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BT Shabbos (Shabbath) 31b

This threat against Judaic women is seldom, if ever, revealed to the goyim. The Friday night Shabbos candle lighting rite is usually presented to the non-Judaic world as an incomparably beautiful and delicate celebration of


light that expresses the Talmudic woman's feminity in "a unique synthesis of the outward glow of the candle as a reflection of the inner beauty of the woman who Judaism holds in such high regard" etc. The curse placed on women if they fail to light the candles exactly according to the prescribed ritual, and who must, in that case, live in fear of dying in childbirth, is of course scrupulously omitted from the fairy tale accounts of this obligation retailed to the terminally gullible goyim.

The halacha governing Niddah are even more severe, because they are centered on the issue of blood. But it is no trifle that other rabbinic burdens are placed on the Judaic woman as an another Chavah, in either atoning, by successfully fulfilling the hadlaks neiros Shabbos, or failing to do so and committing a berachah I'vatalah, thereby compounding the "female evil" of the archetypal Chavah, through failure to observe the hundreds of hairsplitting directives which the rabbis have issued to Judaic women on the Sabbath. We shall return to the demands imposed upon the Judaic woman on shabbos after we have concluded our section on Niddah.816

876 One may at this juncture ask how it is that women have such low status in Judaism when Orthodox Judaism has a secret devotion to the goddess Shekhinah - Lilith. The notion however that "goddess worship" elevates the status of women in society is a recently minted legend of New Age enthusiasts. While the priestess class had privileges in Pharaonic Egypt, the masses of common women did not. Occult power as personified by the thaumaturgy of Shekhinah/ Lillith is rooted in the ritual subjugation of Judaic women. It is a pity that dupes approach the rituals of the occult imperium in naive expectation of the fulfillment of the ideals of social democracy. In the Kabbalah, the bisexual Malkhut, when it brings blessings to the world, is male; when it brings destruction (the "raging and devouring fire" of judgment, i.e. Gevurah), it is female. The rabbinic designation of these alternating functions as "upper Shekhinah" and "lower Shekhinah," reveals the goddess of the Kabbalah in her multiple-headed, many-faced sefirah, as shape-shifter and androgyne, mirroring her boundary-breaking intimacy with the sitra ahra, which she rules wearing her Lilith face. Shekhinah's "husband" Tiferet, is the shape-shifting sefirotic system itself, encompassing false dualities, such as, to give but one example, the political "Left" and "Right." Shekhinah was a trickster from the beginning. Shekhinah was present in the Garden, not as Chavah, but as the one who tricked her. The subjugation of the daughters of Chavah under the reign of the rabbis is part of that ongoing trick. One of the ways in which Jesus confirmed His identity as the Messiah was His liberation of Israelite women from the demands of dead ritual. On the many faces of the Shekhinah cf. the classic gnostic text, Book of Baruch, where the Shekhinah is called "Edem." For the masonic teaching, cf. A.E. Waite, "The Mystery of Skekhinah" in The Holy Kabbalah, pp. 341-377. Also cf. Moses de Leon, Sefer Shekel ha-Kodesh, pp. 91-93; BT Hagigah 14b. Zohar I, 12a-12b, 35b-36a, 64a, 122a-122b, 221a-221b, 229a, 241a-241b. Zohar II 25b-26a, 29a, 125a, 186a, 189a, 216b, 219b. Zohar III 77b, 79a, 110b, 114b, 297b.

There are all sorts of superstitious taboos within Judaism connected with the pariah-like woman who is classed as a Niddah and these apply not only during the time of her monthly period but during the so-called "Seven Clean Days." Hence, we are looking at how the woman is treated for at least twelve days of every month, until after she emerges from the kosher mikueh


(ritual bath). The mikvah is so essential that even if a woman has been menopausal for years, or has had her uterus surgically removed, but did not conclude her last menstrual period with the ritual bath, she has the status of a Niddah for the remainder of her life, until she does in fact immerse properly, meeting the full rabbinic requirements.

The Twenty-Six Commandments of Niddah

An intricate set of laws has been established by the rabbis for regulating the woman's contact with others during her Niddah time. Many of these laws (though not all) are derived from the binding and authoritative post-Talmudic Tur and Shulchan Aruch halachic codifications. During the time she has the status of a Niddah, the following are forbidden: 1. Women may not engage in frivolous or light-headed conduct such as excessive laughter or joking. 2. She may not engage in sports or games, not even ping pong. It is preferable to refrain even from quiet games such as chess or Scrabble. 3. The use of cosmetics during the Niddah status is prohibited, with the loophole being that if she needs cosmetics to keep her from appearing hideous in her husband's eyes, a moderate amount may be applied. 4. A husband may not touch his wife when she is a Niddah; not even his small finger may touch her. A woman may not touch her husband when she is a Niddah; not even her small finger may touch him. 5. It is prohibited to touch her even through clothing or other garments. Therefore the clothing she is wearing cannot be touched. 6. Handing an object into her hands, or receiving it from her is prohibited, even if the object is a long one. 7. If the kallah (bride) at her own wedding is Niddah, then the chasan (groom) may only place the ring on his future wife's finger if he can do so without touching her fingers.

