A brief History of

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Without a second thought, Vivienne strips off to have a shower. She soon finds a naked Bond in the shower with her, washing her body. Then they dry each other. Usually, Fleming brushes over the details of sex. But in The Spy Who Loves Me, Vivienne screams during orgasm. It is nothing like what she has experienced with her two previous boyfriends. She knows that Bond has taken her as his reward – though she had fought alongside him. Soon he willwould be gone. But that does not matter. “All women love semi-rape,” she decides.

While Vivienne muses on her feelings of love, Bond sleeps. Then Sluggsy reappears. After Bond has finished him off, he and Viviennethey make love again. In the morning, he leaves an address, care of the Ministry of Defence, where he can be contacted;, by letter or cable, not by telephone. By the time she rides away on her motor scooter she has forgotten his number, but everything else about him is written on her heart. Although the gangsters dismissed her as a bimbo, she has proved she is anything but.
Tracy and the girls of Piz Gloria

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is positively heaving with Bond girls. Again, Bond cannot resist a girl that overtakes him in a sports car. This time is it is La Comtesse Teresa di Vicenzo. He even finds the boom of her white Lancia’s twin exhaust sexy. The girl driving is pretty, with a shocking pink scarf tied around her hair. He has always found women who driove “competitively” exciting. They race, but she gives him the slip before the turn-off to Royale-les-Eaux.

When he sees her again at the Hotel Splendide, he is told that she is “a lady … who lives life to the full”. She turns up in the casino with golden hair down to her shoulders, gold arms, beautiful golden face with bright blue eyes and shocking pink lips. She is wearing a plain white dress. When she cannot pay, Bond seizes the opportunity to help her out. Afterwards when he approaches her in the bar, she introduces herself as Tracy – “Teresa was a saint. I am not a saint” – and tells him her room number. He is to come later for the most expensive piece of love of his life: – “I hope it will be worth it.” Bond has no complaints.

When he arrives at her room, she tells him to take his clothes off. There is to be no conversation. He can do what he likes. He should be rough with her, treat her like the lowest whore. Afterwards she says it was heaven, and that he should come back in the morning and do it again. Then he hears her crying. They do it again in the morning, but when he makes plans to take her for lunch, she tells him he is a lousy lover and throws him out.

Later, Tracy tries to kill herself. It turns out that she is half Corsican, half English, and thatbut her mother had died ten years before. As head of the Union Corse, her father Marc-Ange Draco was unable to give her a settled home. She threw herself into the world of the international jet set, then married an Italian count who took her money and ran off, leaving her with a baby daughter. The child died of spinal meningitis. In grief she has become suicidal.

Draco offers Bond £1 million to marry her. Bond declines, but agrees to see her again. In the mean time, heBond visits Blofeld’s mountain-top lair, layer Piz Gloria where he has ten gorgeous English girls. They arewere “air-hostess types” with “beautiful, sunburned faces and a succession of splendid, sweatered young bosoms”. Bond falls for Ruby, a bosomy blonde with large blue eyes called Ruby. That night, he breaks out of his room and into hers, where he takes his clothes off. She is waiting naked for him. Her hair smells of new-mown grass, her mouth of Pepsodent, and her body of baby powder. The sound of the evening breeze give a certain “friendship” to their act of physical passion.

Ruby comes to his room for a kiss before Bond breaks outflees Piz Gloria. Pursued by Blofeld’s men, Bond is rescued by Tracy in a short black skating-skirt and a shocking-pink fur-lined parka. At a tearful goodbye at Zuürich airport, Bond realizes that he may never find another girl like Tracy. She is beautiful in bed and out, brave, adventurous, resourceful and exciting. Her life is not cluttered up with friends, relatives and belongings. She seems happy to let him get on with his life and she seems to love him. She says she will wait for him in Munich. He dreams about her on the plane to London.

He mentions her in his report and, when eating Christmas pudding with M, he thinks of Tracy. Bond phones her to see that tell her that he is making arrangements for them to get married at the British Consulate in Munich. He then calls Draco. His wedding present is to be the raid on Piz Gloria. After the raid, Bond makes his way to Munich, where they marry. Bond refuses Draco’s £1 million. As they head Heading off on their honeymoon, Tracy is killed by Blofeld, leaving Bond heartbroken.

