Evagrius on Psalms

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a P2-8(1)

2-8. Pleona/kij e)pole/mhsa/n me e)k neo/thto/j mou, ei¹pa/tw dh\ ¹Israh/l

a`. To\n nu=n ma/rtura kaleiÍ, to\n mhde/pote h(tthqe/nta, kaiì dia\ tou=to ¹Israh\l e)pikaleiÍtai.

b P2-28(2)

b`. Makru/nousi th\n a)nomi¿an au(tw½n oi¸ e)xqroiì, sunexeiÍj peirasmou\j e)pipe/mpontej, hÃtoi kata\ dia/noian, dia\ tw½n logismw½n, hÄ kaiì e)k tw½n eÃcwqen, w¨j e)piì tou= ¹Iw¯b.



3. ai)sxunqh/twsan pa/ntej oi( miisou=ntej th\n sofi/an h)\ to\n sofo/n.

d P2-8(5)

d`. Tau=ta ta\ dra/gmata tw½n zizani¿wn e)stiìn, kaiì ou) plhroiÍ to\n nou=n: ou) ga/r e)stin e)k tou= plhrw¯matoj, tou= ta\ pa/nta e)n pa=si plhrwme/nou: dio/per kaiì oi¸ aÀgioi, ouÁj para/gontaj eiåpe to\n ko/smon tou=ton, ou)k eu)logou=si, ta\ dra/gmata tau=ta suna/gontej. ãEsti kaiì dra/gmata kaki¿aj kaiì a)gnwsi¿aj.



a PG 1(2)


1. ¹Ek baqe/wn e)ke/kraca/ soi, Ku/rie, k. t. e(.

a`. ¸O ta\ ba/qh e)reunw½n tou= Qeou=, ouÂtoj e)k baqe/wn kra/zei pro\j Ku/rion.

b PG 12.1648

3. ¹Ea\n a)nomi¿aj parathrh/svj, Ku/rie, Ku/rie, ti¿j u(posth/setai, k. t. e(.

b`. ¹Ea\n ai¸ kata\ dia/noian a(marti¿ai, to\n nou=n a)ka/qarton poiou=sai, th=j tou= Qeou= gnw¯sewj au)to\n a)fistw½sin, ou)deiìj a)nqrw¯pwn kataciwqh/setai gnw¯sewj. « Ti¿j ga\r kauxh/setai a(gnh\n eÃxein kardi¿an; » äH ti¿j par)r(hsia/setai kaqaro\j eiånai a)po\ a(martiw½n; « Kaiì ou)deiìj, fhsiì, kaqaro\j a)po\ r(u/pou, ou)d' aÄn e)n mi#= wÐr# h( zwh\ au)tou=. »

g P3-5(1)

3-5. ¹Ea\n a)nomi¿aj parathrh/svj, Ku/rie, Ku/rie, ti¿j u(posth/setai; àOte para\ soiì o( i¸lasmo/j e)stin, eÀneken tou= o)no/mato/j sou u(pe/meina/ se, Ku/rie. ¹Apo\ fulakh=j ktl.

g`. ¸àEneken, w¨seiì eÃlegen, th=j gnw¯sew¯j sou u(pe/meina/ se, Ku/rie,

d PG 4-5


4-5. ¸Upe/meinen h( yuxh/ mou ei¹j to\n lo/gon sou: hÃlpisen h( yuxh/ mou e)piì to\n Ku/rion, k. t. e(.

d`. ¸H e)lpiìj e)k dokimh=j pe/fuke gi¿nesqai, h( de\ dokimh\ e)k th=j u(pomonh=j, h( de\ u(pomonh\ e)k th=j qli¿yewj, h( de\ qli¿yij e)k th=j e)gkratei¿aj kaiì tw½n peirasmw½n. Tou/twn de\ aiãtioj o( fo/boj tou= Qeou=, oÀstij tv= o)rqv= pi¿stei sune/zeuktai. Pi¿stij de/ e)stin h( pro\j ta\ mh\ kateilhmme/na sugkata/qesij.

