Electrical industry of burma/myanmar

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Topographic map reference: Burma 1:250,000: Series U542, U.S. Army Map: NF 47-01: Mong Mit

Shweli no 1 hydropower project near Man Tat village [23° 41' N, 97° 29' E], grid square reference: 38\3, 7\4


See also maps in Under the Boot, published by the Palaung (Ta’ang) Youth Network Group, Dec 2007, pp 11, 14, http://www.salweenwatch.org/downloads/UndertheBootEnglish.pdf

Dore, John and Yu Xiaogang, Yunnan Hydropower Expansion, March, 2004. See especially pp 20-21. http://www.mpowernet.org/download_pubdoc.php?doc=2586

Yunnan Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Company Ltd (YHLHC) was one of five major generating companies formed when the PRC’s State Power Corp was broken up at the end of 2002 and the SPC’s assets were transferred to five independent electricity generating, two transmission and four consultant/ construction companies. YHLHC became the dominant actor in the operation and development of the hydropower resources of the Lancang (Mekhong) and upper Jinsha (Yangtse) rivers in Yunnan, having acquired the already constructed Manwan and Dachosasan dams and power plants on the Lancang and the rights to develop six others including the 4200-MW Xiaowan dam. By February 2003, the shareholders in YHLHC were Huaneng Power International (HPI) (56%), Yunnan Development Investment Company (31.4%) and Yunnan Hongta Investment (12.4%). HPI, originally the largest independent power producer in the PRC, was listed on the New York exchange shortly after incorporation in 1994 and on the Hong Kong exchange in 1998. According to an article in the China Daily (24/09/03), Li Xioapeng, chairman of the Huaneng Group, wants Huaneng to become the world’s leading electricity producer, aiming to double its generating capacity by 2010 to 60,000 megawatts, and make it into the Fortune 500 list of the world’s largest companies. To fund the Xiaowan dam alone, YHLHC has been able to borrow over US$ 3 billion from three Chinese banks. Compiler’s comment: It would appear that the development of 600-MW Shweli No 1, the 460-MW Shweli No 2 and the 360-MW Shweli No. 3 projects fit in well with the ambitious plans of Li Xiaoping’s 60,000-MW empire. There can be little doubt that HPI’s credit standing and its appeal to international investors will play a large role in seeing the Shweli projects through to completion. For information on a thermal power project in Myanmar in which the Huaneng group is involved, see ‘Agreement signed on coal-fired thermal power plant for Yangon’ (NLM: 14/02/10).

Additional references

Data summary: Shweli-1 Shweli-2 Shweli-3

See above: ‘Shweli-2, Shweli-3 dams to displace thousands in Shan State North’ (TYSO: 25/11/11)

Shweli-1 hydropower plant officially inaugurated’ (NLM: 17/05/09

See below: 'Shweli transmission line contract Signed’ (People/s Daily Online: 10/10/03)

'Contract for Shweli hydropower project signed with YMEC’ (NLM: 09/08/03)

NLM, 03/06/11. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2011-06-03.pdf

Pres Cao Peixi and V-Ps Ma Jing and Sun Zhiyong of China Huaneng Group from the PRC called on EPM-1 Zaw Min, at the minister's office, on June 2. They discussed cooperation in electric power projects.

NLM, 16/11/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/NLM2009-11-16.pdf

A ceremony to sign an MoU on Shweli-2 hydropower project to be jointly implemented by Hydropower Administration Department under EPM-1, Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co Ltd of China and Asia World Co Ltd was held at the hall of the ministry. EPM-1 Zaw Min delivered an address. The Executive Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Asia World Co Tun Myint Naing spoke words of thanks. Also present at the ceremony were Executive Vice-Chairman Wang Yongxiang, Executive Vice-President Huang Guangming and party of Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co Ltd.

