Course work theme: technology in education teaching listening

Modern methods of teaching listening skills

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2.2. Modern methods of teaching listening skills.

In addition, it should be noted that the class time of most students began to be allocated to listening. We often began to be convinced of the importance of listening. In the natural order of learning any language, listening began to occupy leading positions. Only one ability began to be sure at all that it could not produce anything to own. Teachers began to pay great attention to teaching their students not only to speak fluently, but also to understand by listening.
In order to master and use a new language perfectly, it is required to form existing knowledge and learn all the necessary information based on language receptive abilities, especially the ability to listen and read. A language learning program has been established to facilitate learners in this regard. According to the structure of this program, there should be no input tests, no result or output in it.
Listening training is very relevant today, because without listening, speech communication is impossible. The concept of listening involves the process of perception and understanding of sound speech.Listening is certainly an important aspect in learning English.32
Modern effective methods of teaching listening skills include everything from interactive exercises to multimedia resources, for example. The ability to listen is considered the one that can learn best. Because a little more attention is paid to learning it has improved through simple and interesting activities and brings good results at the end. In this case, it does not matter if you work with small or large groups of students, so if you use one of the following methods to develop yourself.
Specific ways to teach students to listen well:
Interpersonal activities.
Interpersonal activity is one of the most effective ways to develop strong listening in students. We can include the following in this method:
1. Acting
2. Fake interviews
3. Interpersonal dialogues
4. Storytelling, etc.
In doing so, students are separated into small groups of two or three people, who are asked stylistic questions.
For example, you can say that a student is interviewed for a job in a company or an article in a newspaper. Storytelling activities, on the other hand, can greatly develop students by giving them the opportunity to ask questions.
Group activities
Large group activities also help the student develop understanding by listening to them in interaction.
A good example of a useful way to teach students the ability to listen is in addition to simple group activities. For the first session, students are divided into five or more groups, and you need to order them to learn one interest or at least two other hobbies. In doing so, students should be asked clarifying questions. During the activity and you can allow them to take notes, because it is useful.33
The second part of the activity is to allow students to sit in a large group. For example let them communicate with them about the name of the group member they face and their hobbies of interest. Both of these activities lead to an effective increase in listening.
Audio segments.
You can also teach students listening skills through audio segments such as:
1. radio programming

  1. lecture notes

3. with online podcasts and other audio messages.
It is necessary to use interactive listening programs with students in the classroom and then.
In doing so, it is necessary to create conditions for them to independently perform the exercise. First of all, it is necessary to prepare for listening by instructing students and imagining anything they want to teach. The choice of shorter or longer audio segments and more difficult or more comfortable material for this type of exercise is at the discretion of each teacher.
Teachers can use interesting messages to interest students. They can be taken from a radio or TV. It is also advisable to use a computer to communicate messages to them.The reader does not need to understand all the words, but must listen carefully to the messages and know what the message is about.
Video segments.
The other most useful resource for teaching listening skills are video segments they:
1. brief sketches
2. documentaries
3. dramatic or comedic material
4. news programming
5. there may be interview segments. As with the Audio segment, the teacher can choose the part and length of the audio depending on the level of their students, which they can also do in the video segment. One of the main conditions of this method is to watch it without any sound and discuss it together with the student. This improves learners ' ability to listen and think.
Movies and telic shows. Films are one of the types of SA'nat.Language learners are advised to see telvizor to increase vocabulary and deepen their knowledge.Films are one of the most widely used lesson techniques,as films discover extensive vocabulary.34

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