Data Mining and Science?

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Data Mining and Science?

Knowledge discovery in science as opposed to business

Brian J Read

CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK

Keywords: Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Air Quality, Air Pollution


The relatively new discipline of data mining is most often applied to extraction of useful

knowledge from business data.  However, it is also useful in some scientific applications

where this more empirical approach complements traditional data analysis.  The example

of machine learning from air quality data illustrates this alternative.

1. Introduction

Data Mining is the essential ingredient in the more general process of Knowledge

Discovery in Databases (KDD).  The idea is that by automatically sifting through large

quantities of data it should be possible to extract nuggets of knowledge.

Data mining has become fashionable, not just in computer science (journals &

conferences), but particularly in business IT.  (An example is its promotion by television

advertising [1].)  The emergence is due to the growth in data warehouses and the

realisation that this mass of operational data has the potential to be exploited as an

extension of Business Intelligence.

2. Why is Data Mining Different?

Data mining is more than just conventional data analysis.  It uses traditional analysis tools

(like statistics and graphics) plus those associated with artificial intelligence (such as rule

induction and neural nets).  It is all of these, but different.  It is a distinctive approach or

attitude to data analysis.  The emphasis is not so much on extracting facts, but on

generating hypotheses.  The aim is more to yield questions rather than answers.  Insights

gained by data mining can then be verified by conventional analysis.

3. The Data Management Context

“Information Technology” was originally “Data Processing”.  Computing in the past

gave prominence to the processing algorithms - data were subservient.  Typically, a

program processed input data tapes (such as master and detail records) in batch to output a

new data tape that incorporated the transactions.  The structure of the data on the tapes

reflected the requirements of the specific algorithm.  It was the era of Jackson Structured


The concept of database broke away from this algorithm-centric view.  Data assumed an

existence independent of any programs.  The data could be structured to reflect semantics


of relationships in the real world.  One had successively hierarchical, network, relational

and object data models in commercial database management systems, each motivated by

the desire to model better the structure of actual entities and their relationships.

A database is extensional, storing many facts.  Some information is intensional; that is, it

manifests as rules.  Some limited success was achieved with deductive databases that stored

and manipulated rules, as for example in Prolog based systems.  This encouraged Expert

Systems.  However, it was hard to achieve solid success.  A main difficulty was the

knowledge elicitation bottleneck: how to convert the thought processes of domain

experts into formal rules in a computer.

Data mining offers a solution: automatic rule extraction.  By searching through large

amounts of data, one hopes to find sufficient instances of an association between data

value occurrences to suggest a statistically significant rule.  However, a domain expert is

still needed to guide and evaluate the process and to apply the results.

4. Business Data Analysis

Popular commercial applications of data mining technology are, for example, in direct

mail targeting, credit scoring, churn prediction, stock trading, fraud detection, and

customer segmentation.  It is closely allied to data warehousing in which large (gigabytes)

corporate databases are constructed for decision support applications.  Rather than

relational databases with SQL, these are often multi-dimensional structures used for so-

called on-line analytical processing (OLAP).  Data mining is a step further from the

directed questioning and reporting of OLAP in that the relevant results cannot be

specified in advance.

5. Scientific Data Analysis

Rules generated by data mining are empirical - they are not physical laws.  In most

research in the sciences, one compares recorded data with a theory that is founded on an

analytic expression of physical laws.  The success or otherwise of the comparison is a test

of the hypothesis of how nature works expressed as a mathematical formula.  This might

be something fundamental like an inverse square law.  Alternatively, fitting a

mathematical model to the data might determine physical parameters (such as a refractive


On the other hand, where there are no general theories, data mining techniques are

valuable, especially where one has large quantities of data containing noisy patterns.  This

approach hopes to obtain a theoretical generalisation automatically from the data by

means of induction, deriving empirical models and learning from examples.  The resultant

theory, while maybe not fundamental, can yield a good understanding of the physical

process and can have great practical utility.

6. Scientific Applications

In a growing number of domains, the empirical or black box approach of data mining is

good science.  Three typical examples are:



Sequence analysis in bioinformatics [2]


Genetic data such as the nucleotide sequences in genomic DNA are digital.  However,

experimental data are inherently noisy, making the search for patterns and the

matching of sub-sequences difficult.  Machine learning algorithms such as artificial

neural nets and hidden Markov chains are a very attractive way to tackle this

computationally demanding problem.




Classification of astronomical objects [3]


The thousands of photographic plates that comprise a large survey of the night sky

contain around a billion faint objects.  Having measured the attributes of each object,

the problem is to classify each object as a particular type of star or galaxy.  Given the

number of features to consider, as well as the huge number of objects, decision-tree

learning algorithms have been found accurate and reliable for this task.