NLM, 18/04/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-04-18.pdf

EPM-1 Zaw Min visited the Shweli hydropower plant on 15 April and inspected operation of the turbines. No 6 machine is currently under installatrion. The system is monitored through computers set up in the central control room of the plant. Installation of machines in the gas-insulated switching gear room continues. Distribution of the electricity produced will be managed through a GIS [geographic information system]. Work on the protection room and switch yard is still underway. The minister looked into construction of the regulating dam, spillways and afflux dam from the briefing hall of the project. The regulating dam is still under construction. The power plant will be officially opened soon.

Aung Gyi, Aung Shin, Myanmar Times, 01/09/08. http://mmtimes.com/no434/n008.htm

One of six hydraulic generators at the Shweli-1 hydropower project started producing electricity in the first week of August, according to U Win Kyi, director-general of HPID. The other five generators are expected to come on line one after the other and the plant will be inaugurated by the end of the year It is.being built under a joint venture with a consortium of Chinese companies and Myanmar’s Dept of Hydroelectric Power. The Chinese consortium, known as the Yunnan United Power Development Co Ltd (YUPD), includes Yunnan Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co, Yunnan Power Grid Co and Yunnan Machinery and Equipment (I&E) Co Ltd. “The second generator started operating in the last week of August; the third one will commence in October; the fourth in December; the fifth in February next year and the last one should start in April,” a YUPD representative in Yangon said last week. A 288km-long powerline links the Shweli plant to to Mandalay where it will be wired into the national grid. According to an agreement signed with the consortium, Myanmar will get 15pc of the electricity generated by the plant for free and the rest will be sold to China. However, what price the electricity will be sold for remains unclear. “Detailed cost plans have been under negotiation but no decisions have yet been made,” the representative said. The Chinese side has supplied the hydraulic steel structure and electromechanical equipment including turbine generators and transformers for the project.

NLM, 10/08/08. http://www.myanmargeneva.org/08nlm/n080810.htm

EPM-1 Zaw Min received Chairman Huang Guangmin of Yunnan United Power Development Co Ltd (YUPD) and party at the ministry in Nay Pyi Taw on 08/08/08. They discussed matters related to Shweli-1 hydro-electric power project.

Hseng Khio Fah, SHAN, 30/04/08.


On 21 April, Capt Kyaw Than, commander of LIB 144 based at Mantat in Namkham township, ordered villagers from Wangmeng, Hangkarm, Hinlong, Kawngkart and Wiangkang village tracts to repair a collapsed river bank at the Shweli hydropower project, according to a reliable local source. Each village tract had to supply 70 people to carry out the work. On 24 April, a villager from Kawngkart village tract ran away but the authorities caught him and beat him until he his body was covered with blood. Afterwards, other villagers were also beaten and given punishments. "We did nothing wrong and we did not run away, but we were beaten too," said a villager who requested anonymity. "If we don’t provide people from our family to work there, we have to pay K 10,000."

Li Chengyu, Sinohydro release, 21/04/08.


Sinohydro's 14th Bureau has completed the concrete gravity dam at the Ruili (Shweli) river project to a height of 735 meters. Work on other parts of the project including the 44-metre-long overfall dam is proceeding. The design proposal for the dam has changed many times during construction and the supply of cement and steel products has been interrupted several times. However, the heavy machinery group has been able to make a technological breakthrough by improving the design of the leather conveyer belt so that it can operate with reduced power and lighter dead weight and transport all kinds of concrete with different ratio mixtures. This has has solved the problem of having insufficient equipment for the storage of concrete and alleviated the pressure enormously.

Website of the Dali sub-bureau of Sinohydro’s 14th Engineering Bureau, March 2008.


This is a collection of over 100 photos published by the Dali office of Sinhydro’s 14th Engineering Bureau showing construction activities at the Shweli No 1 hydropower project site between June 2007 and March 2008. Captions are in Chinese. The pictures show the concrete barrier at the dam site, the underground area of the generating plant and the diversion tunnels in various stages of development. Some very good close-ups of the installation and assembly of the hydroturbine generators. Obviously Sinohydro is the key player in construction activities. The text is in Chinese characters. This reference and translation was made available through the courtesy of the Burma team of Earthrights Intenational. For more information see ERI’s publication: China in Burma: The increasing investment of Chinese multinational corporations in Burma's hydropower, oil and natural gas, and mining sectors (September, 2008).

