Evagrius on Psalms

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2. The light symbolically signifies reasoning nature: for “you”, he says, “are the light of the world,” (Mt 5:14).

4(1) ai¹neiÍte au)to\n, oi¸ ou)ranoiì tw½n ou)ranw½n

3. ou)rano/j e)sti nohto\j fu/sij logikh\ to\n th=j dikaiosu/nhj hÀlion e)n au)tv= perife/rousa. [=PG 12.1680]

4 Praise him, the heavens of heavens

3. Intelligible heaven is reasoning nature that carries within itself the “sun of justice” (Mal 3:20).

4(2) kaiì to\ uÀdwr to\ u(pera/nw tw½n ou)ranw½n

4. to\ uàdwr to\ e)pa/nw tw½n ou)ranw½n logika\j fu/seij shmai¿nei kexwrisme/naj a)po\ tw½n e)n toiÍj ou)ranoiÍj oÃntwn u(da/twn. aÃllo ga/r e)stin uÀdwr to\ u(poka/tw tou= sterew¯matoj kaiì aÃllo to\ e)pa/nw tou= sterew¯matoj kaiì eÀteron to\ e)n toiÍj ou)ranoiÍj, kaiì aÃllo pa/lin to\ e)pa/nw tw½n ou)ranw½n, oÀper nu=n ai¹neiÍn le/getai to\ oÃnoma kuri¿ou. tau=ta de\ pa/nta ta\ uÀdata shmai¿nei aÀgia kaiì logika\ ta/gmata diafo/roij e)ndiatri¿bonta ko/smoij, aÀper o( i¸ero\j ¹a)po/stoloj o)no/masin e(te/roij dedh/lwken qro/nouj le/gwn kaiì kurio/thtaj kai\ a)rxa\j kaiì e)cousi¿aj. [cf PG 12.1680 + P 148.4]

4(2). And the waters above the heavens

4. The water above the heavens signify the reasoning natures separated from the waters which [have their] being in the heaven’. For ‘the water below the firmament’ is one thing, and [those] below the firmament (Gen 1:7) is another; so also the [the water] in the heavens differs yet again from that above the heavens which is said to praise the name of the Lord. And all of these waters signify the holy and reasoning ranks dwelling in various worlds, which the holy apostle had indicated with other names calling [them] thrones, dominions, principalities, and authorities (Col 1:16).

14[1]. kaiì u(yw¯sei ke/raj laou= au)tou

5. Ke/raj e)stiì nou=j kaqaro/j. (= PG 12.1680)

14(1). and he hash exalted the horn of his people

5. Horn is the pure nous.

14[2]. u(/mnoj pa=si toiÍj o(si¿oij au)tou

6. u(/mnoj e)stiìn eÃmplhcij meta\ docologi¿aj e)piì tv= qewri¿# tw½n gegono/twn kaiì genome/nwn u(po\ Qeou=. (= PG 12.1680)

14(2). A hymn to all his saints

6. A hymn is amazement with glorification concerning the contemplation of beings and of that which God has brought into being



1. #)/sate t%½ kuri¿% #Åsma kaino\n

a`. OuÂtoj #Ãdei kaino\n #Åsma o( to\n palaio\n aÃnqrwpon a)poqe/menoj, to\n fqeiro/menon kata\ ta\j e)piqumi¿aj th=j a)pa/thj, kaiì e)ndusa/menoj to\n ne/on to\n kata\ Qeo\n ktisqe/nta. (= PG 12.1680)

1. Sing to the Lord a new song

1. He sings a new song who “laying aside the old man corrupted by deceitful desires, is putting on the new, created according to God” (Eph 4:22,24)

KG 5.28

6[2]. kaiì r(omfaiÍai di¿stomoi e)n taiÍj xersiìn au)tw½n

2. r(omfai¿a e)stiì nou=j logiko\j e)kko/ptwn yuxh\n a)po\ kaki¿aj kaiì a)gnwsi¿aj. (= PG 12.1681)

