Cumulative Index 1930-1937

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Holmes, T.A.:
“Camp Hill Cropper At Chattanooga Meet,” Aug 29 1931, 1
Holmes, Taft:
“Camp Hill Cropper Free, Tells Story,” Aug 29 1931, 2
Holsey Temple C.M.E. Church:
Caption to photo of KKK, Jan 20 1934, 1
Holt, Ala.:
“Unity Grows Between White and Negro as Union Wins Gains in Iron Industry,” Mar-Apr 1935, 5
Holt, Malindy:

“Bosses’ Wives In Camp Hill Drive Slaves,” Jan 16 1932, 3

Holt Plaid Mill:
“No. Carolina Workers Join Textile Union,” Oct 31 1931, 3

Important News In Short: Burlington, N.C., Jan 1935, 4

Holt, Richard:
“TCI Ore Miners Strike Against Layoff, Speed-Up,” Jun 1936, 1
Holt, Thad:
“Sharecroppers Win Strike Gains As Whites and Negroes Unite,” Oct 1934, 1

“Miners in Revolt at Bosses Welching On Agreement; Mitch’s Two-Timing,” Sep 1934, 2

“New Deal Slashes Jobless Relief,” Dec 1934, 1

“Tarrant Relief League To Join Union,” Jan 1935, 3

Holy Crusaders:
“Labor Enters National Drive To Save Atlanta Organizers,” Sep 13 1930, 1
Home Crest Rug Mill:
“A.F. of L. Mum On Leaksville 11% Wage-Cut,” Sep 6 1930, 1
Homeless Youth of America:
“Young Strikers Jailed At New Orleans Camp,” Jan 1935, 2
“Freights Crowded With Women as Well as Men,” Dec 20 1930, 2

“Driven From Galveston And Dumped on Prairie,” Dec 20 1930, 2

Untitled, Dec 20 1930, 2

“Jail Jobless To Build State Road,” Jan 17 1931, 3

“Preacher Spills Hokum In Chatta. Flop House,” Jan 24 1931, 3

Caption, Jan 24 1931, 3

Caption, “Who Breaks The Home?” Apr 4 1931, 3

Important News In Short: Mobile, Ala., Feb 1935, 4

Homer, Harris:
“Negroes Forge Ahead In Sports,” Jan 1937, 10
Homer, Henry:
The American Scene, “Governors Protest W.P.A. Cuts,” Apr 1937, 10
“Liberators In Honduras Fight,” Jun 6 1931, 4
Honea Path, S.C.:
“We Shan’t Forget,” Oct 1934, 2
Honeghy, Ed:
Lynch Law At Work: Danville, Ky., Nov 15 1930, 2
Honeygrove, Tex.:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4
Hong Kong, China:
Important News In Short: Hong Kong, China, Dec 1934, 6
Honolulu, Hawaii:
“Hawaiian Plot To Kill Last of Civil Rights,” Feb 6 1932, 3
Hooker, Floyd:
“Knoxville Central Labor Body Helps United Mine Workers’ Official Fight Ky. Strikesrs [sic],” Feb 6 1932, 1
Hoover, Calvin:
“Communism Stronger Each Year, Says Prof.,” Feb 20 1932, 3
Hoover Dam:
“1,400 Hoover Dam Workers Strike,” Aug 15 1931, 2
Hoover, Herbert:
“Lonoke Farmers Make A Mistake,” Sep 6 1930, 4

The Reds Say, Sep 6 1930, 4

“Alabama Politicians Exposed,” Sep 13 1930, 1

“Uncle Sam Cuts Wages,” Sep 20 1930, 3

“Fool Or Liar?” Sep 27 1930, 1

“Bosses Cry For War On U.S.S.R.,” Oct 4 1930, 1

The Reds Say, Oct 11 1930, 4

“AF of L Holds The Vilest Anti-Labor Convention,” Oct 18 1930, 1

“Equal Opportunity,” Oct 18 1930, 1

“Hoover Calls for Attack on Workers,” Oct 18 1930, 1

“Delegates To Plan Fight In Chattanooga,” Oct 18 1930, 1

“Hoover, Law and Order, Booze and Communism,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Workers Strike Against Cuts,” Oct 18 1930, 3

