Judaism discovered

Rabbi Judah Loew and Queen Elizabeth's Dr. John Dee

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Rabbi Judah Loew and Queen Elizabeth's Dr. John Dee

Dr. Dee was a dedicated Kabbalist. He resided for several years in Prague at the height of Rabbi Judah Loew's supposed golem rites and collaborated with him on behalf of his own masonic research, and in his capacity as agent of the espionage network headed by Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir William Cecil, the latter Queen Elizabeth I's minister of state.979 On June 27, 1589, while at Bremen, Germany, Dee was visited by Dr. Henricus Khunrath of Hamburg. Dee was a major influence on Khunrath's extraordinary symbolic occult work, The Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom, an engraving with myriad cryptic occult symbols embedded within it. "The engraving is a visual expression of the kind of outlook which Dee summed up in his Monas hieroglyphica, a combination of Cabalist, alchemical and mathematical disciplines through which the adept could achieve...a profound insight into nature...It could also serve as a visual expression of the leading themes of the Rosicrucian manifestos, Magia, Cabala,and Alchymia united in an intensely religious outlook which included a religious approach to all the sciences of number." 980 Dee is the first scientist in western history who can be definitively linked to a Satanic praxis based on the Kabbalah. Kabbalistic philosophy was transmitted by Rabbi Judah Loew to Dee and from Dee to avant-garde scientists, mathematicians and theologians through a secret society, the Rosicrucians, which in the early 17th century mixed Protestant terminology with praise for the Kabbalah. The Rosicrucian fraternity was under the protection and patronage of certain powerful aristocrats and rulers, including the Elector Palatine, Frederick V, King of Bohemia, who was the head of the Protestant Union. This Bohemian Protestantism "...was an expression of a religious movement which had been gathering force for many years, fostered by secret influences moving in Europe, a movement toward solving religious problems along mystical lines


suggested by Hermetic and Cabalistic influences." 981 The Rosicrucian appeal in this vein was two-fold. It was crafted to persuade devoutly evangelical Protestants of the divinity of Judaism as manifested in the Kabbalah, and to convince scientists and intellectuals of the Kabbalah's potential as a key to the godhood of man and the "perfection" of divine creation by the intervention of human brain power. "Protestants" and "scientists" in this context is not intended to suggest a modern dichotomy of religionists vs. atheists. In seventeenth century Europe most scientists were Christians. The infiltration of the Kabbalah was conducted under the auspices of intense piety and aspiration towards God, combined with a complex magical-scientific striving, a legacy of a Renaissance conception of the sciences in terms of "Magia," "Alchymia" and Kabbalah. In the eighteenth century, after the Kabbalah gained a firm purchase among some of the intelligentsia, its vehicle would be the insipid ecumenical monotheism and nominal Protestantism of Freemasonry. The Rosicrucian manifesto of 1614, The Fama, links the Kabbalah with men "imbued with great wisdom," who "renew and reduce all arts to perfection so that man might thereby understand his own nobleness and how far his knowledge extendeth into Nature." The manifesto relates that "Magia and Cabala," the master of the Rosicrucians, "makes good use."982 Dr. Dee's role in this context was critical to its success: "The...Rosicrucian manifesto, The Confessio of 1615, has published with it a tract in Latin called "A Brief Consideration of a More Secret Philosophy." This "Brief Consideration" is based on John Dee's Monas hieroglyphica, much of it being word for word quotation from the Monas. Thus it becomes evident that the 'more secret philosophy' behind the manifestos was the philosophy of John Dee...the Rosicrucian movement in Germany was the delayed result of Dee's mission in Bohemia 20 years earlier..." 983

What was this secret philosophy? It was the unmistakable rabbinic doctrine, expressed in the Kabbalistic texts as tikkun olam ("repair of the world") whereby Judaic (or Judaized) man assumes God-like powers to "correct" an "imperfect" and "flawed" Creation. The groundwork for the "repair" is rooted in government micro-management of our lives, along