NLM, 27/02/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080227.htm

The construction tasks of the Shweli hydropower project are 79.48pc complete.

MT, 29/10/07. http://mmtimes.com/no390/n006.htm

According to EPM-1, Shweli No 1 hydropower project will generate 600 MW when it goes on-line by the end of 2007. It is is a joint venture project with China, with about 85pc of the electricity generated expected to be exported to that country.

NLM, 07/09/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070907.htm

EPM No 1 and the NE Cmndr are briefed on construction of Shweli hydropower project by officials and President Huang Guangming of YUPD Co of the PRC and D-G U Aung Koe Shwe of HPID. The whole project is 65.75pc complete.

Sinohydro, Zhang Runliang, 20/08/07. http://www.sinohydro.com/english/portlet?pm_pl_id=7&pm_pp_id=13&ARTICLEID=11881812170001&COLUMNID=11424148920001&CHCOLUMNID=11443003710001&GSCOLUMNID=-1

Synohydro's 14th Bureau linked two parts of the 1~2 intake tunnels. The main intake tunnel is 2,850 meters long, and a subtunnel is 1,200 meters long. Due to the poor geological condition of tunnels 1 and 2, (most of which are IV and V type dangerous rocks, and some of which are VI and VII type), the tunnels have become the key line which will influence electricity generation of the entire power plant. The excavation of No.2 tunnel has been especially difficult.

NLM, 25/08/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070825.htm

Ass't Director U Nay Lin of HPID briefs Lt-Gen Kyaw Win on the Shweli project; it will be equipped with a 610-MW generator and is expected to produce 4,022 million kilowatt hours annually..

Platts Myanmar Country Energy Profile. [mid-2007] [edited] For access information, see Power Profile

In August 2003, YMEC signed a US$ 150 million turnkey contract to build the first 200-MW phase of what was then planned as a 400-MW plant called Shweli-1. In January 2007, MEP and Yunnan United Power Development Co signed a joint-venture agreement for what was now a 600-MW plant, which, as of April 2007 was said to be 50% complete. The project site is in Namkham township, Shan state, 710km north of Yangon. A 288-km-long [230-kv power line] will link the plant to Mandalay. Other Chinese companies participating in the scheme include Yunnan Lancang River Hydropower Co and Yunnan Power Grid Corp.

Sinohydro’s 14th Bureau. 05/07/07.


According to this news item, Sinoydro’s 14th Engineering Bureau signed additional construction contracts for the Shweli-1 hydropower project early in July 2007. Plans now call for the completion of hydropower plant by June 30, 2009. The Kunming Hydroelectric Investigation, Design and Research Institute ((KHIDI) continues to provide quality control and consultancy services to the project. The text is in Chinese characters. This reference and translation was made available through the courtesy of the Burma team of Earthrights Intenational. For more information see ERI’s publication: China in Burma: The increasing investment of Chinese multinational corporations in Burma's hydropower, oil and natural gas, and mining sectors (September, 2008). http://www.earthrights.org/files/Reports/China%20in%20Burma%20-%20BACKGROUNDER%20-%202008%20Update%20-%20FINAL.pdf

NLM, 20/04/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070420.htm

Gen Than Shwe visits Shweli No 1 project; he is told that it will generate 600 MW; currently under construction are the concrete embankment, diversion tunnel, pilot channel, power intake building, and approach tunnel. He is also briefed on the installation of the 180 mi-long 230-kv power line from Shweli to Mansan and Shwesaryan near Mandalay. Than Shwe wants the project finished up as quickly as possible. He presents a fruit basket to Exec V-P MA Lipeng of YUPD Co and V-P He Wen of YMEC Co. The project is currently 51pc complete. The general is briefed on arrangements for the 460-megawatt Shweli No 2 and the 360-megawatt Shweli No. 3 projects that will be built in Momeik township.

