Mistake,” Sep 6 1930, 4

“New Attack On Workers Launched,” Sep 13 1930, 4

“Marion Official In Lynching,” Sep 20 1930, 4

“’Get Job or Go To Jail,’ Says Judge,” Sep 27 1930, 1

“$1.50 A Day Rotten Work In Miss. Sawmills, Railroad,” Sep 27 1930, 3

“After Hoover, The Blackshirts,” Oct 18 1930, 1

“25¢ An Hour On Ringling Yacht,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“Call for Mass Conference Against Lynch-Law,” Nov 1 1930, 3

“Against Boss Line-up in Alabama—Vote Red,” Nov 1 1930, 5

“Urge T.C.I. Terror For Communists,” Nov 22 1930, 1

“The Fish Committee,” Nov 22 1930, 4

“KKK Has Hard Job Fooling the Workers,” Dec 6 1930, 2

“Demands Death Penalty For Killers of Gates In Atlanta,” Dec 6 1930, 2

“Another White Worker Says ‘Misled CRS” Is All Wrong,” Dec 20 1930, 4

“Organizers On Trial Expose T.C.I. Terror,” Jan 17 1931, 2

“The Birmingham Bosses Wage-Cutting Fund,” Jan 17 1931, 4

“125 Negro and White Workers In Atlanta,” Jan 31 1931, 2

“Both A.F. of L. And Ku Klux Fool Workers,” Mar 14 1931, 3

“Movie Whips Up Lynch Spirit,” Mar 28 1931, 4

“Mayor Brings KKK To Reply To Workers,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“A.F. of L., Mayor in Greenville K.K.K.,” Apr 25 1931, 1

“Rousing Welcome to Mrs. Patterson In New York,” May 2 1931, 1

“Jobless Council Grows Despite Greenville K.K.K.,” May 2 1931, 2

“Smash Meet In Greenville; Jail Binkley on Gang,” May 9 1931, 1

“Mrs. Patterson, Back From N.Y., Tell of Mass Drive To Save 9,” May 9 1931, 4

“KKK Stops Cars To Make Negroes Keep In ‘Place’,” May 23 1931, 3

“Mrs. Williams In Greenville Meet,” Jun 6 1931, 2

“Preacher Praises K.K.K. Mobmen,” Jun 6 1931, 3

“‘Peace And Harmony’ of an Electric Chair,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“Pickens, In Chattanooga, Cries ‘Lynch’ For ‘Reds’,” Jun 13 1931, 1

“Shops Are Place For Our Paper,” Jun 13 1931, 3

“Bosses Discover Greenville Slum,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“Rob Cropper, Then Send Him K.K.K. Threats,” Jun 27 1931, 3

“Great Activity In Greenville,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“Police, KKK Raid Homes In Greenville,” Jul 11 1931, 2

“Mill Thugs Beat Greenville Worker,” Jul 25 1931, 2

“61 Cents For 36 Hours Work,” Aug 15 1931, 3

“Greenville KKK Make [sic] Third Raid On N.T.W. Organizer,” Aug 22 1931, 2

“Machine Guns Ready, Trained On Miners,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Mill Workers Forced to Pay For Machinery,” Aug 22 1931, 3

“Bosses Use B’ham Killing To Check Workers Struggle,” Aug 29 1931, 3

“Bloody Lynch Law Toll Mounts For This Year,” Sep 5 1931, 2

“ILD Scores Mill Owners In Greenville Flogging,” Sep 12 1931, 4

“KKK Beat Two Negro Workers In Greenville,” Sep 12 1931, 2

“Tell Clara Holden To Get Out Or Be Killed,” Sep 12 1931, 1

“Workers Fight B’ham Terror,” Sep 12 1931, 3

“Negro and White Workers Denounce Oscar De Priest,” Sep 19 1931, 3

“No Illusions About Darrow,” Sep 26 1931, 4

“The Negro Scab Myth,” Sep 26 1931, 4

“Kidnap, Beat Unemployed In S. Carolina,” Oct 3 1931, 2

“Night Raids To Scare Leaders Of Unemployed,” Oct 3 1931, 3

“Strike Against Wage-Cuts,” Oct 3 1931, 4

“Another Mill Cuts Wages,” Oct 10 1931, 4

“Child Slavery Rampant Throughout All Alabama,” Oct 17 1931, 2

“Klan Sets Off Fireworks in S.C. Mill Slave Town,” Oct 17 1931, 3

“Crooked Bishop’s Pal Gets Govt. Parole,” Oct 17 1931, 4

“Bishop Indicted On Election Fraud,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Klan Mayor Aids Com. Chest Fakes,” Dec 12 1931, 3

