Evagrius on Psalms

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5. Ku/rioj meriìj th=j klhronomi¿aj mou kaiì tou= pothri¿ou mou: su\ eiå o( a)pokaqistw½n th\n klhronomi¿an [1213] mou e)moiì, k. t. e(.

b`. Klhronomi¿a fu/sewj logikh=j e)stin h( qewri¿a tw½n gegono/twn kaiì tw½n genhsome/nwn ai¹w¯nwn: klhronomi¿a de\ Xristou= h( gnw½sij tou= Qeou=. 7

5 The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: it is thou that wilt restore my inheritance to me.

PG 12.1213

6. Sxoini¿a e)pe/pesa/n moi e)n toiÍj kalli¿stoij, kaiì ga\r h( klhronomi¿a mou kalli¿sth moi e)stiìn, k. t. e(.

g`. Ei¹ to\ sxoini¿on me/tron e)stiì, pw½j ge/graptai e)n t%½ kata\ ¹Iwa/nnhn Eu)aggeli¿%: « Ou) ga\r e)k me/trou di¿dwsin o( Qeo\j to\ pneu=ma:» kaiì to\, « )Ekxew½ a)po\ tou= pneu/mato/j mou;» äH ta/xa to\ me/tron ou) pro\j au)th\n th\n gnw½sin o)noma/zetai, a)lla\ para\ to\n u(podexo/menon, t%½ mh\ eiånai au)to\n mei¿zonoj dektiko/n. Kaiì ga\r o( u(eto\j au)to\j me\n aÃmetro/j e)sti, metreiÍtai de\ e)n toiÍj u(podexome/noij au)to\n a)ggei¿oij.

6 The lines are fallen unto me in goodly places: for my inheritance is goodly to me.

PG 12.1216

9. Dia\ tou=to hu)fra/nqh h( kardi¿a mou, kaiì h)gallia/sato h( glw½ssa/ mou, k.t.e(.

d`. ¹Antiì tou=, o( nou=j mou. ãEqoj ga\r tv= qei¿# Grafv= a)ntiì tou= nou= th\n kardi¿an lamba/nein, kata\ to\, « Kardi¿# pisteu/etai ei¹j dikaiosu/nhn, sto/mati de\ o(mologeiÍtai ei¹j swthri¿an.» Nou=j de/ e)stin o( pisteu/wn, oÀstij kaiì r(h/mata diakri¿nei kata\ to\n ¹Iw¯b.

9 Therefore my heart hath been glad, and my tongue hath rejoiced: moreover my flesh also shall rest in hope.

PG 9

e`. Glw½ssan de\ nu=n to\ xa/risma tou= a(gi¿ou Pneu/matoj le/gei.8 « Do/ca » ga/r «mou,» fhsiì, « kaiì u(yw½n th\n kefalh/n mou » pro\j to\n Ku/rion. ¸O de\ « Ku/rioj to\ pneu=ma/ e)sti » kata\ to\n ¹Apo/stolon.



9 Kaiì h)gallia/sato h( glw½ssa/ mou.


9 Therefore my heart hath been glad, and my tongue hath rejoiced: moreover my flesh also shall rest in hope.

PG 9

j`. a)ntiì tou=, h( e)myu/xwsi¿j mou. OuÀtw kaiì ¹Iw¯b fhsi: « Sa/rka me kaiì kre/aj e)ne/dusaj.»

PG 10

10. Ou)de\ dw¯seij to\n oÀsio/n sou i¹deiÍn diafqora\n, k. t. e(.

z`. Tou=to Pe/troj e)n taiÍj Pra/cesi tw½n a)posto/lwn ei¹j Xristo\n lamba/nei.