e PG 12.1648-1649

8. Kaiì au)to\j lutrw¯setai to\n ¹Israh\l e)k pasw½n tw½n a)nomiw½n au)tou=, k. t. e(.

e`. Tothnikau=ta o( nou=j a)palla/ssetai tw½n kata\ dia/noian a(martiw½n hÄ a)nomiw½n, o(phni¿ka aÄn gnw¯sewj kataciwqv=: h( ga\r [12.1649] praktikh\ ou) ta\ noh/mata th=j kardi¿aj periaireiÍ, a)lla\ ta\ e)mpaqh= noh/mata.




a P(2)

1 Ku/rie, ou)x u(yw¯qh mou h( kardi¿a, ou)de\ e)metewri¿sqhsan oi¸ o)fqalmoi¿ mou,

1. To\ th=j u(perhfani¿aj pa/qoj, kardi¿aj yekto\n uÀywma kaiì o)fqalmw½n metewrismo\n w©no/masen. [=Pitra 2]

1. O Lord, my heart is not exalted, neither have mine eyes been haughtily raised:

1. The passion of pride is called the blameworthy exaltation of the heart and haughty elevation of the eyes.

3. w¨j a)ntapodw¯seij e)piì th\n yuxh/n mou.

2. < e)a\n mh\ strafh=te kaiì ge/nhsqe w¨j ta\ paidi¿a, ou) mh\ ei¹se/lqhte > fhsi/n, < ei¹j th\n basilei¿an tw½n ou)ranw½n,> toute/stin e)a\n mh\ a)pa/qeian, kth/shsqe, gnw/sewj ou) kataciwth/sesqe. [VG 754]

3. Thus you will repay my soul

2. It is written “If you do not turn and become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 18:3). That is, if you do not acquire for yourself apatheia you will not be considered worthy of knowledge.



1. mnh/sqhti, Ku/rie, tou= Dauiì+d, kaiì pa/shj th=j prao/thtoj au)tou

1. e)kei¿nou mnhmoneu/ei o( Ku/rioj tou= e)n %Ò gi¿netai, ka)kei¿nou ou) mnhmoneu/ei tou= e)n %Ò ou) gi¿netai. ei¹ de\ prau+/thtoj mnhmoneu/ei o( ku/rioj, pollh=j a)orghsi¿aj xrei¿a, iàna tij de/chtai to\n ku/rion. prau+/thj ga/r e)stin a)taraci¿a qumou= kata\ ste/rhsin h(donw½n prosginome/nh fqartw½n. [cf PG 12.1649; cf Pitra 131:1(1)]

1. Lord, remember David and all his gentleness

1. The Lord remembers those in whom [gentleness] arises; but he does not remembers those in whom it does not arise. But if the Lord remembers the gentle, [who] greatly need freedom from anger, then this is given by the Lord. For gentleness is [the state] of being undisturbed by wrath when [confronted by] the loss of perishable pleasures.

5. e(/wj ou euÀrw to/pon t%½ kuri¿%

2. To/poj Kuri¿ou o( nou=j kaqaro/j. [= PG 12.1649]

5. until I find a place for the Lord

2. Place of the Lord is the pure nous.

6(1). i)dou\ h)kou/samen au)th\n e)n ¹Efraq#=

3. Par' ¸Ebrai¿oij to \ ¹Efraqa\ Mari¿a shmai¿nei. [= Pitra 131:6(2)]

6(1). Behold, we heard of it in Ephratha

3. According to Hebrews, Ephratha signifies ”Mary”.

6(2). euÀromen au)th\n e)n toiÍj pedi¿oij tou= drumou=

4. Periì th=j sofi¿aj le/gei profhtikw½j, hÀtij e)stiìn o( Xristo/j. [= PG 12.1649; = Pitra 131:6(1)]

6(2). we found it in the fields of the wood

4. [The text] speaks prophetically concerning wisdom, which is the Christ.

