Electrical industry of burma/myanmar


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NLM, 13/12/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061213.htm

EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint visited Thakayta power station in Thakayta Township on 10 December. The head of the power station, U Tun Hlaing, reported on maintenance work, operation of the generators based on the supply of gas, requirement of gas for the three generators to run at full capacity, distribution of electricity from Toungoo and Hlawga grids and the station. The chief engineer of YESB, U Tun Aye, reported on direct supply of electricity from Toungoo and Hlawga power stations; and D-G Thein Tun of the EPD on a plan to establish a 230 KV sub-power station in the east of Yangon City. The minister stressed the importance of operating the generators at full capacity, calling for constant supervision of maintenance of the generators.
Director U Thein Hlaing of Electricity Distribution Project (South) reported on the construction of a 230- KV grid line across the Bago river connecting Thakayta andThanlyin. The minister called for co-operation with the officials concerned and completion of the project on schedule. Daw Soe Soe Tint of Myanmar V-Pile Co Ltd gave an account of the plan under way for setting up towers. The minister inspected the control room and dealt with the project for distribution of electricity. He also inspected designated sites for putting up the towers on the Thakayta side.
Additional references
Data summary: Thaketa
NLM, 07/11/11. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs12/NLM2011-11-07.pdf

EPM-2 Khin Maung Soe inspects Thakayta power station where he is briefed on maintenance work on the steam turbines and progress in the installation of a new boiler, tube models and the supply of offshore gas by the station manager.

NLM, 06/05/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-05-06.pdf

EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint reports to the SPIC that major repairs to the generators in the Hlawga, Ywama, Ahlon and Thakayta gas-fired power plants in Yangon and at the Kyunchaung, Mann and Shwedaung gas-fired power stations.

NLM, 23/11/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n071123.htm

A contract for the purchase of spare parts for the F-5 gas turbine to be installed at Thakayta gas trurbine was signed by MEPE and United National Oil & Gas Pte Ltd held at Shwe Myanmar Hotel in Naypyitaw on 20/11/07. EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint delivered an opening speech. After that, GM Lee Bang Ho of United National Oil & Gas Pte Ltd spoke words of thanks and he and MEPE MD San Oo signed the contract and exchanged notes.

NLM, 06/03/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070306.htm

Inspection of a new fuel nozzle, cross fire tube, combustion liner and filter at the Thakayta power station needed to run the station at full capacity. Briefing on gas control equipment, turbine and generator; at the Thaketa gas station, preparations for sending gas from the gas control and distribution station to the gas station and acquisition of gas. Need for for concerted efforts to increase power supply.

NLM, 09/01/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070109.htm

EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint inspects the natural gas supply stations of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise in Thakayta Township and Dagon Myothit (East) Township.

Myanmar Times, 02/10/06. [Issue 336 of the MT is not available on-oline.]

Repairs completed on a pipeline that supplies natural gas to four power plants in Yangon. Problems with the pipeline, which was shut down September 23 for repairs, were blamed for blackouts in Yangon. The 320-kilometre (199-mile) pipeline carries 3.1 million cubic metres (110 million cubic feet) of gas a day to Yangon’s Ywama gas control station from the Yandana gas project in Tanintharyi division.

NLM, 29/11/03. http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs/NLM2003-11-29.pdf

Compiler’s note: A good exterior picture of the Thaketa power plant is available on page 11 of the print edition of the New Light of Myanmar.

Kawasaki Plant Systems, undated. www.khi.co.jp/kplant/english/products/PowerPlant/01.html

In 1995, Kawasaki was awarded a turnkey contract to install an F5-3 Hitachi steam turbine as a combined cydle add-on to MEPE's natural gas turbine plant at Tharkayta [in Yangon]. The contract was completed in 1997 raising the total installed capacity at the plant to 92 MW.

Myanmar official website information, undated. [no longer available on-line]

Marubeni Corp of Japan was awarded the contract for construction of a combined cycle power station on Ayeyarwun Street in Thaketa township. Work started 24/03/95 and was completed in Jan 1997. A single 35-MW turbine was installed at a cost of US $ 23.5 million (K 141.02 million) + K 348.0 million for other construction costs making a total of K 489.02 million.

