Dayton news, dayton, washington saturday, January 15, 1876

Saturday, October 28, 1876

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Saturday, October 28, 1876

Commissioner.--Mr. John Sanders has been placed on the democratic ticket for County Commissioner in place of H.W. Hastings declined. Mr. Sanders is a sound democrat well qualified in every respect for the position and a gentleman highly respected wherever known.

Interferring.--The rain is materially interfering with the second story of Gilbreath 's new brick building.

Head Quarters.--The head quarters of the 1st Cavalry have been established at Walla-walla. The band has already arrived, which makes the people of the town very happy.

Not Concluded.--The sale of the Woolen Factory at this place, was not concluded owing to a disagreement between the parties upon the final closing of the sale.

Sad Affliction.--During the last two months Mr. and Mrs. Keach have lost three of their children, and the fourth one is down with that terrible disease diptheria. They have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereavement.

Judge Cain has the thanks of the ladies of this office for a couple of boxes of figs. The Judge is going to be our County Auditor for another year, but Judge you must remember the ladies can't vote yet. They say they would vote for you if they could.

Colby's Washer.--Mr. McCabe, the agent for Colby's Washer, is in town selling these machines to those who wish them. We have seen it work and are satisfied that it is just the thing that is needed in every house. Mr. McCabe informs us he has met with good success in selling them.

New Advertisement.--We call your attention to Dusenbery Bros' new advertisement at the head of another column. They say it is to your advantage to buy goods of them, because they can sell them cheaper than anybody. Give them a call and see if they don't do just what they advertise.

Stamping Done.--Mrs. Armstrong calls your attention to her advertisement in another column. If you want stamping done, you should give her a call, she also has a lot of fine chromos which she almost gives away. It will be to your interest to call and examine her stock before going elsewhere.

Post Office.--The new office in the drug store has been fitted up in a very handsome manner. Mr. Keach is doing the wood work and Mr. Condon the painting and ornamenting. In the mechanical line neither of these gentlemen can be beat in their line. Lorin Day has shown good taste and judgment in the arrangement of the office.

Pataha Saw Mill.--Messrs. Blackman & Bean have taken up a fine portable steam saw mill, and will soon have it in operation at the head of the Pataha. They will commence sawing in about two weeks and will this winter saw out the lumber to put up a grist mill for custom work on the Pataha, near the county across the flat. Mr. Blackman is an experienced miller and the firm have means to carry out their enterprise. We congratulate the people of that part of the county upon their good fortune in this respect.

Successful.--Messrs Simons and Bishop have been quite successful in their experiment in the manufacture of Sorghum syrup and will next year embark in the business on a large scale. The machinery now used will be permanently located in their own neighborhood, in Independent precinct, and they will secure machinery of much greater capacity to establish the business permanently at this point. The best quality of cane can be grown in this locality and at a comparatively small expense, and we see no reason why this should not become an important branch of industry with our people.

New Arrivals.--J.N. Arment and family, of Tamo Co., Iowa, have arrived with John Mustard. He has already taken the building of Mr. Guernsey's opposite the Brick store and is opening a fine stock of Watches and Jewelry of the latest and improvements and styles, which he will offer at States prices. He is also a first class workman and will do all kinds of repairing upon the most reasonable terms. This establishment will prove not only a great convenience but quite an addition to the business interests of the town.

Commission Business.--We are glad to announce that S.M. Wait is succeeding in establishing a commission business in San Franciso, and making a market for the products of this part of the country at that point. Mr. Belcher, his agent here, in addition to the flour and bacon shipments, is shipping large quantities of eggs in a patent shipper which economizes the cost of shipment greatly. No farmer in this country should be without them. call on Mr. Belcher and see for yourselves.

W.C. Potter, of the northern part of Wisconsin, has recently arrived and located in our town. He is a lawyer of considerable experience and will practice his profession in this Territory. He is in search of health and after visiting many localities upon the coast, find this point the one he was seeking. He will prove quite an addition to our community socially, and in bringing a large experience in the Western States to our aid in the development of important local interests.

Showers.--The fine showers we are having is starting the grass up finely and leaving the ground in a fine condition for plowing.

New Locomotive.--A new locomotive for the Seattle and Walla-walla Railroad has arrived in Seattle.

Enterprise.--We must confess that the drug store has more enterprise about it than any other house in town. They are constantly making improvements, they have gone to work and made the building larger, and fixed things up in fine style and Joe has just returned from below with the largest stock of drugs, perfumery, lamp chimneys, cigars, candies, etc, that has ever been brought to this city.