The Reds Say, Oct 18 1930, 4

“Raise A Mailed Fist Over King’s Mountain!” Oct 18 1930, 4

“The Convention of the A.F. of L.,” Oct 25 1930, 4

“Fake Schemes For Jobless To Get Votes,” Nov 1 1930, 1

“14-Hour Day; Starvation Under Hoover’s Reign of Prosperity,” Nov 1 1930, 4

“Studying With The 8,000,000,” Nov 1 1930, 6

“List Jobless But No Jobs To Be Found,” Nov 8 1930, 2

“Admits Crisis,” Nov 8 1930, 3

“No Relief But Lies By Hoover Regime,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“‘Stagger’ Atlanta Workers,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“The Elections,” Nov 15 1930, 4

The Reds Say, Nov 15 1930, 4

“‘Don’t Rob, Beg,’ Says Cop Chief,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Stagger W. Va. Glass Workers,” Nov 29 1930, 2

The Reds Say, Nov 29 1930, 4

“Another Traitor Comes To Offer Help to Bosses,” Dec 13 1930, 2

“Organize the Struggle of the Unemployed!” Dec 13 1930, 4

“For Real Unemployment Relief,” Dec 20 1930, 4

“Money For War, But None For The Unemployed,” Dec 27 1930, 1

“Hoover Gives Out 5 Jobs—We’re Fired,” Dec 27 1930, 3

“Bloated Parasites and Starving Millions,” Jan 3 1931, 4

The Reds Say, Jan 3 1931, 4

“According To Hoover,” Jan 10 1931, 4

“Arkansas Share Croppers Rouse Farms to Action,” Jan 17 1931, 2

Staff box, Jan 17 1931, 4

“Demand War Billions For Jobless Aid,” Jan 24 1931, 1

“Club Congress Into Action!” Jan 31 1931, 4

“Congress Agrees To Let Farmers Starve to Death,” Feb 14 1931, 1

“Congress ‘Settles’ Farmers’ Fate,” Feb 14 1931, 4

“Hoover Thinks $1 Day Enuff for Family of 7,” Mar 7 1931, 3

“The War Veterans’ Loan Bill,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Government Cuts Navy Yard Wages,” Mar 21 1931, 2

“Farmers Rally To Organize For Relief,” Mar 21 1931, 3

“U.S. Farm Expert Lies About Farm Wages,” Mar 28 1931, 3

“Workers Starved, Red Cross Feeds Rayon Mill Favorites,” Apr 11 1931, 3

“Attack Jobless At Md. Capitol,” Apr 11 1931, 3

“Cut Threatens All R.R. Workers,” May 2 1931, 2

“Still Deliberating,” May 9 1931, 3

“To Conscript Four Million In Coming War,” May 23 1931, 2

“Green Forced To Admit Cuts But Betrays Strikers,” May 23 1931, 2

“Want War Funds For Unemployed,” May 23 1931, 3

“Organize and Strike Against Wage-Cuts,” May 23 1931, 4

“75% Industries Have Cut Wages In Nation Drive,” May 30 1931, 1

“Shops Are Place For Our Paper,” Jun 13 1931, 3

“Capitalist Courts in South as Lynch Agency for Mill and Land Owners,” Jun 20 1931, 4