Talmudic lines of hair-splitting minutiae (cf. BT Gittin 4). Such unyielding bureaucracy paves the way for the apparatus of total control. Kabbalistic mysticism emerges as the antidote to control, in this dialectical process. 984 Here too is the central contradiction in this doctrine, for it nearly always advertises itself to its New Age and pseudo-Christian percipients as a means for achieving healing, harmony, tranquility, balance and bliss. Yet when the magical doctrines of Kabbalism came to ideological dominance in the 18th century, producing the so-called "Age of Enlightenment," they produced not the path to renewal of the earth and a return to Eden, but the imposition and reign of "the Satanic mills" of the industrial revolution and a foreshadowing of the subjugation of humanity by an esoteric elite by means of machine surveillance and control. 985 The dialectical process engendered by immersion in the rabbinic ideology of redemption of the world produced a cataclysmic reversal, a "profound irony" missed by most of the historians of modern science. The supposed Kabbalistic philosophy of "harmony" espoused by Kabbalistic, gentile Renaissance occultists such as Pico, Reuchlin, Giorgio and Dee, led to the imposition of the tyranny of rationalism and materialism, in what Frances Yates terms a momentous shift from magic to mechanism: "It is one of the more profound ironies of the history of thought that the growth of mechanical science, through which arose the idea of mechanism as a possible philosophy of nature, was itself an outcome of the Renaissance magical tradition. Mechanism divested of magic became the philosophy which was to oust Renaissance animism and to replace the 'conjuror' by the mechanical philosopher." 986

Once the principle of the religion of Judaism as expressed in the Kabbalah, of man's prideful, god-like power and his lofty "right" to tamper with Divine Creation, was established, and scientism began to emerge as a system of thinking and action unfettered by traditional restraints and fear of


God, the mystical aspects of the philosophy were discarded, leaving Satanic pride to wed itself to technological prowess.

The Challenge to Christianity

It should be understood —though the fact that it even needs to be stated is itself a comment on our times —that this critical study of the religion of Judaism and its strange gods, Talmud, Kabbalah and self-worship, is not an attack on those people who call themselves or are regarded as Judaic today. The greatest critic of Phariseeism was Jesus Christ. His criticism was an act of liberation for those who had "ears to hear." Scripture declares, "Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). It is only the enemies of Judaic people, including the religious heirs of the Pharisaic leadership today, who regard fidelity to Christ's mission as a hateful or an anti-Judaic act. The religion of Judaism, the religion of Talmud and Kabbalah, is an all-encompassing form of totalitarianism. To expose tyranny is an act of emancipation. "The first Jewish dissenters from Judaism in modern times.. .became principled opponents of the religion that from their perspective tried to subject them to ...totalitarian controls." 987 In the seventeenth century, when Baruch Spinoza rejected the Talmud and the Kabbalistic doctrine of Moses of Cordovero and began to study Christianity in earnest, the elders of the Amsterdam synagogue offered him a large pension "if he would consent to maintain at least an external loyalty to his synagogue and faith." He refused. In 1656, at age 24, he became the object of the local synagogue's cursing ceremony: "...we anathematize, execrate, curse and cast out Baruch de Spinoza, the whole of the sacred community assenting, in the presence of the sacred books with the 613 precepts written therein...Let him be accursed by day, and accursed by night; let him be accursed in lying down and in rising up." The threat of assassination was implicit in the curse and soon after, Spinoza was stabbed in the neck by a Talmudic attacker wielding a dagger. While there is a perpetual clamor nowadays in consequence of the ordeal of Anne Frank hiding from Nazis in an attic in Holland, the public know



nothing of the Christian convert Spinoza hiding from the rabbis in an attic on the Outerdek road, outside of Amsterdam, shielded by Dutch Mennonites. 988

In some quarters, particularly among the establishment media and American universities, one can only be certified as a good person if one gives aid and comfort not to the Spinozas of our time, but to their persecutors. There is also pressure to impute to the New Testament charges of "hate," with inevitable calls for the suppression of the Gospel of John or Matthew, or, failing that, the deletion — or distortion through dishonest translation —of those passages which offend the religious heirs of the Pharisees today as much as they did 2000 years ago. In a 1995 speech at Hebrew University, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago blamed the Gospel of John for "inciting antisemitism." He initiated a dialogue concerning the possible need for its redaction or suppression. The rationale for censorship of certain "offensive" passages, or even the gradual phase-out of "obsolete" versions of the New Testament, such as the Douay-Rheims and King James, is the temporal chauvinist appeal to the phantasmagoria that due to the so-called "Holocaust," 989 we have now entered a revolutionary new age, where we are duty-bound to scrutinize every traditional Western thought and action of the past 2,000 years in the light of whether or not these thoughts or actions may have contributed to making the "Holocaust" possible. History, art, politics, culture and language itself are deemed worthy and legitimate solely by the degree to which they represent a panegyric to Judaism. This sense of having entered a new order in relations with rabbinic and Zionist power and ideology has been brought about by the immense influence of the gargantuan, modern "infotainment" culture and "news" media. Through the unprecedented power of this network the record of the past has been warped by fanatical obsession.