Our old friend J.B. Lister has been spending a few days with us visiting his many friends.

McGowan the popular sewing machine agent, is again making the town lively with his presence.

The stage company has granted Ned Tatro a furlough and the ladies say he makes good use of his time.

Our esteemed townsman, John Mustard has returned from the States perfectly satisfied with his home in Dayton. He says our people know nothing at all about hard times.

Charles White, formerly a resident of this county, and the father of Prof. O.C. White of this city, has returned, after spending nearly a year in the Willamette valley. He comes back prepared to say that Dayton is ahead of any place he has visited in all his travels. Mr. White is topping at present with his son-in-law, Rev. A.J. Joslyn.

Mr. Lych recently of Minnesota and now of the upper part of this county, informs us he is constantly receiving letters from old friends seeking detailed information in regard to this country. He has shown us a number which should be properly answered, and it is too much a task for any one person to comply with all the requests made upon Mr. Lych alone. After the election we propose to take steps to furnish all desired information of this character in printed form.

Died -- Keach --In this city, October 23d, 1876, Melvilla Homer, son of H.P. and Harriet Keach. Aged 3 years, one month and 26 days.

Information wanted about a man named John S. McCall, last heard from was in Nevada. by W.M. Durham or John McCall.

Saturday, November 18, 1876

Hon. E. Ping.--We are fully satisfied that this gentleman is elected Joint Councilman. The returns from Stevens county have not been received but we learn from reliable sources that the republican vote of that county was cast for Mr. Percival which settles the contest. Great injustice has been done Mr. Ping, in charging that he was not true to Mr. Judson. We speak from an intimate knowledge of his feelings and labors and know that he would as a choice preferred to have been defeated himself than that his friend Judson should fall behind.

Hon. S.S. Fenn.--This sterling old democratic wheel horse has been re-elected from Idaho. He will be in Dayton in a few days on his way to Washington.

Washington Territory.--The returns come in slowly, enough however is known to convince us Mr. Judson is defeated, but the democrats have the Legislature. The wise-acres of Columbia county, have for some time past advocated sending a democrat and republican to the legislature to harmonize the entire body in regard to Columbia county interests. We confess we will look forward with some interest to the success of this programme.

Liquor license granted to Wiley Sparks for six months at the rate of $300 per annum

Dan Kimball is putting up a new house

Dr. Frary's new office is about completed.

Dayton is going to have another saloon.

The Indian Peace Commissioner passed through town yesterday.

Eph Bunker and Dutro passed through our city on Tuesday last on their way home.

Mr. Molke has opened a tailor shop next door to Pierce & Arment's jewelry store.

There has been ten or twelve new buildings went up this summer, and more in progress.

Bob Rowley has received a lot of nice pictures. Just the thing for Christmas presents.

If you want to see a nicely arranged store, just step in and see how the Day Bros. keep things.

The party that was to come off last night fizzled out. We would suggest to the getter up to try it once more, and then sell out.

Side Walks.--We would suggest that somebody take up a subscription and build some side walks in Dayton. It is something that is needed very bad.

Gilbreath's brick is progressing finely. Deck says he only wants a few days of nice weather, and then it may come any kind of weather that suits the old man.

H.P. Keach has been putting some extra touches on J.N. Day;s house. If you don't think Keach can put on extra touches, just go and examine what he has done.

We think the weather prophet has made a mistake and thinks this is webfoot by the amount of rain we have had lately. But we are not annexed to Oregon yet.

Returned.--Mr. Chase has returned to Walla-walla after being gone all summer. He has been visiting friends and spent a great deal of his time at the centennial.

The Woolen Factory has changed time. They go to work at 7 in the morning and work till 5 in the evening, then go to work at six and work till 12 at night. Business is increasing and the boys are happy.

Last Call.--There is considerable due us for printing election tickets, and now we would like for all those that have not settled with us to come forward and pay up immediately. We are pretty good natured, but we don't like to have our good nature imposed upon. Remember this is our last call.

Betting.--There has been considerable betting among our people over the presidential election, and there has been a good deal of sport; if the news came that Hayes was ahead, you could hear some republican shout to the top of his voice, "Hurrah for Hayes," and if the news came that Tilden was ahead you would hear the same from some democrat. But remember boys you call can't win.