“Harlan Terror Continues As Strike Looms,” Dec 19 1931, 2

“Ritchie, Maryland’s Lynch Governor, Defends Murderers of Matt Williams,” Dec 19 1931, 4

“Great Discovery by Senate Committee of Crooked Bishop,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Koo Koo Chief Stays In Jail,” Jan 30 1932, 4

“Gangs Terrorize Farmers Who Won’t Plow Under; Landlords Pocket Profits of Destruction,” Aug 15 1933, 2

“Klan Burns Fiery Cross At Home Of Herndon Defender,” Aug 15 1933, 2

“‘Forces Of Law’ In Alabama Are Parties To Savage Lynchings,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“Bare Plot To Kill Croppers Union Leaders,” Aug 31 1933, 2

Caption, Jan 20 1934, 1

“Ex-Klansmen Denounce K.K.K., Join Communist Party,” Feb 10 1934, 1

“Toilers Roused By Georgia Terror Wave,” Feb 10 1934, 4

“I.L.D. Foils Legal Trick To Murder Scottsboro Boys,” Mar 25 1934, 2

“Labor’s Two Hands: A True Story,” Mar 25 1934, 4

“White Legion—Fascist Spy Gang Against Workers,” Jul 1934, 1

Important News In Short: Decatur, Ala., Jul 1934, 2

“Communists Lead Strike Struggles,” Jul 1934, 4

“K.K.K. Strikebreaking,” Sep 1934, 1

“Warrants Try Outlaw Reds, Workers’ Paper,” Sep 1934, 1

“K.K.K. ‘Gets’ White Texan,” Sep 1934, 2

“Tuscaloosa Lynchers Again Active,” Sep 1934, 2

“Drive Started To Build Southern Worker!” Sep 1934, 4

“Fight Fascism And War Developing Right Here,” Sep 1934, 6

“K.K.K. Reorganizes,” Oct 1934, 2

“United Action Offered To Socialists,” Oct 1934, 2

“Croppers Defy KKK Threats In Struggle Against Low Pay,” Oct 1934, 5

“Workers Get Candidates On Ballot, Fight Terror in Campaign,” Nov 1934, 1

“Masked Cops Beat Negroes And Strip Girls,” Dec 1934, 3

“White Worker Gets Threat, Attempt Stop Struggle,” Dec 1934, 3

“Crowd Awaits Lynching: K.K.K., Cops United In Terror,” Dec 1934, 3

“United Front Burning Need In Fight Against Hunger and Terror, Say Communists!” Dec 1934, 4

“Communists In The Labor Unions,” Dec 1934, 6

“The United Front in the South,” Jan 1935, 1

Contributor, “Nothing Too Low For Bosses Against Toilers,” Feb 1935, 1

“Cops Learn Lesson From Negro Worker,” Feb 1935, 2

Important News In Short: Atlanta, Ga., Feb 1935, 4

“Trades Council Leaders Exposed As Member Calls For Honest Leadership,” May 1935, 5

“15,000 Florida Workers Form Jobless League,” Jun 1935, 2

“Tampa Witness Thought Slain,” Feb 1936, 2

“The Klan Rides,” Feb 1936, 4

“Alabama’s New Game,” Feb 1936, 8

“Klan Killers Stand Trial In Tampa, Fla.,” Mar-Apr 1936, 1

“Red Baiters Answered By Randolph,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4

“Convict The Klan!” Mar-Apr 1936, 8

“How About It, Brother Jones?” May 1936, 2

News In Brief: Birmingham, May 1936, 7

Photo caption, Jun 1936, 1

“Night Riders Charged With Death of Worker,” Jun 1936, 1

“Cops And Klan Found Guilty In Florida,” Jun 1936, 3

“The Black Legion,” Jun 1936, 8

“Goodyear Co. Charged By Labor Board,” Jul 1936, 1

Trade Union Topics, Jul 1936, 2

“Organize Steel: Who Advocates Terror?” Jul 1936, 8

“Browder Exposes Slander Against Communists in Speech at Virginia U,” Sep 1936, 1

“Communist Party Is Legal,” Jun 1937, 4

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