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State apparatus: and abstract machine, 

223; and assemblage, 513; and 

axiomatic, 460-73 passim; and 

becoming-animal, 242-43, 247-48; and 

book, 24; and capitalism, 434-35, 

452-59; and capture, 444-45; and coding, 

434, 448-51, 459-60; and consistency, 

431-32, 434-35; and deterritorialization, 

432-34; and flow, 448-49, 452-53, 

459-60; form of, 448-60 passim; and 

history, 23; and line, 204; and nomads, 

384-85; and number, 388-94; and 

philosophy, ix-xii, 375-76; poles of, 

424-26; and power, 227; and primitive 

society, 357-61; and religion, 382-84; and 

segmentarity, 208-31 passim; and sign, 

116-18, 135; and smooth and striated 

space, 385-87,489-92; and social 

formation, 435-37; and stratification, 

68-69, 433; and subjectivity, 375-76, 

460; and thought, 24; and violence, 

447-48; and war machine, 24, 229-31, 

351-423 passim, 416-27, 430-31; and 

writing, 401-2. See also Axiomatic; 

Capitalism; Nomads; Stratification; 

Striated space; War machine


Statement: and action, 77, 79, 86; 

definition of, xviii; and order-word, 107; 

and speech act, 79; subject of, 129. See 

also Enunciation; Linguistics


Sternberg, Josef von: 532 n. 1


Stockhausen, Karlheinz: 266,342,551 n. 53


Stoics: and incorporeal transformation, 86


"Story of the Abyss and the Spyglass, The": 



Stratification: 40-74 passim; and 

assemblage, 503-5; and body without 

organs, 159-63; and book, 3-4; and 

consistency, 335-37; and content and 

expression, 502-3; and diagrammatic, 

142-45, 148; and plane of consistency, 

269-70; and State apparatus, 433; and 

subjectification, 134. See also 

Segmentarity; State apparatus; Striated 



Stravinsky, Igor: 545 n. 87


Striated space: and aesthetics, 492-99; and 

capitalism, 490-92; and minor science, 

361-62; and multiplicity, 482-88; and 

rhizome, 506; and smooth space, 353,


369-73, 413-15, 474-500 passim; and 

State apparatus, xiii, 385-87, 489-92; and 

thought, 379-80; and war machine, 

489-92. See also Nomads; Smooth space; 

Space; State apparatus; Stratification


Strike: 413-14


Strindberg, August: 115, 132, 278


Structuralism: and binary logic, 5; and 

resemblance, 235-36; and rhizome, 12. 

See also Linguistics


Structure: and linguistics, 92-101


Subjectification: and abstract machine, 

134; and arborescent schema, 16; and 

body without organs, 134, 159-61; and 

deterritorialization, 133, 134; and 

faciality, 179-82; and interpretation, 138; 

and line of flight, 134; and plane of 

consistency, 134; and postsignifying 

regime, 119; and regime of signs, 130, 

132-33; and signifiance, 167-68; and 

stratification, 134; and writing, 22. See 

also Signifiance


Subjectivity: and assemblage, 264-65; and 

book, 3-4; and capitalism, 456-59; and 

haeccity, 261-65; and language, 78; and 

multiplicity, 8-9; and property, 451-53; 

and representation, 23; and State 

apparatus, 375-76, 460; and State 

philosophy, xii-xiii; and thought, 379-80; 

in Western metaphysics, xi


Substance: and abstract machine, 511; and 

articulation, 41; and body without 

organs, 153-54; and form, 43; and 

stratification, 43, 52. See also Form; 

Matter; Spinoza, Baruch


Sue, Eugene: 358


Swann's Love (L'Amour de Swann): 185-86


Symbol: and sign, 112, and stratification, 

65. See also Icon; Index; Linguistics


Synge, J. M.: 526 n. 32


Synthesizer: and language, 109; and 

machine, 343; and musical variation, 

95-96. See also Music


Sznycer, Evelyne: 548 n. 16


Szondi test: and faciality, 180


Tale: as literary genre, 192-95


Tales of Power: 162


Tamerlane: and war machine, 419


Tao: and pleasure, 157. See also Religion


INDEX □ 609


Tarahumaras, Les: 158


Tarde, Gabriel: 216, 218-19, 548 n. 10, 575 

n. 34


Taxation: as apparatus of capture, 442-43; 

and number, 394. See also Money; State 



Technology: and stratification, 60-61; and 

weapon, 404-7. See also Science


Tel Quel: xi


Territory: and art, 316-17, 320-21; and 

assemblage, 323-27, 332-34, 503-5; and 

coding, 322; and expression, 317-18; and 

milieu, 317-18, 321-23; and multiplicity, 

33; and novella, 195; and organization, 

388-89; and refrain, 312, 317, 321; and 

rhythm, 314-16, 320; and segmentarity, 

212-13; and stratification, 40, 53-57; and 

substance, 41; and war machine, 419. See 

also Deterritorialization


Tetry, Andre: 547 n. 101


Theology: and becoming-animal, 252-53. 