WPD, 08/05/92. http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs3/BPS92-05.pdf

At the annual meeting of MEPE, Minister for Energy Khin Maung Thein reported that the Thaketa Power Station would be able to distribute more power as the Aphyauk oil field can produce and distribute gas.

U.S. Dept of State, Burma Petrogas Report, 1991. www.ibiblio.org/freeburma/docs/usgasrep.txt

In January 1992, Shell Oil found gas -- 11,000 mcfd at a depth of 2,940 m -- on the Apyauk field (Block G) which it began producing at the rate of 20 mmcfd for the Ministry of Energy 1992. To accommodate the Shell gas, the Burmese built a 24-km spur to the existing gas pipeline which leads from the Payagon gas field to the gas turbine in Rangoon.

WPD, 11/01/92. http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs3/BPS92-01.pdf

Aphyauk No. 1 test well in Taikkyi tsp is yielding 14.78 million cubic-feet of natural gas per day, according to the latest survey. It was jointly drilled by MOGE and Shell Oil of the Netherlands and natural gas was found at 9,669 feet. 11 million cubit-feet. Surveys under way for steady yield.

Myanmar official website information. [undated] [no longer available on-line]

Marubeni Corp of Japan began construction of the Tharkayta gas trurbine power station on Ayeyarwun street, Thaketa township, Yangon on 09/02/88. Three 20-MW gas turbines were installed for a total capacity of 60 MW. Unit 1 started operations in Jan 1990, Unit 2 in Feb 1990, Unit 3 in Mar 1990. Total amount expended was ¥ 310.96 million (K 174.3 million) + K 124.6 million = K 298.9 million.

Minerals Yearbook, US Bureau of Mines, 1987


Twelve new production wells and seven appraisal wells are expected to increase gas output at the Payagon gasfield, 50 km southwest of Rangoon, by 35 million cubic feet per day. A 40-centimeter pipeline will be laid to Rangoon and a basic gas distribution network to serve the capital, and pilot LPG and compressed natural gas plants will also be constructed. The field currently supplies 12 million cubic feet per day through a small pipeline to four industrial plants and three powerplants in the Rangoon area. A planned second phase would extend the pipeline to industries in Mon and Karen States east of Rangoon. Gas use will be further expanded by a Government plan to set up a 60-megawatt gas turbine power station at Thaketa, a suburb of Rangoon.


NLM, 06/11/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061106.htm

EPM No 1 Zaw Min received Chairman Feng Ke of YMEC at Wharton International Hotel in Nanning on 29 October. They discussed matters related to Shweli No 1, Upper Paunglaung, Nancho, Wetwun, Dattawgyaing and Zawgyi No 1 hydel power plants. At the same venue, the Minister received Chairman Yang Jixue and party of China Gezhouba Corp and discussed construction of the roller-compacted concrete dam at the Yeywa hydel power project and sending of the contractor's equipment. Chairman Jean Zhou and party of CITIC Technology called on the minister and held discussions on matters related to the pen stock and tunnel lining of the Yenwe hydel power project and the hydraulic steel structure for the Yeywa hydel power project.
Minister Col Zaw Min met with Chairman Zhao Ruolin and party of China National Electric Equipment Corp. They discussed matters related to the timely arrival of electronic and mechanical equipment for the Yenwe, Yeywa, Khabaung and Kengtawng hydel power projects. V-C Zhu Xu and party of China National Heavy Machinery Corp called on the minister and discussed the timely despatch of electronic and mechanical equipment and the hydraulic steel structure for the Kun and Khabaung hydel power projects, and the timely shipping of 230-KVA transmission lines and sub-station equipment for the Yeywa hydel power project. Minister Zaw Min also received the chairman of Sinohydro Corp, Huang Baodong, and party. They discussed matters related to the timely shipment of hydraulic steel structure No 2, turbines and generators for the Yeywa hydel power project and the Hatgyi hydel power project.
YUPD Chairman Wang Wen and party called on Minister Zaw Min on 30 October. They discussed matters concerning Shweli No 1, Shweli No 2 and Shweli No 3 hydel power projects. The minister also met with the V-Cs of the China Power Investment Corp and of China CAMC Engineering. They discussed the survey and implementation of hydel power projects at the confluence of the Ayeyawady, Maykha and Malikha rivers.
On 29 October, PM Soe Win separately received MD Huang Guang Ming and party of YUPD and Chairman Yang Jixue of the China Gezhouba Corp in Nanning. On 30 October, the PM met with V-C Zhang Xiaolu and party of China Power Investment Corp.
On 3 November, PM Soe Win and party visited the Central China Power Grid Co in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Chairman Xie Ming Liang reported on power supply, generation of power and co-operation with international companies. General Soe Win said generation of power and distribution is undertaken by two ministries in Myanmar. Investment, technological assistance and cooperation are needed to expedite its momentum. He said that Myanmar would welcome the participation of Central China Power Grid Co in hydro-electric power projects and power distribution in Myanmar. The Prime Minister and the Chairman exchanged gifts.
Additional references
See above: ‘Electricity ministers busy in Beijing and Kunming (NLM: 13/06/07)