His heartbreak aside, in Tokyo at the beginning of You Only Live Twice, Bond propositions an ageing madam named “Grey Pearl” who, he believes,d willwould “certainly possess talents in the art of love making which will overcome any temporary lassitude on my part”. However, he has already been promised a “geisha pillow” in the person of the youthful “Trembling Leaf” who we learn has “pretty hands” and soft skin. She kisses invitingly and he has been told that she is a geisha of the lower caste. As she haswas not been educated or cultured like her high- caste sisters, she might agree to provide more “robust services” in private for a high price.

In a bathhouse, Bond is introduced to eighteen-year-old Mariko Ichiban – the name means “Number One Truth”. She wears little shorts and a tiny brassiere which she dispenses with in due course. Tanaka explains to Bond that she will undress him, wash him, massage him, feed him, shave him, cut his hair and do whatever he likes. As she removes his trousers, he lifts her chin and kisses her on her soft, bud-like mouth. Afterwards he iswas a new man.
Kissy Suzuki

Tanaka then arranges for Bond to meet twenty-three-year-old Kissy Suzuki who was once dubbed “the Japanese Garbo”. But she hated Hollywood because it was assumed that her body was for everyone. The only person who treated her honourably was David Niven, so she named her fishing cormorant after him.

Her fellow fishing girls are beautiful with “proud, rather coarse-nippled breasts” and gleaming, muscled buttocks. Kissy is a little taller than the rest and first appears naked, though wrapped in a blanket. Her teeth are even and protruded through her lips no more than a European woman’s. Her breasts and buttocks are firm and her stomach flat, making her figure as appealing as any Bond hashe had seen in the cabarets of Tokyo.

When they go fishing, she does all the work. In the evening, she pulls off his bathing pants, lays him on a futon and walks along his back from his buttocks to his neck. Then she washes and dries him, tending his sunburnt skin with milk. After that she tells him to go to sleep.

Bond tells her about his mission, explaining that he will go back to England afterwards. She says, no, he will stay for a long time because she has prayed for it in the local shrine. BDutt, when she takes off her kimono to swim the strait to the castle, she tells him to “stop looking at my Black Cat”.

After Bondhe has killed Blofeld, Kissy rescues him and she looks after him. However, the blow to the head has left him impotent. But she buys some herbs and a pillow book, and restores his virility. Consequently, she becomesfalls pregnant – the only Bond girl to do so. But Bond has left before she can tell him.

Tiffy and Goodnight

Although Bond’s amnesia is cured by the time he heads back to Jamaica in The Man wWith the Golden Gun all memory of Kissy seems to have been wiped. When he visits the whorehouse at No. 3½ Love Lane, he meets Tiffy, ana octoroon with café-au-lait skin, bold, brown eyes, tiny ankles and wrists, and a fringe of silken black hair, suggesting a hint of Chinese blood in her. She offers him the services ofto two of the girls;, one of them is big, but Bond says that he prefers girls like her. We know Bond likes black girls like the ones he saw in Harlem in Live and Let Die. But Tiffy says she only does it for love. Bond is chatting her up, possibly convincing her tshe should o extend a public service, when Scaramanga comes in. However, waiting in the wings is secretary-turned-Bond-girl, Mary Goodnight.

An ex-Wren, she has blue-black hair, blue eyes and a 37-22-35 figure. When she first r arrived at the double-O section, there was a £5 sweep on who would bed her first. Bond had been lying equal favourite with 006, an ex-Royal Marine cCommando, but he was in love with Tracy at the time, which put him out of the field and he considered himself a rank outsider. However,But after Tracy’s death, Mary mothered him, getting him to comb his hair and straighten his tie before he wentgoes to see M, and in “The Property of a Lady” he resists the impulse to “ruffle up the inviting nape of Mary Goodnight’s golden neck”.

In The Man wWith the Golden Gun, she has been posted to Jamaica where she assists Bond. He cannot resist kissing her and fantasizes about being with her, naked, under a mosquito net. She looks after him when he is in hospital and invites hims to convalesce à deux in her villa. But we are not told whether Bond claims his sweep-stake winnings.

The nearest Bond gets to a Bond girl in Octopussy is when, in “The Living Daylights”, he decides not to kill the blonde sniper with the cello case. He does better the movie, of course. In fact, he does well in all the Bond movies.
Ursula Andress, Eunice Grayson and Zena Marshall

In the first Bond film, Ursula Andress, as Honey RiderRyder, emerges memorably from the sea in her white bikini. After being captured, she and Bond are stripped naked to be decontaminated. Ursula, at least, wears a flesh-coloured body suit. In the film, she is the daughter of a marine biologist, who disappeared while exploring Crab Key, a fate she almost shares.