It is prohibited to pass a child from the father's hands to the mother's hands while the mother is Niddah. The procedure for passing the child from the mother to the father or from the father to the mother while the mother is a Niddah is as follows: place the child onto a surface (table, seat of a car etc.), have the father or the mother pick the child up from the surface. 8. The husband may not kiss a child who is in the mother's arms, nor may the mother kiss a child in her husband's arms; neither should they push a baby carriage together. 9. The husband may not place an object into his wife's pocket or handbag, shopping bag or anything she is carrying. Similarly he may not remove anything from these pockets, purses or bags. 10. Throwing an object from the husband's hand to his wife's lap, or throwing an object


from the wife's lap to her husband's hand, is prohibited. Certain poskim hold that the husband or the wife is permitted to throw an object (such as a door or car key) upward and she may catch it as it falls (as long as this is not done for enjoyment) 11. When a woman who is a Niddah is invited to serve as the Kvatter (the person designated to carry the infant boy to the circumcision; an act which is considered pious), she must decline the offer. 12. Picking up a light-weight object is prohibited to the husband if his wife is touching it. However, if the wife is talking on the phone, and the telephone cord is obstructing his path, he may pick up the cord in order to pass by. 13. It is not permissible for a husband to sit on his wife's bed when she is a Niddah, even when she is not present. 14. The husband should refrain from blowing off a feather or dust from his wife's garments. It goes without saying that brushing off garments while she is wearing them is prohibited. Fanning her or blowing on her (e.g. in hot weather) is prohibited. It is similarly prohibited for her to do these things to her husband. 15. One may not light a candle or cigarette from a lit candle or from a match which his wife is holding, nor may he warm himself from its heat. The same halacha applies if he is holding the candle or match, she may not light or warm herself from it. 16. It is permissible for a wife to hold the Havdallah candle877 for her husband, even though he will benefit from its light. However, since handing or receiving is prohibited, he may not hand the candle to her before Havdallah nor may he receive it from her after Havdallah, to extinguish it. 17. Eating or drinking together at the same table is prohibited. 18. Eating or drinking together at the same table may be allowed if there is a visible obstruction ("divider") present. 19. The following are examples of dividers which may be utilized when eating or drinking together at the same table: a) an object which is usually not on the table should be located between his plate and hers. This may be a vase, a candlestick etc. 20. A husband and wife may not eat from the same plate. 21. This applies only where the food is eaten immediately upon removal from the plate. However, where a a plate of food is placed on the table, it is permissible for both of them to remove food from the plate and place it onto their individual plates and then eat it from there. Therefore, removing pieces of fish or cold cuts from a serving bowl or platter and placing them onto one's plate and eating it from there is permissible. 22. Not all types of food are


included in the prohibition. Only those foods which only a husband and wife —because of their intimate relationship would consume from the same dish (for example partaking of soup from the same soup bowl)—are forbidden. Those foods which two strangers would also share from the same communal bowl (popcorn etc.) are permissible. 23. The husband may not drink from a beverage in a glass that his wife was drinking from, with the following exceptions: if a child drank from the glass or cup after his wife drank from it; if the contents of the glass or cup was transferred to another cup, glass or bottle. If she drank from a glass or cup and then left the room, the husband may drink the beverage remaining in her cup. 24. It goes without saying that lying together in the same bed is prohibited, no matter how big or wide is the bed. 25. Sleeping in separate beds which touch each other is forbidden. There must be sufficient distance between the separate beds so that the husband cannot roll from his bed to hers, one cubit minimum (approximately 22 inches). 26. A woman who is Niddah may not visit a Judaic cemetery (in case of an emergency a rabbi must be consulted).

There are hundreds of additional rules and regulations governing the conduct between husband and wife during the time that she is Niddah. Presumably we have already imposed on the patience of the reader long enough and the representative sample which we have furnished will provide the necessary sense of the degree to which Talmudic Judaics are burdened with the micro-management of every detail of their lives. The basis for the halachos of Niddah can be traced to the first century Pharisees of Jesus' time, such as Hillel and Shammai.878 The burdensome curse that these Pharisees initiated, far in excess of anything required by the holiness code and hygiene laws of the Old Testament, was repeatedly supplemented by subsequent rabbis over the centuries, creating the excruciating burden with which Orthodox Judaic women are tragically afflicted today.