NLM, 01/01/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070101.htm

A J-V agreement on the Shweli hydropower project is signed by D-G U Aung Koe Shwe of HPID and Chairman Huang Guangming of Yunnan United Power Development Co. “Under the agreement, a dam will be built on Shweli River 17 miles southwest of Namhkam, Shan State (West) for a power station that will generate 600 megawatts. The power station will distribute 4,022 million kilowatt hours through the national power grid every year.”

Yunnan Machinery (I&E) Co Ltd, 21/12/06. http://www.ymec.com.cn/cn/news/news_7.htm

Title in English: 'River successfully closed [blocked off] for Shweli No 1 hydroelectric power project'

Compiler’s note: A picture that accompanies this news release in Chinese shows a section of the river before it was blocked off.
MIC, 13/12/06. http://www.myanmar-information.net/infosheet/2006/061213.htm

EPM-1 Zaw Min and President Huang Guangming of YUPD Ltd officially open the diversion tunnel of the Shweli hydel power project dam in Namhkam township. 42% of the construction work on the project has been completed. It is expected to generate 3,022 million kilowatt hours a year.

Myanmar Times, 13/11/06. [Issue 342 of the MT is not available on-line.]

Among the projects expected to be finished in 2009 are those at Yeywa and Shweli.

Sinohydro,Yan Zhenwei,10/10/06.


Sinohydro's 14th Bureau finished excavating the diversion tunnel of Myanmar Rilijiang [Shweli] power station. Owner required that the diversion closure be finished by the end of 2006.

NLM, 26/09/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060926.htm

PM Soe Win briefed on Shweli hydel power project and building of the power plant in co-operation with foreign companies, also on arrangements for distribution of power to Shweli, Mansan and Shwesayan via Bellin sub-power station through 230-KV power lines. Construction of the 853-foot diversion tunnel is underway. The project will generate 600 megawatts; it is 38% complete; souvenirs are presented to the chairman of YUPD Co Ltd. A series of power projects is to be implemented along the Shweli river.

NLM, 30/07/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060730.htm

From the report of a meeting of Hydroelectric Power Development Project Work Cte: plans are underway to implement the 150-MW Shweli No 1 hydel power plant in Namhkam township in Shan state north and the 500-MW Shweli No 2 hydel power plant in Momeik township, also in Shan state north.

NLM, 16/06/06. http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs2/NLM2006-06-16.pdf

Four 100-MW generators will be installed at the Shweli hydel power project. The project is expected to generate 3,022 million kWh per year which will be transmitted throughout the country. It is being carried out by HPID of EPM No 1 and the YMEC.

NLM, 03/06/06. http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs2/NLM2006-06-03.pdf

Shweli Hydel Power Project will be equipped with six 100-megawatt generators.

NLM, 22/0305. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/05nlm/n050322.htm

PM Soe Win inspects work on the entrance to the intake and diversion tunnels. The Shweli project will generate 400 megawatts. It is being built on the Shweli River near Mantet Village [23° 41' N, 97° 29' E], 17 miles southwest of Namkham. A 25/7-mile-long gravel road links it to the Union Highway. The road and project site were built by Asia World Co Ltd and completed in June 2004.

NLM, 27/02/04. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/04nlm/n040227.htm

SPDC V-C Maung Aye and party are told that the natural condition of Shweli River is good for the generation of hydro-electric power. The Shweli project will be able to generate 400 megawatts and produce 3,022 million kilowatt hours a year. Preliminary tasks are being carried out. Electricity generated from the project will be supplied to Shan state north through 66-kV high-tension cables. A grid including a 230-mile long double high-tension cable line from Shweli to Mandalay will be built to supply power to other regions. YMEC Chairman Feng Ke expresses thanks for assigning his company the task of building the facility. Maung Aye and party view site of main dam, tunnel and preliminary engineering works. The concrete gravity dam will be 531 feet long and 154 feet high. Two tunnels, the first 850 feet long, 33-feet in diameter, and the second 3.12 miles long and 23-feet in diameter, will be built.