See also Religion


Thesiger, Wilfred: 557 n. 55-56, 572 n. 7


Third World: and capitalist axiomatic, 465, 



Thorn, Rene: 481, 539 n. 16


Thorpe, W. H.: 333, 548 n. 8, 550 n. 33


Thought: and arborescent schema, 15-17; 

and smooth and striated space, 379-80; 

and State apparatus, 374-80; and 

subjectivity, 379-80; and war machine, 



Timaeus: 361, 369


Time: and haeccity, 261-63; and literary 

genre, 193-94


Time and Free Will: 483


Tinbergen, Nikolaas: 327


Titian: and faciality, 173


Titorelli, Painter: 529 n. 15


To Be Done with the Judgment of God: 163


Todaro,G.J.: 10


Tokei, Ferenc: 449, 565 n. 9


Tool: and machinic assemblage, 90; and 

sign, 400-402; and State apparatus, 

400-403; and stratification, 60-61; and 

weapon, 395-403. See also Technology


Totalitarianism: and capitalist axiomatic, 

462; and segmentarity, 214-15; and State 

apparatus, 230-31. See also Fascism; 

State apparatus


Tournier, Michel: 261


Town: and State apparatus, 432-34. See


also City Toynbee, Arnold J.: and 

nomads, 381, 482 Tracing: and arborescent 

schema, 20; book


as, 24; and map, 12-15; and rhizome,


12-15. See also Map Transfiguration, 

The: 178 Transformation: analogical, 

136-37; and


becoming, 250-53; incorporeal, 80-83,


85-88; and pragmatics, 139-40. See also


Incorporeal transformation 

Translation: and multiplicity, 486; of


semiotic, 136-39; 486; and stratification,


62-63. See also Language Tree: 

see Arborescent schema Trial, 

The: xvii


Tronti, Mario: 571 n. 66, 571-72 n. 67 

Troyes, Chretien de: 174, 533 n. 8 

Troyes, Garin de: 364 Trudaine: 365


Truffaut, Francois: 546 n. 96 TV: and 

machinic enslavement, 458. See


also Technology 

Typee: 188-89


Uexkull, Jacob von: 51, 257, 315 

Unconscious: and arborescent schema, 18; 

and body without organs, 30; and 

causality, 284; and multiplicity, 29-32, 35; 

and pack, 35; and resemblance, 235; as 

rhizome, 12-15, 18. See also Freud, 

Sigmund; Psychoanalysis "Unconscious, 

The": 27-28 United Nations: and State 

apparatus, 435 Universal History of Infamy, 

A: 241


Vallier, Dora: 575 n. 38


Varese, Edgar: 309, 343, 344, 551 n. 56


Variation: and abstract machine, 511-12; 

and deterritorialization, 99; in language, 

93-95, 97-100; and matter, 408-9; and 

minor language, 101-10; and royal 

science, 369-70. See also Constant; 



Varron: 565 n. 10


Vauban, Marquis de: 363


Vendryes, Pierre: 521 n. 3


Verdi, Giuseppe: 307-8, 341-42


Vergez, Raoul: 554 n. 3


610 a INDEX


Vergopoulos, Kostas: 570 n. 53


Vermeer, Jan: 347


Vernant, Jean-Pierre: 236, 536 n. 7, 543 n. 

61, 559 n. 66, 564 nn. 7-8, 573 n. 21, 574 

n. 29


Veyne, Paul: 569 n. 44


Vialleton, Louis: 46-47


Vidal-Naquet, Pierre: 565 n. 9


Virilio, Paul: 231, 395-96, 520-21 n. 24, 

536 nn. 8, 12, 554 n. 22, 564 n. 10; and 

capitalist axiomatic, 462; and 

deterritorialization, 345; and smooth 

space, 480; and State apparatus, 212, 

386-87; and war machine, 467


Visage (Face): 96, 302


Vivier,Odile:551n. 52


Vladimirtsov, Boris: 394, 560 n. 71


Vuillard, Jean Edouard: 175


Vuillemin, Jules: 573 n. 14


Wagenbuch, Klauss: 527 n. 39


Wagner, Richard: 127, 142, 269, 270, 



Wahl, Jean: 526 n. 32


War: and capitalism, 421, 466, 467; and 

hunt, 395-96; and politics, 467; and war 

machine, 416-23. See also State 



War machine: and assemblage, 406-7, 513; 

and becoming, 277-78; and 

becoming-animal, 242-43, 247-48, 396; 

and body, 366-67; and capitalist 

axiomatic, 466-67, 471-73; and 

diagrammatic, 144; and line of flight, 

422-23; and nomads, 351-423 passim; 

