Evagrius on Psalms

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g`. Ou) pa/ntej me\n tou\j logismou\j e)mba/llousin ponhrou/j: pa/ntej de\ ouÂtoi logismoiì fe/rousin ei¹j kako/n. Tv= ga\r EuÃ# fhsiìn o( oÃfij: ãEsesqe w¨j qeoiì, ginw¯skontej kalo\n kaiì ponhro/n.

d PG 12.1469

7. Paroikh/sousi kaiì katakru/yousin, au)toiì th\n pte/rnan mou fula/cousi, k. t. e(.

d`. Di' wÒn e)nergou=men e)pithrou=ntej maqeiÍn: kardiognw½stai ga\r ou)k ei¹siìn oi¸ dai¿monej.

e P10

10. ¹Epistre/yousin oi¸ e)xqroi¿ mou ei¹j ta\ o)pi¿sw.

e`. Ei¹ qe/leij a)postre/fein tou\j e)xqrou\j ei¹j ta\ o)pi¿sw, proseu/xou a)dialei¿ptwj.



a PG 2(1)


2. Kaiì e)n ski#= tw½n pteru/gwn sou e)lpiw½, eÀwj ou pare/lqv h( a)nomi¿a, k. t. e(.

a`. Pro\j to\ Pneu=ma le/gei to\ aÀgion: tou=to ga\r e)n eiãdei wÓfqh peristera=j.

b P4

4. ¹Ecape/steilen o( Qeo\j to\ eÃleoj au)tou= kaiì th\n a)lh/qeian au)tou=.

b`. ¸O Xristo\j e)n toiÍj eu)aggeli¿oij fhsin: ¹Egw¯ ei¹mi a)lh/qeia.

g PG 5(2)


5. Ui¸oiì a)nqrw¯pwn, oi¸ o)do/ntej au)tw½n oÀpla kaiì be/lh, kaiì h( glw½ssa au)tw½n ma/xaira o)ceiÍa, k. t. e(.

g`. ¹Odo/ntej ei¹siì tw½n daimo/nwn oi¸ ponhroiì logismoiì, di' wÒn katesqi¿ousin h(mw½n th\n yuxh/n.

d PG 12.1472

6. ¸Uyw¯qhti e)piì tou\j ou)ranou\j, o( Qeo\j, k. t. e(.

d`. « )Ea\n u(ywqw½, fhsiìn o( Swth\r, pa/ntaj e(lku/sw pro\j e)mauto/n. »

e PG 12.1472

9. ¹Ecege/rqhti, h( do/ca mou, e)cege/rqhti, yalth/rion kaiì kiqa/ra, k. t. e(.

e`. Do/can le/gei to\ xa/risma tou= nou=. Au)to\j o( nou=j yalth/rio/n e)sti, to\ de\ perikei¿menon t%½ n%½, oÀper e)stiìn h( yuxh\, kiqa/ra. ¹



a PG 12.1476

4. ¹Aphllotriw¯qhsan oi¸ a(martwloiì a)po\ mh/traj, e)planh/qhsan a)po\ gastro\j, e)la/lhsan yeudh=, k. t. e(.

a`. ¹Allotriou=ntai a)po\ mh/traj, kaiì planw½ntai a)po\ gastro\j oi¸ e)k paido\j ou)k e)piì th\n a)reth\n, a)ll' e)piì th\n kaki¿an o(deu/ontej.

b P5(1)

5. Qumo\j au)toiÍj kata\ th\n o(moi¿wsin tou= oÃfewj, w¨seiì a)spi¿doj kwfh=j kaiì buou/shj ta\ wÕta au)th=j.

b`. Qumou= me\n e)pikrath/santoj, a)poqhriou=tai yuxh/: tou= de\ e)piqumhtikou= e)pikrath/santoj, iàppoj hÄ h(mi¿onoj gi¿netai: tou= nou= de\, aÃggeloj hÄ kaiì Qeo/j.

g PG 5(1)


5. Qumo\j au)toiÍj kata\ th\n o(moi¿wsin tou= oÃfewj, w¨seiì a)spi¿doj kwfh=j, kaiì buou/shj ta\ wÕta au)th=j, k. t. e(.

g`. Pa=sa yuxh\ mh\ a)kou/sasa lo/gwn swzo/ntwn au)th\n, a)spi¿j e)sti bu/ousa ta\ wÕta au)th=j.


