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the Departmental M.F.A. Committee. This
portfolio shall be examined by the Commit-
tee, which shall have the authority to
accept or reject the candidate.
2. Undergraduate study should consist
of at least 30 credits in art; students shall
have taken the equivalent of a two-semes-
ter survey course plus two elective courses
in the history of art.
3. Normally, each candidate for admis-
sion will be interviewed by a member of
the Departmental M.F.A. Committee. This
requirement may be waived at the depart-
ment’s option.
4. Applicants must demonstrate satis-
factory standards of spoken and written
English. For applicants whose first lan-
guage is not English: (a) Interviews are
required of those applicants who hold an
undergraduate or graduate degree from an
accredited American institution of higher
education; (b) All other applicants must
submit proof of having achieved a score of
550 or higher on the Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Requirements for the M.F.A.
1. Completion of 54 credits consisting of
the following:
a. Two courses in the history of art. (See
Graduate Art History Electives.)
b. Art 724, Contemporary Issues in the
Visual Arts.
c. Three seminar courses (a total of 9
credits), each with a different topic, must
be taken under Art 730 and/or 731.
d. Two elective courses to be selected
with departmental approval from Art 725,
726, 727.1, 727.2, 728.
e. Advanced Problems in Drawing (Art
735) must be taken twice for a total of 6
f. The remaining 24 credits will be
taken in the student’s area of concentra-
1) For Painting or Mixed Media Con-
centration: Art 721.1, 721.2, 721.3, 721.4
2) For Sculpture or Installation Concen-
tration: Art 722.1, 722.2, 722.3, 722.4
Student work in the specialized area
shall be reviewed and graded by the
Departmental M.F.A. Committee each
semester. This Committee shall be autho-
rized to approve or reject a student for con-
tinuation in the program, to place a
student on probation, and to approve a stu-
dent for the M.F.A. degree.
2. A grade index of 3.0 shall be main-
3. Participation in the program is full
time except as approved by the M.F.A.
Committee, and the degree is normally
completed within two years.
4. Students will do all of their creative
work on campus except by permission of
the Committee.
Courses in Art History
Courses numbered 500-506 are intended
for graduate students whose primary area
of study is not art history; these courses
may not be credited toward the Master of
Arts degree in Art History.
Matriculation for the Master of Arts
degree in Art History or permission of the
instructor is required for admission to
courses numbered 641-643 and 740-756,
which assume a good background in art
history and, in some instances, the ability
to read in a foreign language.
Seminars numbered in the 750s and
Art 740.1 and 740.2 assume prior study in
the area and a knowledge of appropriate
languages. Students will be expected to do
independent work and present reports and
an extended paper. Admission to seminars
for all students is by permission of the
Not all courses will be offered each
semester. Consult the Art Department for
announcements of forthcoming offerings.
500. Topics in Art History. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of art
history. The topic may vary and will be
announced each time the course is given.
May be repeated for credit when the topic
is different.††
501.1. Topics in Ancient Art. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of art
history. The topic may vary and will be
announced each time the course is given.
May be repeated for credit when the topic
is different.††
501.2. Topics in Greek and Roman Art.
2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semes-
ters of art history. The topic may vary and
will be announced each time the course is
given. May be repeated for credit when the
topic is different.††
502.1. Topics in Medieval Art. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of art
history. The topic may vary and will be an-
nounced each time the course is given. May
be repeated for credit when the topic is dif-
503.1. Topics in Renaissance and Man-
nerist Art. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
Two semesters of art history. The topic
may vary and will be announced each time
the course is given. May be repeated for
credit when the topic is different.††
503.2. Topics in Baroque and Rococo
Art. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two
semesters of art history. The topic may
vary and will be announced each time the
course is given. May be repeated for credit
when the topic is different.††
504.1. Impressionism to Cubism. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of
art history.††
504.2. Art since World War II. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of art
history. A critical survey from abstract
expressionism on: pop art, color-field paint-
ing, minimalist and post-minimalist art,
conceptual art, the figurative revival, etc.††
504.3. Topics in Modern Art. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of art
history. The topic may vary and will be an-
nounced each time the course is given. May
be repeated for credit when the topic is dif-
505.1. Topics in American Art. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of
art history. The topic may vary and will be
announced each time the course is given.
May be repeated for credit when the topic
is different.††
506.1. Topics in Non-Western Art. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two semesters of
art history. The topic may vary and will be
announced each time the course is given.
May be repeated for credit when the topic
is different.††
556. Independent Study in Art History.
Hr. to be arranged; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permis-
sion of instructor. Work in some particular
area of research for candidates for the
Master of Science in Education and Master
of Fine Arts degrees.
556.1. Independent Study in Ancient Art
556.2. Independent Study in Medieval
556.3. Independent Study in Renais-
sance and Mannerist Art
556.4. Independent Study in Baroque
and Rococo Art
556.5. Independent Study in Modern
and American Art
600. Museum Studies. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The
course will acquaint students with muse-
um work by providing supervised partici-
pation in the functioning of the Godwin-
Ternbach Museum. Students will engage
in such museum activities as the prepara-
tion of exhibitions and care of the collec-
tion. Practical experience will be
supplemented by lectures on the history of
the art museum and the concerns of the
contemporary museum world, and by
“behind-the-scenes” visits to other muse-
ums. A term paper on an object in the
Museum’s collection is required.
641. Literature and Theory of Art. 3 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Matriculation for
M.A. in Art History or permission of
642. The Major Artist and His Develop-
ment. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Ma-
triculation for the M.A. in Art History or
permission of instructor. The artist to be
studied will be announced each time the
course is given. May be repeated for credit
when the topic is different.††
643. Studies in Non-Western Art. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Matriculation for
the M.A. in Art History or permission of
instructor. The area to be studied will be
announced each time the course is given,
and will be selected from such topics as
pre-Columbian art, African sculpture,
Egyptian art, Chinese and Japanese paint-
ings, or Japanese prints. May be repeated
for credit when the topic is different.††
A R T  
†- Offered either Fall or Spring; see Class Schedule.
††- May be offered; see Class Schedule.

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