6(2). and two-edged swords in their hands

2. Sword is the reasoning nous that cuts the soul free from vice and ignorance.

8. tou= dh=sai tou\j basileiÍj au)tw½n e)n pe/daij

3. desmo/j e)sti nohto\j a)pa/qeia logikh=j yuxh=j.
desmo/j e)sti nohto\j fo/boj Kuri¿ou e)kkli¿nwn a)po\ kaki¿aj.
desmo/j e)sti nohto\j didaskali¿a pneumatikh\ mh\ sugxwrou=sa to\n nou=n e)piì th\n kaki¿an o(deu/ein.
desmo/j e)sti nohto\j a)ga/ph pneumatikh\ mhde\n protimw½sa th=j gnw¯sewj tou= Qeou=.
desmo/j e)sti nohto\j e)piqumi/a. (cf. PG 12.1681)

8. to bind their kings with fetters

3. Noetic bond is apatheia of the reasoning soul.

Noetic bond is fear of the Lord, turning away from vice.

Noetic bond is spiritual teaching winding hatred of vice around the nous

Noetic bond is spiritual love honoring nothing above the knowledge of God.

Noetic bond is desire.




3(1) ai)nei=te au)to\n e)n h)/x% sa\lpiggoj

1. sa/lpigc e)stiì nou=j qewrhtiko\j hÄ nou=j didaskali¿an pneumatikh\n gnw=nai pepisteume/noj. (cf. PG 12.1684)

3(1). Praise him with sound of trumpet

1. Trumpet is the contemplative nous or the nous knowing spiritual teaching, having believed it.

3(2) ai¹neiÍte au)to\n e)n yalthri¿%, kaiì kiqa/r#

2. yalth/rion.

3(2). praise him with psaltery and harp

2. Psalter(y).

KG 6. 46

3. kiqa/ra e)stiì yuxh\ praktikh\ u(po\ tw½n e)ntolw½n tou= Xristou= kinoume/nh. (=PG 12.1684)

3. Kithara is a praktike soul moved by the commandments of Christ.

4(1). ai¹neiÍte au)to\n e)n tumpa/n% kaiì xor%,

4. Tu/mpano/n e)sti ne/krwsij tou= e)piqumhtikou= di' au)to\ to\ kalo/n. (=PG 12.1684)

4(1). Praise him with drum and choir:

4. Drum is the death of the concupiscible faculty139 by means of Beauty itself.

5. xoro\j e)sti sumfwni¿a yuxw½n logikw½n to\ au)to\ legousw½n kaiì mh\ e)xousw½n sxi¿smata. (cf. PG 12.1684)

5. Chorus is the symphony of reasoning souls - their very speech; and having no divisions among them.

4(2) ai¹neiÍte au)to\n e)n xo/rdaij kaiì o)rga/n%

6. xordai¿ ei¹si sumfw¯nhsij. (=PG 12.1684)

4(2). praise him with strings and organs

6. Strings are harmonious agreement.

7. o)rgano/n e)stin e¹kklhsi¿a Qeou=, a)po\ praktikw½n kaiì qewrhtikw½n sunestw½sa yuxw½n. (cf. PG 12.1684)

7. Organ is the church of God, composed of ascetics and contemplatives.

5(1) ai¹neiÍte au)to\n e)n kumba/loij eu)h/xoij

8. ku/mbalo/n e)stin euÃhxon yuxh\ logikh/. (cf. PG 12.1684)

5(1). Praise him on melodious cymbals

8. Melodious cymbal is the reasoning soul

5(2) ai¹neiÍte au)to\n e)n kumba/loij a)lalagmou=.

9. ku/mbalo/n e)stin a)lalagmou=. (=PG 12.1684)

5(2). Praise him with noisy cymbals

9. A Cymbal is noisy.

6. pa=sa pnoh\ ai¹nesa/tw to\n ku/rion.

10. ei) to\ fw=j tou= kuri/ou, kata\ to\n sofo\n Solomw=nta; h( pnoh\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn e)sti/n, pa=sa logikh\ fu/sij a)napne/ousa tou=to to\ fw=j ai)nesa/tw to\n ku/rion.

6. let everything that breathes praise the Lord

10. If the light of the Lord, according to the wise Solomon is The breath of men, every reasoning nature that breathes praises this light – the Lord.

