Faculty of foreign philology english teaching methodolgy department course paper

Technical means of teaching in foreign language lessons

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1. Technical means of teaching in foreign language lessons

Throughout the history of human society, man has been inventing and creating machines, techniques that would make it possible to achieve better results with less effort and energy. The development of technology has made its changes in all aspects of human life, including in the learning process.

In the field of teaching foreign languages, the use of ICT and control is one of the most pressing problems. The emergence of teaching technology, the possibility of using it to learn a foreign language changed the learning process and radically influenced the teaching methodology. A few years ago, the concept of "technical means" was associated with studies and research in the field of technical and exact sciences, but in no way related to the study of a foreign language. In addition to traditional, well-known teaching aids, new visual and auditory visual aids, such as a tape recorder, video recorder, educational film and television, are increasingly being used. Now foreign language teachers have at their disposal a whole arsenal of ICT a complex technical system, the management of which requires special training.

Teaching aids - a set of technical devices with didactic support used in the educational process for the presentation and processing of information in order to optimize it. TSS combine two concepts: technical devices (equipment) and didactic teaching aids (information carriers), which are reproduced with the help of these devices.

CCL is of particular importance in the teaching of foreign languages in connection with the shift in emphasis to mastering the language as a means of communication. The transmission of information now, with the widespread use of the mass media - radio, television and cinema - is carried out mainly not in writing, as it was before, but orally. The need to teach more people to speak a foreign language and understand oral speech in a foreign language has also increased with the growth of international political, economic and cultural ties.

"The main difficulty in mastering a foreign language is the development of skills and abilities of listening and speaking. Invaluable assistance in this is provided by technical teaching aids".1

The main purpose of TSS is the intensification of the learning process, especially the process of accelerating the rhythm, speed, speech dynamics in general, just those qualities that the practice of teaching without TSS cannot adequately prepare.

In the course of the development of the methodology of teaching foreign languages, crises of shortage and "overproduction" of ideas succeeded each other, necessary for the formation of a new methodological direction. For example, the transition to communicative learning was carried out in the conditions of a clear lack of fruitful and really new ideas. The crisis brought to life an active methodological and methodological search, which contributed to the development of modern methodological concepts of teaching foreign languages: communicative, activity.

In order to understand what modern methods of teaching English are based on, it is necessary to consider in detail the methodological principles that underlie these methods.The structure of the communicative method includes cognitive, developmental and teaching aspects that are aimed at educating the student.

In English-language sources, CCL is called audiovisual means, which are divided into hard (hardware) and soft (software). The hard ones include tape recorders, projectors, televisions, computers, and the soft ones include information carriers: gramophone records, magnetic tape, magnetic and optical disks, slides, movies. It is difficult to classify technical teaching aids due to the diversity of their design, functionality, and ways of presenting information. Kodzhaspirova G.M. and Petrov K.V. There are the following classifications of technical means:

according to the functional purpose (the nature of the educational tasks being solved);principle of device and operation;type of education;work logic;the nature of the impact on the senses;the nature of the presentation of information. Kodzhaspirova G.M. and Petrov K.V. allocate the following functions of technical teaching aids. They are complementary, interdependent, and their selection is rather conditional. Not all functions may be inherent in a particular CCL in full.

The use of technical teaching aids as a source of knowledge is based on well-defined mental processes. The teacher introduces such stimuli into the class that strongly affect the student's senses, fundamentally restructuring all his mental functions. The visual and auditory analyzers involved in the process of perception contribute to obtaining a more complete and accurate idea of the issues being studied.

For the perception of technical means, it is very important that visual analyzers have a much higher throughput than auditory ones. But students receive the main information with the help of signals perceived by auditory analyzers. Hence it follows that the visual analyzer has significant potential reserves for increasing the input of training information with its help.

The highest quality of assimilation is achieved with a direct combination of the teacher's word and the image presented to the students in the learning process. And CCL just allow you to more fully use the capabilities of visual and auditory analyzers of trainees. This has an impact, first of all, on the initial stage of the process of mastering knowledge - sensations and perceptions. The signals perceived through the sense organs are subjected to logical processing and fall into the sphere of abstract thinking. As a result, sensory images are included in judgments and inferences. This means that a more complete use of visual and auditory analyzers in this case creates the basis for the successful flow of the next stage, the process of cognition - comprehension. In addition, during the process of comprehension, the use of visualization (in particular, visual and verbal) affects the formation and assimilation of concepts, the evidence and validity of judgments and conclusions, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, etc. This is explained by the fact that audiovisual aids influence the creation of the conditions necessary for the process of thinking that underlies comprehension.