Medical decision support [4]

Patient records collected for diagnosis and prognosis include symptoms, bodily

measurements and laboratory test results.  Machine learning methods have been

applied to a variety of medical domains to improve decision-making.  Examples are

the induction of rules for early diagnosis of rheumatic diseases and neural nets to

recognise the clustered micro-calcifications in digitised mammograms that can lead to


The common technique is the use of data instances or cases to generate an empirical

algorithm that makes sense to the scientist and that can be put to practical use for

recognition or prediction.

7. Example of Predicting Air Quality

To illustrate the data mining approach, both advantages and disadvantages, this section

describes its application to a prediction of urban air pollution.

7.1 Motivation

One needs an understanding of the behaviour of air pollution in order to predict it and

then to guide any action to ameliorate it.  Calculations with dynamical models are based

on the relevant physics and chemistry.

An interesting research and development project pursuing this approach is DECAIR [5].

This concerns a generic system for exploiting existing urban air quality models by

incorporating land use and cloud cover data from remote sensing satellite images.

To help with the design and validation of such models, a complementary approach is

described here.  It examines data on air quality empirically.  Data mining and, in

particular, machine learning techniques are employed with two main objectives:



to improve our understanding of the relevant factors and their relationships, including

the possible discovery of non-obvious features in the data that may suggest better

formulations of the physical models;



to induce models solely from the data so that dynamical simulations might be

compared to them and that they may also have utility, offering (short term)

predictive power.

7.2 Source Data

The investigation uses urban air quality measurements from the City of Cambridge (UK)

[6].  These are especially useful since contemporary weather data from the same location

are also available.  The objectives are, for example, to look for and interpret possible

correlations between each pollutant (NO, NO


, NO


, CO, O


 and PM


 particulates) and



the other pollutants;




the weather (wind strength and direction, temperature, relative humidity and radiance);

looking in particular for lags - that is, one attribute seeming to affect another with a delay

of perhaps hours or of days.

7.3 Data Preparation

Before trying to apply machine learning and constructing a model, there are three quite

important stages of data preparation.  The data need to be cleanedexplored and

transformed.  In typical applications, this can be most of the overall effort involved.

a)  Cleaning


Though not elaborated here, but commonly a major part of the KDD process is data

cleaning.  In this case, one is concerned with imposing consistent formats for dates and

times, allowing for missing data, finding duplicated data, and weeding out bad data - the

latter are not always obvious.  The treatment of missing or erroneous data needs

application dependent judgement.

b)  Exploration


Another major preliminary stage is a thorough examination of the data to acquire

familiarity and understanding.  One starts with basic statistics - means, distributions,

ranges, etc - aiming to acquire a feeling for data quality.  Other techniques such as sorting,

database queries and especially exploratory graphics help one gain confidence with the


c)  Transformation

The third preparatory step is dataset sampling, summarisation, transformation and

simplification.  Working with only a sample of the full data, or applying a level of

aggregation, may well yield insights and results that are quicker (if not even discernible at

all) than with the complete data source.  In addition, transforming the data by defining

new variables to work with can be a crucial step.  Thus one might, for instance, calculate

ratios of observations, normalise them, or partition them into bins, bands or classes.

7.4 Initial Analysis

The initial analysis concentrated on the daily averages for the weather measurements and

daily maxima of the pollutants.  This simplifies the problem, the results providing a guide

for a later full analysis.  In addition, the peak values were further expressed as bands (e.g.

“low”, “medium” and “high”).  For example, ozone (O


) values were encoded as


<50 ppb


50-90 ppb


>90 ppb

The bands relate to standards or targets set by the UK Expert Panel on Air Quality

Standards (EPAQS) that the public can appreciate.  (For ozone, the recommended limit is

50 ppb as an 8 hour running average.)

The data exploration and analysis is guided by domain knowledge and enhanced by it.

Examination of the Cambridge air pollution data confirmed initial expectations:


There is a daily cycle with peaks in the afternoon.



Sundays have low pollution.


An east wind (from industrial Europe) increases ozone levels.


Sunlight on nitrogen dioxide (NO


) produces ozone.


Particulates (PM


) come from vehicle exhausts.

Cambridge has little industry and within an urban environment traffic is the dominant

pollution agent.  Its effect depends on the local street topography so mesoscale dynamical

models have restricted value.