“Force 20% Wage-Cut On Shopmen,” Jul 4 1931, 3

“40,000 Strikers Hit U.M.W. of A. Strike-Breaking,” Jul 11 1931, 1

“Defend Soviet Union Demonstrate Aug. 1st,” Jul 11 1931, 4

“Gunfire Behind Reprations,” Jul 11 1931, 4

“U.S. Pushes War Alliance In German Crisis,” Jul 18 1931, 1

“London Meet Plans War On Soviet Union,” Jul 25 1931, 1

“The Civilization They Tell us To Defend,” Aug 1 1931, 4

“Miners To Picket White House, Hit Gov.; UMW Scabs,” Aug 1 1931, 1

“U.S. Launches Nation-Wide Wage Cutting,” Aug 1 1931, 2

“Warns Farmers Against Fakers,” Aug 8 1931, 3

“Will We Permit Third Winter of Starvation?” Aug 8 1931, 4

“1,400 Hoover Dam Workers Strike,” Aug 15 1931, 2

“‘Law and Order’ in Harlan County,” Aug 29 1931, 4

“What Next?” Sep 5 1931, 3

“Auction Off Jobless In Memphis Park,” Sep 12 1931, 2

“Fight Against Hunger,” Sep 12 1931, 4

“Wall Street’s War Game,” Oct 3 1931, 4

“Aluminum Trust Cuts Wages,” Oct 10 1931, 1

“Capitalist Politics In Tennessee,” Oct 10 1931, 4

“Hoover Would Grab Colonies Attack Soviet,” Oct 17 1931, 1

“Crooked Bishop’s Pal Gets Govt. Parole,” Oct 17 1931, 4

“Four Main Columns Will Reach Capitol Dec. 7th,” Oct 24 1931, 2

“Betsy Ross Supports Communist Program,” Oct 24 1931, 3

“Bishop Indicted On Election Fraud,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Workers Of South Must Carry Out Mass Fight Against War Plotters,” Oct 31 1931, 1

“Faster War Planes,” Oct 31 1931, 2

“Tammany Roosevelt ‘Winning South’,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Fourteen Years of Soviet Power,” Nov 7 1931, 1

“Hoover Agent Takes Trip To Soviet Border,” Nov 7 1931, 3

“Other Nations Default, Soviet Union Pays Debt,” Nov 7 1931, 1

“Winter Relief Demand Before U.S. Governm’t,” Nov 7 1931, 1

“Yank Bandits Back Warfare In Manchuria,” Dec 5 1931, 1

“Workers Fight For Immediate Winter Relief,” Dec 5 1931, 1

“Carpenters In Texas Sold Out By A.F.L. Agent,” Dec 5 1931, 3

“Politicians In Panic Try To Evade Issue,” Dec 12 1931, 1

“Marchers Return from Journey To Washington to Organize for National Feb. 4 Demonstrations,” Dec 19 1931, 1

“Ritchie, Maryland’s Lynch Governor, Defends Murderers of Matt Williams,” Dec 19 1931, 4

“Hatch Murder Plot For War Against USSR,” Jan 2 1932, 1

“Bank Failures in One Week Increase Over 100 Per Cent,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Police Continue Attacks on Hunger Marchers Return,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Hoover’s Popularity,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“Finally Woke Up,” Jan 9 1932, 2

“Again the Flood Horror,” Jan 9 1932, 4

“Black Judases Aid U.S. War Plans In Haiti,” Jan 16 1932, 3

“World War Looms as Bandit Powers Clash in Far East; Demand U.S. Withdraw Arms,” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Negro Leaders Out of Georgia State Rebuplican [sic] Party,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“Defenders of the Hoover Program,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“Whitewashing Franklin D. Roosevelt,” Mar 5 1932, 4

“Another Hooverville,” Mar 5 1932, 4

“Make Sick Worker Walk Ten Miles To Relief Job,” Jul 12 1933, 3

Hope, Ark.:
Lynch Law At Work: Hope, Ark., Feb 21 1931, 2
Hopewell, Va.:
“Strike Wave Sweeps South,” Jul 1934, 1

“Lockout Follows Va. Textile Strike,” Sep 1934, 2

Hopkins, Harry L.:
“CWA,” Jan 20 1934, 2

“Transients Who Vote To Be Cut Off Relief,” Sep 1934, 4

“New Deal Slashes Jobless Relief,” Dec 1934, 1

“Workers Insurance Congress Unites Thousands in Washington: Relief Cut More By New Deal As Profits Rise,” Jan 1935, 1

Important News In Short: New Orleans, La., Feb 1935, 4

“Union Delegate to Workers’ Congress Reports—Urges Support For H.R. 2827,” Feb 1935, 4

“Alabama Labor At The Crossroads,” Mar-Apr 1936, 2

“More Jobless,” Mar 1937, 6

Hopkinsville, Ky.:
Lynch Law At Work: Hopkinsville, Ky., Feb 7 1931, 2

“Already Elect 40 Delegates To Conference,” May 23 1931, 1

Horn, Dr. J.M.:
“Baby Born Dead As Aid Is Denied,” Sep 1934, 2
Horn, Fred:
“White Legion—Fascist Spy Gang Against Workers,” Jul 1934, 1
Hornsby, John:
“United Front, All-Southern Conference For Union And Civil Rights Set for May 26 in Chattanooga, Tenn.,” May 1935, 1
Horse Creek Valley, S.C.:
“‘Education’ for A.F. of L. Sell-Outs Is Line of Labor Fakers,” Jun 13 1931, 2