Hubei Daily (Wuhan), 04/11/06. Translated. http://www.cnhubei.com/200611/ca1198075.htm

Myanmar's PM Soe Win visited the Central China Power Grid Co (CCPG) and reached consensus over joint co-operation in developing Myanmar's hydropower resources. In March 2004, CCPG successfully clinched a bid to build the transmission line and sub-stations between Yangon and Yekyi [in Ayeyadwaddy division]. The contract was worth about US$ 16 million. Two sub-stations and a transmission cable were put into service in June, and the construction of the other sub-station and transmission cable will be finished by next April.
Gen Soe Win also negotiated with CCPG over the construction of a hydropower station on the Taping river in Myanmar (known as the Daying River upstream in Yingjiang County of Yunnan's Dehong Prefecture). The installed capacity of the hydropower station will be 240 MW. The total cost will be 108 million yuan. Both parties signed a draft agreement on a framework for co-operation in September, and are expected to sign the official text in the near future.
Gen Soe Win said Myanmar has rich hydropower resources and urgently needs capital and technology from outside the country. The GM of Central China Grid Company, Mr. Xie Ming-liang, said the company is looking into the feasibility of building a production chain based on the electricity output.
Website references:
China Datang Corporation


China Datang Corporation (CDT), one of the five large-scale power generation enterprises in the PRC, was established in Dec 2002 on the basis of the partial power generation assets of former State Power Corporation of China. It is a solely state-owned corporation and operates as an experimental state-authorized investment and state share-holding enterprise. CDT is mainly specialized in the development, investment, construction, operation and management of power energy; organization of power (thermal) production and sales; electric power equipment manufacture, maintenance and commissioning; power technology development and consultation; contracting and consulting of electric power engineering and environmental protection projects and renewable energy development. CDT has established 6 wholly funded subsidiaries and 8 branch companies. It also owns owns the Datang International Power Generation Co Ltd, the first company in China listed on the London and Hong Kong stock exchanges. Its subsidiaries have several large-scale power plants with a capacity over 1,000 MW each and other wind and hydro power projects under development with a planned capacity of 6,300 MW. It also includes the China National Water Resources & Electric Power Materials & Equipment Co Ltd with a nation wide logistic network. Its power generation assets are widely distributed over 19 provinces or autonomous regions. [Compiler’s Note: It Datang Yunnan United Hydropower Developing Co Ltd referred to in notes below is a subsidiary of the China Datang Corporation.]

Central China Power Grid Co Ltd website information, undated, (circa 2004). [edited]


Located on the banks of East Lake in Wuhan city, Hubei prov, the Central China Power Grid Co Ltd (CCPG) was established in November 2003, through the restructuring of the former Central China Power Administration of the Central China Power Group Corp and the State Power Central Co. CCG is a state-owned company vested by the State Grid Corp of China with 36 billion yuan as its authorized equity capital. Its main duties are: operating and controlling the power grid as well as power sources remaining with the power grid, guaranteeing safety of power supply, developing plans for the regional grid, fostering a regional power market, running the power dispatch and exchange centre, implementing integrated dispatch of the regional grid and integrated optimization of power resource allocation in the region it serves. As one of six large regional grids in China, CCG operates in an area of 1,298,000 sq km, supplying power to a population of 382 million. By the end of 2002, the installed generating capacity in the region reached 73.59 GW, accounting for 25pc of the total installed capacity in China. its annual electricity generation was 314.3 TW h, total assets 269. 73 billion yuan and annual sales revenue 84.7 billion yuan. As the strategic planning centre of central China region, CCG has established close ties with many famous power companies and institutions all over the world. By Nov, 2003, 33 foreign-invested large-scale power projects with a total installed capacity of 14.61 GW and total foreign investment of 6,274 million US dollars in CCG have been approved by the State. At the same time, a number of power enterprises have stepped abroad to develop the international market, resulting in the design and construction of 24 power projects in southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Topographic map references:

China 1:250,000: Series L500, U.S. Army Map: NG 47-13: Lung Ling

Tapein-1 hydropower project is near Kalonkha [Hkalunghko: 24°25' N, 97°31' E], grid square : 38\3, 8\3.

Burma 1:250,000: Series U542, U.S. Army Map: NG 47-14: Bhamo

The site of Tapein-2 hydropower project is reported to be a few miles downstream from Tapein-1, probably near the village of Kalehkyet [24°21' N, 97°27' E] grid square 38\2, 8\2.

Additional references
Data summary: Tapein-1 Tapein-2

See above: ‘China’s infrastructure investment seen as cause of Kachin conflict’ (IRROL: 16/06/11)

Tapein-1 hydropower plant in Kachin state officially opened ‘ (NLM: 24/01/11)

‘Datang begins operations at Tapein river hydropower plant’ (Interfax: 03/09/10)

‘Agreement on four hydro projects signed with Datang (Yunnan) (PRC Comm: 15/01/10)

'Ministers meet with PRC suppliers in Nanning and Wuhan’ (NLM: 06/11/06)

Dali Sub-bureau of Sinohydro’s 14th Engineering Bureau, February 2008.


This URL presents a series of photos taken by a PR team from Sinohydro’s 14th Engineering Bureau at the site of the Taping River hydropower project between Nov 2007 and Feb 2008. Obviously, work is proceeding rapidly at both the dam site and in the diversion area. The text is in Chinese characters. This reference and translation was made available through the courtesy of the Burma team of Earthrights Intenational. For more information see ERI’s publication: China in Burma: The increasing investment of Chinese multinational corporations in Burma's hydropower, oil and natural gas, and mining sectors (September 2008). http://www.earthrights.org/files/Reports/China%20in%20Burma%20-%20BACKGROUNDER%20-%202008%20Update%20-%20FINAL.pdf

Dali Sub-bureau of Sinohydro’s Engineering Bureau 14, 31/12/07.


This URL presents a series of photos taken by a PR team from Sinohydro’s 14th Engineering Bureau at the site of the Taping River hydropower dam on the occasion of the project launch on 19/12/07. The text is in Chinese characters. One or two Burmese officials appear in a couple of the pictures. This reference and translation was made available through the courtesy of the Burma team of Earthrights Intenational. For more information see ERI’s publication: China in Burma: The increasing investment of Chinese multinational corporations in Burma's hydropower, oil and natural gas, and mining sectors (September 2008).

Sinohydro Corp. 25/12/07. http://www.sasac.gov.cn/zyqy/gcjz/200712250102.htm.

Excerpted trom a translation by Kevin Li. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/greenburma/message/1138

Construction of the the Taping River hydropower station was launched on 19/12/07 by the China Datang Group and Myanmar’s EPM-1. The station will be located close to China-Myanmar border in Kachin state, 90 km from Yingjiang county of Dehong prefecture in Yunnan. The power plant will have four generating turbines with a total capacity of 240 MW. It will consist of a hub station, water diversion systems and a generating area hub. The developer plans to dam the river in October 2008. The first generating unit is scheduled to begin operations in Sept 2009, while the complete power plant wil be finished by June 2010. Majority owner of the power plant will be the China Datang Group with minority shareholders Central China Power International Trade Co and Jiangxi Water Resources Planning and Design Institute. Project construction is to be undertaken by the PRC’s Sinohydro Corp, including all civil construction, installation of metal, and the structure of the electrical and mechanical equipment, and will be carried out by the 14th Bureau of Sinohydro’s subsidiary, the China Water Resources and Hydropower Construction Corp. Construction of the diversion tunnel for the project is currently in full swing with work progressing smoothly. [Translator’s note: The Taping river is known in China as Da-ying-jiang (Da-ying river).]
NLM, 25/10/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n071025.htm

EPM-1 Zaw Min and DepMin Myo Myint meet with President Wu Jing, V-P Hing Heng Xi and officials of Datang (Yunnan) United Hydropower Developing Co Ltd (DUHD) in Nay Pyi Taw regarding implementation of the Tapein hydropower project.