10 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; nor wilt then give thy holy one to see corruption.



a1 PG 2(1)


2. ¹Ek prosw¯pou sou to\ kriÍma mou e)ce/lqoi, k. t. e(.

a`. Ei¹ pa=san th\n kri¿sin de/dwken o( Path\r t%½ Ui¸%½, e)k prosw¯pou de\ au)tou= to\ kriÍma e)ce/rxetai, e)k tou= Ui¸ou= aÃra: ei¹kwÜn ga/r e)sti tou= Patro\j o( Xristo/j

2 Let my judgment come forth from thy countenance: let thy eyes behold the things that are equitable.

b2 P3(1)

3. Edoki¿masaj th\n kardi¿an mou, e)peske/yw nukto/j.

b`. Ei¹ h( qliÍyij u(pomonh\n katerga/zetai, h( de\ u(pomonh\ dokimasi¿an, h( qliÍyij aÃra dokimasi¿an katerga/zetai: ei¹ de\ h( dokimasi¿a e)n nuktiì die/dramen, h( nu\c e)ntau=qa th\n qliÍyin shmai¿nei, e)n v skotou=tai ptaiome/nh yuxh\ logikh/.

3 Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and iniquity hath not been found in me.

g3 PG 3-4(3)


3-4. ¹Edoki¿masaj th\n kardi¿an mou, e)peske/yw nukto/j: e)pu/rwsa/j me, kaiì ou)x eu(re/qh e)n e)moiì a)diki¿a. àOpwj aÄn mh\ lalh/sv to\ sto/ma mou ta\ eÃrga tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn: dia\ tou\j lo/gouj tw½n xeile/wn sou e)gwÜ e)fu/laca o(dou\j sklhra\j, k. t. e(.

g`. «Ei¹se/lqete dia\ th=j stenh=j pu/lhj kaiì teqlimme/nhj o(dou=,» toute/sti th=j praktikh=j,9 hÀtij, ei¹ kaiì nu=n o)du/nhj kaiì ou) xara=j, a)ll' uÀsteron karpw½n dikaiosu/nhj gi¿netai pro/cenoj toiÍj di' au)th=j gegumnasme/noij.10

3 Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and iniquity hath not been found in me.4 That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways.

KG 4.36

10(1) to\ ste/ar au)tw½n sune/kleisan

4. ste/ar e)sti\ nohto\n h( e)k th=j kaki¿aj t%½ h(gemonik%½ paxu/thj e)pisumbai¿nousa. [cf PG 12.1221]

9 10 they have shut up their fat:

4. The intelligilble fat is the coarseness which, on account of vices, descends upon the hegemonikon.

e5 PG 11(2)


11. ¹Ekbalo/ntej me nuniì perieku/klwsa/n me, tou\j o)fqalmou\j au)tw½n eÃqento e)kkliÍnai e)n tv= gv=, k. t. e

e`. Tou=ton kuklou=sin oi¸ dai¿monej oÁn e)kba/llousi th=j a)reth=j: dio\ kalw½j le/getai to/: « )Ea\n pneu=ma tou= e)cousia/zontoj a)nabv= e)piì se\, to/pon sou mh\ a)fv=j: » kaiì to/: « Mh\ dw½te to/pon t%½ ponhr%½: » w¨seiì eÃlegen: ¹Ea\n pneu=ma pornei¿aj a)nabv= e)piì se\, swfrosu/nhn sou mh\ a)fv=j: kaiì pneu=ma mi¿souj a)nabv= e)piì se\, a)ga/phn sou mh\ a)fv=j. Plh\n prosekte/on po/teron o( a)po\ pasw½n tw½n a)retw½n e)kpeswÜn kuklou=tai, hÄ a)po\ pollw½n, hÄ a)po\ mia=j. Kaiì e)a\n me\n a)ntakolouqou=sin a)llh/laij ai¸ kaki¿ai wÐsper kaiì a)retaiì, o( a)po\ mia=j e)kpeswÜn a)reth=j kuklou=tai: e)a\n de\ mh\ a)ntakolouqou=sin a)llh/laij ai¸ kaki¿ai, ou)x o( a)po\ mia=j e)kblhqeiìj a)reth=j kuklou=tai, a)ll' o( a)po\ pasw½n. äH ta/xa hÂstino/j tij a)reth=j e)kpi¿ptei, u(po\ th=j a)ntikeime/nhj tau/tv kaki¿aj kuklou=tai.