“Textile Strikes Sweep South As N.R.A. Brings Pay-Cuts, Stretch-Out,” Nov 15 1933, 1

Horton, Charlie, also Horton, Charles:
“Kill 1, Wound 4, Jail Communist Organizer,” Aug 15 1931, 1

Lynch Law At Work: Birmingham, Ala., Sep 26 1931, 4

Horton, Henry Hollis:
The Reds Say, Aug 16 1930, 4

“Mass Lay-Offs In Elizabethton,” Sep 20 1930, 3

“Fake Schemes For Jobless To Get Votes,” Nov 1 1930, 1

“Tenn. Bosses Ready To War On Jobless,” Nov 22 1930, 1

“Bank Crash In Tenn. Reveals Rule Of Boss,” Nov 29 1930, 1

“Cover Horton Steal; No Aid For Jobless,” Jan 17 1931, 2

“Capitalist Politics In Tennessee,” Oct 10 1931, 4

“Two Tennessee Cities Rank Highest In U.S. Illiteracy,” Oct 24 1931, 4

“Tammany Roosevelt ‘Winning South’,” Oct 31 1931, 4

“Armed Thugs Hold Up Highway Com.,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“Whitewashing Franklin D. Roosevelt,” Mar 5 1932, 4
Horton, James E.:
“New Trial Hearing For Patterson June 22,” Jun 10 1933, 2

“Mass Protests Again Snatch Scottsboro Boy From Death Chair,” Jul 12 1933, 1

“Force Innocent Scottsboro Boys To Trial Again,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Scottsboro Trials Set For Nov. 27, in Decatur,” Nov 15 1933, 2

Important News In Short: Decatur, Ala., Jul 1934, 2
Horton, Miles:
“The United Front in the South,” Jan 1935, 1

“Support Grows For Union Rights And Anti-Lynch Meet,” Feb 1935, 2

Horton, Walter:
Untitled, Jan 2 1932, 3
Hoschton, Ga.:
My Life, Nov 29 1930, 4

My Life, Dec 6 1930, 4

Hosea, Will:
“Win Release of Eight Jailed in Birmingham,” Nov 15 1933, 2
Hosiery Workers Union: see American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Hoskins Mill:
“Makes $8.60 For 8 Days’ Work In Mill,” Nov 1 1930, 4
Houk, Rev. Charles:
“Spread Campaign,” Mar-Apr 1935, 3
Houma, La.:
“Funds Must Rush In To Keep ‘SW’,” Dec 27 1930, 1
“NTWU Leads Fight Against Sell-Out By Boss Agents,” Aug 30 1930, 1

