Detailed roadmap for the eqf referencing of the nqf in fyrom

Challenges and next steps

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8 Challenges and next steps

Medium and long-term challenges:

  • Harmonization of Legislation with the NQF Law

  • Evaluation of the NQF implementation and its impact, and agreement of roadmap for implementation of recommendations

  • Continuous capacity building and awareness raising of key stakeholders and users

  • Continuous inclusion of qualifications in the database, following transparent procedures

  • Introduction of ECVET

  • Reform of VET qualifications/system (restructuring of existing qualifications by using learning outcomes)

  • Strengthened partnership with employers and other stakeholders

  • Strengthening of Quality Assurance System (EQAVET, ENQA, EQAR)

  • Wide generalisation of Validation of Prior Non-formal and Informal Learning.

Short term challenges and next steps within a two year period:

  • Capacity building of the NQF Unit within the Ministry of Education and Science

  • Revision and redescription of existing qualifications by using key learning outcomes

  • Development of new TVET qualifications

  • Operationalisation of the NQF Board and the Sectoral Qualifications Councils, following the recent nomination of its members and chairperson

  • Application of the new procedures for development of qualifications

  • Generalisation of the transparent approach for levelling of existing qualifications from VET-4 years

  • Establishment of database / Register of qualifications

  • Finalising the preparation for ENQA and EQAR membership

  • Developing and implementing a system for VNFIL in accordance with agreed Road Map by the deadline of the VNFL Recommendation: 2018.

9 Glossary

Assessment - a process of evaluation of knowledge, skills and competence according to predefined criteria and learning outcomes, which includes written, oral and practical tests, exams, projects and a portfolio.
Accumulation – the process of collecting credits awarded for achieving the learning outcomes of educational components or other learning activities.
Allocation of Credit - the process of assigning a number of credits to qualifications/programmes or to other educational components.
Assessment - the total range of methods (written, oral and practical tests/examinations, projects and portfolios) used to evaluate learners’ achievement of expected learning outcomes.
Assessment Criteria - descriptions of what the learner is expected to do, in order to demonstrate that a learning outcome has been achieved.
Benchmark – a standard used for comparison.
Competence - a set of acquired knowledge and skills, that is, proven capability to use the knowledge and skills in situations of learning or work. Competence applies to responsibility and authonomy.
Credit - a quantitative measure for expressing the volume of learning, based on the volume of work that is required for the participants, so that they can achieve the expected results of the learning process at a given level.
Credit transfer - process by which the value of the results of learning achieved in a system or institution can be determined in another system or institution. In Europe there are two main credit systems in use: the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).
Credit system - a system of accumulation and transfer of credits based on the transparency of learning results and learning processes.
Curriculum - a broader concept than the terms national curriculum, subject curriculum and study programme. This concept includes: educational outputs/learning outputs as a result of implementation of subject curricula (or groups) of related modules/subjects/one subject, as well as description of methods of ensuring that the student will acquire envisaged competence.
Descriptions of qualifications - measurable indicators of learning outcomes relating to the acquired knowledge and understanding, skills and competence.
Dublin descriptors - general statements on the typical expectations from the achievements and capabilities related to the degrees awarded at the end of a single Bologna cycle.
European Qualifications Framework - a common reference framework which links the qualifications systems in different countries and is an instrument for the recognition and understanding of qualifications.
Formal learning - an activity provided by an educational institution or a training provider, which is conducted in accordance with certain approved programmes, in order to improve knowledge, skills and competence, wherefore a public document shall be issued.
Institution – a facility, organization or another body that is accredited to educate, train and assess participants who acquire the qualifications. The institutions offer formal and non-formal programmes that lead to qualifications and issue public documents for them.
Informal learning - learning resulting from everyday life activities related to work, family or leisure time. It is not structured in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support.
Key competences - a set of competences on a certain level, required to satisfy the personal, social and professional needs of the person in the process of lifelong learning. There are eight key competences: communication in one's mother tongue, communication in a foreign language, mathematical, technical and scientific competence, civic awareness, information technology, entrepreneurship, learning how to learn and cultural expression.
Knowledge and understanding – a set of acquired and systematised information, that is, a set of theoretical and factual information.
Learning outcomes - statements about what the participant knows, understands and is able to do, as a result of the formal, non-formal or the informal learning process. Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge and understanding, skills and competence (independence and accountability).
Levels within the framework - present a series of successive steps of learning, expressed in terms of a series of general results, structured according to a set of descriptors.
Lifelong learning – includes activities of formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the whole life, aimed at improving knowledge, skills and competence for personal, professional and social needs.
Macedonian Qualifications Framework – an obligatory national standard that regulates the acquisition and use of qualifications in the Republic of Macedonia and an instrument for establishing a system of qualifications acquired in the country that provides the basis for transparency, access, transfer, acquisition and quality of qualifications.
Module - an independent unit of learning that is a complete or part of an educational programme.
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) - an instrument for establishing a system of qualifications acquired in a particular country, which provides a basis for gaining qualifications, transfer and quality of qualifications.
Non-formal learning - organised learning activities in order to improve knowledge, skills and competence for personal, social or professional needs.
Programmes - public documents which define educational outputs (knowledge, skills and competence) for a particular subject or area that learners acquire and develop in the educational process and prove at examinations. Educational outputs (knowledge, skills and competence) in the programmes are based on the subject curriculum objectives for the corresponding subjects or areas.
Skills - constitute the ability to apply knowledge, perform tasks and solve problems. The skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, creative and intuitive thinking) and practical (manual work and use of methods, instruments, tools and materials).
Quality assurance - a process or set of processes adopted at national and/or institutional level with the goal of ensuring the quality of the education process, education programmes and qualifications.
Qualification - a formal result of the evaluation and confirmation process that is acquired when the responsible institution certifies that an individual has achieved learning outcomes in accordance with the established standards.

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