[= Pitra 12(1)]

[cf Pitra 12(1)]

[= PG 12.1557]

[cf PG 12.1557]

1 P1 has oi¸ me\n oÀsioi e)kleloi¿pasin, ai¸ de\ a)lh/qeiai w©ligw¯qhsan: ou)k e)n toiÍj o(si¿oij mo/noij ai¸ a)lh/qeiai, kaiì e)n toiÍj a)lhqe/sin h( o(sio/thj. äH e)peidh\ oi¸ oÀsioi e)kleloi¿pasin, dia\ tou=to w©ligw¯qhsan ai¸ a)lh/qeiai: kaiì ta/xa h( spa/nij tw½n o(si¿wn ai¹ti¿a ge/gone tw½n pollw½n ai¸re/sewn.

2 PG 23.141: ¹Epeidh\ o( ku/kloj tv= eu)qei¿# e)nanti¿oj e)stiì kata\ th\n skolio/thta kaiì eu)qu/thta, oi¸ de\ a)sebeiÍj ku/kl% peripatou=sin, oi¸ eu)sebeiÍj aÃra eu)qeiÍan peripatou=sin.

3 M4 (61.27) has Fwti¿sate ga\r e(autou\j fw½j gnw¯sewj.

4 P 13.1 has a`. Ei¹ e)n toiÍj e)pithdeu/masi diafqei¿rontai, a)ll' ou)xiì h( fau/lh eÃnnoia ta/xa diafqei¿rei, a)ll' au)to\ tau/thj e)pite/lesma th=j e)nnoi¿aj.

5 P 14.3 has o)neidismo\n

6Si inter bona sunt omnes virtutes, et scientia indiget virtitutibus, omnibus certe bonis indiget scientia. Et vide ne certa hic dicta sint bona media quorum iusta possessio nos iustos et non Deum iustum reddit. < Si enim bona, inquit Job> (Jon 2:10) suscepimus de manu Domini, mala non sustinebimus” ubi bonorum nomine vocavit facultates quae ex bono usu fiunt bonae.

7Haereditas naturae ratione utentis est praeteritorum et futurorum saeculorum contemplatio; heriditas vero Christi est cognitio Dei.

8 P 15.9 has Glw½ssan nu=n le/gei to\ xa/risma tou= Pneu/matoj.

9 correcting prattikh=j to praktikh=j

10 P16.3(2) has Ei¹se/lqete dia\ th=j stenh=j pu/lhj kaiì teqlimme/nhj o(dou=, toute/sti th=j praktikh=j, hÀtij dokeiÍ prw½ton o)du/nhj, kaiì ou) xara=j pro/cenoj, uÀsteron me/ntoi karpou\j dikaiosu/nhj a)podidou=sa toiÍj di' au)th=j gegumnasme/noij.

11 P7 has this same comment, but on verse 7 7 Qauma/stwson ta\ e)le/h sou, o( sw¯zwn tou\j e)lpi¿zontaj e)piì se/: e)k tw½n a)nqesthko/twn tv= deci#= sou fu/laco/n me, w¨j ko/rhn o)fqalmou=.z. àWsper th\n plh/casan au)to\n du/namin, o( ¹IwÜb xeiÍra le/gei Qeou=: ¸H xei¿r e)sti¿ sou, fhsiìn, mh/ me strobv= tosou/twj. Kaiì tou\j e)xqrou\j th=j eu)ergetikh=j xeiro\j tou= Qeou= kaleiÍ o( Dauiìd r(omfai¿an Qeou=. Xeiìr de\ eu)ergetikh\ Qeou= oi¸ aÃggeloi¿ ei¹sin, di' wÒn pronoeiÍtai ko/smou tou= ai¹sqhtou=, oiâj a)nti¿keintai dai¿monej, boulome/noij pa/ntaj a)nqrw¯pouj swqh=nai, kaiì ei¹j e)pi¿gnwsin a)lhqei¿aj e)lqeiÍn. Quaemadmodum Iob vim ipsum flagellantem Dei manum appellat: “Non me inquit (Job 9:34) torqueat manus tua;” sic et inimicos benefica autem manus Dei, sancti angeli sunt, per quos Deo mundo providet, et quibus daemones adversantur, qui nolent omnes homines ad veritatis notitiam accedere

12 M5 (27.109) has Xei¿mar)r(oi a)nomi¿aj ei¹siìn oi¸ para/nomoi logismoi¿: ouÂtoi de\ au)toiì kaiì w©diÍnej kalou=ntai xroni¿zontej e)n h(miÍn, kaiì pa/lin pagi¿dej, qanatou=ntej h(ma=j dia\ th=j kat' e)ne/rgeian a(marti¿aj.