NLM, 07/05/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070507.htm

At Tarpein No 1 hydropower project, 33 miles from Bhamo, near Kalon village, Vice-GM Xiong Heng Xi of CCPG and Deputy EPM No 1 Myo Myint brief cabinet ministers on the project. The power plant of Tarpein-1 hydropower project will generate 240 megawatts and produce 1,081 million kWh yearly.

NLM, 20/04/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070420.htm

Gen Than Shwe is briefed on the 240-MW Tarpein No 1 and the 168-MW Tarpein-2 projects in Momauk township; he stresses the need to implement the two Tarpen projects as soon as possible. Water resources have been surveyed; surveys [are to be conducted] to search for more resources and the power grid is to be installed on schedule in order to supply electricity to the nation.

NLM, 25/03/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070325.htm

Tarpein No 1 hydel power project to be implemented on the Tarpein river in Kachin state is 3.5 miles from Momauk. Tarpein-2 hydel power plant will be 6 miles downstream of Tarpein-1.

NLM, 26/09/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060926.htm

A feasibility study will examine the viability of a hydel power project along the Tarpain river.


NLM, 17/10/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061017.htm

Myanma Machine Tool and Electrical Industries (MMTEI) under the Ministry of Industry-2 opened two factories that will produce generators and meters in Padaung township in Pyay District on 14 October. The generator factory will produce 5-kW, 10-kW single phase generators and 20-kW, 30-kW, 50-kW and 100-kW triple-phase generators. The factory is expected to produce over 1,800 generators per year. Present for the opening were the Southern Commander, the Minister for Industry-2 and officials of the China National Machinery Corp and Angelique International Co Ltd.
The generator factory was formally opened by the MD of MMTEI, the MD of Myanma Industrial Construction Services (MICS) and the MD of China National Machinery Import and Export Corp.
The triple-phase, watt-hour meter factory was formally opened by the MD of MMTEI, the MD of MICS and V-P of Angelique International Pradeep Arya. The triple-phase, watt-hour meter factory launched its test run on 22 September 2005 and can produce 200 triple-phase, watt-hour meters a month. It is expected to manufacture 10,000 triple-phase, watt-hour meters a year. 80pc of the components for the meters are produced in Myanmar.
Compiler’s note: It would appear that the manufacture of single- and triple- phase generators at the new factory in Sinde has replaced production of generators at the MMTEI workshop on Inya Lake road in Mayangon township in Yangon. See the MMTEI section of the Ministry for Industry-2 website: http://www.industry2.gov.mm/mtei.htm The information on this website appears to date from 2007 and does not include recent developments at the newly opened MMTEI factory in Pakokku.
Additional references for production, sale and use of meter boxes: (A)
See above: ‘Electricity metering program taking root’ (IMNA: 11/05/07)

See below: 'Yangon company producing industrial energy meters' (MT: 04/07/05)

NLM, 29/10/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n081029.htm

The laboratory of MEPE in Ahlon township is testing kwh-meters using bench breakers, control panels and relays. It also puts a cover seal on new meters.

NLM, 28/10/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n081028.htm

Minister for Industry-2 Soe Thein inspects the ministry’s factory which manufactures electric meter boxes in South Dagon. High technology is used in the production of the boxes. The factory is making 1600 boxes per day which exceeds local demand of 400,000 units per year. The minister calls for finished products of better quality, regular supply of raw materials, increased production capacity and fulfillment of the requirements of the Ministry.

NLM, 11/07/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080711.htm

Lt-Gen Myint Swe of the MoD visits the electrical and electronic appliances factory of MMTEI in South Dagon township industrial zone where he is briefed by GM Lei Lei Win. Yearly production and distribution amounts to 600,000 home-use meters and power meters. [Photo of the interior of the factory on p.1 of the print edition of NLM.]

NLM, 07/07/07. www.mrtv3.net.mm/newpaper/77newsn.pdf

EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint is briefed on the production of electric meter boxes at the factory of MMTEI in South Dagon. The moving disc, base, terminal block cover, die and mould for the boxes are produced by the meter box factory in Padaung township.

