Judaism discovered

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Philip S. Gruberger, The Kabbalah: A Study of the Ten Luminous Emanations. Vol. II: Circles and Straightness. (Jerusalem, 1973)

Gruberger presents the texts of the Hasidic magician Yehuda Ashlag of Poland, a disciple of Shalom Rabinowicz of Kalushin, and his son, Yehoshah Asher of Porissov. Ashlag also had a teacher of Kabbalah whose name, he maintained, he was not allowed to divulge. Ashlag emigrated to Palestine in 1920 and settled in Jerusalem, where he established Bet Ulpena le-Rabbanim, a yeshiva dedicated to teaching Kabbalah to rabbis.


Jesus in the Kabbalah The rabbinic Kabbalah also exhibits the same potent hatred for Jesus as the sacred rabbinic Talmud does, insulting Him in grotesque and reprehensible terms. According to the most important Kabbalistic text, the Zohar, Jesus is a "dead dog" who resides amid filth and vermin: "From the side of idolatry Shabbethaj (Saturn) is called Lilith, mixed dung, on account of the filth mixed from all kinds of dirt and worms, into which they throw dead dogs and dead asses, the sons of Esau and Ishmael, and there Jesus and Mohammed, who are dead dogs, are buried among them." 960 This nauseating statement, the product of what can only be a diseased mind, comprises a portion of the same Kabbalah upheld and praised by "great Judaic humanists" such as Martin Buber and Elie Wiesel, and which is a focus of veneration among "progressive" elites in New Age circles and Hollywood. The perfidy and gross superstition embodied in the Kabbalah, one of the foundational texts of the religion of Judaism, testifies to the anti-Israel and anti-Biblical nature of this religion, since all such invocations of wicked spirit forces are an abomination to Yahweh. 961

"Kabbalah was widely considered to be the true Jewish theology" Gershom Scholem: "To the realm of practical Kabbalah also belong many traditions concerning the existence of a special archangelic alphabet, the earliest of which was 'the alphabet of Metatron'...In Kabbalistic literature they are known as eye writing (ketav einayim) because their letters are always composed of lines and small circles that resemble eyes...Such magical letters, which were mainly used in amulets, are the descendants of the magical characters that are found in theurgic Greek and Aramaic from the first centuries C.E. In all likelihood their originators imitated cuneiform writing that could still be seen in their surroundings, but which had become indecipherable and had therefore assumed magical properties...practical Kabbalah did manifest an interest in the magical induction of the pneumatic powers of the stars through the agency of specific charms. The use of astrological talismans, which clearly derived from Arabic and Latin sources, is first encountered in the Sefer ha-Levanah...A number of kabbalistic works


dealing with the preparation of magical rings combine astrological motifs with others taken from 'the science of combination...for the three-hundred-year period roughly from 1500 to 1800 (at the most conservative estimate) the Kabbalah was widely considered to be the true Jewish theology..-Through the Diaspora, the number of (Jewish) folk customs whose origins were kabbalistic was enormous...Mystical and demonic motifs became particularly intertwined in the area of sexual life and practices to which an entire literature was devoted, starting with Iggeret ha-Kodesh...and continuing up to Nahman of Bratslav's Tikkun ha-Kelali....Similar ideas were behind the...tikkun of the shoveim, that is, of the demonic offspring of nocturnal emission....This penetration of kabbalistic customs and beliefs, which left no corner of Jewish life untouched, is especially well-documented in...Isaiah Horowitz's Shenei Luhot ha-Berit (Amsterdam, 1648)...and the anonymous Hemdat Yamim (Izmir, 1731).962


The primary process for numerical exegesis of the Bible in Judaism is known as gematria, a Babylonian system of cryptography involving the use of letters to signify numbers. The first recorded use of gematria occurs in an inscription of Sargon II (727-707 B.C.). Gematria is a form of numerology whereby the Hebrew "aleph-bet" (alphabet) is assigned numerical value. There are a multitude of permutations and systems for arriving at the correct letter/word correspondence. One authority describes this complex esoteric Judaica thus: "In the gematria ketanah, the value of each letter is its value in the primary gematria with any final zeros removed. Then there is classical gematria involving writing out the name of each letter and calculating the total from that. To the total of a word it is permissible to add a one, known as the kollel. Three transformations also are used: the Atbash, in which the first and last letters, the second and second to last, and so on, are exchanged; the Albam, which divides the aleph-bet into two parts of which the letters are exchanged; and the Ayak-Bachar, which is performed by dividing the letters into groups so that the letters of each have the same gematria ketanah."