“Rain Floods Workers’ Homes,” Sep 27 1930, 3

Caption, “Against Boss Line-up in Alabama—Vote Red,” Nov 1 1930, 5

Caption, Nov 1 1930, 5

“Evictions In Elizabethton,” Nov 8 1930, 3

“While Hoover Talks Relief, Evict Worker,” Nov 15 1930, 3

“Wake Up, Oppressed People!” Nov 15 1930, 4

Untitled, Nov 22 1930, 3

“Demands Rent On Honk Of Horn—No?—Evicted!” Nov 29 1930, 3

“Junk Piles For Jobless,” Nov 29 1930, 3

Caption, “Homes We Live In,” Dec 4 1930, 4

“Evict Strikers From Danville Homes on X-mas,” Dec 27 1930, 2

“Pulls Off Doors To Force Tenant Out,” Dec 27 1930, 2

“Mass Evictions Start Of Danville Strikers,” Jan 3 1931, 2

“Resists And Wins Against Her Eviction,” Jan 17 1931, 3

“Fight Evictions In Birmingham,” Jan 24 1931, 1

“Atlanta Worker Calls For Fight Upon Eviction,” Jan 24 1931, 3

“Evicted Miners,” Caption, Jan 24 1931, 4

“Chatta. Jobless To Demonstrate Feb 10,” Jan 31 1931, 1

“Starvation In Standard-Coosa,” Jan 31 1931, 1

“Another Chatt. Worker Puts Back Furniture,” Feb 7 1931, 1

“More Evictions In Chatta.—Fight Them,” Feb 7 1931, 3

“Buy Off Jobless To Evict Others,” Feb 14 1931, 2

“Closed Savona Mill Evicts From Houses,” Feb 14 1931, 3

“Use Porches For Kindling,” Feb 14 1931, 3

“Put Furniture Back In Atlanta,” Feb 21 1931, 1

“Boss Frames Unemployed Nego [sic] Renter,” Feb 28 1931, 3

“Danville Mills Evict Strikers From Co. Homes,” Mar 7 1931, 1

“Interesting Lectures At Charlotte Forum,” Mar 7 1931, 2

“$1 Pay For Week Work,” Mar 7 1931, 3

“Boss Takes All B’ham Workers Pay For Rent,” Mar 28 1931, 3

“Mill Boss Fools, Cheats, Evicts, Pregnant Mother,” Mar 28 1931, 3

“7th Worker Dies In Chatta. Flop House,” Mar 28 1931, 2

“Stop Eviction In Charlotte,” Apr 4 1931, 1

“Workers Put Furniture Back, Tenant Is Jailed and Beaten,” Apr 4 1931, 3

“Evicted—Sleep On Street,” Apr 4 1931, 3

“Help Jobless B’ham Worker Save His Home,” Apr 11 1931, 3

“Not April Fool For Jobless—But Misery,” Apr 11 1931, 4

“Jobless Turn on Water In Homes In B’ham,” Apr 18 1931, 2

“8 Houses, 8 Starving Families—No Rent,” Apr 25 1931, 3

“Workers Evicted In Elizabethton,” May 2 1931, 3

“Young Worker Fights Eviction,” May 9 1931, 3

“Relief Eviction of Negro Worker In Philadelphia,” May 30 1931, 2

“Many Evicted In Charlotte,” Jun 6 1931, 3

“Unemployed Put Back Furniture In Charlotte,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“Would Keep Job But Not Save Boys,” Jul 4 1931, 2

“Evicted Miners Need Tents,” Jul 11 1931, 2

“Negro Landlords In Chatta. Just As Bad As White,” Jul 11 1931, 3

“Coops For Homes In Greenville,” Aug 1 1931, 3

“Put Furniture Back Twice In Same House,” Aug 8 1931, 1

“Police Murder 3 Negro Jobless At Chi. Eviction,” Aug 8 1931, 1

“Spy Snitches On Chatta. Workers Fighting Eviction,” Aug 8 1931, 3

“Charlotte Meet Hits Murder of Chicago Workers,” Aug 15 1931, 2

“Farmer Takes Place Of Mule at Plow,” Aug 15 1931, 3

“Jail Evicted Worker; I.L.D. Defends Him,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Thousands Demonstrate Against Cop Brutality,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Chi. Workers Continue Put Furniture In,” Sep 5 1931, 2

“Workers Disarm Brutal Deputies,” Sep 5 1931, 2

“Brazier Is Held By Grand Jury,” Sep 19 1931, 4

“Negro Candidates Prominet [sic] In N.Y. Communist Campaign,” Sep 19 1931, 1

“Landlord Hog Demands Rent of Ill Woman,” Sep 26 1931, 3

“Throw Chattanooga Jobless On Street As Winter Approaches,” Sep 26 1931, 3

“Improves Old Place; Landlord Wants Pay,” Oct 3 1931, 3

“Paid For House But Ordered Out,” Oct 3 1931, 3

“Defy Sheriff By Mass Action and Halt Evictions,” Oct 10 1931, 3

“Young Workers Must Fight For Wages and Hours,” Oct 10 1931, 3

“Kill Two; Wound Many In Cleveland Eviction Fight,” Oct 17 1931, 2

“Halt Evictions In Chattanooga,” Oct 17 1931, 4

“Everything Is Jim-Crowed But Dollars,” Oct 17 1931, 4

“Held For Grand Jury In Chatta. Eviction,” Oct 24 1931, 2

“No. Carolina Workers Join Textile Union,” Oct 31 1931, 3

“Landlords Advice,” Dec 5 1931, 4

“Marchers Return from Journey To Washington to Organize for National Feb. 4 Demonstrations,” Dec 19 1931, 1