NLM, 23/05/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070523.htm

The Minister for Industry No 2 and the D-G of the Directorate of Myanma Industrial Planning inspect the electrical and electronic appliance factory in Mayangon township. Rice cookers and electric irons are produced in the household workshop of the factory. The minister urges production of appliances with modern marketable designs and distribution to the markets in timely fashion.

NLM, 02/04/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n070402.htm

The Minister of Industry No 2 is conducted around the electric meter workshop of the electrical and electronic manufacturing factory in the South Dagon IZ by GM Lei Lei Win. Meters produced at the factory are under test run.

NLM, 26/12/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061226.htm

EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint visits the power testing centre in Ahlon township and is briefed on the testing, distribution and installation of electric meters.

NLM, 29/05/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060529.htm

EPM No 2 Khin Maung Myint looks into the test lab [at the Ahlon Gas Turbine]. He tells the staff that arrangements are being made to install 100,000 electric meters in Yangon. So far, 72,507 electric meters have been allotted to consumers. A thorough inspection of the meters is required.

Additional references for production, sale and use of generators and turbines (B)
See below: ‘Market expands for generator and rental shops’ (MT: 09/05/05)

‘Manufacture of small hydro turbines in Myanmar’ (JICA: Sept 2003)

NLM, 04/05/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-05-04.pdf

Minister for Industry-2 Soe Thein inspected the production of hydropower turbines at No 1 Machine and Machine Tools Factory (Nyaungchedauk) and machinery for the industrial training schools. Later, he viewed production process of the factory. [A photo of a medium-sized Francis turbine produced at the factory is included in the print edition of NLM.]

NLM, [reference date lost, probably 2006)

Minister for Industry-2 Saw Lwin checks the production of 75-kw turbines for hydel power projects at No 1 Machine and Machine Tools Factory (Nyaungchedauk).

NLM, 19/11/05. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/05nlm/n051119.htm

An industrial development coordination meeting took place at the Ministry of Industry No 1 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yangon with an address by Committee chairman Gen Soe Win. After the meeting, Gen Soe Win and party viewed round the materials displayed by ministries and private entrepreneurs in the compound of the Ministry of Industry No 2. Minister Saw Lwin and Deputy Minister Khin Maung Kyaw and officials conducted the Prime Minister and party around the booth of MMTEI. At the booth, a 5-kW hydel power generator to be used with 15 ft-high waterfall, a 40-kW hydel power turbine to be used with a 60 ft-high waterfall, and 60 kW and 200 kW hydel power turbines to be used with 120-ft high water falls were on display. A Francis water turbine model-HL-160-WJ-42 that can be used at 130-ft-high water level was also on view. The Ministry of Industry No 2 had a display of motors of various capacities manufactured by the electric motor factory in Indagaw. In addition, ignition coils, fuel pumps, alternators and starter motors manufactured at the automobile electronics factory in Indagaw and meters produced at at the meter workshop in Sinde were put on display.

NLM, 15/12/02. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/02nlm/n021215.htm

Minister for Industry-2 Saw Lwin visits No 2 Machine Tool Manufacturing Factory of MMTEI [on Parami road] and inspects the production of generators. He gives instructions on the production of quality products.

NLM, 03/02/02. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/02nlm/n020203.htm

Minister for Industry-2 Saw Lwin checks on the manufacture of 5 kVA, 10 kVA and 35 kVA generators and the test run of 100 kVA generators at at Machine Tool Factory No 2 of MMTEI [on Parami road] in Mayangon [Hlaing?] township. He leaves instructions on timely production, quality and marketing of the products.


NLM, 05/10/06. Excerpt. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061005.htm

At meeting no 1/2006 of the Central Cte for Development of Border Areas and National Races, General Than Shwe gave an address. . . . He said efforts are to be made to step up the supply of electricity to rural areas generated from hydel power plants and bio gas-using generators. Officials are to encourage the use of bio-diesel extracted from physic nut seeds to run generators to produce electricity.
General Soe Win said that [since 1988] small-scale hydel power plants had been set up in 14 towns in border areas and 265 generators provided to 199 villages. Small-scale hydel power plants had been put in place in border areas where water resources were available. . . . In accordance with the guidance of the Senior General, the Ministry of Industry No 2 is constructing a factory to produce turbines and generators. . . .