As we have noted, Kabbalists regard the Bible as unintelligible without the mediation of complicated rabbinic rigmarole: "...the sacred books, of which the keys are all kabbalistic from Genesis to the Apocalypse, have



become so little intelligible to Christians, that prudent pastors have judged it necessary to forbid them being read by the uninstructed among believers. Taken literally and understood materially, such books could be only an inconceivable tissue of absurdities and scandals..."963














Hesed (Mercy)


Tifereth (Beauty)













The "Ten Sephiroth" according to the Orthodox Rabbis

963 Eliphas Levi (a.k.a. Alphonse Louis Constant), Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (1855-1856); trans, by Arthur E. Waite as Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual, (Great Britain, 1995), pp. 129 & 328.


"The ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two Tarots form what the Kabbalists term the thirty-two paths of absolute science...The rabbins also divided the Kabbalah into Bereshith, or universal Genesis, and Mercavah, or the Chariot of Ezekiel; then by means of a dual interpretation of the kabbalistic alphabets, they formed two sciences, called Gematria and Temurah, and so composed the Notary Art, which is fundamentally the complete science of the Tarot signs and their complex and varied application to the divination of all secrets..." 964

The divinations being described in the preceding passage represent the stew of Babylonian superstition which the God of the Bible repeatedly excoriated and execrated. Yet it is this paganism which forms the central mystical system of the religion of Judaism for supposed "profound Biblical understanding."

Lest we imagine that the Kabbalah only has appeal to adherents of the religion of Judaism and occultists New Age or otherwise, we should recall the enthusiasm with which some fundamentalist "Christians" greeted the 1997 publication of Michael Drosnin's The Bible Code. According to Drosnin's bestseller, the first five books of the Bible are written in a code which has been deciphered by rabbis who have discovered various prophecies of historical events and scientific discoveries hidden in the Pentateuch. Here again is the fruit of the notion that only those using exegetical tools based upon the traditions of the elders of Judaism can plumb the Bible to its most profound depths. Bible scholar James B. Jordan terms Drosnin's modern spin on the same old Babylonian superstition, "just another form of Qabbalism, this time with computers." Researcher David E. Thomas demolished the ridiculous and deceptive claims in Drosnin's kabbalistic code. 965 Christians are often gulled into this numerology partly from the desire to prove the validity of the Bible "scientifically." But fraud, whether in science or hermeneutics, is never justified, and in the case of Kabbalistic gematria, it casts the Biblical texts into low repute, as Thomas' investigative article demonstrates. To seek to prove a truth with faulty methodology, in this case voodoo gematria, only compounds error. The idea that the Bible cannot be understood without the mediation of the rabbis of Judaism —without


Talmudic explication, or in the case of Kabbalism, without the intervention of gematric numerology —makes the Old and in some cases even the New Testament captive to the "traditions of the elders." The pernicious fallacy of the religion of Judaism, that one can't truly know the Bible without commentary and interpretation from Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis and their traditions, is growing among so-called Christians, commensurate with the growing prestige of Judaism within Christendom. The acceptance of this deadly error effectively enables the enemies of the Bible to keep the teachings of Jesus from the common people to whom He had originally preached. Instead, the rabbis, through their frontmen in the Church, mold and redirect "Christian" dogma predicated on interpretations of the Bible by the Pharisees of antiquity, further "clarified" by modern rabbinic pronouncements as filtered through the latest university theology seminars and trendy Church synods and councils, acting as their mouthpieces. This process is also abetted by supposed former adherents of Judaism who allegedly convert to Christianity and yet bring their Talmudic and Kabbalistic baggage with them into the Church, and attempt to baptize these traditions of theirs ("Messianic-Judaism") and present them to Christians as the "true" Christianity "practiced by Jesus" and withheld from the people as part of a conspiracy by wicked antisemites and medieval inquisitors. These "converts" continue to engage in self-worship based on their supposed status as hereditary Israelites. They mock "replacement theology," claiming Christians will never replace the "Jews" as God's Chosen people. However, in this sense, no "replacement" occurred. It cannot be said that the good fig tree replaced the evil fig tree (Mat. 21:19), because the good fig tree had been there from the beginning. Christian Israel was comprised of Israelites, including Judeans ("Jews") who accepted Jesus; as well as converts from other nations who were grafted in; even as the evil fig tree of Judaism has had many converts. Most of the organizations claiming to be comprised of Judaics who have converted to Christianity, including the most prominent one, "Jews for Jesus," continue to cling to their Zionist baggage and racial pride and they drag these rotten appurtenances with them into the church.