Palaung (Ta’ang) Youth Network Group, Under the Boot, December 2007. pp 9,10, 11, 14,


According to the text of the document Shweli hydro-electric project published by the HPD of the EPM on 22/02/04, the Shwel-1 Hydropower Project is to consist of a concrete gravity dam, 531 ft (162m) long, 154 ft (47m) high, a 33-ft-diameter, 256.41-metre-long diversion tunnel, a 23-ft-diameter, 5014-metre long conveyance [mill-race] tunnel. Initial construction costs are estimated at US $185 million. Electricty generated by the project is to be supplied by a system of high voltage lines and substations to a [lead and zinc] mine at Namtu, a copper mine at Monywa, and a nickel mine in Thabeikkyin. Compiler’s note: The photo mock-up on p. 9 of Under the Boot and the map and photo on p 14 appear to be reproduced from the document published by the HPD. The map on p. 11 gives a useful overview of the area on the Shweli river where the project is to take place. With reference to the nickel mine, an agreement was signed in Beijing on 12/07/04 granting the China Non-ferrous Metal Corporation rights to explore for nickel chromide and to develop a plan to mine the ore in the Tagaung-taung area in the northern part of Thabeikkyin township (NLM: 19/07/04). Studies have shown a deposit of up to 40 million tonnes of ore with average grades of over 2pc.


NLM, 25/12/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061225.htm

Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Defence Dept visited the site of Myogyi multi-purpose dam project on the Zawgyi river near Myogyi Village in Ywangan township. At the briefing hall of the project A&Imin Htay Oo reported on the construction of the diaphragm wall, the main embankment, the diversion tunnel and the tunnel for the hydel power station by Construction Group No 7 of the ID. The earth embankment of the Myogyi Dam will be 2,461 feet long and 258 feet high. The dam will irrigate Meiktila plain through the canals of Kinda dam. It will also generate 30 MW of power.
Presently, five projects are underway to make more irrigation water available to Meiktila plain. The first is Kengkham multi-purpose dam project located on Nam-et creek, a subsidiary of the Zawgyi river near Kengkham village. It will also generate six megawatts. The second project, already completed, is Zawgyi multi-purpose dam on the Zawgyi river near Indaw village. The third is Myogyi multi-purpose dam below Zawgyi dam on the Zawgyi. It will supply water to Meiktila plain through Myogyi diversion dam and the Kinda feeder canal. The fourth, already completed, involved the construction of Chaunggauk, Lunngin, Letkhokpin and Nyaunggon dams with their canal and the fifth, currently underway, has to do with the building of Shanmange dam in Meiktila township. All of these projects will feed water into Meiktila lake and make possible the systematic utilization of Samon Dam.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint instructed officials to build the Myogyi diversion dam [weir] at the same time as work is going ahead on the Myogyi dam project. He stressed the need for supplying water to Meiktila Plain through the Myogyi diversion dam and the timely completion of Kengkham multi-purpose dam project.
Topographic map reference: Burma 1:250,000: Series U542, U.S. Army Map: NF 47-09: Mandalay

Myogyi dam near Myogyi village [21° 28' N, 96° 20' E], grid square reference: 13\0, 25\8

Website reference


Union Resources and Engineering Co Ltd (UREC) has been active in engineering contracting since the 1980s. It provides project management including preliminary study, financing, design, construction, manufacture, purchase, installation, commissioning and operation management, etc. It has good contacts with domestic and foreign financial institutes, consultation institutes, construction enterprises and equipment manufacturers. In Myanmar it has been involved with the building of 22 hydropower projects including the Paunglaung and Shweli projects. [Compiler’s note: UREC was previously known as the Yunnan Machinery and Equipment Import & Export Corp (YMEC). The old name still appears as one of the PRC partners involved in the Shweli hydropower contracts. The YMEC website is still maintained online. http://www.ymec.com.cn/en/)

Additional references
Data summary Myogyi
See above: ‘Kengkham multi-purpose dam to help ‘green’ the Meiktila plain’ (NLM: 07/08/08)