13 M35(2)[27.117] has fhsiìn o( ¹Iezekih\l

14 althought not included in the preceding section, this text seems to have at least been in Evagrius’ mind with the referenc to platu/nei au)th/n.

15 M 39 (27.120) has ãEkqliyin tw½n e)xqrw½n h( a)pa/qeia katerga/zetai.

16M 41[27.120] identical

17 R48 (2) (12.1240) has ¹En oiâj qumo\j e)pikrateiÍ, e)n tou/toij kaiì o)rgilo/thj. Ei¹ de\ oi¸ e)xqroi¿ mou o)rgi¿loi, aÃra kaiì qumw¯deij ei¹si¿. « Qumo\j ga\r, fhsiìn, au)toiÍj kata\ th\n o(moi¿wsin tou= oÃfewj.»

18 R8-9(2) 12.1244 has: « (O no/moj Kuri¿ou aÃmwmoj, e)pistre/fwn yuxa/j.» Po/teron a)po\ kaki¿aj e)pistre/fwn pro\j th\n a)reth\n, hÄ a)po\ tw½n ai¹sqhtw½n e)piì ta\ nohta/; Kaiì ta/xa tou=to. To\ ga\r pro/teron h( e)ntolh\ pe/fuke poieiÍn.

19M10 (27.125) has a(gnei¿a e)stiìn a(marthma/twn a)poxh/. Dio\ kaiì a(gno\j eiãrhtai o( fo/boj, w¨j a(gnou\j poiw½n: t%½ ga\r fo/b% Kuri¿ou, fhsiìn, e)kkli¿nei tij a)po\ kakou=. Ai¹w¯nioj de\ wÔn o( fo/boj, e)n oiâj aÄn ge/nhtai kaiì au)tou\j ai¹wni¿ouj poieiÍ. Castitas est abstinentia a peccatis et timor castus, quippe qui castos facit: nam Domini timore quilibet a malo declinat. Prov 15:27 Aeternus autem cum sit timor, aeternos quoque ipsum habentes efficit.

20 Bracketed section not in cluded according to Rondeau, but very specifically Evagrian; could this be a misprint? The preceding seems less likely to be specifically Evagrian, although not impossible.

21 M11 (129.36) identical: P9 [note different cerse] has d`. Eu)ergesi¿a e)stiìn a(martiw½n e)kpeseiÍn kaiì e)nnoiw½n ponhrw½n: spe/rma ga\r a(marti¿aj logismo\j ponhro/j.

22 R4 (12.1253) has . ¹Enteu=qen manqa/nomen, oÀti au)toe/paino/j e)stin o( Ku/rioj, kaiì eÃpainoj makra\n tou= ¹Israh/l. M4 (27:132) has ¸O e)painou/menoj u(po\ tou= ¹Israh/l: hÄ o( au)to\j eÃpainoj wÓn.

23 M15 (27.133) has Ta\ o)sta= th=j sofi¿aj, ta\ aÀgia do/gmata th=j ¹Ekklhsi¿aj e)stiìn, aÀper e)n t%½ Pa/sxa mh\ suntri¿bein toiÍj ¹Ioudai¿oij nenomoqe/thtai: ¹Ostou=n ga\r au)tou=, fhsiìn, ou) suntribh/sete.

24 M21[1] (27.136) has Ta\ e)k tou/tou tou= kuno\j geno/mena xeiÍra, kaiì au)to\n ku/na o)noma/zei: Ou) kalo\n ga\r, fhsiìn, e)stiì labeiÍn to\n aÃrton tw½n te/knwn kaiì baleiÍn toiÍj kunari¿oij.