and plane of consistency, 422-23; and 

religion, 383-84; and secret, 287-88; and 

segmentarity, 218, 222-27; semiotic of, 

118; and smooth and striated space, 

363-64, 422-23, 489-92; and State 

apparatus, 24, 229-30, 351-427 passim, 

430-31; and thought, 376-78. See also 

Nomads; Smooth space; State apparatus


Watt, W. Montgomery: 557 n. 50


Waves, The: 252, 513


Weapon: and nomads, 403-15 passim; and


tool, 395-403. See also Technology; War 

Weber, Max: 556 n. 42 Webern, Anton 

von: 142, 511 Weinreich, U.: 7 Wenders, 

Wim: 482 What Maisie Knew: 290 White, 

Kenneth: 379 White, Lynn Townsend, Jr.: 

560 n. 79, 561


n. 86 White wall: and faciality, 

167-91; and


signifiance, 167-68. See also Black hole 

Wilf, Herberts.: 519 n. 14 Will, Edouard: 

442, 568 n. 35 Will to Power, The: 269 

Willard: 233, 243 William the Conqueror: 

19 Wilson, Robert: 98 Wittfogel, Karl: 19, 

363, 565 n. 9 Wolf-Man, the: 26-38 passim, 

239, 249,


250. See also Freud, Sigmund Wolfson, 

Louis: 273 Woolf, Virginia: 29, 239, 252, 

263, 276-77,


280, 294, 329 Worringer, Wilhelm: 411, 

575; and nomad


art, 415, 492-93, 495-99 Wozzeck: 339 

Writing: and abstract machine, 65; and


becoming-animal, 240; and


deterritorialization, 11; and dualism, 20;


and measurement, 4-5; and memory, 16;


and nomad art, 497; and plane of


consistency, 268-69; and rhizome, 23*25;


and State apparatus, 401-2; and


subjectification, 22. See also Book;


Language Wunderlich, Dieter: 519 n. 11, 

525 n. 22,


526 n. 24


Yoga: and body without organs, 151 

Young, La Monte: 344


Zavin, Fanny: 543 n. 64 

Zola, Emile: 523 n. 2





Sylvano Bussoti, Five Pieces for Piano for David Tudor. By permission of


G. Ricordi, Milan. Copyright 1970 by G. Ricordi E. C. SPA. 



Photo Boyer, Wolf Tracks on Snow. Viollet Collection. 



Photo Boyer, Lobster. Collection Viollet. 



Fritz Lang, The Testament of Doctor Mabuse (bullet-ridden dummie of


Dr. Mabuse). 



The Ark of the Covenant with the Column of Fire and the Cloud. Musee


des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, Viollet Collection. 



M. Griaule and G. Dieterlan, The Pale Fox. Institut d'ethnologie,


Musee de l'Homme, Paris (the first Yala of Amma's egg). 



Duccio, The Calling of Saint Peter and Saint Andrew. Bulloz Collection,


New York. 



Faces from Jacques Mercier, Rouleaux magiques ethiopiens. Seuel. 183 

R. F. Outeceault, Buster Brown, le petit facteur. Librairie Hachette. 192 

Fermand Leger, Men in the Cities, 1919. Copyright 1987 by ARS,





Wolf-Man, Cerveteri Etruscan Amphora. Musee du Louvre, Paris. Photo


by Chuzeville. 



Etruscan Plate. Etruscan National Museum, Rome. 



Paul Klee, Twittering Machine, 1922. Water color, pen and ink, I6V4 x


12". Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York.


Copyright 19 8 7 by Cosmopress, Geneva. 



Drawing of a Wooden Chariot. Hermitage Museum, Leningrad. 



Chomel, Dictionnaire economique1732. Entry for "Perdrix" Partridge. 424 

Crazy in Stripes, Vermont 1865. From Jonathan Holstein, American


Pieced Quilts (New York: Viking, 1973). 



Computer Einstein.




Gilles Deleuze was a professor of philosophy at the University of Paris 

at Vincennes. English translations of Deleuze's work include Kant's 

Critical Philosophy: The Doctrine of the Faculties, Cinema I: Image/ 

Movement (both published by Minnesota) and Nietzsche and Philoso-

phy. Felix Guattari, a practicing psychoanalyst and lifelong political 

activist, worked since the mid-1950s at La Borde, an experimental 

psychiatric clinic. He was an active participant in the European 

Network for alternatives to Psychiatry. Together, Deleuze and Guattari 

coauthored Anti-Oedipus and Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature, also 

available in translation from Minnesota.


Brian Massumi received his Ph.D. in French at Yale University, and is 

currently a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. Massumi 

translated Jacques Attali's Noise,  Michel de Certeau's Heterologies, 

and (with Geoff Bennington) Jean-Francois Lyotard's Postmodern 

Condition—all published by Minnesota.


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