11 They have cast me forth and now they have surrounded me: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth.

s6 PG 12(2)


12. ¸Upe/labo/n me w¨seiì le/wn eÀtoimoj ei¹j qh/ran, kaiì w¨seiì sku/mnoj oi¹kw½n e)n a)pokru/foij, k. t. e(.

j`. Dia\ tou= a)kaqa/rtou logismou= u(polamba/nei to\n nou=n h(mw½n o( a)ntikei¿menoj h(miÍn le/wn.

12 They have taken me, as a lion prepared for the prey; and as a young lion dwelling in secret places.

Ant 4.31

13(2-3) r(u=sai th\n yuxh/n mou a)po\ a)sebou=j,
r(omfai¿an sou a)po\ e)xqrw½n th=j xeiro/j sou

7. w(/sper th\n plh/casan au)to\n du/namin o( ¹IwÜb xeiÍra le/gei Qeou=, « h( xei¿r ga\r sou,» fhsiìn, « mh/ me strobei¿tw », ouÀtw kaiì tou\j e)xqrou\j th=j eu)ergetikh=j xeiro\j tou= Qeou= kaleiÍ o( Dauiìd r(omfai¿an Qeou:
xeiìr de\ eu)ergetikh\ Qeou oi¸ aÀgioi aÃggeloi ei)si, di' wÒn pronoeiÍ tou= ko/smou tou= ai)sqhtou=, oiâj a)nti¿keintai dai¿monej, oi¸ mh\ boulo/menoi « pa/ntaj aÃnqrw/pouj swqh=nai kai\ ei¹j e)pi¿gnwsin a)lhqei¿aj e)lqeiÍn ». [cf PG 12.1221] 11

v. 13. deliver my soul from the ungodly;
draw your sword because of the enemies of your hand.

7. Just as Job says to the power of God’s hand striking him: Let your hand, it reads, not distress me; (cf. Job 9:34 & 33:7) so it is with the enemies of the beneficent hand of God, which David calls the sword of God.
And the holy angels are the beneficent hand of God, through which God providentially cares for the sensible world, which [angels] are opposed by the demons who do not wish all men to be saved and come to knowledge of the truth. (1Tim 2:4)

q8 PG 14(3)


¹14. Exorta/sqhsan ui¸w½n, kaiì a)fh=kan ta\ kata/loipa toiÍj nhpi¿oij au)tw½n, k. t. e(.

q`. Ui¸w½n a)ntiì tou=, a)kaqarsi¿aj. Ou) mo/non de\ au(toiì gego/nasin a)ka/qartoi, a)lla\ kaiì toiÍj te/knoij au)tw½n th=j a)kaqarsi¿aj mete/dwkan.

14 from the enemies of thy hand. O Lord, divide them from the few of the earth in their life: their belly is filled from thy hidden stores. They are full of children: and they have left to their little ones the rest of their substance.



a PG 2-3(2)


2-3. ¹Agaph/sw se, Ku/rie i¹sxu/j mou. Ku/rioj stere/wma/ mou, kaiì katafugh/ mou, kaiì r(u/sthj mou: o( Qeo/j mou bohqo/j mou, e)lpiw½ e)p' au)to/n. ¸Uperaspisth/j mou kaiì ke/raj swthri¿aj mou, kaiì a)ntilh/ptwr mou, k. t. e(.

a`. Dia\ tou= o(moi¿ou to\ oÀmoion e)piginw¯skomen, kaiì dia\ th=j a)ga/phj th\n a)ga/phn, kaiì dia\ tou= dikai¿ou th\n dikaiosu/nhn.