But Honey is not the first woman Bond beds in Dr. No. ThisShe is Sylvia Trench, played by Eunice Gayson, who flirts with Bond while playing cChemin de fFer at the posh London casino, Le Cercle. When Bond enquires about her name, she answers: “Trench, Sylvia Trench.” She then asksenquires about his and he answers, famously,: “Bond, James Bond.”

When he returns home to his apartment, he finds her playing golf, wearing one of his shirts. As a result, Bond delays his departure to Jamaica. First, he has to go “immediately”, then it is “almost immediately”.

Next comes Miss Taro, played by Zena Marshall, secretary to Mr Pleydell-Smith, the British Colonial Secretary. In the book, she merely works as an agent for Dr. No, conveniently losinges the files on Crab Key. In the movie, Bond invites her out. Instead she invites him to her house in the Blue Mountains. On the way, he is pursued and eludes the “Three Blind Mice” assassins. Miss Taro is then ordered to keep Bond occupied, which she does, until Bond has her arrested.

He does not bed Dr. No’s other agent, the photographer – Miss Chung in the novel – letting her go after exposing her film.

Daniela Bianchi

Sylvia Trench appears again in the opening scenes of From Russia With Love. Bond is picnicking with her in a punt when Moneypenny pages him. But instead of rushing to headquarters, Bond pulls up the hood of his Bentley.

In Turkey, after he has saved the life of Vavra, the gypsy leader, Bond asks him to stop the fight between the two gypsy girls, Vida and Zora, played by Martine Beswick and Aliza Gur. In that cases, Vavra says, Bond must choose which girl he thinks deserves to win. The film implies that the decision-making process takes all night.

But the centre of romantic attention is Soviet agent Tatiana Romanova who, in the film, is unwittingly working for SPECTRE. As in the book, she appears naked in his bed in Istanbul with only a black velvet ribbon around her neck. At the end of the movie, Bond is having a romantic encounter with Tatiana in a gondola and drops the film of them making love in the canal. Tatiana was played by former Miss Rome, Daniela Bianchi, who gave up acting soon after.

Shirleely Eaton and Honor Blackman

Kerim Bey has a girl of his own in From Russia With Love, who saves his life by luring him away from when the limpet mine goes off. Played by Nadja Regin, she isplays the traitorous cabaret girl Bonita who nearly lures Bond to his death in his next film Goldfinger.

The main story of the movie begins with Bond surprising Jill Masterton, played by Shirley Eaton, in her bedroom in her undies. She later turns up in Bond’s bed, only to be discovered later, dead and covered in gold paint. This makes her the first Bond girl to get bumped off. Her sister Tilly, played by Tania Mallet, takes over the role of heroine. However, Bond does not bed her and she is killed by Oddjob. In the movie, Pussy Galore’s lesbian tendencies are only implied. However, she is head of a team of female stunt pilots and, when Bond tries to charm her, says: “I’m immune.” At thirty-seven, Honor Blackman, playing Pussy, is the oldest of the Bond girls. She succumbs in the end.
Molly Peters, Luciana Paluzzi and Claudine Auger

In Thunderball, physiotherapist Patricia Fearing, played by Molly Peters, initially rejects Bond’s advances. But after the incident with the traction table, she fears that he will report her and succumbs in the shower. She later turns up, not unwillingly, in his room. And when he leaves Shrublands, he says that he will see her again “another time, another place”. This is a reference to the 1958 movie Another Time, Another Place, Connery’s first Hollywood role where he starred alongside Lana Turner.

Martine Beswick turns up again in Thunderball as local MI6 agent Paula Caplan. She is killed by SPECTRE agent Fiona Volpe, played by Luciana Paluzzi, who has already seduced 007. However, after a pursuit through the Junkanoo, she is killed by a bullet intended for Bond.

THowever, the final Bond girl is Domino Derval, Emilo Largo’s mistress, played by former Miss France, Claudine Auger. The bored beauty becomes a Bond’s willing lover, risks her life for him and saves his life by killing Largo.

Daliah Levi, Jacqueline Bisset, et al.

The 1966 1967 spoof Casino Royale is also replete with Bond girls. Though Niven’s Bond has retired, he plainly still has lead in his pencil. Although he is grieving over the love of his life, Mata Hari, he finds himself entertained and undressed by eleven nubile Bond girls – SMERSH agents pretending to be M’s daughters. One of them – Buttercup aka “Daddy’s little thermometer" played by Angela Scoular – ends up with him in his bath.