7(2). proskunh/swmen ei¹j to\n to/pon, ou eÃsthsan oi¸ po/dej au)tou=

5. Proskunou=men th\n sa/rka tou= swth=roj ou) dia\ th\n fu/sin, a)ll' e)peidh\ o( Xristo/j e)stin e)n au)tv=: kai\ h( me\n sa\rc proskunhth\ dia\ to\n Xristo/n, o( de\ Xristo\j dia\ to\n qeo\n Lo/gon to\n e)n au)t%=. Xristo\n de\ e)ntau=qa/ fhmi th\n logikh\n kai\ a(gi/an yuxh\n th\n meta\ tou= qeou= lo/gou e)pidhmh/sasan t%½ bi¿% tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn: mo/nh ga\r sa\rc ou) pe/fuke de/xesqai qeo\n, dio/ti o( qeo\j h(mw½n sofi¿a e)sti¿n. e)n de\ kardi¿# a)gaqv=, fhsiì SalomwÜn, a)napau/setai sofi¿a: ou)de\n de\ tw=n sunestw¯twn e)k tw½n tessa/rwn stoixei¿wn gnw¯sew¯j e)sti dektiko/n, gnwsto\j de\ h(mw½n e)stin o( qeo/j. [cf Pitra 131:7 li. 1-21]

7(2). Let us worship in the place where his feet stood

5. We adore the flesh of the Savior not because of its nature, but because the Christ is in it. The flesh is adorable because of the Christ; the Christ [is adorable] because of God the Word within him. By ‘Christ’ I here mean the reasoning and holy soul who came with God the Word into the life of men: for the flesh alone cannot naturally receive God, because our God is wisdom. Now it is in a good heart that Solomon says wisdom will rest (cf Prov. 13:43): and while nothing of what is constituted by the four elements is able to receive knowledge, what is known to us is God.

8. a)na/sthqi, ku/rie, ei¹j th\n a)na/pausi¿n sou,
su\ kaiì h( kibwto\j tou= a(gia/smato/j sou.

6. h( sa\rc me/n e)sti kibwto\j tou= Xristou=: kibwto\j de\ Qeou= o( Xristo\j, eiãper o( Qeo\j hÅn e)n Xrist%½ ko/smon katalla/sswn e(auto/n. [ cf Pitra 131:8]

8. Go up, Lord to your rest; you and the ark of your sanctification.

6. Now the flesh is the ark of the Christ, while the ark of God is the Christ, since “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself.” (2Cor 5:9).

9(1). oi¸ i¸ereiÍj sou e)ndu/sontai dikaiosu/nhn

7. w(/sper e)ndu/etai¿ tij dikaiosu/nhn, ouÀtw kaiì swfrosu/nhn kaiì a)ndrei¿an kaiì a)ga/phn kaiì makroqumi¿an kaiì ta\j loipa\j a)reta/j. Kaiì tou=to/ e)sti to\ e)n toiÍj eu)aggeli¿oij eÃnduma ga/mou. [= PG 12.1649; Pitra 130:9]

9(1). Your priests shall clothe themselves with justice

7. Just as they are clothed, as it were, in justice, so also in temperance, fortitude, love, patient endurance, and the other virtues. For this is is the “wedding garment” [written of] in the Gospels. (Mt. 22:11-12)

11(1). w)/mose ku/rioj t%½ Dauiìd a)lh/qeian kaiì ou) mh\ a)qeth/sei au)th/n

8. to\ a)yeude\j th=j e)paggelli¿aj oÀrkon w©no/masen. a)/nqrwpoi me\n ga\r kata\ tou= mei¿zonoj o)mnu/ousin: o( de\ qeo\j kat' ou)deno\j eÃxei mei/zonoj o)mo/sai, ou)k a)/ra o)/mnusi qeo/j. [=Pitra 131:11(1)]

11(1). The Lord swore to David in truth, and he will not annul it

8. The oath of “promise” is called “free from deceit” ( Titus 1:2). For men “swear bv someone greater”, while God “cannot swear by one greater” (Heb 6:13, 16); thus God does not swear.

