Faculty of foreign philology english teaching methodolgy department course paper

Experiment to study the effectiveness of the use of ICT in teaching a foreign language

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ICT for a2

3.Experiment to study the effectiveness of the use of ICT in teaching a foreign language.

During the practice, which was carried out in the 15th school of the city of Termiz. For analyze, students of the eighth grades in the amount of 25 people were covered.

Education in these classes is conducted according to the textbook –Jo’rayev L., Svetlana Khan., Abdullayeva M: Fly High English 8–Tashkent-2019.7

The lesson was carried out using video.Two groups participated in the experiment, the experimental group - 8"B" and the control group - 8"A", there were 12 people in 8"B" and 13 people in 8"A". At 8"B" we conducted lessons using video, and at 8"A" we conducted a lesson in the traditional form. During the period of experimental learning, students had the topic: The Environment and the lexical structure "Neither ... nor", as well as the grammatical structure "Past Continuous Tense"

The essence of my hypothesis is that the use ofICT improves the assimilation of knowledge in foreign language lessons, and also increases the motivation to learn a foreign language.But before proceeding to the study, let's consider a list of requirements for an English teacher in the organization of the educational process, which shows that teachers must know and apply the principles of effective organization of learning, as well as create a learning atmosphere conducive to effective learning of the English language.

Required Key Knowledge and/or Conditions

- principles of organization and dynamics of training

- functions and roles of the teacher and his responsibilities

- roles and responsibilities of the student

Evaluation criteria (conditions of compliance)

- the teacher builds an effective structure of classes together with students

- Uses the right patterns of interaction in order to maximize the effectiveness

active use of time in class

- demonstrate their ability to deal effectively with learning problems

- Provides opportunities for students to work independently

manifestations of individuality in the classroom

- creates a learning environment rich in attractive, stimulating and informative materials

In order to confirm this hypothesis, two sections were carried out: pre-

experimental and post-experimental.

Before the start of the experiment, we conducted an analysis of academic performance and entered the data into the table.

Required Key Knowledge and/or Conditions

- principles of organization and dynamics of training

- functions and roles of the teacher and his responsibilities

- roles and responsibilities of the student

Evaluation criteria (conditions of compliance)

- the teacher builds an effective structure of classes together with students

- Uses the right patterns of interaction in order to maximize the effectiveness

active use of time in class

- demonstrate their ability to deal effectively with learning problems

- Provides opportunities for students to work independently

manifestations of individuality in the classroom

- creates a learning environment rich in attractive, stimulating and informative materials

In order to confirm this hypothesis, two sections were carried out:

pre- experimental and post-experimental.

Before the start of the experiment, we conducted an analysis of academic performance and entered the data into the table

The pre-experimental cut was supposed to determine the level of assimilation of new material. To determine this level, an introductory lesson was held in the traditional form in two classes.

The guys read the text "Animals in danger". Then they watch the movie and compare the content of the text with what they saw.


People have lived on our planet for many years. They lived and live on different continents in different countries. People depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them. Today let's read and speak about some animals on our planet the Earth.

Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing. Many of them are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa. Why?

Tigers and elephants are often dangerous animals. Tigers can kill cows, sheep, other domestic animals and sometimes they can also kill men. Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their domestic animals and their lives. But some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They can easily sell the skin and get a lot of money as the prices are high.

The result is very sad. There are few Indian tigers left on the Earth now. Many of them are old, sick animals. Most tigers don't hunt people nowadays, but hide from them in deep, dark forests. Or they rather hid there earlier, because there aren't many forests for tigers nowadays. People have cut down many trees. And the question is: "Have those animals got a future?"

We can ask the same question about African elephants. They are wonderful animals. They can help men. In the 19th century Africa was full of elephants. But these days there are not many of them except in African parks.

This is the sad story of Indian tigers and African elephants. But many less dangerous wild animals and birds are also disappearing from the Earth. Modern life is bad for them. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean. They don't often have good things to eat and space to live. You can find their names in the Red Book. You can find the names of some fish there too.

People must take special care of them all.

We must save wild animals.

We must find the right balance between land, people and animals.

We must take care of nature.

As a control, a control work on the completed topic "Animals in danger" was used.

Task cards were prepared in advance. In the first and second tasks, it was necessary to correlate two columns, in the third task, students had to come up with dialogues using the new vocabulary and structure “Neither…nor”, as well as “Past Continuous Tense”.

1. Find the right variant and complete the sentence.

a) People depend on... - their friends, on parents and on children.

- their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them.

- their cows, on sheep, on other domestic animals.

- their money, on cars, on houses.

- their life, on kindness, on friendship.

b) People have hunted and killed… - many cows and sheep in Africa.

- many cows and sheep in India.

- many tigers in Africa and a lot of elephants in India.

- many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa.

- many birds and fish in Africa.

c) Most tigers hide from people… - in people's houses.

- in deep, blue rivers.

d) In the 19th century Africa was full of … - sheep and cows

- elephants

- tigers and elephants

- tigers

- birds and fish

e) In the Red Book you can find their… - names.

- skin

- places

- babies

- prices

f) We must find the right balance between… - plants, animals and people

- our planet, the Red Book and animals.

- land, people and animals.

- land, our planet and animals.

- the Red Book, people and animals.

2. Complete the sentences logically from the 1st column using the words from the 2 d one.

3. Work in pair. Write down a dialogue using the vocabulary of the text “Animals in danger” and the Past Continuous Tense.

The pre-experimental cut showed that by the beginning of the experiment the level of assimilation of new material was very low, so it was decided to use ICT, and specifically video to increase the level of knowledge.

The experimental class was 8"B", as we noted above, the lesson was held in an unconventional form using video.

After a couple of lessons, we conducted a post-experimental cut. The children were offered a game on a similar theme "Animals in danger". For example:

1. The pupils had a list of animals and birds, where they had to determine which of them were birds and which were animals and compared with the pictures.

2. Each pair of pupils had a drawing depicting a rare species of animal, they had to write a story about this animal.

3. It was necessary to write which animals are missing in the pictures shown.

4. A video clip on the theme of animals was provided. It was necessary to watch a video clip and then tell in detail how to protect animals from extinction.

After the lesson, the indicators in the 8”B” increased by about 32%, as the children became interested in learning a foreign language through the use of video, which allowed us to attract the attention of pupils, support their activity and interest.

Children drew, made up dialogues. We tried our best to keep pupils interested. During the lesson, we conducted a survey of pupils, which allowed us to determine the level of learners’ interest in learning a foreign language.

So, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experimental lesson showed that in a short period of time, when using video materials, it is possible to improve the quality of knowledge.

An analysis of the experimental lesson showed that students have increased work activity, increased interest in the subject being studied.

Thus, the hypothesis that was put forward by us has been proven.

Having considered the technical teaching aids, I concluded that when using video in the lessons, children are happy to be involved in the process of learning foreign languages.

The results of the experiment and the survey conducted with the eighth graders of the 15th school were analyzed.

The results of the experimental study made it possible to draw the following conclusion: the use of ICT in a foreign language lesson contributes to the quick and easy assimilation of educational material, develops the memory of pupils, sets them up for active work, which increases learners’ interest in the subject. Consequently, it increases the efficiency of the educational process as a whole.

Also, individual work with technical teaching aids contributes to the development of independence, accustoms to accuracy and develops the ability to analyze and generalize.

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