EPM No 1 Zaw Min submitted reports on small scale hydel power projects being implemented by the ministry. . . . [He said that the] Ministry of Electric Power No 1 has made arrangements to establish a total of 185 small-scale hydel power plants in Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan states and Sagaing, Bago, Magway and Mandalay divisions. When completed, these plants could be expected to generate a total of 187 MW.

Website reference:


Information presented by the Energy Planning Dept of the Myanmar Ministry of Energy at the second subregional energy forum in Ho Chi Minh city on 22/11/08 indicates that the Dept of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) of the Ministry of Energy (MOE) of Thailand is sponsoring a community- based bio-diesel demonstration project in Myanmar.

Additional references
See above: ‘Generator fired by physic nut oil supplying power in Wanmaison (NLM: 28/09/08)

Cogeneration potential of Myanmar’s production of sugarcane’ (Appendix 17)

‘Case study of MOST’S village biogas electrification project (Appendix 18)
NLM, 08/05/11. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs11/NLM2011-05-08.pdf

President Win Aung of the UMFCCI discussed the energy needs of rural areas of Myanmar with V-P Shin Imai of the Jissen Kankyo Kenkyusho Co Ltd of Japan at UMFCCI offices in Yangon on 03 May. Included in the discussion were matters related to access to biodiesel-fired generators which could help to reduce energy consumption in rural development projects.

Hla Kyaw et al., Status and Potential for the Development of Biofuels and Rural Renewable Energy: Myanmar (ADB: Greater Mekong subregion Economic Cooperation Program, Manila, 2009, pp 24 - 26)

Edited and condensed.


Among alternative bioenergy sources, jatropha is rated highly, and its cultivation is being pursued as a priority by the Myanmar government. About 0.5 million ha (1.86 million acres) have been planted, and the 3-Year Plan of 2006–2008 calls for the expansion of jatropha over 3.4 million ha of land in all states and divisions of Myanmar. Biodiesel is being processed under a pilot project run by the research team of Myanma Industrial Crops Development Enterprise and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MOAI) in Yangon. The output capacity of the pilot plant is 100 gal/day of biodiesel. Parallel attempts to fabricate prototype or model pilotbiodiesel pants are being carried out at MAS, MA&I, Ind-2, the SciTechMinistry, and the EnerMin. The oil content of jatropha cultivars was found to vary from 26% to 41%. Genotypes with a high seed yield, high harvest index, high oil content, and resistance to pests and diseases need to be sought. The economic yield is expected to be obtained starting in the fifth year. Based on seed yield of 1,000–1,200 kg/acre, processed seeds could yield 50–60 gal/acre. The government’s drive to expand the area planted to jatropha focused on both community and large-scale production business. However, the development for commercial processing, marketing, and utilization has been slow. Three or four prominent companies have established jatropha plantations. To accelerate the process, a partnership program shown has been proposed to carry out joint venture contract farming projects.

Jessica Cheam, Straits Times, 10/12/08. Edited, corrected and condensed.


Singapore-listed Yoma Strategic Holdings has a majority interest in a 100,000 acre estate that is being planted with jatropha at Maw Tin in the Irrawaddy delta. The estate which employs 650 mostly-local farmers is managed by Plantation Resources, which sells the produce in partnership with a local Myanmese firm called Myanmar Agri-Tech. Yoma is planning to build a biodiesel refinery in partnership with a major Korean biofuels supplier, Enertech. It will be three miles from Maw Tin, along the Pathein River, and will facilitate both domestic use and export of the biofuel -- something that might save Myanmar from spending millions of its foreign reserves on fuel imports (a top reason why Myanmar's government has embraced jatropha in such a big way). Yoma’s Serge Pun, who has been doing business in Myanmar for 18 years, is bullish about jatropha’s prospects, despite its critics - which is why Yoma has pumped in US$6 million into their jatropha operations in the country so far.

PNA/Xinhua, 27/10/08.