Although SMERSH agent Mimi posing as M’s widow, played by Deborah Kerr, insists that he must “comfort her”, claiming it is her “widow’s due”, Bond refuses her and she dismissesd him as a “ninnogaywillycouf”. Taking over as M, Bond discovers that his successive replacements have been variously “stabbed to death in a ladies' sauna bath”, “burnt in a blazing bordello”, “garrotted in a geisha house”, etc. So Bond decides that he must find and “anti-female-spy device” – a man who is desirable to all women but is indifferent to their blandishments. Consequently, “Coop” (“Sounds like something for keeping birds.” “That’s me.”), played by Terence Cooper, a “Kama Sutra Black Belt”, is sent for training in a gym full of beautiful girls in exotic outfits. Coop resists them all except “The Detainer”, played by Daliah Levi, who boasts, “I don’t do anything, but, unless you’re one of them, you do”.

Bond then recruits millionairess Vesper Lynd, played by Ursula Andress, to recruit baccarat-player Evelyn Tremble (Peter Sellers) by seducing him. Bond also recruits his own daughter Mata Bond, played by Joanna Pettet, who is now working as the living Eastern goddess “Celestial Virgin of the Sacred Altar” – “Figuratively speaking, of course”. When Tremble arrives at Casino Royale he is greeted in his room by Miss Goodthighs, played by Jacqueline Bisset, who tries to drug him with doped champagne, but is thwarted by Vesper Lynd.

While Mimi is now a nun collecting donations from MI6 – “This department has always been very helpful to needy girls” – the villain Dr. Noah has kidnapped tThe Detainer and had her stripped and strapped down to a couch – “I learnt that in the Boy Scouts.” The Detainer escapes, while Vesper Lynd has apparently fallen in love with Bond and tries to lure him to Casino Royale. However, Bond overpowers her, then organizes a mass assault on the casino.

Although this is all very silly compared with the other Bond movies, it has more than its share of Bond -girls. There are over two hundred beautiful women in the picture and the movie poster proudly promises that this “is too much for one James Bond”.

Tsai Chin, Akiko Wakabayashi and Mie Hama

You Only Live Twice begins with Bond in bed with a Chinese girl, played by Tsai Chin, in Hong Kong. She leaves the bed, pushes a button and the bed folds up into the wall. Then two men burst into the room firing machine guns. It is part of an elaborate plot to make it appears that Bond is dead.

In Tokyo, Bond is very much alive when he is pampered by Japanese girls who bathe him and groom him for his assignment. He is also aided by Japanese Secret Service agent Aki, played by Akiko Wakabayashi, who does not hesitate to mix business with pleasure. However, when they are sleeping together at the ninja school, she is killed by poison intended for 007. To maintain his cover, Bond then has to marry Kissy Suzuki, played by Mie Hama. He is disappointed to discover that they are married in name only. But Kissy helps him on his mission, even climbing the volcano in a bikini provided by the publicity department.

Diana Rigg, Angela Scoular and Catherine von Schell

The film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service also starts with Bond rescuing the Comtesse Teresa “Tracy” di Vicenzo, played by Diana Rigg, then bedding her. They fall in love. But Bond seems to forget about that when he turns up at Blofeld’s Alpine eyrie surrounded by his “Angels of Death”, who include former Miss Norway Julie Ege, Anouska Hempel and Joanna Lumley. He is seduced by two of them – Ruby Bartlett, played by Angela Scoular, who writes her room number on his thigh, and Nancy, played by Catherine von Schell. Nevertheless, as in the book, Bond and Tracy get married and are heading off on their honeymoon when she gets shot.

Jill St John

In Diamonds Are Forever, Bond meets Plenty O’Toole, played by Lana Wood. Impressed bywith his winnings at the craps table, she goes back to his room with him. However, before they can get down to business, she is thrown topless out of the window to land safely in the hotel’s swimming pool. Later she is drowned in Tiffany Case’s swimming pool after being mistaken for Tiffany, who had earlier usurped Plenty’s place in Bond’s bed.

Tiffany herself is played by Jill St John. She wasis named after the jewellery store when her unmarried mother gave birth to her. Initially a street-wise diamond smuggler, she turns into a bimbo after prolonged exposure to Bond. Although they are last seen on travelling to England together, this is the last we see of Tiffany.

The film also introduces two other extraordinary Bond girls – the bikini-clad Bambi, played by Trina Parks, and Thumper, played by Donna Garrett in a leotard. These two acrobatic girls are guarding Willard Whyte and give Bond a beating until he finally bests them in the swimming pool.