4. w(/sper t%= me/liti e)pisumbai/nei khro/j, ou(/twj kaki/a yux$= logik$=.

e PG 9(2)


9. ¸Wseiì khro\j takeiìj a)ntanaireqh/sontai: eÃpese pu=r e)p' au)tou\j, kaiì ou)k eiådon to\n hÀlion, k. t. e(.

e`. áOn w¨j hÀlion ou)k eiådon, w¨j puro\j peiraqh/sontai.

j PG 11(1)


11. Eu)franqh/setai di¿kaioj oÀtan iãdv e)kdi¿khsin, k. t. e(.

j`. ¸H ko/lasij tou= a(martwlou= a)sfale/steron kaiì kaqarw¯teron to\n di¿kaion a)perga/zetai.



a P4

4. àOti i¹dou\ e)qh/reusan th\n yuxh/n mou.

a`. Qhreu/ousi th\n yuxh\n dia\ tw½n ponhrw½n logismw½n, oÀtan au)tv= kala\ u(poba/llousi ta\ mh\ oÃnta kala\, wÐsper oÀtan de/lear t%½ xalk%½ oi¸ a(lieiÍj periba/llousi.

4 For behold they have caught my soul: the mighty have rushed in upon me:

b PG 5(2)


5. ãAneu a)nomi¿aj eÃdramon kaiì kateu/quna, k. t. e(.

b`. Ou)k eÃsti kateuqu=nai th\n o(do\n th\n ei¹pou=san: « )Egw¯ ei¹mi h( o(do/j: » mh\ aÃneu a)nomi¿aj dramo/nta.

5 Neither is it my iniquity, nor my sin, O Lord: without iniquity have I run, and directed my steps.

5(2). e)cege/rqhti ei¹j suna/nthsi¿n mou, kaiì i)de/

3. ti¿j aÃra anqrw/pwn i¸kano\j ei¹peiÍn t%½ Qe%½: e)cege/rqhti ei¹j suna/nthsi¿n mou, kaiì iãde; [cf.PG 12.1477]

6 Rise up thou to meet me, and behold: even thou, O Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel. Attend to visit all the nations: have no mercy on all them that work iniquity.

d PG 12


12. Mh\ a)poktei¿nvj au)tou\j, mh/pote e)pila/qwntai tou= no/mou sou, k. t. e(.

d`. ¹Apoktei¿nei tou/touj o( Ku/rioj ouÁj sugxwreiÍ e)piì polu\ a(marta/nein: e)k ga\r tou/tou sumbai¿nei lh/qhn gene/sqai Qeou=:

12 God shall let me see over my enemies: slay them not, lest at any time my people forget. Scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord, my protector:



b P4

4. Sune/seisaj th\n gh=n, kaiì suneta/racaj au)th/n: iãasai ta\ suntri¿mmata au)th=j, oÀti e)saleu/qh.

b`. Tw½n seismw½n oi¸ me/n ei¹si xasmati¿ai: oi¸ de\, brasmati¿ai: oi¸ de\, e)pi¿klintai: oi¸ de\, brasmati¿ai: oi¸ de\, e)pi¿klintai: oi¸ de\, mukhmati¿ai. ¹Entau=qa de\ th\n metabolh\n th\n e)piì th=j gh=j pragma/twn sussei¿seij w©no/masen.



a P2(1)

2. Ei¹sa/kouson, o( Qeo\j, th=j deh/sew¯j mou, pro/sxej tv= proseuxv= mou.

a`. De/hsi¿j e)stin e)llei¿ponto/j tinoj meq' i¸kesi¿aj periì tou= e)kei¿nou tuxeiÍn a)napempome/nh eu)xh/.

2 Hear, O God, my supplication: be attentive to my prayer,

b P2(2)

b`. Proseuxh\ de/ e)stin h( meta\ docologi¿aj periì meizo/nwn megalofue/steron a)napempome/nh u(p' au)tou=.

g-d P3(2)

3. ¹Apo\ tw½n pera/twn th=j gh=j pro\j se\ e)ke/kraca ...

g. Pw½j e)n tv= ¹Ioudai¿# wÔn o( Dauiìd, le/gei: ¹Apo\ tw½n pera/twn th=j gh=j pro\j se\ e)ke/kraca; hÄ ta/xa e)celqwÜn th=j kaki¿aj, nu=n tropikw½j gh=n o)nomazome/nhj, tau=ta/ fhsin:

3 To thee have I cried from the ends of the earth: when my heart was in anguish, thou hast exalted me on a rock.

3(3) e)n pe/tr# uÀywsa/j me.

