İ. Hacıyev Elmi məsləhətçi və «Ön söz»ün müəllifi: akademik İ. Həbibbəyli

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Territory of the Ordubad Region called by our National Leader Heydar
Aliyev “the Pearl of Azerbaijan” is rich in ancient and medieval monuments.
Archaeological studies proved that this territory was inhabited by primitive
people from as long as the Old Stone Age (an evidence is the Kilit Cave). Inves‑
tigations revealed that silk was exported to Venice, Marseilles, Amsterdam
and other European cities by the Great Silk Way which passed via Ordubad
and connected the Far and Near East with Europe. All that had strong influence
both on the city reputation and its economic development.  
For the first time the town of Ordubad was mentioned in the context of
the events which date from the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From this time
onward its name was systematically mentioned. Researchers noted that it was
very beautiful town noted for rich variety of tasty fruits, surrounded with nu‑
merous vineyards, rich in cereals and developing silkworm breeding. 
In addition it was determined in the result of conducted studies that foun‑
dation of the main human settlement in this territory was laid in the second
half of 4000 BC. The study of the Plovdagh settlement and necropolis dated to
the early Bronze Age confirms that. Dozens of artefacts found there testify that
the territory of Nahchivan, one of the early oases of the Kura‑Aras archaeological
culture, and its Ordubad Region known for its beauty played a critical role in
development of this culture.
It is obvious that finding and study of monuments covering all stages of
the Bronze Age, the early Iron Age, the Antique and Middle Ages indicate that
aboriginal inhabitants lived in this territory systematically over the period of
6000‑6500 years.  
The most part of the archaeological monuments located in the Ordubad
Region were studied in a comprehensive manner. Thus, they were presented
both by human settlements and necropolises including the Plovdagh settlement
and necropolises, Mardangol, Khaly‑Keshan, Munjuglutepe, Delme necropolises,
Sumbatan‑Dize settlement, Gemigaya and dozens of other monuments. 
One of the monuments located in the territory of the region is the remains

of Kharaba‑Gilan. Kiran (Gilan) town mentioned in the sources of as far back
as 1000 BC turned into a magnificent settlement encircled with fortified walls
in the beginning of new era and Middle Ages AD. However, in the early 13th
century the town had been annihilated in the result of the Mongolian invasion
and since the middle of the 13th century Kiran hasn’t been playing a significant
economic, political and cultural role in the country’s life. A part of its population
migrated to nearby Azad town. 
Today there are dozens of ancient monuments in the territory of the
Ordubad Region dated to various periods and registered by us. These
monuments are waiting for their researchers. There is no doubt that future arc‑
haeological investigations will shed light on new chapters of the history of Or‑
dubad‑Nahchivan and Azerbaijan in whole. 

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