The Attitude of Jesus

Jesus' attitude toward women who were Niddah was diametrically opposite of that of the leaders of Judaism. In the gospel case, a woman who was in a state of Niddah for twelve years approached Him. When He felt her touch, He did not shrink away; He had compassion on her. Even though she had touched Him in her "uncleanness," He stopped to talk to her. She told Him of her condition. He blessed her. He called her "daughter," and praised her daring faith by which she had reached out to touch the hem of His robe. (Mark 25-34).879

To all those who teach that the followers of Judaism have salvation without Christ, through their race, or an alleged "covenantal" relationship with God, we can only reply, look upon these severely burdened Judaic woman with the compassionate eyes of Jesus. Will you continue to abandon them, implying by your words, actions and omissions that they have no need of Christ — leaving Judaic women enslaved to the crushing rabbinic burdens placed upon them for 2,000 years, beginning with the very Pharisees of Jesus' time? What could be more sinful than such abandonment?

In Judaism the oppression of women is institutionalized and doctrinaire. The battered women's shelters in Jerusalem testify to this, packed as they are with Orthodox Judaic wives pummeled by their Talmudic husbands. This is one reason why we marvel at the western feminists and Judeo-Churchian dodo birds running amok, screaming about Muslim oppression of women, while ingratiating themselves with the Talmudists and insinuating themselves into their favor by turning a blind eye to the rabbinic oppression of women. It takes real courage and love to seek to liberate the Judaic women of our world.



The X-Rated Talmud

The psychiatry of Sigmund Freud was premised on his diagnosis of many Judaics who were raised under Talmudic auspices. He then applied what he learned from their Talmudic-inspired dementia to his diagnosis of gentiles, who had no such Talmudic background. As a result, non-Judaics were saddled with all sorts of bizarre penis-envy and incestuous oedipal complexes, as well as other mental sicknesses that were not part of their heritage. Weird concepts and strange imaginings never before encountered in mainstream psychological literature were suddenly being applied to all mankind. Overnight we were convinced of our own perversity, but a perversity we did not possess until the "scientist" Freud determined that we were burdened with these intrinsically Talmudic orientations. The fact is, Talmudists become demented as a result of trying to obey the Talmud (even though Hollywood propaganda has often associated such hang-ups with "Puritan" and "Christian" roots).880 But it is a crime against humanity to claim that Talmudic insanity is the common heritage of mankind. Take for example the rabbinic proscription against an erection:

"It is forbidden to bring on an erection in vain, or to cause yourself to think about women. You should be extremely careful to avoid an erection. Therefore, it is forbidden to sleep on your back facing upward or to sleep (on your stomach) facing downward. To avoid an erection you should keep on our side." Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:151.



Talmudic fathers must rise in the middle of the night to check on the sleeping position of their adolescent sons, and roll their sons off their stomachs or backs and onto their sides if they are sleeping in a position which rabbinic law regards as likely to produce an erection. What could be crazier or more likely to produce a neurosis or complex in a boy when he isn't even allowed to enjoy an undisturbed night of peace without the rabbinic anatomical position-police rearranging his body during slumber. Sorry, Dr. Freud, but thanks to Christ's having liberated us from the Pharisees, we are not saddled with these heavy burdens and therefore your psychiatry has application to the victims mainly of Talmud culture, not our culture. It was wrong for Freud to extrapolate from these sick rabbinic neuroses onto normal people who have not had to be afflicted by life under the tyrannical rule of the totalitarian rabbis of Judaism. Incredibly, however, it is the Puritans who bear the stigma of such anti-life paths, while the American media and Hollywood have typically portrayed rabbis as wise old "sages" in the Old Testament mold. Little hint of their horrendously warped sex laws and destructive sexual hangups are conveyed to the masses. Here is another insane "holy rabbinic urination law":

"When urinating it is forbidden to hold the penis even to facilitate urination. If you are married and your wife is halachically clean (not menstruating), it is permitted to hold your penis (when urinating). When not urinating it is forbidden to hold his penis." Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:151. This lunacy is applied in a thousand diffferent circumstances involving the marriage act and bodily functions. Sex between a husband and wife, for example, is to be conducted "with such awe and terror that it appeared as if a demon were forcing him to do it." 881 Another prize folly is the prohibition against a husband looking at his own wife when she is wearing no clothing:



"It is forbidden to look at your wife's genital area." (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:150). "Any (husband) who does look there is devoid of shame."

"The laws of Orthodox cohabitation demand (that)...(a) man must never see his wife undressed. So when they actually arrive in bed, the idea is to keep her covered by the sheet at all times. However, since propagation is essential, and decreed by law, there's a hole at the appropriate place so that the commandments can be fulfilled...They don't know how to please a woman, how to understand what she wants, how to listen to what she is saying. Sex is simply a right for them, a way of creating more sons. If they follow the laws, they fulfill their sexual duties in the dark, thinking religious thoughts and never speak to their wives about their feelings..." 882

"One is forbidden to have sex in lamplight unless one makes a partition to block the light from illuminating the body directly. It is prohibited to have sex in the daylight unless the room is darkened with a shade. 883 Sex at the beginning and the end of the night is also forbidden. 884