2 I will love thee, O Lord, my strength:3 The Lord is my firmament, my refuge, and my deliverer. My God is my helper, and in him will I put my trust. My protector and the horn of my salvation, and my support.

b PG 5-6(2)


5-6. Perie/sxon me w©diÍnej qana/tou, kaiì xei¿mar)r(oi a)nomi¿aj e)ceta/raca/n me. ¹WdiÍnej #Àdou perieku/klwsa/n me: proe/fqasa/n me pagi¿dej qana/tou, k. t. e(.

b`. ¹WdiÍnej qana/tou, hÃtoi ai¸ to\n qa/naton ti¿ktousai, hÄ ai¸ suneilhmme/nai e)k tou= qana/tou, oÀstij eÃsxatoj e)xqro\j katarghqhso/menoj u(po\ Pau/lou kekh/ruktai.

5 The sorrows of death surrounded me: and the torrents of iniquity troubled me.6 The sorrows of hell encompassed me: and the snares of death prevented me.

g PG 5-6(3)




g`. Xei¿mar)r(oi a)nomi¿aj oi¸ para/nomoi logismoiì, oiàtinej w©diÍnej kalou=ntai xroni¿zontej e)n h(miÍn, kaiì pa/lin pagi¿dej qanatou=ntej h(ma=j dia\ th=j kat' e)ne/rgeian a(marti¿aj.12

d PG 7(2)


7. Kaiì e)n t%½ qli¿besqai¿ me e)pekalesa/mhn to\n Ku/rion, kaiì pro\j to\n Qeo/n mou e)ke/kraca. ãHkousen e)k naou= a(gi¿ou au)tou= th=j fwnh=j mou, kaiì h( kraugh/ mou e)nw¯pion au)tou= ei¹seleu/setai ei¹j ta\ wÕta au)tou=, k. t. e(.

¹d`. Nao\j Qeou= o( Xristo\j, Xristou= de\ ai¸ noeraiì kaiì aÀgiai duna/meij. Dio\ kaiì o( Xristo\j [1228 nu=n le/getai kaqe/zesqai e)piì qro/nou Dauiì+d tou= patro\j au)tou=.

7 In my affliction I called upon the Lord, and I cried to my God: And he heard my voice from his holy temple: and my cry before him came into his ears.

e PG 8-9(2)


8-9. Kaiì e)saleu/qh, kaiì eÃntromoj e)genh/qh h( gh=, kaiì ta\ qeme/lia tw½n o)re/wn e)tara/xqhsan, kaiì e)saleu/qhsan, oÀti w©rgi¿sqh au)toiÍj o( Qeo/j. ¹Ane/bh kapno\j e)n o)rgv= au)tou=, kaiì pu=r a)po\ prosw¯pou au)tou= kateflo/gisen: aÃnqrakej a)nh/fqhsan a)p' au)tou=, k. t. e(.

e`. « Kaiì pu=r a)po\ prosw¯pou au)tou= kateflo/gisen, » katakaiÍon cu/la, xo/rton, kala/mhn, toute/stin a)nali¿skon ta\j ponhra\j eÀceij. OuÀtw kate/kause/ pote telw¯nhn me\n oÃnta to\n MatqaiÍon, Pau=lon de\ diw¯kthn kaiì u(bristh/n

8 The earth shook and trembled: the foundations of the mountains were troubled and were moved, because he was angry with them.9 There went up a smoke in his wrath: and a fire flamed from his face: coals were kindled by it.

s PG 8-9(4)


j`. ¸O Qeo\j e)n me\n toiÍj a(gi¿oij a)nqrw¯poij e)noikeiÍ, kaiì e)mperipateiÍ, iàptatai de\ e)n toiÍj xeroubi¿m.

z PG 12


12. Kaiì eÃqeto sko/toj a)pokrufh\n au)tou=, ku/kl% au)tou= h( skhnh\ au)tou=: skoteino\n uÀdwr e)n nefe/laij a)e/rwn, k. t. e(.