The Myanmar agricultural authorities will cooperate with some Japanese institutions to produce high-grade bio-diesel by forming a joint venture, the local weekly Flower News reported Monday. Under Myanmar's jatropha bio-energy program, a joint venture company, named Myanmar Bio Energy Company, will be formed between the Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and Japan Development Institute (JDI) and Japan Bio Energy Development Cooperation (JBEDC) for the move, the report said quoting agricultural experts involved in the project. In the course of the formation of the joint venture, cultivation of Jatropha physic nut plants, establishment of trading center for such crops and raw edible oil factory and training of experts in the aspects will be carried out, the report said. The bio-diesel produced from the joint venture will be supplied for domestic use as well as for export, the report added. . . . The Myanmar private sector is also participating in playing part in production of bio-diesel fuel, planning to build a first and largest private-run bio-diesel plant in the country this year, private industries sources said. With a projected production of 80 tons of bio-diesel per day, the six-hectare bio-diesel plant in Yangon's Thardhukan Industrial Zone will be constructed by the Khaing Khaing Group Co. Ltd with an investment of 8 million U.S. dollars and foreign technical know-how will be introduced, local media also said. Using domestic raw materials, the plant will generate 20,000 tons to 30,000 tons of bio-diesel per year on completion, it said.

Reuters, 29/08/07 (as reported by the Myanmar Times: 03/09/07). www.mmtimes.com/no382/b005.htm

Myanmar plans to export jatropha-based biodiesel as it attempts to tap the growing market for biofuels, a senior Myanmar energy official told a seminar in Singapore on August 27. “By this time next year we hope to have seven million acres (2.8 million hectares) of jatropha plantations in full swing and a large amount of biodiesel for export in the future,” said U Soe Myint, D-G of the Energy Planning Dept. “Myanmar’s requirements for biodiesel are minimal, but the jatropha project should earn some foreign exchange income,” he said. “Malaysian and Indonesian companies are already in talks with people in the various states to set up processing plants, while the central government will be responsible for quality control.”

Win Nyunt Lwin, Myanmar Times, 30/04/07. http://www.mmtimes.com/no364/n011.htm [not available on-line]

The government has unveiled a plan for a massive increase in the production of biofuel from the jatropha or physic nut plant as an alternative to diesel. The plan has set a target for growing the plants, which produce oil-bearing nuts, on up to eight million acres by 2008. Realising the target would support the production of about 20 million tonnes a year of the nuts, which contain up to 37pc of an oil which does not need refining and can be mixed with fuel for use in simple diesel engines. U Kyaw Swe Linn of Myanma Industrial Crops Development Enterprise said the physic nut plants were currently being grown on about 1.6 million acres, mainly in the dry zone areas of Mandalay, Sagaing and Magwe divisions. Almost 900,000 acres of the hardy, drought-tolerant plants, which bear fruit twice a year, had been planted as community forests or live fencing. A one-acre plantation can produce about 100 gallons a year. U Kyaw Swe Linn said the use of the oil would help to increase the mechanisation of the agricultural sector as well as reducing the country’s reliance on imported diesel. Myanmar produces about 90 million gallons of diesel a year but needs to import more than 200 million gallons annually. Myanmar has about 15.85 million acres of low-grade land suitable for growing jatropha plants, so realising the target would not involve the use of areas earmarked for other crops. The enterprise has developed refining equipment costing about K 7 million that can produce about 100 gallons of biofuel a day from the nuts.

NLM, 21/03/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060321.htm

In Lashio Maj-Gen Myint Hlaing reported on efforts to implement guidance by the Head of State on . . . the production of bio-fuel for heavy machinery. Arrangements will be made to grow 500,000 acres of physic nut in Shan State within three years to produce the bio-fuel. The prime minister gave instructions saying that strenuous efforts would be made for growing of physic nut plants. Conditions are favourable to produce bio fuel on a commercial scale and physic nut oil can be used in generators, water pumps and tillers, he said.

NLM, 24/02/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n060224.htm

Diplomats, officials of UN agencies, journalists and the Deputy Foreign Minister participated in a physic nut planting ceremony on a 100-acre model farm of the Northeast Command in Lashio. Together with local national races and members of social organizations they sowed seeds and planted physic nut grafts. Afterwards, they observed the test run of generators and grinding machines that use physic nut oil.

Cf Ethnic Community Development Forum, Biofuel by Decree: Unmasking Burma’s bio-energy fiasco (2008), pp 22-23.
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