The millennia-old tapestry that is the history of the West has been reduced to a single criterion for determining decency and benevolence: "Was it good or bad for the Talmudists and Zionists?" One "replacement theology" that seems to have escaped outrage, is the substitution of Auschwitz for Calvary as the greatest crime of all time.

In terms of sacred status in the modern West, Auschwitz is many magnitudes above Calvary. The singular characteristic of the agenda of contemporary churchmen, presidents and prime ministers is this racial exceptionalism, which elevates obsequious concern — bordering on idolatry —for Judaic people above all other people. The ethnic supremacism of the Talmud and Kabbalah is perversely endorsed by so-called Christian prelates and gentile politicians who claim to be in the forefront of "combating racism."

Hence, it is said that Christian exposure of the rabbinic ideology down through the ages has helped form the Nazis' antisemitic animus, creating a "cultural framework" that made the "Holocaust" possible. This delirious milieu of "Holocaust" hysteria prescribes immunity from criticism for rabbis and Israelis, as epitomized by the New York Times which said that to protest the crimes of the Israelis, "reeks of anti-semitism" because it "suggests) that survivors of the Holocaust are to be condemned for establishing a haven in the only state in which Jews form the majority." "°

Protest and criticism that are perfectly acceptable with regard to any other people, become a monstrous, stench-filled "precursor" to yet another "Holocaust" when directed at this special class, this officially-sanctioned Holy People who call themselves "Jews." Meanwhile, high-level Judaic participation in the mass murder of twenty million Christians in Russia and Eastern Europe perpetrated by Communists such as Trotsky, Zinoviev, Yagoda and Kaganovich, has unaccountably faded into a barely perceptible historical memory, even though it surpasses in duration, intensity and casualty figures the so-called "Holocaust."

"By 1938 the Russian Orthodox Church was, for all intents and purposes crushed...with the annihilation of a large portion of the clergy" (M.V. Shkarovski, Slavic Review, Summer, 1995, p. 381J.

Journalist Joseph Sobran asks: "...might the Talmudic imprecations against Christ and Christians have helped form the Bolshevik Jews' anti-


Christian animus? Did the Talmud help form the 'cultural framework' for the persecution of Christians, and for the eradication of Christian culture in America today? If so, will Jews make an effort to expunge the offending passages from the Talmud?.. .Where is the corresponding statement of Jewish leaders repudiating and repenting the Jewish role in a (Communist) cause?..." 991

. 5.


The Secret of Purim

"...anti-Semitism is the tool through which the God of Israel preserves his

people" —Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch

Judaism's Purim holy day embodies a number of hidden aspects of rabbinic psychology pertaining to directives to exterminate non-Jews (Haman and his sons) because they were going to exterminate the Jews. Always that alibi, going back to Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai: 'we are only exterminating the exterminators.' Apparently the rabbis cannot or will not see that this type of thinking perpetuates demonic cycles of violence. Various nations of goyim are candidates for collective guilt and mass extermination on this basis: German civilians and now the Arab people. To understand the basis of this in the religious festival of Purim some background is necessary. First let us recall that Purim is ascribed to the Biblical Book of Esther but in Judaism it is heavily embroidered with Midrashic fantasies and Talmudic glosses. According to Rashi, citing the Seder Olam, the real crime of Hainan's sons was that they "successfully conspired to stop the Jews from rebuilding the Temple." Rebuilding the Temple was not resumed until after Haman and his sons were annihilated. Thus anyone today who opposes the rebuilding of the Temple at Jerusalem is, in the eyes of Orthodox rabbis, another Haman, subject to extermination. In Talmudic lore, Haman is identified as a descendant of Amalek:

"The Gemara (Chullin 139b) asks, 'Where is there an allusion to Haman in the Torah? As it is written (Bereishis 3:11), 'Have you perhaps eaten from the Tree (Ha-min ha-eitz) from which I told you not to eat?...' The word Ha-min ('perhaps from') is spelled (in Hebrew) with the same letters as Haman. At first inspection, this appears to be a simple play on words. Upon reflection, however, we will find that there is more to this 'simple allusion' than meets the eye....the Gemara's question was: Where do we find Haman in the Torah? If, in its answer, the Gemara points us towards this verse, we may assume that it embodies the very essence of the mysterious Jew-hater called Haman. Haman, we know, was a descendent of Amalek." "2



Rabbi Shraga Simmons, in "Haman: Heir to Amalek" states about Purim, "At no time of the Jewish year is the synagogue as 'wild' as during the Megillah reading: Every time Hainan's name is read, the congregation erupts in a deafening chorus of groggers, clanging pots, cap-guns and sirens. Some write Haman's name on the bottom of their shoes and stomp it out. Others write his name in wax and melt it! Who was Haman, and why the obsession with blotting out his name? To understand, we have to go back to the time of Jacob our forefather. Jacob had a twin brother Esav, who was a lifelong rival — so much so that Esav sought to kill Jacob...The Midrash says that when Esav was getting old, he called in his grandson Amalek and said: 'I tried to kill Jacob but was unable. Now I am entrusting you and your descendants with the important mission of annihilating Jacob's descendants — the Jewish people. Carry out this deed for me. Be relentless and do not show mercy.' True to his mission, Amalek has historically tried to destroy the Jews...So what does Amalek have to do with Purim? The Scroll of Esther (3:1) identifies Haman as the descendent of Agag, King of Amalek. Haman's desire to wipe out the Jewish people was an expression of his long-standing national tradition." Contemporary Freemasons, Zionists and Talmudists identify Palestinians and Arabs generally as the descendants of Amalek and Haman, who are obstructing the building of the Third Temple and deserving of annihilation for this "offense."

Drunken Halloween Grotesquerie Conceals the Secret of Hester Panim As in all totalitarian systems, someone is always trying to get free of the ideological prison that is Talmudism and Zionism. Many sincerely desire an alternative to a life of hyper-regimentation, institutionalized criminality and destructive hatred. By analyzing the hidden psychology of "Purimspiel" one discovers the means by which the Sanhedrin prevents this liberation by keeping Judaic people in subjection, while enforcing their obedience to stifling Talmudic conformity and even racial segregation. "3 The spring festival of Purim is a pagan holiday in Judaism. We recommend that readers visit Orthodox Hasidic neighborhoods during Purim. Those who do so will be



shocked to witness Bacchanalian scenes of drunken cavorting, grostesquely pagan, Halloween-style clothing and masks, Talmudic men cross-dressed as women and a general topsy-turvy, "Lord of Misrule" ambiance. What kind of "Biblical" religion issues a pious decree to its male members to get drunk on alcohol as part of the "holiness" of the day?

Yet there is more that is evil about Purim than just public intoxication and pagan attire. Purim enshrines the role of the hereditary oppressor (in this case "Haman") as part of a function of keeping Judaic people subservient to Judaism's religious and political rabbinic overseers. In the arcane Talmudic and Kabbalistic "Hester Panim" psychology of Purim, "4 a certain amount of violent persecution of Judaic people is regarded as desirable for maintaining the loyalty of Judaics to their duplicitous and corrupt leaders. The rabbis believe that without such anti-Judaic violence, Judaic people will wander from the rabbinic fold, marry a shiksa ("female abomination," i.e. a gentile woman) or one of the shkotzim (male gentiles of a kind sometimes used for sex by Orthodox Judaic homosexuals), and assimilate gentile ways, all of which are regarded as calamities.