z`. ¹Epeidh\ eÃqeto sko/toj a)pokrufh\n au)tou=, kaiì eÃsti ku/kl% au)tou= h( skhnh\ au)tou=, dia\ tou=to to\ skoteino\n uÀdwr e)n nefe/laij a)e/rwn, toute/sti to\ e)n toiÍj profh/taij: « )Entelou=mai ga\r, fhsiì, taiÍj nefe/laij tou= mh\ bre/cai e)p' au)tou\j u(eto\n, kaiì eÃstai limo\j, ou) limo\j aÃrtou, a)lla\ limo\j tou= a)kou=sai lo/gon Kuri¿ou. » Ei¹ o( Qeo\j h(mw½n fw½j e)sti, pw½j kalu/ptetai sko/tei; Oiåmai de\, oÀti au)to\n ouÀtw kalu/ptei sko/toj, w¨j kaiì tv= a)gnoi¿# to\ ginwsko/menon [1229] a)nakalu/ptetai, hÀtij w¨j pro\j to\n ginw¯skonta, kaiì ou) pro\j to\ ginwsko/menon le/getai. Skhnh\n de\ au)tou= th\n sa/rka w©no/masen, e)n v Xristo\j e)kaqe/zeto: eÃti de\ kaiì to\ fa/nai skhnh\n dia\ to\ pro/skairon th=j sarkw¯sewj. « Ei¹ ga\r e)gnw¯kamen, fhsiì, Xristo\n kata\ sa/rka, a)lla\ nu=n ou)ke/ti ginw¯skomen. » äH ta/xa skhnh\n to\ sw½ma w©no/mase dia\ th\n aÃmpelon hÁn e)c Ai¹gu/ptou metv=ren, iàna fula/cv au)th\n, aÃxrij ou pepanqv= o( bo/truj, kaiì mh\ lumai¿nhtai au)th\n uÂj e)k drumou=. Du/natai de\ skhnh\n le/gein kaiì th\n swmatikh\n fu/sin, e)n v Qeo\j dia\ tou= Lo/gou o(ra=tai, eiã ge e)k kallonh=j ktisma/twn o( genesiourgo\j qewreiÍtai, kaiì dia\ tw½n poihma/twn noou/menoj kaqora=tai.

12 And he made darkness his covert, his pavilion round about him: dark waters in the clouds of the air.

h PG 15-16(2)


15-16 Kaiì e)cape/steile be/lh, kaiì e)sko/rpisen au)tou/j: kaiì a)strapa\j e)plh/qune, kaiì suneta/racen au)tou/j. Kaiì wÓfqhsan ai¸ phgaiì tw½n u(da/twn, kaiì a)nekalu/fqh ta\ qeme/lia th=j oi¹koume/nhj: a)po\ e)pitimh/sew¯j sou, Ku/rie, a)po\ e)mpneu/sewj pneu/matoj o)rgh=j sou, k. t. e(.

h`. àOte ta\ pneumatika\ pneumatikoiÍj sugkri¿nomen, to/te poiou=men ta\j a)strapa\j, th\n a)p' au)tw½n gnw½sin e)mfai¿nontej.

15 And he sent forth his arrows, and he scattered them: he multiplied lightnings, and troubled them.16 Then the fountains of waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were discovered: At thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the spirit of thy wrath.

q PG 15-16(3)


q`. Phga\j ta\j a)reta\j le/gei e)c wÒn e)ce/rxetai gnw½sij. «Maka/rioi ga\r, fhsiìn, oi¸ kaqaroiì tv= kardi¿#, oÀti au)toiì to\n Qeo\n oÃyontai.»