4. h( de\ pe/tra hÅn o( Xristo/j. [= Pitra 60:3(2)]

4. But the rock was Christ ()


6(2) ἔδωκας κληρονομίαν τοῖς φοβουμένοις τὸ ὄνομά σου

5. klhronomi/an le/gei gnw=sin qeou=.

v. 6(b) You have given an inheritance to those who fear you.

5. Heritage means knowledge of God.

j P7-8(3)

7-8. ¸Hme/raj e)f' h(me/raj basile/wj proqh/seij. DiameneiÍ ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na e)nw¯pion tou= Qeou=. ãEleoj kaiì a)lh/qeian au)tou= ti¿j e)kzhth/sei au)tw½n;

j`. Ti¿j ga\r, fhsiì, to\n periì pronoi¿aj kaiì kti¿sewj lo/gon e)cixnia/sei;

v. 7-8 You will add days to the days of the King. He will endure forever before God. His mercy and truth - who will seek them out?

6. For who, it says, will search out the logos concerning providence and judgement?

z P9

9. OuÀtwj yalw½ t%½ o)no/mati¿ sou ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na tou= ai¹w½noj, tou= a)podou=nai¿ me ta\j eu)xa/j mou h(me/ran e)c h(me/raj.

z`. ¸O u(pisxnou/menoj kaiì mh\ a)podidou\j ta\j eu)xa\j t%½ Qe%½, ou)k e)stiìn e)n h(me/r# tv= ouÃsv e)c h(me/raj: prw¯th ga\r h(me/ra e)stiì to\ e)kkliÍnai a)po\ kakou=, deute/ra to\ poih=sai to\ a)gaqo/n.

9 So will I sing a psalm to thy name for ever and ever: that I may pay my vows from day to day.



PG 2(1)a


2. Ou)xiì t%½ Qe%½ u(potagh/setai h( yuxh/ mou; k. t. e(.

a`. Pa=j o( u(potasso/meno/j tini ta\ au)ta\ e)kei¿n% froneiÍ. Kaiì ei¹ kata\ to\n Pau=lon pa/ntej u(potaghso/meqa t%½ Xrist%½, pa/ntej ta\ au)ta\ Xrist%½ fronh/swmen.

2 Shall not my soul be subject to God? for from him is my salvation.


timh\ yuxh=j logikh=j a)reth\ kai\ gnw=sij qeou=.


6. àOti par' au)tou= h( u(pomonh/ mou.

g`. àOti su\ eiå h( u(pomonh\, Ku/rie.

6 But be thou, O my soul, subject to God: for from him is my patience.

PG 10(1)d



10. Plh\n ma/taioi oi¸ ui¸oiì a)nqrw¯pwn, yeudeiÍj oi¸ ui¸oiì tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn e)n zugoiÍj, tou= a)dikh=sai au)toiì e)k mataio/thtoj e)piì to\ au)to\, k. t. e(.

d`. Ma/taioi¿ ei¹sin oi¸ toiÍj matai¿oij kaiì fqartoiÍj tou= ai¹w½noj tou/tou proskaqezo/menoi pra/gmasi.57

10 But vain are the sons of men, the sons of men are liars in the balances: that by vanity they may together deceive.

PG 10(2)e


P10(2) e

e`. Ou) yeu/domai periì th\n dikaiosu/nhn: au)th\ ga\r zugo/j e)sti tw½n a)retw½n. YeudeiÍj ei¹sin ui¸oiì e)k tou= patro\j tou= diabo/lou gegennhme/noi.58

61:11(3) Plou=toj e)a\n r(e/v, mh\ prosti¿qesqe kardi¿an.