“Feb. 4 Day Of Demonstratn’ Of Unemployed,” Jan 2 1932, 1

“Miners Flock Into Union On Eve of Strike,” Jan 2 1932, 1

“Delegates Who Visited U.S.S.R. To Tour South,” Jan 9 1932, 3

“Burn Unemployed Shacks,” Jan 9 1932, 4

“Police Murder Boy Fighting Eviction,” Jan 16 1932, 3

“Force Rent Reduction,” Jan 30 1932, 2

“Injunction Against Kentucky Miners By Federal Judge,” Feb 6 1932, 1

“Landlord Preys on Starving Family,” Feb 6 1932, 3

“Stop Maryland Eviction,” Feb 6 1932, 4

“Unemployed of Knoxville In Relief Drive,” Feb 20 1932, 2

“Win Rent Cuts,” Feb 20 1932, 3

“Negroes Barred From Govt. Jobs on Hoover Dam,” Mar 5 1932, 1

“Negroes Deported From New Haven Back Into South,” Mar 5 1932, 2

“Arrest 28 In Fort Worth Eviction,” Jul 12 1933, 2

“A Call To Action,” Aug 15 1933, 4

“T.C.I. Workers To Head City Ticket Of B’ham Communist Party,” Aug 31 1933, 1

Caption, Nov 15 1933, 1

“Sloss-Scheffield [sic] Often Hogs Whole Pay-Check for Rent,” Jan 20 1934, 3

“Piedmont Mill Cuts Pay Again,” Feb 10 1934, 3

Caption, Mar 25 1934, 4

Important News In Short: Birmingham, Ala., Jul 1934, 2

Important News In Short: Moscow, USSR, Sep 1934, 3

“Not Afraid Of Jail—Norfolk Worker Writes,” Sep 1934, 5

“N.R.A. Board Rules Against Miners In Alabama Cases,” Oct 1934, 4

“T.C.I. Carries On Underhand Campaign Against Union Men,” Oct 1934, 4

“Textile Strikers Evicted By Bosses,” Oct 1934, 5

“New Orleans White And Negro Fight Evictions, For Relief,” Nov 1934, 2

“U.S. High Living Standard Is Lie,” Feb 1935, 2

“Negroes Driven Out By Slum Clearance,” Feb 1935, 3

“National Housing Act Throws Workers Out of Homes,” May 1935, 4

“Workers Evicted From Shacks of Corporations,” Jun 1936, 6

“In Dixie-Land,” Sep 1936, 3

“Rents Rising in the South,” Apr 1937, 13

Caption, May 1937, 5
Houston Cottonseed Meal and Feed Co.:
“Use Bicycles To Speed Up,” Sep 27 1930, 3
Houston Seaman’s Institute:
“Disabled Seaman Sent From One Faker To Another—In Vain,” Oct 11 1930, 3
Houston, Tex.:
“Wage Cut for Workers In Cotton Compress,” Aug 16 1930, 3

“Many Idle At Houston Port,” Aug 30 1930, 3

“Speed-Up Kills Many,” Aug 30 1930, 3

“Crisis Works In Houston,” Sep 13 1930, 3

“Cut Wages And Crews On Ripley Boat; Undermanned,” Sep 20 1930, 3

“Wage Cuts In Houston Grow,” Sep 20 1930, 3

“Building The Southern Worker,” Sep 27 1930, 2

“Houston T.U.U.L. Recruitng,” Sep 27 1930, 2

“Workers ‘Spare Parts’ To Compresses,” Sep 27 1930, 3

“Use Bicycles To Speed Up,” Sep 27 1930, 3

“Winter!---What Now?” Oct 4 1930, 1

“Houston TUUL Continues Work Despite the Attacks of Police,” Oct 4 1930, 2

“Build The Southern Worker Drive,” Oct 4 1930, 2

“Cut Force 50 Per Cent,” Oct 4 1930, 3

“More Lay-Offs in Tool Co.,” Oct 4 1930, 3

“10 Cents An Hour!” Oct 4 1930, 3

“Build The Southern Worker Drive,” Oct 11 1930, 2

“Disabled Seaman Sent From One Faker To Another—In Vain,” Oct 11 1930, 3

“Build The Southern Worker Drive,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Sentence Red Speakers In Houston Meet,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Donations,” Oct 18 1930, 2

“Speed-Up Kills Negro Worker,” Oct 18 1930, 3

“Leave Cotton in Field; Is Not Worth Picking,” Oct 18 1930, 3

“No Shipping, Seamen Jailed, Clean Sheets,” Oct 18 1930, 3

“Build The Southern Worker Drive,” Oct 25 1930, 2

“Atlanta Unit Leads All In Building S.W.,” Oct 25 1930, 2

“Fishermen in South Lowest Paid Workers,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“Lay-Offs At Vacuum Oil,” Oct 25 1930, 3