See below: ‘Zawgyi no 2 hydropower station launched’ (NLM: 17/03/00)

Kinda dam fifteen years on: an evaluation of hydropower impacts’ (ADB: Mar 2002)
NLM, 09/10/11. Edited and abridged. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs12/NLM2011-10-08.pdf

On 09/10/11, Vice-President Sai Mauk Kham and Labour and Social Welfare Minister Aung Kyi and other government officials visited Kyaukse where they were briefed on flooding due to heavy rains in the region. Director of Mandalay Region Irrigation Dept Soe Nyunt submitted a report on reasons for the overflow of the Zawgyi river and the inundation of wards and villages in Kyaukse. The Vice-President said it was necessary to remedy weaknesses in the functioning of dams and water outlets along the river, the narrowing of the water course in the downstream area of the Zawgyi river and silting in the dams. Maintenance of the water course in the river, he said, was to be carried out annually. It was necessary to systematically manage the inflow and outflow of water at the dams and to control water levels before the high level mark was reached. The dams in the nation including those on the Zawgyi river had been built by the State at a high expense with a view to preventing floods. If water was drained out of the dams when levels were at their peak, people would assume that dams were the cause of the floods, thus destroying their confidence in the goodwill of the State. He said measures needed to be taken to maintain the water course of the Zawgyi and to construct more sluice gates. Arrangements should be made to take preventive measures against waterborne diseases. Afterward U Aung Kyi viewed the valves of the sluice gate at Ngapyaung dam and Naungkham embankment in Singaing township and left instructions.

NLM, 14/06/11. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2011-06-14.pdf

A&IM Myint Hlaing checks on construction activities at the Myogyi multipurpose dam project near Myogyi village in Ywangan township. Work is underway at the site chosen for construction of the power intake structure and the retaining wall. He gives instructions on coordination with experts of the electric power ministries in implementing hydropower aspects of the project.

NLM, 24/04/11. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2011-04-24.pdf

The Myogyi multi-purpose dam is 66% complete. It will be able to generate 135.7 million kWh per year.

Khin Maung Than (Sethmu), NLM, 17/09/10. Excerpt. Edited.


The Myogyi dam embankment is scheduled to be completed by 2010. Work is continuing on the reinforced concrete spillway which will be put into service in 2011- 2012. The dam has a catchment area of 725 square miles. Annual inflow of water into the dam is expected to average 373,420 acre feet; its maximum water storage capacity will be 359,550 acre feet. [The power plants at the dam will have] a generating capacity of 30 MW and is expected to produce 135.70 million kilowatt hours a year. Myogyi Diversion Weir about five miles downstream from Myogyi dam near Taungpaw Village will supply water from the Zawgyi river through Myaungmadaw canal and the right canal of Kinda dam to irrigated areas [in Wundwin, Thazi, Myttha and Kyaukse townships]. [Photos of Myogyi diversion weir and Myaungmadaw canal];

Khin Maung Than (Sethmu), NLM, 19/10/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-10-19.pdf

Myogyi dam will be able to store water from Kengkham and Zawgyi dams in Shan state. It is expected to provide 700,000 acre feet to the Zawgyi irrigation system area and 445,605 acre feet for the greening of the Meiktila plain. It is a huge undertaking with groundwork scheduled for completion in 2010. The construction of all diversion tunnels was finished at the end of October 2008. The construction of the spillway was launched in December 2007 and is due to be completed by 2010-11. Myogyi diversion [weir] was put into commission on 29/08/09. The main embankment links Kyeekan and Shwemyintha mountains. [Photos showing earthwork being carried out on the main embankment and a distributor canal as well as what appears to be the completed main canal and diversion tunnel accompany the article in the print edition of NLM.]