6. tou=to lekte/on pro\j tou\j pleonektou=ntaj. [=Pitra 61:11] Ant 3.22

61.11. If wealth should flow in, do not set your heart upon them.

6. This is to be said to those who are greedy.

PG 12z


12. àApac e)la/lhsen o( Qeo\j, du/o tau=ta hÃkousa, 13 o(/ti to\ kra/toj tou= qeou=, kai\ soi/, ku/rie, to\ e)/leoj, o(/ti su\ a)podw/seij e(ka/st% kata\ ta\ e)/rga au)tou=. (.

z` To\n lo/gon aÀpac e)la/lhsen o( Qeo\j, to\n [1488] periì pronoi¿aj kaiì kri¿sewj eÃxonta lo/gon: tou=to ga\r dhlou=tai e)k tw½n e)piferome/nwn r(htw½n.

v. 12 Once has God spoken; these two things have I heard: 13that power is of God; and yours, O Lord is the mercy ; for you will reward each one according to his works.


13. àOti su\ a)podw¯seij e(ka/st% kata\ ta\ eÃrga au)tou=.

z`. To\n periì pronoi¿aj kaiì kri¿sewj eÃxwn lo/gon: tou=to ga\r dhlou=tai e)k tw½n e)piferome/nwn r(htw½n.

13 and mercy to thee, O Lord; for thou wilt render to every man according to his works.



a PG 2-3(1)


2-3. ¸O Qeo\j, o( Qeo/j mou, pro\j se\ o)rqri¿zw. ¹Edi¿yhse/ soi h( yuxh/ mou, posaplw½j soi h( sa/rc mou, e)n gv= e)rh/m% kaiì a)ba/t% kaiì a)nu/dr%: ouÀtwj e)n t%½ a(gi¿% wÓfqhn soi, tou= i¹deiÍn th\n du/nami¿n sou kaiì th\n do/can sou, k. t. e(.

a`. Pa=j o( a)poqe/menoj ta\ eÃrga tou= sko/touj kaiì e)ndusa/menoj ta\ oÀpla tou= fwto\j, o)rqri¿zei pro\j to\n Qeo/n.

2 O God, my God, to thee do I watch at break of day. For thee my soul hath thirsted; for thee my flesh, O how many ways!

3 In a desert land, and where there is no way, and no water: so in the sanctuary have I come before thee, to see thy power and thy glory.

KG I.73

4(1). o(/ti kreiÍsson to\ eÃleo/j sou u(pe\r zwa\j

2. h( me\n zwh\ tou= a)nqrw¯pou h( a(gi¿a gnw½sij u(pa/rxei: to\ de\ eÃleoj kuri¿ou h( tw½n gegono/twn qewri¿a e)sti¿n: polloiì de\ h(miÍn tou= ai¹w½noj tou/tou sofoi\ kaqupe/sxonto gnw¯seij: a)lla\ kreiÍsson to\ eÃleoj kuri¿ou u(pe\r zwa/j. [cf. PG 12.1488]

4 For thy mercy is better than lives: thee my lips shall praise.

g PG 12.1489

9. ¹Ekollh/qh h( yuxh/ mou o)pi¿sw sou, k. t. e(.

g`. Ei¹ o( kollw¯menoj t%½ Kuri¿% eÁn pneu=ma/ e)stin, e)kollh/qh de\ o( Dauiì+d t%½ Kuri¿%, aÃra eÁn ge/gone pneu=ma. Pneu=ma de\ to\n pneumatiko\n o)noma/zei, w¨j kaiì h( mh\ perpereuome/nh a)ga/ph to\n eÃxonta th\n a)ga/phn dhloiÍ.

9 my soul hath stuck close to thee: thy right hand hath received me.

d PG 10(2)


10. [au)toi\ de\ ei)j ma/thn e)zh/thsan th\n yuxh/n mou, ] Ei¹seleu/sontai ei¹j ta\ katw¯tata, th=j gh=j: k. t. e(. [11 paradoqh/sontai ei)j xei=raj r(omfai/aj, meri/dej a)lwpe/kwn e)/sontai.]

d`. àIna pisteu/santej swqw½sin t%½ katelqo/nti ei¹j ta\ katw¯tera me/rh th=j gh=j.

10-11. But they sought my soul in vain; they shall go down into the deepest parts of the earth. 10 They be delivered into the power of the sword; they shall be portions for foxes.

4. So we believed that they may be saved - those going down into the deepest parts of the earth .

e PG 10(2)


e`. Tou\j kataxqoni¿ouj dai¿monaj nu=n a)lw¯pekaj o)noma/zei, oiâj kaiì paradi¿dontai pro\j ko/lasin oi¸ e)pi¿geioi dai¿monej.