Lest we imagine that the Orthodox adherents of Judaism are extraordinarily modest (and this is how they are presenting themselves to the outside world), Talmudic culture is extraordinarily prurient and sex-obsessed, just like the "sages" of the Talmud, one of whom bragged that he had had sex with every prostitute in the world. The Talmud is so sex obsessed it comes up with any preposterous situation in order to bring a sexual dimension to it. For example, BT Baba Kamma 27a sets up a situation in which a Judaic man falls from the top of a roof and in the course of his fall accidentally inserts his penis inside a woman passerby upon whom he falls! This precipitates a tedious legal analysis of who is liable for what damages. It's a spin on the classic dirty joke motif, only this is from Judaism's holiest book. When Prof. Graydon Snyder of the Chicago Theological Seminary related this Talmud passage to his class, a complaint of sexual harassment was brought against him by a female student. "Professor Snyder said the woman in his class told him that the story from the Talmud, and his selection of it, conveyed the message that it was permissible to harm women as long as



it was unwitting." 885 "Unwitting" homosexual intercourse is also mitigated in Judaism by its "accidental" nature. Then there's the Midrash on Genesis that holds that Abel was quarreling with Cain over which brother would have Eve sexually, although in the rabbinic mind by this time Lilith was synonymous with Eve, so they were arguing over who would have coitus with Lilith.886

Nebuchadnezzar's Prodigious Member and other Rabbinic Dementia

Another example of the Talmud's insanely filthy prurience is from BT Shabbath 149b. Alan Edwardes, in his classic 1967 work, Erotica Judaica, describes it thus: "The Babylonian Talmud contains a tradition that King Nebuchadnezzar systematically sodomized all the captive chieftains of Judah...according to Rab(bi) Judah: 'When that wicked man (Nebuchadnezzar) attempted to submit that righteous one (Zedekiah) to sexual abuse, his phallus was stretched three hundred cubits (i.e. 150 yards) and wagged in front of all the captives." 887

The complete, verbatim passage from the Soncino English edition of the Talmud reads as follows: "When that wicked man (Nebuchadnezzar) wished to treat that righteous one (Zedekiah) thus (i.e. submit him to sexual abuse), his membrum was extended three hundred cubits and wagged in front of the whole company (of captive kings), for it is said, Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and be as one uncircumcised (he'orel): the numerical value of'orel is three hundred." 888

While the Encyclopedia Judaica is mum on the subject of the Talmud's account of Nebuchadnezzar's 300 cubit-long penis, in its article devoted to him (comprising more than three folio-sized pages), it does scruple to note that he was not an unqualified villain in rabbinic eyes: "...Nebuchadnezzar is viewed in a more favorable light, mainly in later rabbinic sources..."889 (This is a reference to BT Sanhedrin 95b and Sanhedrin 96a).



The Rabbinic Penchant for Spinning Tall Tales

The wildly exaggerated size of Nebuchadnezzar's sexual organ is typical of the hyperbole that afflicts the Talmudic mentality. BT Sanhedrin 95b, in addition to referring to Nebuchadnezzar, exhibits another case of the rabbinic penchant for spinning tall tales: "The length of Sennacherib's camp was four hundred Persian miles, the width of the necks of his horses when standing side by side was forty Persian miles and the number of soldiers in his camp was two-hundred-and-sixty ten thousand thousands, minus one." 890

"When Esther entered King Ahasuerus' presence he extended a staff to her as retroactive authorization to enter without being bidden. The staff miraculously elongated. (How much did it extend?) Rabbi Yirmiah said: 'It was two cubits and He made it twelve cubits long.' Some say — sixteeen cubits. Some say — twenty four. In the Masnisa it was taught: sixty." (BT Megillah 15b).

In the journal Jewish Social Studies (January, 1950), the Judaic social scientist Samuel Gringauz noted that some of the World War II stories told about "six million dead Jews" by Judaic "eyewitnesses" are: "full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks and apologies." The faith of Western Civilization, Christianity, has been supplanted by a new state religion, which is Judaism, presented in the palatable guise of Orwellian "Holocaust" Newspeak of which the figure of six million dead "Jews" is fixed, sacred dogma which in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Canada it is a crime punishable by imprisonment to doubt or contest. But what if the "six million dead Jews" casualty figure is of a piece with the two-hundred-and-sixty ten thousand thousands, minus one? Christians are not to obey or partake in any idolatry or false witness. The Six Million, if it is a wild exaggeration, would constitute a lie that has been made sacred and to which we in the West are expected to bow and bend our knee.