25 Pitra (P6) 26.6 has ku/klon.

26 Pitra 26.13: Au)th/ e)stin h( a)ndrei¿a kaiì krataia\ kardi¿a, h( mh\ eÃxousa logismou\j kaiì do/gmata yeudh=.

27 *M12 (27.157 ) has: Nekro\j me\n a)po\ kardi¿aj e)stiìn o( e)sterhme/noj a)retw½n.

28 M(27.160) has: Feu=ge th\n ponhri¿an, fhsiìn o( ¹Apo/stoloj: ei¹ kaiì diw¯kei h( ponhri¿a, diw¯kei dhlono/ti kaiì h( moixei¿a, kaiì h( pleoneci¿a, kaiì o( qumo\j, kaiì h( o)rgh/:

29 M24 (26.161) has: MakroqumeiÍ me\n o( Ku/rioj e)piì toiÍj u(perhfa/noij, toiÍj de\ perissw½j poiou=sin u(perhfani¿an kaiì a)ntapodi¿dwsin.

30 M1 161.25 has e)pikalu/ptontai

31*R5-6 (12.1304) has « Di¿kaioj au(tou= kath/goroj e)n prwtologi¿#.»

32 M 9 has the opposite sense: [27.165] àOti au)to\j eiåpe kaiì e)genh/qhsan, au)to\j e)neteilato, kaiì e)kti¿sqhsan. ¸H me\n ge/nhsij th\n tw½n logikw½n ou)siw¯dh dhloiÍ: h( de\ kti¿sij th\n a)po\ tou= xei¿ronoj e)piì to\ kreiÍtton shmai¿nei metabolh/n. Eiã tij ga\r e)n Xrist%½ kainh\ kti¿sij.

33 M 14 (27.169) To\, eÃkklinon a)po\ kakou=, o( fo/boj dida/skei: to\ de\, poi¿hson a)gaqo\n, h( a)ga/ph.

34 M 4 27.169: ¹Apostrafh/twsan ei¹j ta\ o)pi¿sw. d.` Eu)ergetou=ntai oi¸ a)po\ th=j a)reth=j e)piì th\n kaki¿an o(deu/ontej, e)a\n ei¹j ta\ o)pi¿sw e)pistrafw½sin.

35 Pitra (36.6) Fw½j dikaiosu/nhj, gnw½sij: e)peiì dikaiosu/nh kanw¯n e)stin a)retw½n.

36 M8 is an exact duplicate

37 P 36.11 is a duplicate. M11 (27.180) has minor variants only : Trufh\ dikai¿ou, plh=qoj ei¹rh/nhj e)sti¿n: a)pa/qeia de\ yuxh=j, meta\ gnw¯sewj tw½n oÃntwn a)lhqou=j.; P 36.17 is an exact duplicate.

38 M2 Paideu/ei... [27.184] is an exact duplicate.

39 “P 6(3) Deu=te ... “ is a duplicate lacking only “fhsiìn o( Xristo\j.”

40 e)sti in M 6 )Enteu=qen...

41 M14 (27.189) has Ou)x u(pa/rcw toiou=toj oiâoj aÄn kaiì genoi¿mhn e)k th=j pro\j sou= moi genome/nhj a)ne/sewj. ãAnesij de\ Qeou= e)stin a)pa/qeia yuxh=j meta\ gnw¯sewj tw½n oÃntwn a)lhqou=j.

42 M9 (27.200) has de\ le/gei; otherwise identical.

43 P9: e`. àOlhn th\n h(me/ran th\n e)n t%½ Qe%½ eiåpe zwh\n, hÀtij sune/sthken a)po\ a)paqei¿aj kaiì gnw¯sewj Qeou=.

44 P2: Feu/gontej th\n pornei¿an, tv= swfrosu/nv prosfeu/gwmen: kaiì maxo/menoi au)tv= tv= dikaiosu/nv maxo/meqa. Pa/lin feu/gontej th\n a)diki¿an, tv= dikaiosu/nv prosfeu/gwmen: ei¹ me\n de\ prosfeu/gomen au)tv=, katafugh\ o)noma/zetai. Ei¹ de\ met' au)tv= polemou=men, du/namin le/gei.