5. Now the subterranean demons are here named foxes, to which the terestrial demons will be handed over for punishment.



a PG 2(2)


2. Ei¹sa/kouson, o( Qeo\j, th=j fwnh=j mou, k. t. e(.

a`. ¹Exqro\j fo/boj e)stiìn hÃtoi o( para\ tou= e)xqrou= h(miÍn e)ggino/menoj, hÄ o( e)nanti¿oj t%½ tou= Xristou= qa/rsei. « QarseiÍte ga\r, fhsiìn, e)gw¯ ei¹mi: mh\ fobeiÍsqe. »

2 Hear, O God, my prayer, when I make supplication to thee : deliver my soul from the fear of the enemy.

b P4

4. Oià tinej h)ko/nhsan w¨j r(omfai¿an ta\j glw¯ssaj au)tw½n.

b`. Au)th\ h( r(omfai¿a lo/goj e)sti daimoniw¯dhj, xwri¿zwn yuxh\n th=j sofi¿aj kaiì gnw¯sewj Qeou=.

4 For they have whetted their tongues like a sword; they have bent their bow a bitter thing,

g PG 12.1492

7. ¹Echreu/nhsan a)nomi¿an, e)ce/lipon e)cereunw½ntej e)cereunh/sei, k. t. e(.

g`. Th\n e)pi¿tasin e)ntau=qa th=j kaki¿aj shmai¿nei.

7 They have searched after iniquities: they have failed in their search.

d PG 6(1)


6. Proseleu/setai aÃnqrwpoj, kaiì kardi¿a baqeiÍa, k. t. e(.

d`. Kardi¿a baqeiÍa/ e)stin h( qewrh/sasa to\ ba/qoj tou= plou/tou kaiì th=j gnw¯sewj tou= Qeou=.

Man shall come to a deep heart:

e PG 11(1)


11. Eu)franqh/setai di¿kaioj e)n t%½ Kuri¿%, kaiì e)lpieiÍ e)p' au)to/n: kaiì e)paineqh/sontai pa/ntej oi¸ eu)qeiÍj tv= kardi¿#, k. t. e(.

e`. Eu)frai¿nei aÃdikon plou=toj fqarto/j: to\n de\ di¿kaion gnw½sij Qeou=.

11 The just shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall hope in him: and all the upright in heart shall be praised.

j P11(1)

11. Eu)franqh/setai di¿kaioj e)n t%½ Kuri¿%, kaiì e)lpieiÍ e)p' au)to\n, kaiì e)paineqh/sontai pa/ntej oi¸ eu)qeiÍj tv= kardi¿#.

j`. ãAfrwn e)lpi¿zei ei¹j aÃnqrwpon: o( de\ fro/nimoj e)piì t%½ Kuri¿% pe/poiqen.

11 The just shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall hope in him: and all the upright in heart shall be praised.

z PG 11(2)


z`. Kardi¿an eu)qeiÍan e)paineiÍ Ku/rioj: diestramme/nhn de\ yuxh\n a)pw¯setai a)p' au)tou=.




a P3(1)

3. Pro\j se\ pa=sa sa\rc hÀcei.

a`. )Antiì tou= pa=j aÃnqrwpoj.

3 O hear my prayer: all flesh shall come to thee.


b PG 5(2)


5. Kataskhnw¯sei e)n taiÍj au)laiÍj au)tou=, k. t. e(.

b`. Au)lh\ Kuri¿ou gnw½sij Qeou=: o( de\ katoikw½n e)n au)tv= plhsqh/setai a)gaqw½n.

5 Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken to thee: he shall dwell in thy courts. We shall be filled with the good things of thy house; holy is thy temple,


gPG 8(1)


excl. “allo”

8. ¹¸O suntara/sswn to\ ku/toj th=j qala/sshj, h)/xouj kuma/twn au)th=j.

g`. ¹Epitim#= Ku/rioj t%½ a)ne/m% kaiì tv= qala/ssv, kaiì poieiÍ galh/nhn mega/lhn. *

a)/llo. )/Anemoj sfodro\j ecegei/rei ku=ma, dai/mwn de\ ponhro\j tara/ssei yuxh/n.

a)/llo. Yuxh\ adi/kou kumai/netai polla/, kardi/a de\ dikai/ou galhnia/sei dia\ panto/j.

8 who troublest the depth of the sea, the noise of its waves. The Gentiles shall be troubled,

*cf Mt. 8:26

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