“Low Wages for Food Workers in A.F. of L.,” Nov 1 1930, 2

“Build The Southern Worker Drive,” Nov 1 1930, 2

“Fink Masters Kicks [sic] Out Seaman Seen Reading Our Press,” Nov 1 1930, 4

“Best Amidships; Hell For Crew,” Nov 1 1930, 4

“Sailor Jailed As Vagrant; Reveals Graft,” Nov 8 1930, 3

“Seamen Continue Sold Out Fight,” Nov 15 1930, 1

“120 Men - 60 Bunks in Jail for Jobless,” Nov 15 1930, 3

“Made Sick By Poor Ship Food,” Nov 15 1930, 3

“New T.U.U.L. Hall in Houston,” Nov 15 1930, 3

“Jail Seamen In Houston Daily,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Lay Off 150 Men,” Nov 22 1930, 2

“Sea Institute Is A Black Hole,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“Crew on German Ship All Reds,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“A.F.L. Raises Dues Then Lifts Charter,” Nov 22 1930, 3

“A ‘Vagrant’,” Nov 22 1930, 4

“Vag Case Postponed,” Nov 22 1930, 4

“Negro Seaman Tells Of His Trip To The Soviet Union,” Nov 29 1930, 2

“Boss Court in Houston Rules Reds Are Vags,” Dec 6 1930, 2

“Lands Job—Has To Pay In Chest,” Dec 6 1930, 3

“The Terrible Crime of Organizing ‘Vagrants’,” Dec 6 1930, 4

“Enslave Sailors With New Ruling,” Dec 20 1930, 1

“Kill Negroes For Rewards,” Dec 20 1930, 1

“Freights Crowded With Women as Well as Men,” Dec 20 1930, 2

“Police Round Up Houston Sailors,” Dec 27 1930, 2

“A Challege [sic]—Who Answers?” Dec 27 1930, 2

“Jailed as Vagrant For Protecting A Child,” Jan 3 1931, 2

“Lay-Off-On S.O. Ry.,” Jan 3 1931, 4

Our Sustaining Fund, Jan 24 1931, 2

“Houston Dial Phones Lay Off Many Girls,” Feb 21 1931, 3

“400,000 Thruout [sic] Land In Jobless Demonstrations,” Mar 7 1931, 1

“Rush to Defense of Our Comrades,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Jail Leader As Hungry Man Dies,” Mar 14 1931, 3

“City Farm In Houston, Trap After 25% Cut,” Mar 21 1931, 3

“Houston Editor Steals $5 From Young Worker,” Mar 28 1931, 3

“500 Jobless Demonstrate Against Hunger in Houston,” Nov 7 1931, 3

“Legally Lynch Texas Negro On Dope Fiend Lie,” Jan 2 1931, 3

“Charity And Bosses Compete In Wage Cutting,” Aug 31 1933, 3

“T.E. Barlow, Martyred Leader Of The Southern Workers,” Nov 15 1933, 4

Caption to photo of trucks, Dec 20 1933, 2

“Strike Wave Sweeps South,” Jul 1934, 1

Important News In Short: Houston, Tex., Jul 1934, 2

Caption, Sep 1934, 2

“Communists In Elections With Fighting Slate,” Oct 1934, 1

“Texas Conference For Relief Action,” Oct 1934, 2

“Texas Mexican Workers Aid,” Oct 1934, 3

“Workers Insurance Congress Unites Thousands in Washington: White, Negro Workers And Farmers Send Delegates From South,” Jan 1935, 1

“Houston Seamen Win Some Demands, Fight On,” Jan 1935, 2

“United Front Mass Meetings Mark May 1 As Southern Toilers Join World Labor,” May 1935, 1

“Texas Jobless Unite To Fight For Relief,” May 1935, 2

“Seamen Strike,” Jun 1936, 6

News of the Month in the South, “Oil Workers Follow Example of Steel,” May 1937, 11

Houston Textile Mill:
“Texas Mexican Workers Aid,” Oct 1934, 3
Houston, William:
“Hoover Gives Out 5 Jobs—We’re Fired,” Dec 27 1930, 3
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