45 M: [27.216] ¹Ea\n ga\r a)kou/sv fwnh\n Kuri¿ou yuxh\ logikh\, saleu/etai metabai¿nousa a)po\ kaki¿aj ei¹j a)reth\n, kaiì a)po\ a)gnwsi¿aj ei¹j e)pi¿gnwsin Qeou=.

46 M: [27.216] To/con nu=n, kaiì to\ oÀplon, kaiì o( qureo\j kata/stasin xeiri¿sthn shmai¿nei, kaiì logismou\j ponhrou/j.

47M [27.216] Sxolh=j ga\r xrei¿a pro\j to\ gnw½nai to\n Qeo/n.

48 M6-7: [27.217] tw½n ga\r kata\ Qeo\n eu)qumou/ntwn e)stiì to\ ya/llein. Eu)qumeiÍ, fhsiìn, e)n u(miÍn tij; yalle/tw.

49 M3 [27.220] Pro/teron me\n hÅn o( Pau=loj pleura\ tou= bor)r(a=, e)f' ou e)cekau/qh pa/nta ta\ kaka\ e)piì th=j gh=j: nu=n de\ ge/gonen oÃrh SiwÜn, eÃxwn e)n e(aut%½ to\n lalou=nta Xristo\n, to\n e)lqo/nta e)k SiwÜn kaiì a)postre/yanta a)se/beian a)po\ ¹Iakw¯b.

50 M [27.225] is a duplicate: PG 23.432 (Euseb) also a duplicate.

51 PG 23 .433 (Euseb): ¸O me\n di¿kaioj eu)logeiÍ to\n Ku/rion e)n pantiì kair%½: o( de\ a(martwlo\j tothnikau=ta e)comologoume/noj, eu)logeiÍ to\n Qeo\n o(phni¿ka aÄn a)gaqo/n ti au)t%½ e)k Qeou= a)pobv=.

52 M2 [27.229] Ei¹ ga\r o( Qeo\j e)mfanw½j hÀcei, o( [27.232] Xristo\j Qeo/j e)sti, to\, e)mfanw½j, aÃra th\n sa/rka dhloiÍ.

53 M22 [27.237] yuxh\, w¨j pantelw½j

54PG 23,440 : To\ uÀsswpo/n e)sti su/mbolon a)paqei¿aj, kaiì h( plu/sij gnwsin shmai¿nei: kaiì dia\ me\n a)paqei¿aj kaqarizo/meqa, dia\ de\ th=j gnw¯sewj leukaino/meqa.

55 M10 [27.248] (O de\ karpo\j tou= Pneu/mato/j e)stin a)ga/ph, xara\, ei¹rh/nh, kaiì ta\ e(ch=j. Tou=ton toi¿nun to\n karpo\n eÃxwn e)n e(aut%½ o( aÀgioj eÃlegen: ¹EgwÜ de\ w¨seiì e)lai¿a kata/karpoj: e)lai¿# de\ kataka/rp% o(moioiÍ e(auto\n, e)peidh\, e)lehmo-su/nhj e)pikratou/shj e)n au)t%½, a)kolou/qwj eiàponto ai¸ loipaiì a)retai¿. OuÀtw kaiì to\n ¹IwÜb a)ndreiÍon me\n, kaiì to\n ¹Iwsh\f sw¯frona, kaiì tou\j loipou\j a)po\ th=j e)pikratou/shj a)reth=j o)noma/zontej au)tou/j.

56 P21: ¹En me/s% tou= prwiì+ kaiì th=j e(spe/raj h( meshmbri¿a: kaiì o( me\n ¹IakwÜb oÃrqr% e)pa/laie meta\ tou= a)gge/lou: ¸Abraa\m de\ e)n tv= meshmbri¿# e(w¯rake tou\j a)gge/louj: LwÜt de\ e(spe/raj.