The "Jews for Jesus" organization is part of the Babylonian system of control it purports to oppose. The assessment has been made that inevitably a certain percentage of Judaics will defect from Judaism. Rather than have them convert to true Christianity, "Jews for Jesus" and similar groups are


there to at least maintain the defectors' allegiance to Zionism, to racial self-identification with Judaic tribalism — all in the name of Jesus. If these Judaic persons were to evade these false front conversion groups they might come under the Gospel, they might eschew support for war-Zionism, they might let go of the crippling Pharisaic venom that hints at salvation through race. The subterfuge is hardly exclusive to Zionist groups attempting to entrap Judaics seeking to escape Judaism. The Talmudic-Kabbalistic power in this age has chosen to advance its agents under the guise of Christianity. President George W. Bush was their agent during his presidency. He was accepted by millions of people as a bona fide "Christian." There is no need for a rabbi to be elected President of the United States when a George W. Bush was available. In sum, a stealth president like Bush offers many more advantages to the Cryptocracy than would an openly declared rabbi serving as the U.S. President or an Orthodox Judaic President such as Senator Joseph Lieberman. When military bloodshed and pagan Kabbalistic and Babylonian Talmudic evil are advanced in the name of Christianity, millions of so-called Christians are deceived and go to sleep, relaxing the vigilance which Jesus Christ demanded of His "watchmen." The trend in our time is to foment a Zionist-Talmudic world war on Muslims and Islam in the name of Jesus. Under these auspices, Judaism comes to be seen as a kind of adjunct of Christianity: the "Jews and the Christians" versus the Muslims, with the assumption that Orthodox Judaism represents little threat to western Christian civilization in comparison to Islam, which is the alleged overwhelming threat to our peace and freedom. One question: why didn't the Christians of the past accept this theory? The "Jews and the Christians versus the Muslims" dichotomy, betrays a near total ignorance of secular and church history, in which, at the very least, Islam and Judaism were equally regarded as mortal enemies of the Christian church and our way of life; with Judaism historically viewed by Christendom as the more iniquitous of the two.


Jews for Jesus

We exist to make the messiahship of Jesus a\ unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide.

October 13, 2000

Tom Spokane, WA

Shalom Mr.

Greetings in the name of Jesus the Messiah- Your letter arrived a few days ago here at our San Francisco headquarters, and I wanted to get an answer to you right away.

If your intent in sending the material by was to wound us, then you succeeded. Wc are a mission motivated by a love for the Jewish people. We understand the history of rabbinic Judaism, and we recognize its error. But we do not condemn those whose hearts remain veiled (2 Corinthians 3/14-15).

Perhaps you didn't realize how a phrase like "orgy of naked Jewish power" or "the deceit that is the hallmark of Judaism" (from 's article on the Democratic National Convention) might sound to a Jewish person. Perhaps you are unaware that most of Mr. Hoffman's characterizations of modern Judaism are exaggerated, and based on ignorance and prejudice. The Talmud does indeed contain references to Jesus that Christians rightly find offensive, but they are extremely obscure and most Jewish people are unaware that they exist--until someone like Mr. Hoffman publicizes them. Perhaps you haven't thought how something like that can have the effect of driving a wedge between Jewish people and the gospel of Christ.

Effective evangelism of the Jewish people cannot be based on an attack of Judaism. Rather, we must focus only on Jesusr who He is, what He has done, and what the Scriptures say about Him.

