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Courses in Biology
Candidates for the Master of Arts degree
may not receive graduate credit for more
than two courses at the 600 level.
610. Lower Plants. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab.
hr.; 4 cr. A survey of algae, bryophytes, and
fungi of the northeastern United States,
with an emphasis on identification, mor-
phology, physiology, and ecology. A library
or field research paper is required.
611. Mycology. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab. hr.; 4
cr. Prereq.: One semester of genetics and
permission of instructor. A survey of the
major taxa of fungi, including slime molds,
with emphasis on their morphology and
taxonomy. The importance of fungi as
causal agents in diseases of man, other
animals, and plants, as experimental tools
of genetic, biochemical, and physiological
research will be considered. Basic tech-
niques of culturing fungi will be utilized in
the execution of individual projects.††
612. Morphology and Evolution of
Plants. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab. hr.; 4 cr. Prereq.:
Permission of instructor. Comparison of
plant form and function. Lectures will
emphasize the structure and origin of plant
organs, and the use of this information in
classifying major plant groups. Information
from paleobotany will be integrated with
comparative morphology of living plants. A
library research paper will be required. Lab-
oratory includes several field trips.
613. Field Botany. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab. hr.;
4 cr. Prereq.: Permission of instructor.
Introduction to local flora and vegetation.
Lectures will emphasize the structure and
composition of local vegetation. Laborato-
ries will consist mainly of field trips to
parks, preserves, and botanical gardens.
Students will submit a field trip report, a
plant collection, and library research
614. Plant Systematics. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab.
hr.; 4 cr. Prereq.: Permission of instructor.
Survey of the vascular plants with emphasis
on flowering plants. Lectures will emphasize
taxonomic characters useful in identification
of major plant groups. Laboratories will be
devoted to techniques of identification. Stu-
dents will submit a plant collection and a
library research paper. Field trips will occu-
py half days or full days; they will comprise
a large part of the lab component.
621. Entomology. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab. hr.;
4 cr. Prereq.: Course in invertebrate zool-
ogy. Anatomy, physiology, and ecology of
insects. Identified insect collection
required of each student. Students should
expect to reside at the Queens College Cen-
ter for Environmental Teaching and
Research, Caumsett State Park, Lloyd
Neck, Long Island, for at least one week of
the course (dormitory fees will be
announced and collected at time of regis-
tration). Summer Sessions I and II only.
626. Vertebrate Phylogeny. 2 lec., 1 rec.,
3 lab. hr.; 4 cr. Prereq.: A course in com-
parative anatomy. Phylogeny and interre-
lationships of the important major groups
of the phylum Chordata, emphasizing the
origins of higher categories and their adap-
tive radiation into sub-groups. Laboratory
on representatives of fishes, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, and mammals, emphasizing
differences in locomotion, feeding mecha-
nisms, and sense organs found within the
same sub-classes, infra-classes, super-
orders, and orders, with practice in the
identification of typical specimens likely to
be found in the field.
630. Biometrics. 2 lec., 1 rec., 3 lab. hr.; 
4 cr. Prereq.: Courses in genetics and cal-
culus. Probabilistic models in biology, field
and laboratory sampling, tests of hypothe-
ses; uses of statistics for estimation. Topics
selected will include growth processes of
organisms and populations, discriminant
functions, and genetic descriptions of
evolving populations. The laboratory
includes computational procedures in
evaluating biological data.††
680. Field Biology Studies. Prereq.:
Variable prerequisites and permission of
instructor(s). A variable content course
encompassing field studies in the areas of
botany, ecology, entomology, invertebrate
and vertebrate zoology, and limnology.
Usually offered Summers only, with 3-6
credits depending on the subjects included
and the time involved. The focus of the
course is the comparative study of habitats
and their components. Format and destina-
tions are variable and costs reflect the
mode of travel, destination, and type of
accommodations. A term paper is required.
680.3. 9 hr.; 3 cr.
680.4. 12 hr.; 4 cr.
680.5. 15 hr.; 5 cr.
680.6. 18 hr.; 6 cr.
685. Special Topics. 2–6 hr.; 2–4 cr. Spe-
cial topics in various areas of cellular,
developmental, environmental, or evolu-
tionary biology to be taken by arrangement
with the instructor and Graduate Adviser.
May be repeated for credit if the topic is
different. May include laboratory or field
700.3. Molecular Genetics. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: A course in genetics and a course
in organic chemistry. The nature of genetic
material, the gene, and the chromosome as
demonstrated by recombination, mutation,
and gene action in microorganisms, plants,
and animals; diversity of genetic systems
and sex determination; introduction to spe-
cial problems in human genetics, popula-
tion genetics, and radiation genetics.††
700.4. Laboratory Techniques in Mole-
cular Genetics. 4 lab. hr.; 2 cr. Prereq. or
coreq.: Biology 700.3.
705.3. Evolution. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
Courses in genetics, vertebrate zoology or
invertebrate zoology, botany, historical
geology, or permission of department.
Study of the mechanisms and processes of
evolution based on the results and concepts
of population genetics, speciation, and
mega-evolutionary processes.††
705.4. Laboratory in Evolution. 4 lab.
hr.; 2 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: Biology 705.3.
705.6. Macroevolution: Patterns of
Evolution above the Species Level. 3
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: A course in graduate evo-
lution and undergraduate genetics. A
course in evolution above the species level
analyzing the interface between evolution
at the species level and higher systematic
and ecological hierarchies. The discussion
will include origin, diversification, and
extinction patterns of lineages; rates of
evolution, deterministic versus stochastic
patterns; the problem of adaptation and
diversification; developmental aspects of
phylogeny; taxic distribution in space and
time; phylogenetic inference; morphological
versus paleontological data; the molecular
clock; ecological versus historical biogeog-
raphy; gradualism versus saltationalism;
neodarwinian paradigm versus others at
supra-specific levels.††
706.3. Systematics. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: A
course in evolution or in some major group
of organisms. Principles of classification,
phylogenetic inference, methods of system-
707.1, 707.3, 707.5, 707.7. Zoology and
Phylogeny of the Chordata. 2 lec. hr.; 2
cr. each semester. Prereq.: For Biology
707.1, courses in comparative vertebrate
anatomy and graduate courses in evolu-
tion, advanced genetics, and systematics;
for Biology 707.3, Biology 707.1 or permis-
sion of instructor; for Biology 707.5, Biolo-
gy 707.3 or permission of instructor; for
Biology 707.7, Biology 707.5. The first
semester to emphasize the fishlike chor-
dates; the second semester to emphasize
the amphibia, reptiles; the third semester
to emphasize mammals; and the fourth
semester to emphasize birds.††
707.2, 707.4, 707.6, 707.8. Laboratory in
Zoology and Phylogeny of the Chorda-
ta. 4 lab. hr.; 2 cr. each semester. Prereq.
or coreq.: For Biology 707.2, Biology 707.1;
for Biology 707.4, Biology 707.3; for Biology
707.6, Biology 707.5; for Biology 707.8,
Biology 707.7. Examination of living, fossil,
and other museum materials illustrating
techniques and problems in research. The
first semester to emphasize the fishlike
chordates; the second semester to empha-
size the amphibia, reptiles; the third
semester to emphasize mammals; and the
fourth semester to emphasize birds.††
709.1. Population Genetics. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: A course in statistics and a course
in general genetics, evolution, or permission
of instructor. Study of single gene systems
on the population level with emphasis on
the mechanisms of evolution/speciation.
†- Offered either Fall or Spring; see Class Schedule.
††- May be offered; see Class Schedule.

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