58 P identical

59 Portion in brackets not included by Rondeau, by corresponds very closely to form of Sch 1 on Ps 66.

60P identical

61 P: To/poj Qeou=, yuxh\ kaqara/: dio\ e)pife/rei, o( Qeo\j katoiki¿zein monotro/pouj,

62 P identical

63 P identical. The following scholion is not included in Rondeau’s collation, but it is in the same style as on Ps 65,9 and 1, 66,110. Broxh\n e(kou/sion a)forieiÍj, o( Qeo\j, tv= klhronomi¿# sou, k. t. e(. ¸O mh\ tuxwÜn th=j e(kousi¿ou broxh=j e)n a)broxi¿# e)sti¿. Broxh\ de\ e(kou/sio/j e)stin o( Xristo\j o( e)k tou= ou)ranou= kataba\j, wÐj fhsin: «)Egw¯ ei¹mi o( aÃrtoj o( zw½n. »

64 P: id`. ¹Exqrw½n kefalaiì ta\ prw¯twj e)k tw½n daimo/nwn sumbai¿nonta ta\ noh/mata tv= yuxv=.

65 P: ij`. Periì Pau/lou tou=to/ fasi profhteu/esqai.

66 P: Oiåmai de\ au)to\n nefe/laj le/gein tou\j a)gge/louj, au)toiì ga/r ei¹sin oi¸ dida/skontej h(ma=j:

67 P: a`. Zhtou=sin au)th\n oi¸ pro\j kaki¿an kaiì a)gnwsi¿an au)th\n protrepo/menoi:

68R: Le/gontej: ¸O Qeo\j e)gkate/lipen au)to\n, k. t. e(. d`. Tau/taj ta\j fwna\j te/qeiken w¨j u(po\ tw½n daimo/nwn legome/naj.

69 P identical

70 No indication of Whether 26 (1) or (2) is meant; two seems more likely, but both may be intended.

71 P identical.

72 “legislative” is most literal, but “instructive” is suggested by the probable allusion to Ex 24:12: “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Come up to me on the mountain, and wait there; and I will give you the tables of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction. ‘“: kaiì eiåpen ku/rioj pro\j Mwush=n ¹Ana/bhqi pro/j me ei¹j to\ oÃroj kaiì iãsqi e)keiÍ: kaiì dw¯sw soi ta\ puci¿a ta\ li¿qina, to\n no/mon kaiì ta\j e)ntola/j, aÁj eÃgraya nomoqeth=sai au)toiÍj. In the psalms nomoqete/w is principally translated “to teach” or “to instruct” (e.g. Ps 24:8; 24:12; 26:11).

73 literally “priestly”or “ministerial;” thus “pertaining to divine worship.”

74 taken from Clem. Strom 1.28: The Mosaic philosophy is accordingly divided into four parts, - into the historic, and that which is specifically called the legislative, which two belong to an ethical treatise; and the third, that which relates to sacrifice [“hierurgy” - “liturgy,” or “ministry” - “priestcraft] , which belongs to physical science, and the fourth, above all, the department of theology, “vision,” which Plato predicates of the truly great mysteries. And this species Aristotle calls metaphysics. [] ¸H me\n ouÅn kata\ Mwuse/a filosofi¿a tetraxv= te/mnetai, eiãj te to\ i¸storiko\n kaiì to\ kuri¿wj lego/menon nomoqetiko/n, aÀper aÄn eiãh th=j h)qikh=j pragmatei¿aj iãdia, to\ tri¿ton de\ ei¹j to\ i¸erourgiko/n, oÀ [] e)stin hÃdh th=j fusikh=j qewri¿aj: kaiì te/tarton e)piì pa=si to\ qeologiko\n eiådoj, h( e)poptei¿a, hÀn fhsin o( Pla/twn tw½n mega/lwn oÃntwj eiånai musthri¿wn, ¹Aristote/lhj de\ to\ eiådoj tou=to meta\ ta\ fusika\ [ ] kaleiÍ.

75 Ibid. :The sense of the law is to be taken in [four] [sic.] ways, either as exhibiting a symbol, or as layig down a precept for right conduct, or as uttering a prophecy. tetraxw½j de\ h(miÍn e)klhpte/on kaiì tou= no/mou th\n bou/lhsin, ‚‚ hÄ w¨j shmeiÍon e)mfai¿nousan hÄ w¨j e)ntolh\n kurou=san ei¹j politei¿an o)rqh\n hÄ qespi¿zousan [] w¨j profhtei¿an.

76 P identical

77 P: Th\n o)rtugomh/tran sa/rka w©no/mase.

78 Check P37 =

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