To the supremacist, Talmudic mentality, those who question and doubt their sacred dogma must, ipso facto, be "haters." Being God's Chosen, and in every way the superior people on the planet, the saints and martyrs of the cosmos, they can't seem to conceive of opposition that is not wicked. Hence,



they propound this very primitive notion, that the man or woman who dares to contradict them has got to be banned. This is the hidden irony buried at the core of the primitive nationalism informing the Deborah Lipstadt-style of "Holocaust denier" nomenclature. For all of their melodrama about victimization and martyrdom, it is these supposed "victims" and "martyrs" who currently are the most avid stokers of the fires of persecution for whomever would dare to ask skeptical questions of them. Under a boatload of corrupt rhetoric about "human rights," those who doubt the Six Million genocide figure are sent to jail in Europe and Canada and ritually ostracized in the United States. Note the hidden irony here, of a Judaic ideology that presents itself as an antidote to dehumanization, which is at the same time dehumanizing one special class, the skeptics, or, in Lipstadt's categorization, the "deniers." This is where what we have been taught in the Bible about refusing to engage in false worship runs up against the enormous pressure in modern America to at least tacitly accede to the "fact" that Six Million "Jews" were killed in "The Holocaust." Do we dare, as Christians, to look at the role this six million number has played down through the ages, in Judaic legend and lore?

Though anti-Semitism has been unmasked and discredited, it is to be feared that its history is not yet at an end. While there remain in Russia and Rumania over six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded, and who periodically overflow the western frontier, there must continue to be a Jewish question in Europe; and while there are weak governments, and ignorant and superstitious elements in the enfranchized classes of the countries affected, that question will seek to play a part in politics.




"From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help...Six million men

and women are dying...In this threatened holocaust of human life.-.the people of this

country (America) are called upon to sanctify their money by giving $35,000,000 in

the name of the humanity of Moses to six million famished men and women."

-"The Crucifixion of the Jews Must Stop!," The American Hebrew, October 31, 1919, p. 582.


"Various official Jewish sources reveal that in the past prominent, highly regarded Jewish leaders have said that 800 million Jews were killed by enemies of the Jews. The Talmud...reports that the Roman Emperor Hadrian slaughtered 800,000,000 Jews."891

Midrash Rabbah: Lamentations 2:4: "Eighty thousand trumpeters besieged Bethar where Bar Kozeba was located, who had with him two hundred thousand men...He thereupon had two hundred thousand men of each class...And what used Bar Kozeba to do? He would catch the missiles from the enemy's catapults on one of his knees and hurl them back, killing many of the foe....

"For three and a half years the emperor Hadrian surrounded Bethar. In the city was Rabbi Eleazar of Mode'in, who continually wore sackcloth and fasted, and used to pray daily: 'Lord of the universe, sit not in judgment today!1 so that Hadrian thought of returning home. A Cuthean (gentile) went [to the emperor] and found him and said: 'My lord, so long as that old cock wallows in ashes, you will not conquer the city. But wait for me, because I will do something that will enable you to subdue it today.' He immediately entered the gate of the city, where he found Rabbi Eleazar standing and praying. He pretended to whisper in the ear of rabbi Eleazar of Mode'in. People went and informed Bar Kozeba: Tour friend, Rabbi Eleazar, wishes to surrender the city to Hadrian.' He sent and had the Cuthean brought to him and asked: 'What did you say to him?' He replied: 'If I tell you, the emperor will kill me; and if I do not tell you, you will kill me. It is better that I should kill myself and the secrets of the government be not divulged.' Bar Kozeba was convinced that Rabbi Eleazar wanted to surrender the city, so when the latter finished his praying, he had him brought into his presence and asked him: 'What did the Cuthean tell you?' He answered: 'I do not know what he whispered in my ear, nor did I hear anything, because I was standing in prayer and am unaware what he said.' Bar Kozeba flew into a rage, kicked him with his foot and killed him. A heavenly voice issued forth and proclaimed: 'Woe to the worthless shepherd that leave the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right arm!' It was intimated to him, 'Thou hast paralyzed the arm of Israel and blinded their right eye; therefore



shall thy arm wither and thy right arm grow dim!' Forthwith the sins (of the people) caused Bethar to be captured. Bar Kozeba was slain and his head taken to Hadrian. He asked: 'Who killed him?' A Cuthean said to him: 'I killed him.'

"Bring his body to me,' he ordered. He went and found a snake encircling its neck. So Hadrian, when told of this, exclaimed: If his God had not slain him, who could have overcome him?'

"Rabbi Jonathan said: The voice is the voice of Jacob, the voice of distress caused by the emperor Hadrian, who slew eighty thousand myriads of human beings at Bethar.892

"They slew the inhabitants until the horses waded in blood up to the nostrils, and the blood rolled along stones (with the size of 284 liters) and flowed into the sea, staining it for a distance of six kilometers....Hadrian possessed a large vineyard 46 kilometers square, as far as from Tiberias to Sepphoris, and they surrounded it with a fence consisting of the slain of Bethar. Rabbi Johanan said: 'The brains of three hundred children were dashed upon one stone, and three hundred baskets of capsules of phylacteries were found in Bethar, each capsule having a capacity of 2130 liters." (End quote from the Midrash Rabbah; emphasis supplied).