We unequivocally denounce the message and the methods of the so-called "Christian" Identity Movement. If you are in sympathy with them, we'll be happy to remove your name from our mailing list. But I'd rather think you have been innocently misled. I hope I'm right.

In Messiah,


Marty Walker Chief Correspondent



Preceding page: A statement from "Jews for Jesus" of Oct. 13, 2000 concerning 's work: "...most of Mr. Hoffman's characterizations of modern Judaism are exaggerated, and based on ignorance and prejudice—Effective evangelism cannot be based on an attack on Judaism."

Our Christian ancestors believed with the Apostle Paul that the attack by spirit forces on our hearts, minds and souls, is far more deadly and destructive than any attack on our bodies and material goods, such as Islam may, in some circumstances, represent. Today, that wisdom has been discarded. Islam's interdiction of pornography, blasphemy and usury; its critique of willfully childless marriages, public nudity and homosexuality, are seen as threats by the self-extinguishing colony of white hedonists known as Europeans. But Europe is merely agnostic. The greater threat comes from America, which still has a significant population of church-goers, but whose churches have mostly (though not entirely) been occupied by a new "gospel," seldom preached or practiced before 1900. In America this militant gospel of war and slaughter, foreign invasion and the bombing of cities, has been adopted by "Christians" who are convinced that God is either a rabbi, or at the very least that He favors Talmudists and Zionists above all other people.

America is supposed to have moved away from racism, but fundamentalist Protestant and neocon Catholic churches side with the rabbis against the genuine gospel of the New Testament, almost exclusively for two reasons: 1. racist belief in the satanic delusion of the supposed holy and saving genetics of self-described "Jews," and 2. a desire to profit from the worldly power and influence which an alliance with Zionists and Judaism can often generate for one's career and bank account. Consequently, it is not just Judaics trying to escape Judaism who are subject to being gulled and beguiled into a fake Christian trap such as "Jews for Jesus" proffers; millions of Christians who were born into the faith, are now allied with the rabbis and the Israelis against the remnant of true Christians and against the faith of the New Testament, and this seems to be the way things will go for the future, until some prophetic call to a return to faith in Jesus and His doctrines can be issued and heeded.

The recent popes and the Protestant fundamentalist preachers on the make, are all serving the devil in sending Khazars and Sephardim (so-called "Jews") to the lake of fire by encouraging them to have faith in the rabbinic delusion that they are saved by their race, and need not convert to faith in


Jesus Christ. The hour is very late for such lazy and fearful accommodation with the god of this world. This is a modern Church heresy. It was almost unheard of in either Protestant, Catholic or Anabaptist churches prior to the onset of modernism in the Church. The modern popes now go into the synagogue to pray with the heirs of the Pharisees. These pontiffs claim to be acting in the role of the Apostle Peter. But what did Peter do when he was summoned to the synagogue? "When the high priest arrived, he and his supporters convened the Sanhedrin—this was the full Senate of Israel — and sent to the jail for them to be brought. But when the officials arrived at the prison they found they were not inside, so they went back and reported, 'We found the jail securely locked and the warders on duty at the gates, but when we unlocked the door we found no one inside.' When the captain of the Temple and the chief priests heard this news they wondered what this could mean. Then a man arrived with fresh news. 'At this very moment,' he said, ' the men you imprisoned are in the Temple. They are standing there preaching to the people.' The captain went with his men and fetched them. They were afraid to use force in case the people stoned them. When they had brought them in to face the Sanhedrin, the high priest demanded an explanation. 'We gave you a warning,' he said, 'not to preach in this name, and what have you done? You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and seem determined to fix the guilt of this man's death on us.' In reply Peter and the apostles said, 'Obedience to God comes before obedience to men; it was the God of our ancestors who raised up Jesus, but it was you who had him executed by hanging on a tree. By His hand God has now raised Him up to be leader and savior, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins through him to Israel. We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit whom God bas given to those who obey him.' This so infuriated them that they wanted to put them to death."966