10. qeme/lion ga\r a)/llon ou)dei\j du/natai qei=nai para\ to\n kei/menin o(/j e)sti Xristo/j.

ia PG 17-18(2)


17-18. ¹Ecape/steilen e)c uÀyouj kaiì eÃlabe/ me, prosela/beto/ me e)c u(da/twn pollw½n. ¸Ru/setai¿ me e)c e)xqrw½n mou dunatw½n, kaiì e)k tw½n misou/ntwn me: oÀti e)sterew¯qhsan u(pe\r e)me\, k. t. e

ia`. ¹Enteu=qen ginw¯skomen, oÀti pro\ th=j e)pidhmi¿aj tou= Swth=roj i¹sxuro/teroi h(mw½n hÅsan oi¸ dai¿monej, nu=n de\ tou/twn h(meiÍj e)pikrate/steroi, oiâj eÃdwken o( Xristo\j « pateiÍn e)pa/nw oÃfewn kaiì skorpi¿wn, kaiì e)piì pa=san th\n du/namin tou= e)xqrou=.

17 He sent from on high, and took me: and received me out of many waters.18 He delivered me from my strongest enemies, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.

ib PG 21(2)


21. Kaiì a)ntapodw¯sei moi Ku/rioj kata\ th\n dikaiosu/nhn mou, kaiì kata\ th\n kaqario/thta tw½n xeirw½n mou a)ntapodw¯sei moi, oÀti e)fu/laca ta\j o(dou\j Kuri¿ou, k. t. e(.

ib`. Kaqareio/thj yuxh=j e)stin a)pa/qeia e)k xa/ritoj Qeou=, prosginome/nhj kaiì spoudh=j [1233] tou= a)nqrw¯pou.

21 And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and will repay me according to the cleanness of my hands:

ig PG 24(2)

24. Kaiì eÃsomai aÃmwmoj met' au)tou=, kaiì fula/comai a)po\ th=j a)nomi¿aj mou, k. t. e(.

ig` ãAmwmo/j e)stin o( eÃxwn e)n e(aut%½ th\n o(do\n tou= Qeou=, to\n Xristo/n. « )EgwÜ ga\r, fhsiìn, ei¹miì h( o(do/j. » ãAmwmon de\ tau/thn th\n o(do\n kaiì au)to\j o( Dauiì+d eÃfh le/gwn: « (O Qeo/j mou, aÃmwmoj h( o(do/j sou. »

24 And I shall be spotless with him: and shall keep myself from my iniquity.

id PG 25

25. Kaiì a)ntapodw¯sei moi Ku/rioj kata\ th\n dikaiosu/nhn mou, k. t. e(.

« )En %Ò me/tr% metreiÍte, a)ntimetrhqh/setai u(miÍn.» ¸Agi¿wn de\ auÀth h( fwnh\ tw½n dia\ pollh\n par)r(hsi¿an duname/nwn le/gein: «)Antapo/doj t%½ dou/l% sou.»

25 And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes.

ie PG 26-27(2)

26-27. Meta\ o(si¿ou o(siwqh/sv, kaiì meta\ a)ndro\j a)qw¯ou a)qw½oj eÃsv, kaiì meta\ e)klektou= e)klekto\j eÃsv, kaiì meta\ streblou= diastre/yeij, k. t. e(.

ie`. ¹En me\n toiÍj o(si¿oij oÀsio/j e)stin o( Qeo\j, e)n de\ toiÍj a)qw¯oij a)qw½oj, e)n de\ toiÍj e)klektoiÍj e)klekto\j, e)n de\ toiÍj strebloiÍj ou) streblo\j, a)lla\ sustreblou/menoj au)toiÍj dia\ to\ euÃfhmon. Streblo\n ga\r to\n Qeo\n ei¹peiÍn e)fula/cato. Tou/touj tou\j sti¿xouj oi¸ a(plou/steroi e)piì tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn polla/kij lamba/nousin. OuÀtw de\ sustreblou=tai Qeo\j, w¨j e)n t%½ Deuteronomi¿% le/gei: « )Ea\n ei¹seleu/shsqe pro\j me\ pla/gioi, ei¹seleu/somai ka)gwÜ pro\j u(ma=j e)n qum%½ plagi¿%.»