The Talmud in BT Taanis 30b and Bava Basra 121b teaches that: "after the failed rebellion by Bar-Kokhba the city of Betar fell to the Romans and hundreds of thousands of Jews were slaughtered, after which the Roman authorities did not grant the Jews permission to bury all those corpses. After many years of prayer by Rabban Gamliel and Chachmei Yavne, permission was granted for the burial. Miraculously, though all those years had passed, the hundreds of thousands of Jewish corpses were fresh, showing no signs of decay"(!)

In the "Midrash Hazita" 893 it is declared that one Jewish woman gave birth to 600,000 children. In the Gemara, Rabbi Akiva declared, "The Israelites were delivered as a reward for the righteous women of that time. It happened by a miracle that they (the babies which they bore) were swallowed by the ground, and the Egyptians brought oxen and plowed over them. Yet



the babies broke through the earth, sprouting (like herbs from the soil) and came in flocks to their homes. 894 This is reminiscent of Elie Wiesel's tale of seeing geysers of blood spurting from the ground in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe. 895 Many fantastic "Holocaust" tales powerfully resonate with their Talmudic and midrashic antecedents, usually centered on "miraculous" escape. Not all of these are false. Judaic persons displayed courage and resourcefulness in evading various torments and forms of captivity during World War Two. But the mixing of truth with make-believe is a form of false witness and ought to be exposed, especially if the accusations cause innocent persons to be subjected to a Mark of Cain — even going so far as to stigmatize an entire nation of people as inherently murderous, as Harvard University Professor Daniel Goldhagen has done.

In thousands of newspaper and magazine articles, hundreds of books and dozens of movies, Judaic persons have told stories about how — "by a miracle" — they "survived the Nazi extermination camps." In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s there were cities in America full of large populations of such "miraculous survivors" —Skokie, Illinois, Brooklyn, New York; Los Angeles; Miami Beach—Everyone from Kitty Hart to the relatives of England's Tory leader Michael Howard, to the parents of Abraham Foxman, to Elie Wiesel himself "miraculously survived." Typical newspaper reports are titled "One Family's Miracle Tale" and feature motifs like Judaics hiding from the Nazis in an oven. Michael Howard's aunt and uncle narrowly escaped being "gassed" in Auschwitz: in the case of his aunt, "She was miraculously spared death three times — once because the killing gas chamber ran out of gas." s96 "By a miracle," Elie Wiesel survived Auschwitz only to be imprisoned in Buchenwald where according to Wiesel, "They sent 10,000 to their deaths every day." But despite the "methodical nature" of the Nazi killing machine, Elie miraculously escaped being killed: "I was always in the last hundred (to be killed) near the gate." 897



In the following account, a Talmud toilet theme is added to the usual saved-from-the-gas-by-a-miracle motif: "Edith said, 'Why don't we pray? Why don't we pretend we are at home, setting the table?' We would do this every Friday night, and murmur the Sabbath prayer. It gave us some kind of normalcy in hell. One Friday we were standing by the latrine when Edith said, 'It's almost Shabbat.' I said, 'Why don't we celebrate inside the latrine? They won't hear us there, we can sing.' The SS never came in the latrine because it was too horrible...From then on, every Friday night we celebrated the Sabbath in the latrine in Auschwitz...

"On Oct. 7, they told the children to line up, take off our clothes and put our shoes in a special pile; we'd be disinfected and get warm clothes. I promised Edith I would get her warm clothes for her birthday the next week. We were taken inside a dark room and they shut the door. We waited and waited and nothing happened. Then the SS opened the door, very angry, and shouted, 'Come out, fast as you can.' They threw clothes randomly back at us and returned us to the barracks. Later I found out this was the only time that the gas in the crematoria did not work." a98

J.P. Stehelin's condensed, edited English language edition of Johann Andreas Eisenmenger's Entdecktes Judenthum, entitled The Traditions of the Jews, is replete with documented examples of the ludicrous testimony of the Midrashim, Aggadists and Talmudists, which the adherents of Judaism are expected to believe, along with gentiles who live in fear of being called antisemites. Eisenmenger cites the following lies and fantasies of the rabbis:

•According to rabbinic doctrine, Rabbi Israel tells of how Enoch was sent to heaven courtesy of the angels Metatron and Anniel. He rode on a great cherub and fiery chariot and as he approached the divine majesty in the highest heaven, the seraphim and cherubim "smelt the scent of him 5380 miles afar off and said, 'What smell is this, of one that is born of a woman?" (p. 601).