Kyaw Sein, NLM, 11/10/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-10-11.pdf

Myogyi multi-purpose dam lies just within Shan State about 14.5 miles east of the village of Hanmyintmo in Kyaukse township. Rainfall in the region is about 40 inches annually, and a total of 373,420 acre-feet of water flows into the reservoir on the Zawgyi river. The construction of the diaphragm wall is completely finished. The water diversion tunnel is of horse’s hoof type and measures 18 feet in diameter and 1535 feet in length. The hydropower tunnel is of circular type. It is 19.7 feet in diameter and 1319 feet long. Work on both tunnels has now been completed. Efforts are being made to finish construction of the spillway, the main embankment and the dredging of the main canal during the 2010-2011 financial year. Up to the end of August 2009, construction of the dam was 57.42pc complete. [Photos giving a panoramic view of the Zawgyi river valley and the Kyaykan and Shwemyintha hills accompany the article in the print edition of NLM.]

NLM, 01/05/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-05-01.pdf

A photo of landclearing operations at the reservoir site of Myogyi dam is included in the print edition of NLM.

YMEC [UREC]. http://www.ymec.com.cn/en/news/news_24.htm

Myogyi hydropower station will be located upriver along the Gyogyi [Zawgyi] , a branch of the Ayeyarwady River, to the southeast of and 60km from Mandalay. The total [generating] capacity will be 2×15 MW which falls under Class IV, model small-1 hydropower projects. The station is a combined power and water conservancy project with the functions of both power generation and agricultural irrigation. The owner of the project is Myanmar’s A&IMinistry. The working scope of UREC [YMEC] covers the design of the civil construction of the power station pivot and the irrigation pivot and the design, supply and installation of the metal structure, hydro mechanism and electric apparatus. UREC will also be responsible for the technical training and site instruction of the owner’s personnel. The total construction period of the project will be two years and the power station is planned to be put into use by the end of 2010. Open bidding of the project began in April 2007. UREC was awarded with the contract in August 2008 while the contract was finally signed at the A&I Ministry in Naypyitaw on 25/02/09. This was the first contract between UREC and A&I of Myanmar.

NLM, 06/09/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080906.htm

Director Myo Tun of ID reports to the A&IMin on construction of the concrete wall, the tunnel, the spillway and the diversion weir. The minister views work on the main embankment and concrete work on the inner part of the diversion tunnel. The dam will be able to store 359,550 acre-feet of water.

NLM, 29/08/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080829.htm

Maj-Gen Ohn Myint of the MoD visits Myogyi multipurpose dam project and checks on work on the entrance and exit to the tunnel and the diversion canal. He also inspects the Myogyi diversion weir near Taungtaw in Kyaukse township. Myogyi earthen dam will be 2461 feet long and 258 feet high and will benefit some 30,000 acres of farmlands in Meiktila plain and generate 30 MW. [A photo of the area around the dam is included in the print edition of NLM.]

NLM: 07/08/08. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs5/NLM2008-08-07.pdf

An earth embankment is under construction on Namet Creek near Kengkham village in Yaksawk township. When the multi-purpose dam is finished it will contribute to the greening of the Meiktila plain and will generate 2x3 MW. From Bahtoo we drove to MP 18, thence across across Zawgyi Creek and along Kengkham road to the construction site of the dam. It is 42 miles from Yaksawk. Kengkham dam will be built by blocking Namet creek which is fed by other creeks and flows north into the Dokhtawady [Myitnge] river. Water will be supplied from Kengkham dam to Zawgyi dam through Nammelyan creek. This will enable the Zawgyi dam to increase its generating capacity from 6 MW to 12 MW. Through Zawgyi and Myogyi dams on the Zawgyi river, 990,000 acre-feet of water will be supplied to irrigation works on Meiktila plain and other crops included in the Zawgyi irrigated area. Canals will be dredged to connect Kengkham dam with Zawgyi dam. Zawgyi dam is 14 miles from Kengkham dam. The power plant at the Kengkham dam is expected to generate 20 million kilowatt hours yearly. The project started in 2005-2006. It is estimated that the project will be completed in 2009-2010. At present, earthwork is being carried out at the Kengkham project. Land preparations are being made for construction of the spillway and the canals. [Photos of earth work underway at the Kengkham site.]