Where is this spirit of Peter and the apostles in the Church today —the willingness to, if necessary, "infuriate" the rabbis of Orthodox Judaism, boldly holding these leaders of Judaism responsible for Christ's death; refusing to be intimidated by their human laws and traditions? How can these passages from the Book of Acts be explained away, modified, temporized or nullified when they are clear teaching on this subject? Yet to


preach today, as Peter did in first century A.D. Jerusalem, or Vincent Ferrer did in fifteenth century Spain, is to invite excommunication, ostracism, personal attack and much worse, all from the ministers and priests who have nullified the New Testament as surely as the rabbis have nullified the Old. Hence, these "Christian Church leaders" are partners with the rabbis in infamy and perfidy; well do they deserve each other. How much more clear can it be that though they occupy positions of power and prestige in the churches, they preach not the Gospel of Jesus as exemplified by Peter in the Book of Acts, but another, alien and diabolic creed. They do so out of indifference, outright cowardice, love of money and the desire to be respected among men; they obey rabbinic men rather than God. Who in the church today has "filled Jerusalem" with Christ's teachings, and "fixed the guilt of His death" on the Orthodox rabbis, modern heirs of the Pharisees? The very thought of such radical Petrine evangelism causes the modern Christian to quake in his boots, and the modern church leader to reach for his book of libels; "anti-semitic racism" being the preferred smear, among many.

Let's read further in Acts 5. Verses 34-39 deal with the Pharisee Gamaliel, who was obviously impressed by the conduct of Peter and the other Christians. This is the other side of the evangelistic equation: when we dilute, twist and distort the New Testament Scriptures we frustrate God's will in so far as He wishes to soften the hearts and make potential converts from among His enemies. But with no faithful gospel witness, how can this be accomplished? Gamaliel would not have come forward to warn the Sanhedrin, as he did, about being too harsh with the Christians, had Peter and his brethren preached false, sugared words of ecumenical malarky, intended to soothe the outraged pride of the leaders of Judaism.

We forget, amidst the ocean of Judaic/Zionist/"Holocaust" propaganda in which we dwell today, that among the greatest victims of the pusillanimity and compromise urged upon the Christian Church in this regard, are Judaics themselves, who are thus abandoned by the leaders of the church to accommodation with the wicked religion of Judaism rather than the gospel call to conversion to Christ. Here is the authentic "Jew hate."

The Christians might have been executed had it not been for Gamaliel. They were, nonetheless, whipped and "warned not to speak in the name of Jesus" Today Hollywood movies make a point of taking the precious name of Jesus in vain, and Christian priests and ministers, when in mixed or secular


gatherings, pray to a generic monotheistic "God" rather than mentioning Jesus Christ. The requirement to faithfully bear witness concerning Judaism is seen as a grievous humiliation by contemporary Christians. Imagine the shame and embarrassment of being known in your church, your neighborhood and your place of business as an "antisemite" and a "racist hater" by self-righteous persons whose exuberance for malignant invective is unlimited? So-called Christians will go to almost any lengths to forbear a "beating" like that. And this is only a figurative flogging. The apostles actually were beaten, and shamed. What was their reaction? "They left the presence of the Sanhedrin glad to have had the honor of suffering humiliation for the sake of His name." (Acts 5: 41; emphasis supplied). In our time, we would have to write of our churchmen: And they left the presence of the Sanhedrin glad to have had the honor in the media of supporting the rabbis and sharing in their prayers and prestige.

James Glasgow summarized the historic Christian witness concerning this claim of a special, racially-imparted holiness: "By rejecting the true David and Head of Judah, they ('unbelieving Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes') forfeited their claim to belong to Judah. By refusing to hear the church in its Head, they put themselves on the level of the heathen (Matthew 18:17). They are branches severed from the true vine and therefore dead (Romans 11:20). Paul speaks of their ingraftation; but ingraftation is always on another tree: there will not, nor can be, any reunion with the old kingdom of Judah, which exists no more, the kingdom having been taken from it (Matthew 21:43). The ingraftation is the fact of the union of each regenerated person to Christ, our life. As the apostate Jews are placed by Christ on a level with the heathen, their conversion will take place in the same manner and on the same grounds as that of the heathen." 967

Obviously we have two Churches, the Church of Jesus Christ and a masquerade-Church; the one standing for the eternal verities of Christ's mission, the other a post-Auschwitz, "adjustment" which stands for soothing and accommodating the Pharisees; a church in which the apostles Peter and Paul would be an embarrassment.


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