•Metatron is supposed to be an angel but the rabbinic texts also have him as Prince of the World and Vice-Regent of heaven itself as the "lesser Yahweh." 8" The rabbis ascribe a size to Metraton that makes him the biggest created being in existence: he is, in length, as tall as the distance a


man walking for 500 years could cover. The rabbis also say that Metatron was once human and worked as a mender of shoes while on earth. He was the "cobbler who joined the worlds together." The same dimensions are assigned to Metaron's rabbinic-angelic counterpart, Sandelfon. "Rabbi Eliezer has said, 'There is an angel who stands on the earth and his head reaches to heaven.' It is taught in the Mishna that he is called Sandalfon; he exceeds his companions as much in height as one can walk in 500 years" (pp. 602-604).

• "Many more ridiculous fables are related concerning the apparition of Elias. Those who would be better acquainted with them may find them in the Talmud treatise Berakoth (fol. 6. col. 2) where he is described in the figure of an Arabian merchant. The treatise Avoda Zara (fol. 18, col. 2) shows him in the shape of a whore. The treatise Baba Metzia (fol. 55, col. 2) represents him in the form of a fiery bear. (In) The Medrash Mishle (fol. 68, col. 2) in the likeness of a grave digger. He is also thought to be present at the circumcision of a Jewish child, wherefore they always observe to place a chair on purpose for him in the room where the ceremony will be performed" (pp. 607-608).

Unconscionable hyperbole and incessant lying are threaded throughout the pages of the Talmud, Midrash, Aggadah and Kabbalah to such a degree that the student piously immersed within their pages cannot help but inculcate the same attitudes within himself. "While Traditions of the Jews, Stehelin's edited and condensed English version of Eisenmenger's 2,100 page Entdecktes Judenthum is recommended to English readers, for those who are German-literate, the latter work remains the benchmark achievement in the study of Judaism.900 Nonetheless, the English version contains much of value and readers are referred to it in order to glean from its hundreds of pages, case studies of shameless rabbinic buncombe and baloney; thereby demonstrating the extent to which the religion of Judaism prepares the minds of its adherents for exaggeration and outright lying. Dr. Eisenmenger, who immersed himself in these texts as a pupil of the leading rabbis of his time, comments on rabbinic probity and mental health: "So fruitful is rabbinic invention that it forms and makes everything in the oddest shapes; heaven and hell are strangely modeled; angels and devils are represented in



such forms and beings as would confound a man of sense to conceive from what motive or by what spring the rabbis are driven to advance such notions. We have already given the reader so many surprising products of their minds as we thought were necessary for laving open the rabbinical learning, reasoning and judgment...we have conducted the reader through a series of events and transactions so astonishing for the matter of them, so incoherent in their distribution and aspect of one another...what could induce such grave and learned men, for such the rabbis are esteemed among the Jews, to relate with such a solemn air of truth and of the veracity of impartial history... (claims which are) so surpassing belief and the imagination of others to conceive?...it is hardly conceivable that they should be so misled by those blind guides, the rabbis. Their doctrines and opinions, be they ever so wild and extravagant, are received by the...Jews with as much reverence and belief as the most sacred and indubitable portions of Scripture. A story though never so ridiculous or fabulous, if it has the sanction of a rabbi's authority, goes down smooth, without any inquiry into the credibility of the fact."901

In our time the rabbis have accomplished the remarkable feat of persuading Christians and gentiles to swallow their farcial stories that comprise the religion of Judaism, by concocting Holocaustianity, the means by which gentiles become initiated into adherence to Zionism and Judaism. According to the official declaration of the U.S. government-sanctioned United States Holocaust Museum, "America's national institution": "The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "902

Virtually any American who opposes this Kabbahstically significant idolization of the number si^-oriented World War II casualty figure, or the


Israeli legends surrounding the "Six Day War" or claims of an Old Testament origin for the six-pointed hexagram that they call the "Magen David," is going to suffer a loss of one's good name and reputation at the very least, likely expulsion or shunning from one's church, and curtailment of career and advancement and even the means to earn a livelihood. In Europe, as noted, resistance to this six million idol can translate into fines and jail terms, some of them lengthy. In order to gauge the extent to which rabbinic religious dogma has become the dogma of the post-modernist West, consider what befalls the European or American who denies the resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ, the virginity of Blessed Mary or the veracity of the New Testament. One's reputation and good name will remain intact along with career prospects and livelihood. A conservative church would react negatively, but most probably a skeptic along these lines would not be a member of a conservative church. Of course fines and jail time in Europe or anywhere in the world would be entirely out of the question and the prospect of such penalties for someone who denies the resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ, the virginity of Blessed Mary or the veracity of the New Testament, is downright laughable. In Europe and America the denial of Christian doctrine incurs no penalties from the civic, business or cultural spheres. The denial of rabbinic and Judaic lies, however, is fraught with risks of all kinds, including legal penalties.

As noted, U.S. government officials are on record as regarding exposure of the lies of Talmudists and Zionists as a "contaminating" potential cause of terrorism: "The terrorism we confront today springs from...subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation. Terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated...and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances...." — "Strategy for Winning the War on Terror," issued by the George W. Bush administration's official US government website, autumn, 2006. "As history shows, verbal attacks on the Jewish people are portends of more savage criminality to come." —Attorney General John Ashcroft, speech to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). New York City, Nov. 7, 2003.