NLM, 28/02/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080228.htm

Construction of the main dam, the diversion tunnel and the spillway, as well as the digging of the main canal and the diversion canal of the Myogyi dam are proceeding. The diversion tunnel of will be 468 metres long and its diameter 18 feet across.

NLM, 13/12/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n071213.htm

Gen Than Shwe visits Myogyi multi-purpose dam project and is briefed on work on the main dam and diversion tunnel, construction of the hydropower tunnel and spillway. The dam will store water from Zawgyi River which will be supplied to Meiktila Plain by means of a canal that will carry the water through the Myogyi diversion weir. Construction group no 7 of the ID is implementing the project on the Zawgyi river. Besides supplying more water for irrigation purposes the dam will generate 30 MW. Over 36pc of the project has been completed.

NLM, 30/11/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n071130.htm

Lt-Gen Ye Myint is briefed on earth work, the construction of a diversion tunnel and concrete work at Myogyi dam project, as well as the selection of the route for tunnel that will supply water from Myogyi Kinywa [21° 28' N, 96° 20' E] diversion dam to the Gonywa [21° 11' N, 96° 09' E] pump project through the Kintarlay dam. The water will irrigate 5,000 acres of farmland in the Daingkaunggon area of Wundwin township. Efforts are to be made for the completion of the diversion dam and civil work on time and arrangements are to be made for power supply to the project.

Franco – ASEAN Seminar Myanmar Country Presentation, 06-07/09/07.


Myogyi dam and power station with a planned capacity of 30 MW is under implementation by the ID. It will generate 135 million kWh annually when it comes on-line in 2009.

NLM, 26/07/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070726.htm

Work on the Myogyi [21° 27' N, 96° 22' E] multi-purpose dam project in Ywangan township is moving forward. 700 feet of the 1,698-ft-long main tunnel have been dug. Concrete laying on the interior surface of 1,575-ft-long diversion tunnel is underway. Two 15-MW generators will be installed at the dam.

NLM, 27/08/06. http://burmalibrary.org/docs2/NLM2006-08-27.pdf

A photo giving a panoramic view of the Myogyi dam site is included in the print edition of NLM. The dam will provide water to a pump project that will irrigate 30,000a of farmland in Meiktila plan in Wundwin and Thazi townships.

NLM, 23/03/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060323.htm

PM Soe Win and party visit Myogyi multi-purpose dam project being implemented by Construction Group 7 of the ID. The entrance to the underground diversion tunnel is being dug and a separation wall measuring 1,535 feet by 50 feet is being built. The dam will supply 500,000 acre-feet of water to the catchment area of Zawgyi dam in Kyaukse district and 400,000 acre-feet of water to Meiktila plain. The dam will generate 24 MW of electricity.

NLM, 19/08/05. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/05nlm/n050819.htm

PM Soe Win and party visit Zawgyi (Myogyi) dam project site near Myogyi village in Ywangan township where they are briefed on work on the Zawgyi (Myogyi) dam as well as preliminary engineering preparatory tasks for the implementation of Kengkham dam project. He tells officials to get down to the business of construction in the upcoming open season. Water will be supplied from the existing Zawgyi dam in Yaksawk township and from the watershed area between Zawgyi and Myogyi dams to farmlands and Meiktila Plain. The Myogyi dam will be 2,650 feet in length and 282 feet in height. It will be able to store 480,580 acre-feet of water. Kengkham dam on Nan-et Creek in Yaksawk township will supply water to the Zawgyi dam for greening the Meiktila Plain.

NLM, 11/11/04. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/04nlm/n041111.htm

At the Myogyi dam project on the Zawgyi river near Myogyi village in Ywangan township, Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Defence Dept receives reports on preparations for the project and the water supply system from officials of the ID and the WRUD. The earthen dam will be 2,270 feet long and 223 feet high on and will be able to store 271,850 acre-feet of water. Annual average water flow into the dam is 200,000 acre feet. It is expected to generate 12 MW. Water from the Myogyi and Zawgyi dams will be supplied to the project for the greening of Meiktila Plain via the Kinda diversion weir.


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