This hidden aspect of Purim can be traced to the Talmudic command to get drunk on Purim. "5 This injunction is an allusion to the revelation of a secret. The Talmud observes that "when wine goes in, secrets come out." "6 The esoteric Kabbalistic understanding is that the Judiac is to become "intoxicated" on the secret within Purim itself, i.e., the conjunction of opposites, the occult union of Mordechai the advocate for Judaism, and Haman, the would-be exterminator of Jews. Judaics are commanded to blur the distinctions between the two as a lesson in the arcane truth that both Hainan and Mordeeai serve the purposes of Judaism.997

Therefore, where no violent anti-Judaic persecution exists, the rabbis have found it necessary to foment and bankroll it, a fact perhaps unknown by those throughout history who have advocated or implemented vigilante, military or other violence against non-criminal and non-combatant Judaic people. By so doing, Adolf Hitler and his gang only strengthened the


stranglehold of the Talmudic ruling class — whether Zionist or rabbinic — over Judaic people. Although the criminal and supremacist character of both Judaism and Zionism cannot be gainsaid, we freely acknowledge that there are numerous Judaic individuals described as "Jews" who embrace neither crime nor supremacism, and who are not engaged in any kind of anti-Christian activity. Moreover, even with regard to the arch-criminals who crucified Him, Jesus believed that it was sufficient to boldly speak the truth about them. Any other remedy was left to Divine Providence and due process of law (Romans 12:19 and 13:4).

Pray for pay. "Segulahs" — Judaism's own version of the "Indulgences" market.

Avi Becker, former Secretary-General of the World Jewish Congress observed: "...in the mid-19th century, Rabbi (Samson Raphael) Hirsch, the leader of Germany's Orthodox Jews, wrote that anti-Semitism is the tool through which the God of Israel preserves his people... Anti-Semitism's historic role in preserving the Jewish people is essentially a sociological phenomenon that is also found among other collectives: External hostility crystallizes group identity and nurtures unity and solidarity ... (Binyamin Ze'ev) Herzl wrote in his diary that 'we are one nation — because that is what our enemies have made us, against our will... And if they had left us in peace,


we would have merged into the surrounding environment and disappeared."998 Consequently, the Hamans and the Hitlers are indispensable to the rabbis in service to this very function. When necessary to augment their power and control, the rabbis seek to clandestinely encourage another violent "Jew hater," another Haman, Hitler or Osama bin Laden to serve their cause. With regard to bin Laden, the power and prestige of Judaism and Zionism have increased exponentially since the Sept, 11, 2001 terror attacks on America. As if to signal that bin Laden was Zionism's agent, the Israeli newspaper Hamodia pictured him dressed as a Chabad-Lubavitcher Judaic.

"Osama Lubavitcher"

Osama bin Liden pictured wearing the trademark black Borsalino hat worn by adherents of Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox Judaism.

Source: Israeli Talmudic newspaper, Hamodia, Nov. 29, 2002, p. 72.



Grand Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson wearing the customary black, wide-brimmed hat of the Chabad-Lubavitchers

Hitler and the Orthodox Rabbis Prominent rabbinic leaders of Orthodox Judaism with huge followings — not marginal rabbis on the fringes — have hailed Adolf Hitler as the instrument of God's wrath against Judaics who gave up the Talmud and quit Judaism. Among the rabbis who lauded Hitler is the Chabad-Lubavitch Grand Rabbi Schneerson as documented by Yehuda Bauer, whom we quoted earlier. There are others. "In 1990, the Lithuanian-born, then 97-year-old founder of Shas (Israeli political party), Rabbi Eliezer Schach, asked his students in the rabbinical college of Ponivezh in Bnei Brak, 'Does anyone here think that before the Holocaust, which exacted so terrible a price and


left no family untouched, all the Jews of Europe were righteous, God-fearing folk? There was a drift away from our faith and way of life. What happened was divine retribution for the accumulated weight of years of drifting away from Judaism." 9"

When Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef stated that Judaics who died as a result of the Nazi persecutions were "reincarnated sinners" who got what they deserved, Yehoshua Mashav told Israel Radio that "in plain language (Rabbi) Yosef was saying that Hitler...'was simply the messenger of God sent to give the Jewish people their just desserts." 100°