26 With the holy, thou wilt be holy; and with the innocent man thou wilt be innocent.27 And with the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

Ij Ron


16. o(lu/xnoj tou= sw/mato/j e)stin o( o)fqalmo/j, kai\ ei) ou)=n to\ e)n soi\ fw=j sko/toj e)sti/, to\ sko/toj po/son; lu/xnon de| nu=n to\n nou\n o)noma/zei: ou(=toj ga/r e)sti fwto|j dektiko/j, toute/sti gnw/sewj: fwti/sate ga/r, fhsi/n, e(autoi=j fw=j gnw/sewj: sw=ma de\ qumo\n kai\ e)piqumi/an, a(/per gnwsew/j ei)sin a)nepi/dektai.

iz PG 32-34(2)


32-34. àOti ti¿j Qeo\j plh\n tou= Kuri¿ou; kaiì ti¿j Qeo\j plh\n tou= Qeou= h(mw½n; ¸O Qeo\j o( perizwnnu/wn me du/namin, kaiì eÃqeto aÃmwmon th\n o(do/n mou: o( katartizo/menoj tou\j po/daj mou w¨seiì e)la/fou, kaiì e)piì ta\ u(yhla\ i¸stw½n me, k. t. e(.

iz`.Katarti¿zontai de\ oi¸ po/dej w¨j e)la/fwn, tou= tre/xontoj kalw½j, kaiì to\n dro/mon plhrou=ntoj. « Kaiì e)piì ta\ u(yhla\ i¸stw½n me. » ãIdia/ tina uÀyh e)stiìn e(ka/stou, a)f' wÒn kate/pesen, hÄ katabe/bhke. Tou= au)tou=. Katarti¿zontai¿ tinoj oi¸ po/dej w¨seiì e)la/fou dia\ th=j praktikh=j, u(you=ntai de\ dia\ [1237] th=j qewri¿aj. Dio/ti h( eÃlafoj a)naireiÍ tou\j oÃfeij.

32 For who is God but the Lord? or who is God but our God?33 God who hath girt me with strength; and made my way blameless.34 Who hath made my feet like the feet of harts: and who setteth me upon high places.

ih PG 35


35. Dida/skwn xeiÍra/j mou ei¹j po/lemon: kaiì eÃqou to/con xalkou=n tou\j braxi¿ona/j mou, k. t. e(.

ih`. ¸O xalko\j su/mbolo/n e)sti praktikh=j. «Die/fqeire ga\r to\n xalko/n sou,» fhsiìn ¹Iezexih\l13 pro\j th\n ¸Ierousalh/m.

35 Who teacheth my hands to war: and thou hast made my arms like a brazen bow.

iq PG 36


36. Kaiì eÃdwka/j moi u(peraspismo\n swthri¿aj mou: kaiì h( decia/ sou a)ntela/beto/ mou, kaiì h( paidei¿a sou a)nw¯rqwse/ me ei¹j te/loj, kaiì h( paidei¿a sou au)th/ me dida/cei, k. t. e(.[Epla/tunaj ta\ diabh/mata/ mou u(poka/tw mou, kaiì ou)k h)sqe/nhsan ta\ iãxnh mou]14

iq`. ¸O e)n deci#= kaqh/menoj tou= Patro\j, ouÂtoj kaleiÍtai decia/. Kaiì dia\ me\n th=j prote/raj paidei¿aj « h(ma=j » a)norqoiÍ, dia\ de\ th=j deute/raj dida/skei. Politei¿a ga\r o)rqh\ a)ni¿sthsi yuxh\n, gnw½sij de\ a)lhqh\j platu/nei au)th/n.

36 And thou hast given me the protection of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath held me up: And thy discipline hath corrected me unto the end: and thy discipline, the same shall teach me.



20. to\ kai\ h( paidei/a sou au(/th me dida/cei qeodoti/wno/j e)stin. a)nti\ tou= kai\ h( paidei/a sou a)nw/rqwse/n me ri)j te/loj ei)rhme/nou toi=j o`.

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