11(2). e)k karpou= th=j koili/aj sou qh/somai e)pi\ to\n qro/non sou

9. kaiì dw¯sei au)t%½, fhsiì Gabrih\l tv= Maria/m, o( qeo\j to\n qro/non Dauiìd tou= patro\j au)tou=. [=Pitra 131:11(2)]

11(2). From the fruit of your body I will set [one] upon your throne

9. “And he will give him”, said Gabriel to Mary, ‘the throne of David his father.’ (Lk 1:32)

10. qro/noj me/n e)sti tou= qeou= h( fu/sij h( logikh/: qro/noj de\ Xristou= h( qewri¿a tw½n gegono/twn kaiì genhsome/nwn ai¹w¯nwn. [=Pitra 131:11(2)]

10. While the throne of God is the reasoning nature, the throne of Christ is the contemplation of the ages which have been and are yet to be.

15. th\n qh/ran au)th=j eu)logw½n eu)logh/sw, tou\j ptwxou\j au)th=j xorta/sw aÃrtwn

11. tau/thj th=j qh/raj o( e)n taiÍj Paroimi¿aij: . e)k tau/thj de\ qh/raj hÅn kaiì to\ prosenexqe\n brw½ma t%½ ¹Isaa\k a)po\ ¹IakwÜb tou= paido\j au)tou=. . [=Pitra 131: 15]

15. I will surely bless her prey: I will satisfy her poor with bread.

11. This is the “prey” that in Proverbs “the wicked does not catch” (Prov. 12:27). For from this prey there came the food that Isaac was offered by his son Jacob.

16. tou\j i¸ereiÍj au)th=j e)ndu/sw swthri¿an kaiì oi¸ oÀsioi au)th=j a)gallia/sei a)gallia/sontai

12. qh/ra, ptwxoiì, i¸ereiÍj, oÀsioi, te/ssara eiãdh tw½n oi¹kei¿wn th=j Siw¯n. [=Pitra 131: 16]

16. I will clothe her priests with salvation; and her holy ones shall greatly exult.

12. “provisions”, “the poor”, “priests”, “holy ones” - four kinds that belong to the houses of Zion.

17(2). h(toi¿masa lu/xnon t%½ xrist%½ mou.

13. e)keiÍnoj hÅn o( lu/xnoj o( kaio/menoj kaiì fai¿nwn th=j Siw/n. [cf.Pitra 131: 17]

17. I will prepare a lamp for my anointed

13. “He was that burning and shining lamp” (Jn 5:35) of Zion.



a P1

1. ¹Idou\ dh\ ti¿ kalo\n hÄ ti¿ terpno\n, a)ll' hÄ to\ katoikeiÍn a)delfou\j e)pitoauto/.

a`. OuÂtoi katoikou=si e)pitoauto\, oi¸ to\ au)to\ e)n Kuri¿% fronou=ntej.

2 ¸Wj mu/ron e)piì kefalh=j to\ katabaiÍnon e)piì pw¯gwna, to\n pw¯gwna to\n ¹AarwÜn, k. t. e(.

Mu/ron e)stiì to\ Pneu=ma to\ aÀgion, kefalh\ de\ o( nou=j, pw¯gwn de\ o( lo/goj: e)mperie/xei de\ th\n kardi¿an o( lo/goj. Pw¯gwn de\ tou= ¹AarwÜn o( lo/goj o( katafra/ttwn ta\ pa/qh, kaiì i¸erourgw½n t%½ Qe%½ ta\j a)reta/j. Katabai¿nei de\ h( tou= Pneu/matoj xa/rij kaiì e)piì th\n wÓan tou= e)ndu/matoj au)tou=: toute/sti diadi¿dotai dia\ th=j praktikh=j a)reth=j kaiì e)piì th=j h)qikh=j filosofi¿aj. ¸H ga\r wÓa tou= e)ndu/matoj, au)tou= e)sti to\ pe/raj.