In May of 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain disavowed the endorsement of his candidacy by Rev. John Hagee, a minister of Churchianity with a large bloc of supporters. Hagee's bloodthirsty advocacy of extremist Israeli policy is a matter of record. That John McCain, would ally with Hagee is beyond surreal. Hagee is such a violence-loving nitwit that it soon dawned on McCain's handlers that Hagee was more of a liability than an asset, and a means of breaching the alliance born out of his endorsement of the McCain candidacy was sought. Hagee's anti-Catholic remarks were seized upon as the means for the breach, but Hagee made amends for them with an apology. At last, sufficient grounds for extrication were discovered: Hagee had once said that Hitler had done God's work by forcing the Judaics out of Europe, to the favored Zionist entity in the Middle East. Hagee, the Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Judaism, was transformed by the corporate media, in the alchemical twinkling of an eye, into a no-good "antisemite." In the eyes of the public this affair must have appeared to be yet another "shameful instance in the long history of the persecution of God's Chosen" etc. A major fundraiser for Israeli killers and Talmudic dealers and stealers of Palestinian real estate, becomes a Hitlerian "Jew-hater" in one wave of the media magicians' wand. A colossal hoax like this can only be pulled off by preying on the naivete of the people and the connivance of the self-censorship of Big Media. The media are fully aware that what John Hagee said of Hitler he learned from his masters —Rabbis Schach, Yosef and Schneerson —who have effusively praised the German fuehrer in similar terms. From the nineteenth century until the ascension of the Third Reich,



Germany had been the center of the movement known to history as the "Haskalah," which cultivated and inspired the Judaic version of the Enlightenment that revolted against the Talmud. It was German Judaics who pioneered the break with 2,000 years of suffocating rabbinic rules, regulations and totalitarian mind control. This was an unconscionable sin in the eyes of the rabbis of Orthodox Judaism. It was predicted by the rabbis of the past that the wrath of God would befall these wayward German Judaic "maskilim" According to leading, twenty-first century rabbis such as Schneerson, Yosef and Schach, the instrument of that righteous wrath was Adolf Hitler. Schneerson, Yosef and Schach are not obscure or marginal rabbis. According to the Nov. 3, 2001 edition of the New York Times, Rabbi Schach "wielded powerful influence over the country's politics for more than two decades...A fiery scholar who combined Talmudic erudition with shrewd political instinct, Rabbi Schach served as a key power broker through his spiritual leadership of Orthodox parties whose support was vital for the formation and survival of several Israeli governments. He led the Agudat Yisrael and Degel Hatorah parties of Ashkenazic Jews."

The rabbis of Orthodox Judaism greatly fear two developments, assimilation (marrying a gentile) and heresy (disbelieving the formerly oral law of the Mishnah, Gemara and subsequent halacha derived from them). Many German Judaics embodied both of these tendencies. Hitler despised them for the same reason, their integration into the German nation. In a symbiotic meeting of the minds, Hitler and the Orthodox rabbis had the same enemy. If we had an honest news media, Hagee's remarks about Hitler would have been reported in the context of similar depraved remarks made by prominent Israeli rabbis. In this way, they too would have been tainted with Nazi associations and appalling indifference to human suffering. But that cannot be allowed. Rabbinic prestige must be protected at all costs and truth is the first casualty of the protection racket. Consequently, the American


people are left with the delirious impression that John Hagee, a man who is a rabbi in all but name, is a most notorious "antisemite." 1001

Where there is no Hitler or Hitler movement on the scene the governments of the West invent one. A "wave of attacks against Jewish memorials in West Germany in the 1950s and 1960s" were initiated by the foreign intelligence arm of the Communist secret police ("Stasi") of East Germany. "Without the help of East Germany, these West German neo-Nazis were incapable of a national, co-ordinated campaign..." 1002 Now let us see who headed the foreign intelligence arm of the Stasi secret police at the time it was initiating a wave of attacks on "Jewish memorials" and organizing neo-Nazis in West Germany: "Markus Wolf was born in 1923 in Hechingen, in southwest Germany. His father, Friedrich Wolf, a Jew, was a doctor, writer and member of the Communist Party of Germany....In the Soviet Union, Mr. (Markus) Wolf was educated at elite party schools and joined the Comintern, where he was trained for undercover work...Wolf was present at the creation of the East German foreign intelligence service in 1951. Taking it over a few years later, he was able to demonstrate his loyalty to the Communist government in all sorts of ingenious ways."1003

Judaism and Zionism continue to require the presence of a neo-Nazi movement in Germany, which at present is called the NPD: "NDP officials had delivered overtly anti-semitic speeches at party meetings. The court's investigation, however, established that...Wolfgang Frenz, a regional NDP deputy leader was not only a government mole, but that he made the anti-semitic remarks himself...10 out of 14 party members...were exposed as being in the pay of regional state intelligence services." 1004


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