Watches & Clocks.--We call your attention to Pierce & Arment's advertisement in another column. Both of these gentlemen are experienced workmen, and all work done by them is guaranteed. If you want to buy a clock or a watch you should give them a call. They have a very large stock of jewelry, stationery, musical instruments, &c., which they offer at very low rates.

Acquaintance.--We had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of J.W. Poe during the fore part of the week. He has gone to pay Walla-walla a visit. Mr. Poe has been elected District Attorney on the democratic ticket for North Idaho.

New Card.--We call your attention to Dr. T.C. Frary's card in another column. Dr. Frary comes highly recommended as a physician and surgeon, and all those that have had his services speak very highly of him.

Weddings.--We hear of two or three weddings on the programme, but on account of there not being any vacant houses in town, they have been postponed. Poor excuse.

Gone Up Salt River.--We hear of a firm in Lewiston that has fourteen hundred dollars bet on Hayes. We are sorry for that firm. The firm has only put that amount out at interest. We think it likely to say our at interest.

Ne News.--We have no definite news in regard to the Presidential election up to the hour of going to press.

Contract Awarded.--Col. Wilson awarded Mr. J.B. Montgomery the contract for the improvement of Snake river by removing the rock at Pine Tree Rapid. This is in addition to Mr. M.'s contract to improve the Upper Columbia by submarine blasting at Umatilla Rapid. Notwithstanding the high water which has prevailed ever since he commenced work, he has made good progress at Umatilla. The time for finishing both contracts is April 1877.--Oregonian.

Engineer Coming.--We learn that Mr. Bolton, who is to have personal supervision of the work of improving the Columbia at the Cascades, is expected to sail for this city on the steamer which leaves San Francisco tomorrow, and with a party of surveyors, will be in the field by the 1st of December, after which the work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible.--Oregonian.

List of Letters, November 17, 1876

C.W. Brunham, 2; Wm. S. Chastain, 2; T.C. Tracy; Wm. McGinn, 2; Etta Vicken; Henry P. Crawford; Oliver Elswick, 2; Wm. Faran; Etta D. Stephens; F.M. Dunning.

Married -- Logan -- Bankson -- At the residence of the bride's father on Pataha Prairie, November 12, 1876, by Rev. A.J. Joslyn, Mr. F.B. Logan and Miss Josil Bankson, all of Columbia county.

Saturday, December 16, 1876

Election Returns.--The official count in the Territory gives Judge Jacobs a majority of 242 over J.P. Judson. The majority of the Constitutional Convention is 4168. This result practically settles the annexation question. The council will be composed of 5 republican and 4 democrats and the house of 16 republicans and 13 democrats. We are of the opinion that the real political complexion of the next Legislature cannot be clearly determined at this early day.

Marsha.--J.B. Armstrong has been appointed city marshal. A better selection could not of been made.

M. Fettis.--Our enterprising and accommodating stage proprietor, is giving personal supervision to his line.

What Jewelry.--If you want to make your wives or sweethearts a nice present go to Pierce & Arment's and look at their fine display of jewelry.

New "Ad".--Look at Schwabacher Bros' new advertisement and act accordingly. This firm believes in advertising extensively.

Holiday Presents.--If you want to make nice presents during the holidays, call on the Day Bros. and see the nice things they have for sale. There is no need of any body going to Walla-walla after presents.

Capt. Golman.--No one can doubt this gentleman's ability to keep a hotel which was more than one of our Presidents could do. He also represents the interests of the stage lines in that elegant manner which few men do.

Nice Quarters.--J.N. Day has completed his fine residence, which will compare with the best in the Territory. He is happy over it, but does not propose to invest any further in enterprises of that kind.

Columbia Hotel.--The Columbia hotel is crowded with guests; and we hope our friend will ere long been encouraged to carry out a contemplated plan of building an addition to his fine building.

On A Visit.--Mr. Bunnell, of the firm of Rowley & Bunnell, of this place is down from Lewiston making our town a visit. We learn that Mr. Rowley, Sr., contemplates removing from Lewiston to this place.

Apology.--IN making preparations for winter we had to miss an issue last week, which will be avoided in the future. In this issue we have not been able to give that attention to local matters we desired, but will try to make amends hereafter.

Died.--On Thursday at 10 P.M., Mrs. Sarah Bond, aged 78 years. This lady immigrated to Oregon in 1853 from Iowa. She has several sons, residing in Lane county, Oregon. One by one the old pioneers pass away to a better world than this.

