An historical analysis of critical transformations

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In the Name of the Most Merciful Father,
To the president of The House of Justice, formed in the Name of

the Great and Ancient Lord (exalted be His name). We have with great plea-

sure and thanks received your esteemed letter which expressed unto us your

sincere love and earnest desire to spread the lights of Truth. We pray God

to help, strengthen, and enable you always to send forth the gentle breezes

of knowledge of truth, and to imbue other people with the pure water of

wisdom and Divine Knowledge.
We have been much delighted also in reading the letter of the

Society of Behaists, for we have inhaled from it the good odour of their

sincerity to us and of their steadfastness and firmness in the true religion

of our Heavenly Father and their efforts in the promulgation of His Ever-last-

ing laws. Enclosed we send as an answer which please present to those who are

faithful to the word of God, submissive to His commands and fervent in His

We are glad to know of your having embraced the faith five years

ago through the mercy of Almighty God and the efforts of your efficient

director, Dr. Kheiralla. This is a great blessing which can only be

appreciated by those whose hearts are enlightened by the rays of the Sun

of Knowledge and who have drunk from the Spring of God’s Word the pure

water of Wisdom and Truth.

He is only meritorious who seeks to quicken the souls of others

by the spirit of Life deposited in the words of the Everlasting Father, and

he is good and holy who is revived by the sweet smelling breeze which moves

by the Word of the Everlasting Father from the garden of His great utterances.

We bear record of your beloved instructor (Dr. Kheiralla) at

having excelled all others in this matter, for he is the only instructor who

has introduced this true knowledge in your country and spread there the

lights of the Word of God. We bear record that you are among the first to

spread the Name of God amongst the other people and to acknowledge His

wonders. Your Behaist Society is undoubtedly the first one which was formed

in the civilized [the word “world” is crossed out] United States, and it

shall have priority among all other Societies which may be formed hereafter,

for all preeminence belongs to the pioneers, even though others should excel

them in organization.

You say you have perused many books of other religions and found

many truths in them; no doubt but that the original point in all religions

is one, being the Knowledge of God and the pursuing His Path; the enlighten-

ing by the lights being the knowledge of God and the adornment by the vesture

of perfection and thorough improvement.
People, however, have varied in their opinions regarding the way

leading towards that point and in the expressions which they use as the poet

says—“Our expressions are various while Thy Beauty is one, but they all

testify to that beauty.”

Those truths, as you have said, are surrounded by fictions,

superstitions, contradictions and inconsistences and this is why the souls

are troubled, the teachings are varied and the people deceive each other,

and thus the weak are swerved from the right path.

But the true religion of our Great God is built upon a firm foun-

dation and contains the Brilliant Light of the Glorious Kingdom which radiates

to quicken the world. In the Sacred Book our Lord describes it thus:—“Think

ye not that we have brought down to you the laws; we have, rather, opened the

soul of the sealed wine by the fingers of Might and Strength,” and also:—

“Those who are faithful can see that the commandments of God are waters of

life to those who embrace them, and as a lamp of wisdom and advancement to

those who are on the earth and in the heavens.” They only contain the great

means of promoting the good of nations; refining their actions and elevating

their moralities.

Its laws are perfect truths by which the souls are attracted and

to which the spirits are made submissive—They are the Spirit which quickens

the world and confirms the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel: “I

came not to judge the world.” No one can entertain a doubt of this fact

unless he is lacking in knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures, for when a wise

man studies deeply into these commandments and marvelous utterances, he will

doubtless bear witness to its sublime preeminence and suitability to this

present age in all respects.

You have read the texts we have already sent to you, and we shall

(D.V.) later on send you others which will explain The Day of the Lord and

keep steadfast His Children in elevating His Sacred Word.

As regards the dissensions existing in these days we can only

say that it results from lack of obedience to the Commands of God, and from

going out from the shadow of His Sacred Word and from not understanding its

true meaning. If all were to return to the true utterances of God as they

are commanded to do, the dissension will no doubt cease, harmony will prevail

and the lights of the Word will shine brightly far and wide.
We do not doubt that you are eager to read the traces of the

Sublime Pen as is disclosed in your letter, and we shall whenever opportunity

permits send you many of them, but we are waiting until you are enabled to

have an efficient translator (as you say) who would be able to translate

both from the Persian and the Arabic into your native language, for most of

these sacred traces are in these two tongues. Your eagerness to read our

letters makes us thankful to you, as it shows your confidence in us. We are

also eager to read yours, and are animated by the expressions they contain.

If you were to know how glad and delighted our circle is when reading them

you’d certainly not cease sending them.

We rise before the door of the Greatness and Majesty asking and

praying to the Almighty that He will under all circumstances strengthen and

help you by the hosts of His Kingdom and by the strength of His Might and

to attract your thoughts and your pure hearts to Him. He is near and quick

in answering.
There can be no doubt that the Heavenly Father loves His children

and helps them when He sees them putting forth their efforts to spread this

great Light. He will dilate their hearts with joy and strengthen and help

them in spreading His Divine Word.

Peace, Joy and Glory to you and to those who obey the Word of

God and harken to His Doctrines which are spread among them.

(Signed) Mohamed Ali

Acre March 31st 1901 Badi Allah

[The following prayer is added to the latter.]
(A prayer Tablet for spiritual guidance and help to gain the

[Inner (?)] Sight. With it use the Name twelve times.)

“Hold my right arm, O God, and dwell continually with me. Guide

me to the fountains of knowledge and encircle me with Thy Glory. Set Thy

Angel on my right side, and let mine eyes see Thy Splendor. Let mine ears

harken to Thy Melodious tones and comfort me with Thy Presence, for Thou

art the strength of my heart and the trust of ay soul, and I desire no one

besides Thee.”

[The following note is also written on the letter.]
Meetings of your society are held at 11 a.m. on Sundays at

Hall 4-12, Masonic Temple. Be faithful in seeking knowledge of the Utter-

ances of Beha U’llah, and help in supporting and furthering the Cause of

God. F. O. Pease - Pres.

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