Pastor Herman Otten, editor of Christian News, had this to say on the subject of our duty to bear witness to the truth: "The early Christians were champions of the truth, not myth and fantasy. They spoke and wrote on the basis of solid evidence. Peter wrote: 'We didn't follow any clever myths when


we told you about the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and His coming. No. With our own eyes we saw His majesty. God the Father gave Him honor and glory when from His wonderful glory He said to Him: 'This is My son whom I love and with whom I am delighted.' We heard that voice speak to Him from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. And we have a more sure word of prophecy. Please look to it as a light shining in a gloomy place till the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Understand this first, that no one can explain any written Word of God as he likes, because it never was the will of a human being that brought us God's Word, but the Holy Spirit moved holy men to say what God told them.'

"John concludes his Gospel: 'This is the disciple who testified about these things and wrote this. And we know what he testifies is true.' John begins his first epistle: 'It was from the beginning, we heard It, we saw It with our eyes, we looked at It, and our hands touched It — we're writing about the Word of Life.' He concludes this epistle: 'We know God's Son came and gave us the understanding to know Him who is real, and we are in Him who is real, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and everlasting life. Children, keep away from idols.'

"The prophets and apostles who wrote the Bible presented facts, true history, not pious myths based upon some emotional experiences. They carefully evaluated the evidence Luke begins his Gospel: 'Many have undertaken to plan and write a story of what has been done among us, just as we heard it from those who from the first became eyewitnesses and servants of the World. For this reason I too decided to check everything carefully from the beginning and to write it down in the proper order for you, excellent Theophilus, so that you too will be sure what you have heard is true.'

"Jesus, who said: T am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by Me,' emphasized the importance of knowing the truth. He declared: ' If you live in My Word, you are really My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will free you.'

"Today direct revelation, the very concept of truth, doctrine, and real history which can be known are being rejected right within the established churches. The very thought that God revealed Himself or any truths to man in propositions recorded in Holy Scripture is denied. Many contend that there is no such thing as absolute truth and that no one can say with absolute certainty what really happened. A professor we had for a course in philosophy


at the University of Rochester in New York held up his pencil and told our class that if we believed the pencil were a cow or an elephant it would be a cow or elephant for us. Our response was that one may very well call it a cow but it certainly would not produce any milk.

"Modern liberalism contends that there is no such thing as divinely revealed, authoritative, final doctrine, doctrina divina. However, the idea of propositional truth and revelation is taught by the Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures contain dogma, doctrine, real history, divinely revealed truth, which can be known. While the Bible does use the term 'truth' at times to mean such things as 'loyalty,' 'faithfulness,' etc., the Bible also teaches the idea of propositional truth, revelation, absolute truth, which man can know and express in doctrinal statements. To the Samaritan woman who said, T have no husband,' our Lord replied that since she had had five husbands and since her present consort was not her husband, her answer was quite correct: Tou've told the truth.' Obviously Christ means 'factual precision.' He is not attributing "faithfulness or loyalty' to the woman. Of another woman we read in Mark that she came to Christ and 'told Him all the truth.' Again this can only mean 'factual precision.' Certainly she is not preaching the Gospel to Christ. She simply narrated the prosaic facts of her case....Christians are not free to believe or spread lies and myths about anyone or any people or nation. In short: a Christian promotes truth, not lies and hoaxes...

"For over 25 years The Christian News has been exposing a good number of hoaxes, even those held by many church members...Each week we state in our masthead: Christian News is not a doctrinally neutral observer, but it is committed to the full historic Christian faith, as it is authoritatively revealed in the written Word of God, the Holy Scriptures... I commend to all Revisionists and everyone else nothing more nor less than historic Christianity. God by 'raising Christ from the dead has given everyone a good reason to believe' (Acts 17:31). In spite of the many attempts to falsify history, the Christian church has always struggled for the truth. This was true for the first Christians. It was also the basic issue of the Reformation. One of the greatest confessors of the faith in this (20th) century, Dr. Herman Sasse, who was also avidly anti-Nazi, points out in his book Here We Stand that the Reformation emphasized the profound seriousness of the truth.' As an Evangelical Lutheran pastor, in the tradition of the early church and the Reformation, I stand before you today again to make a strong appeal in the


struggle for the truth. The subject of the 'Holocaust' is not my primary concern in life. It is not my main message. As stated in the masthead of the paper we founded and have served as editor for the past 26 years, we preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Nevertheless, Christians must not only strive to proclaim the saving Truth of the Gospel. We are obligated by this same Gospel to tell the truth in all areas of life, including events of political economics, war, and Church and secular government: 'These are the things which you should do: speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgment for peace in your gates.' Zechariah 8:16." 903


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