Madeline Smith, Jane Seymour and Gloria Hendry

Live and Let Die begins whenwith M interrupts Bond at home with missing Italian agent Miss Caruso, played by Madeline Smith, who hides in the closet. In New York, he meets Mr Big’s clairvoyant mistress Solitaire, played by Jane Seymour. Her powers, it is implied, come from the fact that she is a virgin. However, the tarot cards seem to predict that she and Bond will become lovers. On San Monique, Bond meets the beautiful, though dizzy, CIA agent Rosie Carver, played by Gloria Hendry, who quickly succumbs. This is Bond’s first inter-racial – and inter-agency – sex. After she is dead, Bond again pursues Solitaire, seducing her with a deck stacked with the tarot card showing “The Lovers”. Having lost her virginity, she has lost her powers and has signed her own death warrant. But Bond kills Mr Big and his henchman and they disappear together into the night in an Amtrak couchette.
Britt Ekland and Maud Adams

In The Man wWith the Golden Gun, Bond catches up with Mary Goodnight, played by Britt Ekland, who Bond has previously overlooked. She is now an MI6 agent stationed in Hong Kong and comes to his bedroom in her nightie, But Scaramanga’s mistress Andrea Anders, played by Maud Adams, turns up. Mary is shoved unceremoniously into a closet while Bond and Andrea make love. Bond promises to rescue her from Scaramanga, if she will help him recover the Solar Agitator. Discovering that she hasd betrayed him, Scaramanga has her killed. It seems she wants to leave him because he only makes love to her before he kills someone, to improve his aim. Scaramanga also abducts Mary Goodnight, who spends much of her time on hisScaramanga’s private island wearingin a bikini. But she ends up with Bond on a slow boat to Hong Kong.

Sue Vanner, Barbara Bach and others

The Spy Who Loved Me begins with Bond making love to a beautiful woman, played by Sue Vanner, in an Alpine chalet. Although played by a different actress – Fiona Fullerton – she is supposed to be Pola Ivanova, who turns up with General Gogol in A View to a Kill. When visiting Sheikh Hosein, played by Edward de Souza, who was at Cambridge with Bond, 007 finds himself waylaid by four beautiful Arab girls, played by Felicity York, Dawn Rodrigues, Anika Pavel and Jill Goodall.

The heroine is Anya Amasova, played by Barbara Bach. As agent Triple X and a major in the KGB, she matches Bond at every turn and even threatens to kill him when she learns that he killed her lover. She finds herself up against Stromberg’s bikini-clad henchperson Naomi, played by Caroline Munro. After Bond kills Naaomi and rescues Anya from the wreck of Atlantis, she decides not to kill Bond after all. Again Bond moves on.

Corinne Cleérry, Lois Chiles and Emily Bolton

In Moonraker Bond is taken by helicopter to Drax’s California headquarters by Corinne Duflour, played by Corinne Cléery. He then meets Dr Holly Goodhead, played by Lois Chiles, who singularly fails to fall for his charm. Corinne does, though and he makes love to her in order to gain access to Drax’s safe. Drax sees this as an act of betrayal and has her killed. Bond meets Holly again in Venice. She turns out to be a CIA agent and treats him as a one-night stand. In the morning, he awakes to find her gone. Travelling on to Rio, Bond passes the time with local agent Manuela, played by Emily Bolton. Then he bumps into Holly again. She is kidnapped. Bond heads into the jungle where he discovers a temple full of beautiful women. It is a front for Drax’s covert launch site. Bond is captured and imprisoned under the exhaust of a Moonraker with Holly. They escape. Together, with the help of the US Marine Corps, they thwart Drax and are last seen making love in weightless conditions somewhere in orbit.

Cassandra Harris and Carole Bouquet

Bond is still grieving over his late wife Tracy when For Your Eyes Only opens. When Bond goes after the assassin Hector Gonzales, he is saved by Melina Havelock, played by Carole Bouquet. She is strong-willed and courageous, and there is no hint of romance between them before the end of the film. Along the way, teenage ice-skater Bibi Dahl, played by Lynn-Holly Johnson, turns up in his bed, but he emphatically declines. He also encounters the Countess Lisle von Schlaf, played by Cassandra Harris, wife of Pierce Brosnan. The Austrian countess turns out to be a down-to-earth girl from Liverpool. She is the mistress of Milosthe Colombo and Bond spends the night with her in the hope of learning more. In the morning she is killed as they walk along the beach together. Colombo does not mourn his dead mistress, nor is he angry with Bond for sleeping with her. Bond and Melina hook up again and locate the ATAC together. They end up back on Melina’s yacht where she strips off, saying that her body is “for your eyes only”.

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