NOT in Rondeau’s key but very intriguing. =PG 12.1562 a

b P2(1)

2. ¸Wj mu/ron e)piì kefalh=j to\ katabaiÍnon e)piì pw¯gwna, to\n pw¯gwna tou= ¹AarwÜn, to\ katabaiÍnon e)piì wÓan tou= e)ndu/matoj au)tou=.

2. Mu/ron e)kkenwqe\n, oÃnoma/ sou.

g P2(2)

3. Tou=ton to\n pw¯gwna fe/rei o( katanth/saj ei¹j aÃndra te/leion, ei¹j me/tron h(liki¿aj tou= plhrw¯matoj tou= Xristou=.

d P2(1)

4. Ei¹ to\ eÃnduma tw½n i¸ere/wn dikaiosu/nh e)stiìn žoi¸ i¸ereiÍj sou ga\r, fhsiìn, e)ndu/sontai dikaiosu/nhnŸ, i¸ereu\j de\ hÅn o( ¹AarwÜn, to\ eÃnduma au)tou= hÅn aÃra dikaiosu/nh. ¹Epiì ouÅn to\n toiou=ton pw¯gwna kaiì to\ eÃnduma to\ toiou=ton eÃrxetai to\ ou)ra/nion mu/ron, oÀ e)stin gnw½sij h( tou= Qeou=.

e PG 3(1)


3. ¸Wj dro/soj ¹AermwÜn h( katabai¿nousa e)piì ta\ oÃrh SiwÜn, k. t. e(.

5. ¹En t%½ Deuteronomi¿% Mwu+sh=j me\n to\ oÃroj tou=to o)noma/zei ¹Aermw¯n: oi¸ Foi¿nikej de\ kalou=sin au)to\ SaniwÜr, oi¸ de\ ¹Amor)r(aiÍoi Sanei¿r. ãEsti de\ pe/ran tou= ¹Iorda/nou. Lo/goj de\ tou\j a)postath/santaj tw½n a)gge/lwn e)piì tou=to to\ oÃroj e)ske/fqai periì th=j a)postasi¿aj au)tw½n kaiì sunqh/kaj pepoihke/nai.




1. oi¸ e(stw½tej e)n oiãk% Kuri¿ou, e)n au)laiÍj oiãkou Qeou= h(mw½n

1. Oi¸ me\n qewrhtikoiì e)n oiãk% kuri/ou ei¹sin: oi¸ de\ praktikoiì e)n au)laiÍj oiãkou Qeou= h(mw½n. [cf PG 12.1652]

1. Those standing in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.

1. While contemplatives are in the house of the Lord, the ascetics are in the courts of the house of God.



5. àOti e)gwÜ eÃgnwn oÀti me/gaj o( ku/rioj

1. gnw¯sewj xrei¿a pro\j to\ qewrh=sai th\n megaleio/thta tou= kuri¿ou. (=Pitra 134:5-6(1))

v.5. For I know that the Lord is great.

1. Useful is this knowledge for contemplating the majesty of the Lord.

134.6. pa/nta oÀsa h)qe/lhsen o( ku/rioj e)poi¿hsen
e)n t%½ ou)ran%½ kaiì e)n tv= gv=,
e)n toiÍj qala/ssaij kaiì e)n pa/saij taiÍj a)bu/ssoij