TCO play an important role in memorization, as a logical conclusion to the assimilation process. They contribute to the consolidation of the acquired knowledge, creating bright reference points, help to capture the logical thread of the material, systematize the studied material.The teacher should especially take into account the emotional impact of technical means. If it is important for him to focus the attention of students on the content of the proposed material, then the strength of their emotional impact causes interest and a positive emotional attitude to perception. An excess of emotionality will make it difficult to assimilate and comprehend the main material. If the material used must evoke certain feelings and experiences, it is the emotional potential of the medium used that is decisive. Color, moderate musical accompaniment, clear and thoughtful announcer's or teacher's commentary are significant in the perception of any TCO. This does not exclude the use of only visual or audio transmission of information, depending on the objectives of the lesson, the content of the material, the age, the experience of the children, etc.

In the educational interaction between the educator and the pupil, one of the most urgent and difficult problems is to attract and maintain children's attention throughout the lesson or educational session. K. D. Ushinsky considered the attention of the student an extremely important factor contributing to the success of education and training.2 But, in his opinion, every educator should be able to draw the student's attention to the desired subject. He points out to the educator several means of preserving the child's attention: intensifying the impression, direct demand for attention, measures against absent-mindedness, and entertaining teaching.The change of frames in the film, slides, etc., demonstrated with the help of technical means of objects requires close attention, otherwise the student will not be able to answer questions later, talk about the processes and phenomena he has seen, because all this is usually not demonstrated in the lesson . Requires attention and listening, which in turn develops a sense of language. Thus, listening to sound recordings that combine words and music develops students' attention span. Auditory memory, imagination, forms the skills of observing the word, brings up aesthetic taste.Using TSO, it is necessary to take into account the following psychological features of attention. Concentration of attention keeping attention on one object. Stability of attention, which, even with active work with the object under study, can be maintained in children for 15-20 minutes, and then they require switching attention, a short rest. The amount of attention is the number of objects, symbols, perceived simultaneously with sufficient clarity, which is normally 7 ± 2. Distribution of attention simultaneous attention to several objects and their simultaneous full perception. Switching attention is the movement of attention from one object to another. When demonstrating visual aids in the form of maps, posters, etc. it is difficult to manage the focus of attention of all students in the class or pupils of the kindergarten group. Technical means allow you to give information in the right sequence and in the right proportions, focusing on those parts of the object that are currently the subject of discussion.Such an organized control of the attention of schoolchildren contributes to the formation of the most important general educational skill in them - the ability to observe.

Practical and traditional, and modern technical means of education and upbringing have the potential to develop students' creative abilities and assimilate knowledge at a high level of understanding and interpretation. TSO allow the wide use of various manuals in which students, in the process of assimilation of information or its consolidation and generalization, can add something, draw, fill in, and also make teaching aids on their own and defend them in the classroom.

With the help of many technical means, students can formulate their questions, ask the computer for help, determine the optimal pace for learning the material and return to what they have learned as many times and as much as they need. The graphic capabilities of computers allow children to create drawings on the display screen and immediately print them out, design; invent new models, the possibility of which is immediately tested. Thus, TSOs have a huge potential to form a positive motivation for learning, to relieve tightness and a number of complexes that prevent a child from learning and cannot be eliminated in direct communication with a teacher.The teacher must take into account, on the one hand, the load of the screen-sound medium as a source of information, and on the other hand, the student's ability to assimilate the transmitted information. Complex and very voluminous information that exceeds the range of children's perception, the student cannot process and, as a result, will not receive any information. Information is well absorbed when the correct (optimal) measure is found between the content of the manual and the possibilities of its perception.

There is a foreign language lesson. In the very first minutes of the lesson, barely saying hello to the children, the young teacher turns on the tape recorder. The dialogue is in English. However, the quality of the recording is such that it is almost impossible to make out what is being said. This circumstance does not bother either the teacher or the students. After listening to the phonogram, the students in pairs reproduce the dialogue as a keepsake.

The use of technical means for teaching and educating the younger generation is one of the characteristic features of the modern development of the school and pedagogy. Technical means are needed to improve the quality of education and reduce student fatigue. Technical means make it possible to present the material visually, in a figurative, and therefore easily perceived and well-remembered form.

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