Photographs.--Wm. O. Matzger has fitted up one of the handsomest picture galleries this side of Portland. He has excellent taste and judgement in this line of business, and we hope he will receive the patronage his enterprise merits. His rooms are in the Matzger Hall next door to the hotel.

Dusenbery Bros.--This old and reliable firm in the city of Walla-walla, have now on hand a splendid stock of merchandise. They possess large means, buy for cash in the East and San Francisco, which accounts for their low prices. They have a splendid stock of clothing of the latest styles, which they are ordering at lower prices than ever.

Received His Certificate.--Hon. E. Ping has received his certificate of election from Stevens county, and all apprehension of his not being able to maintain his proper influence as a democrat in the council, may as well be laid aside. He enjoys the confidence of the people of Puget Sound, irrespective of party, and his untiring efforts in opposing annexation to Oregon should commend him to further confidence.

A Mistake.--Some of our friends are laboring under the impression that the city of Walla-walla is jealous of the prosperity of Dayton. This is all a mistake, for Walla-walla city is rapidly becoming the great business center of this entire upper country as she was in former years with the first discovery of gold. Her best interests are being served by having the whole country filled up as rapidly as possible, and as many towns built as can be supported. We believe today that all of our country merchants, excepting those with a large capital, can do better and realize more profit in trade by purchasing in Walla-walla than by going to Portland. Walla-walla city has the capital and the business men to conduct the wholesale business of this entire upper country, and it is to the interests of the people generally to give it to her.

S.M. Wait.--This gentleman has returned with his family and will make his residence with us and give his personal attention to his large business interests here. Not that Mr. Belcher's administration of affairs was not satisfactory, but as a matter of personal choice preferring Dayton as a place of residence to San Francisco. While we have differed with Mr. Wait in politics, yet we have always found him a gentleman willing to concede whatever was right. As a man of enterprise he stands on the top round of the ladder. He has been a friend to Dayton and the people of Columbia County and we think he has not been treated justly by the people. Wherever he has lived he has made it a rule to combine the interests of the community in which he lived, with his own, in prosecuting his enterprises.

Dayton.--With the adjustment of the country seat question our citizens have taken hold with perfect confidence in the future of the town. Our population is rapidly increasing and building, even in mid-winter, is going on in every direction. Before another year the business developments will be such that there can be no question whatever in regard to its future rapid growth and its importance as a manufacturing town fully recognized by capitalists. We are in the center of one of the finest agricultural districts on the coast which is rapidly filling up with the best character of farmers. The time is not far distant, as we have before predicted, when the trade within a radius of ten miles of the town will support a population of from 1500 to 2000.

Houses.--There is not a vacant house in Dayton to let, and daily applications made for buildings. Why don't some of our moneyed men put up some suitable buildings for rent. The investment would be a paying one.

Scwhabacher Bros.--These gentlemen have completed this fall, in the city of Walla-walla, one of the finest business houses on the coast. They have on hand an immense stock of all varieties of merchandise to supply a large wholesale as well as retail trade. A visit to their establishment will convince any one of our readers that a short newspaper article cannot convey any correct idea of the magnitude of their business, of the fine taste and beautiful system that characterizes every branch of their business. Persons sending orders to them can rely upon being served as carefully as if personally present.

New Brick.--S.L. Gilbreath now has the roof on his fine two story brick building. The work was done by Rowley & Bunnell in the very best manner. The lower story has two fine business rooms and the upper story will have a fine hall and a number of rooms for offices. The building is an ornament to the town and Mr. Gilbreath deserves the best wishes of the entire community for his enterprise.

Grange City.--Geo. Hunter, the representative of this shipping point, was in town to day feeling fine since the election of Tilden. He reports real estate at a stand still until navigation opens.

Crowded.--If Guernsey & Wolfe don't get rich in the mercantile business it will not be for the want of customers. There is not a day in the week that the store is not crowded.

Bridge.--The town Trustees and Marshal deserve the thanks of the community for their prompt action in repairing the main street bridge under the difficulty they labored for want of means.

Christmas Ball.--Posters are around town announcing a grand ball on Christmas eve. Let everybody turn out and have a good time.

Married -- Long -- Matzger -- In this city, at the residence of the bride's father, on December 17th, 1876, by Rev. E.W. Allen, Mr. J.H. Long and Miss N.E. Matzger, all of Columbia county. No cards.
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