2. w(/sper o( ou)rano\j a(gi¿wn duna/mew¯n oi¹khth/rion, ouÀtw kaiì h( gh= tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn: « (O ou)rano\j ga\r, fhsiì, tou= ou)ranou= t%½ Kuri¿%, th\n de\ gh=n eÃdwke toiÍj ui¸oiÍj tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn. » kaiì wÐsper e)n taiÍj tropikw½j legome/naij qala/ssaij oi¹kou=sin oi¸ a)ntikei¿menoi h(miÍn dai¿monej, e)n aiâj kaiì o( dra/kwn e)pla/sqh tou= e)mpai¿zein au)toi=j, ouÀtwj kaiì e)n taiÍj a)llhgorikw½j legome/naij a)bu/ssoij oi¸ kataxqo/nioi dai¿monej pro\j ouÁj mh\ pemfqh=nai pareka/loun to\n Xristo\n e)n toiÍj eu)aggeli¿oij oi¸ e)pi¿geioi dai¿monej: h( de\ tou/twn tw½n ko/smwn kaiì tw½n diafo/rwn swma/twn a)kribeste/ra gnw½sij e)n toiÍj periì kri¿sewj lo/goij a)po/keitai. [cf PG 12.1653 + P5-6(3)]

6. all that the Lord willed he did
in Heaven, and on earth,
and in the sea, and in the depths.

2. Just as Heaven is a dwelling for the holy powers, so is the earth for human beings. For [Scripture] says, “The heaven of heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to human beings.” (Ps 113:16) And just as in the figuratively-interpreted “seas” dwell the demons which oppose us; within them as well is “the dragon you made to play in them.” (Ps 103:26) So also in the allegorically-interpreted depths there are the subterranean demons, to which the terrestrial demons pleaded that Christ would not send [them] in the gospels. (cf Mt 8:31) The more accurate knowledge of their worlds and their various bodies is stored up in the logoi concerning judgment.

134.7(1). )Ana/gwn nefe/laj e)c e)sxa/tou th=j gh=j

3. nefe/lh e)stinì fu/sij logikh\ tou\j periì pronoi¿aj lo/gouj pepisteume/nh. [cf PG 12.1653]

v. 7(1) Who brings up clouds from the extremity of the earth:

3. Cloud is the reasoning nature [which] has been entrusted with the logoi concerning providence.

134.7(2). a)strapa\j ei¹j u(eto\n e)poi¿hsen

4. a)straph/ e)stin didaskali¿a pneumatikh\ logika\j yuxa\j a)po\ kaki¿aj e)pana/gousa. [cf PG 12.1653]

v. 7(2) he has made lightnings for the rain.

4. Lightning is the spiritual teaching bringing the reasoning souls forth from vice.

134.7(3). e)ca/gwn a)ne/mouj e)k qhsaurw½n au)tou=

5. oi¸ tropikw½j nu=n lego/menoi aÃnemoi tou\j th=j yuxh=j sta/xuj e)k tw½n kalu/kwn proba/llousin, iàn' oi¸ spei¿rontej e)n da/krusin, e)n a)gallia/sei qeri¿swsin. [=Pitra 134:7]

v. 7(3). He brings forth winds from his treasuries.

5. the symbolically designated winds send forth the soul’s ‘ears’ from the ‘buds’ so that ‘those who sowed in tears may reap with rejoicing’ (Ps 125:5)

5.2. a)/nemo/j e)sti fu/sij logikh\ to\n a)po\ praktikh=j u(ywqe/nta nou=n e)pi\ th\n th=j gnw/sewj metafe/rousa teleio/thta. [VG ]

5.2. Wind is a reasoning soul transferring the nous elevated from the praktiké, to the most perfect knowledge.

12 kaiì eÃdwke th\n gh=n au)tw½n klhronomi¿an

6. h( klhronomi¿a h(mw½n h( gnw½si¿j e)stin h( tou= Qeou. pw½j le/gontai kate/xein tau/thn oi¸ a)ntikei¿menoi; kaiì zhth/seij mh/pote le/gontai kate/xein au(th/n, ou)x w¨j ginw¯skontej, a)ll' w¨j kwlu/ontej h(ma=j e)lqeiÍn pro\j au)th/n. [cf PG 12.1653]

12 and gave their land for an inheritance

6. Our inheritance is the knowledge of God. How can it be said that the adversaries occupy it? So study how it can be said that that will never occupy it: [namely] not by their knowing it , but rather by hindering us from entering it.

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