Education and Role of Foreign Languages

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Muzafarov Xayotjon

Uzbekistan is a multinational country. The two main languages are Uzbek and Russian but you will also hear several other languages including Korean, English, German, Tajik and Turkish. Besides the Uzbek population, Uzbekistan contains many other nationalities, all with their own mode of life.
People in Uzbekistan wear different types of clothes. In villages you will observe women wearing traditional clothes like long variegated dresses and scarves. In cities they are less traditional and more modern. Men wear pants more often than jeans. Shorts are worn rather rarely and usually only by people in the city.
Being a guest or inviting someone into your home is a big thing in Uzbekistan. People will often visit a friend or neighbor without a special reason. Uzbek people are known to be very hospitable and find it an honor to have a guest in their home. There are even special seating arrangements for guests. The eldest person or honored guest is usually invited to sit at the head of the table, away from the door. Young people or hosts sit by the door to act as “waiters.” They bring and take away dishes, pour tea and do other things.
Uzbekistan is also known for its national cuisine. Unlike their nomadic neighbors, the Uzbeks have been a settled civilization for centuries. Between the deserts and mountains, the oases and fertile valleys, they have cultivated grain and domesticated livestock. The resulting abundance of produce has allowed them to enrich their cuisine.
The seasons greatly influence the composition of national foods. In summer, fruits, vegetables and nuts are widely used in cooking. Fruits grow in abundance in Uzbekistan such as grapes, melons, apricots, pears, apples, cherries, pomegranates, lemons, figs and dates. Vegetables are also plentiful, such as eggplants, peppers, turnips, cucumbers and luscious tomatoes. There are also some lesser-known species of vegetables such as green radishes, yellow carrots, and dozens of pumpkin and squash varieties.
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