7.5 Modelling

The two principal machine learning techniques used in this application are neural

networks and the induction of decision trees.  Expressing their predictions as band values

makes the results of such models easier to understand.

a) Decision Trees

Applying the C5.0 algorithm to the data to generate a simple decision tree, one gets for

ozone bands:

AirTemp =< 28.3 -> LOW

AirTemp  > 28.3

    RelHum =< 58.1 -> HIGH

    RelHum  > 58.1 -> MEDIUM

This suggests how the ozone concentration depends mainly on the air temperature and

relative humidity.  The same tree, expressed as a rule set is:

Rules for HIGH:

    Rule #1 for HIGH:

        if   AirTemp > 28.3

        and  RelHum =< 58.1

        then -> HIGH

Rules for LOW:

    Rule #1 for LOW:

        if   AirTemp =< 28.3

        then -> LOW

Rules for MEDIUM:

    Rule #1 for MEDIUM:

        if   AirTemp > 28.3

        and  RelHum > 58.1

        then -> MEDIUM

Default : -> LOW

In fact, the support for these rules is modest.  The handicap is that there are too few

instances of 


 ozone days in the data.  Reliable predictions would need something

more elaborate, but this illustrates the idea.

b) Neural Networks

Alternatively, the daily data can be fitted with an artificial neural network to model the

ozone band value.  A first attempt yields:


Neural Network "O3band" architecture

Input Layer     : 5 neurons

Hidden Layer #1 : 4 neurons

Output Layer    : 4 neurons

Predicted Accuracy :  96%

Relative Importance of Inputs

AirTemp              : 0.29

RelHum               : 0.06

Rad                  : 0.04

Wet                  : 0.02

WindSpeed            : 0.004

Again, this shows that air temperature is the dominant predictor.  However, given the

limited quantity of data summarised to daily values, it is not worth trying to refine the

model network.

7.6 Software

The air quality data were analysed using the data mining software package Clementine [7]

(originally from Integral Solutions Ltd. and now from SPSS Inc.)  While this provides

standard machine learning algorithms to generate models, its great virtue is the powerful

visual environment it offers for data exploration.  The figure shows an example of a data

processing stream in Clementine’s graphical interface.  This ease of data exploration and

modelling is crucial in allowing the domain expert to attack the problem and find

applicable results.

7.7 Conclusions

Work so far supports the common experience in data mining that most of the effort is in

data preparation and exploration.  The data must be cleaned to allow for missing and bad

measurements.  Detailed examination leads to transforming the data into more effective

forms.  The modelling process is very iterative, using statistics and visualisation to guide

strategy.  The temporal dimension with its lagged correlations adds significantly to the

search space for the most relevant parameters.

Investigation that is more extensive is needed to establish under what circumstances data

mining might be as effective as dynamical modelling.  (For instance, urban air quality

varies greatly from street to street depending on buildings and traffic.)  A feature of data

mining is that it can “short circuit” the post-interpretation of the output of numerical

simulations by directly predicting the probability of exceeding pollution thresholds.  A

drawback is the need for large datasets in order to provide enough high pollution episodes

for reliable rule induction.  More generally, data mining analysis is useful to provide a

reference model in the validation of physically based simulation calculations.

8. Summary

Is data mining as useful in science as in commerce?  Certainly, data mining in science has

much in common with that for business data.  One difference, though, is that there is a lot

of existing scientific theory and knowledge.  Hence, there is less chance of knowledge

emerging purely from data.  However, empirical results can be valuable in science

(especially where it borders on engineering) as in suggesting causality relationships or for

modelling complex phenomena.


Another difference is that in commerce, rules are soft - sociological or cultural – and

assume consistent behaviour.  For example, the plausible myth that “30% of people who

buy babies’ nappies also buy beer” is hardly fundamental, but one might profitably apply

it as a selling tactic (until perhaps the fashion changes from beer to lager).

On the other hand, scientific rules or laws are, in principle, testable objectively.  Any

results from data mining techniques must sit within the existing domain knowledge.

Hence, the involvement of a domain expert is crucial to the data mining process.

Naïve data mining often yields “obvious” results.  The challenge is to incorporate rules

known a priori into the empirical induction, remembering that the whole KDD process is

exploratory and iterative.



[2] P Baldi and S Brunak, Bioinformatics - The Machine Learning Approach, MIT Press,


[3] U M Fayyad, S G Djorgovski and N Weir, Automating the Analysis and Cataloging of

Sky Surveys, in U M Fayyad et al (eds.), Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data

Mining, p471, AAIT Press and MIT Press, 1996.

[4] N Lavraã, E Keravnou and B Zupan (eds. ), Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and

Pharmacology, Kluwer, 1997

[5] Development of an earth observation data converter with application to air quality

forecast (DECAIR):

[6] Cambridge City Council Air Quality Monitor:




The Clementine user interface: The two source data files of weather and air pollutants

measurements are merged, ozone bands selected and models (C5 decision tree and neural

net) generated.

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