Qarshi davlat universiteti pedagogika kafedrasi

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Konfliktologiya. sirtqi lotin

Sistema obrazovaniya

Ta’lim tizimi


Razlichnыe stepeni i vzaimnыe svyazannыe programmы neprerыvnogo obrazovaniya i gosudarstvennыe obrazovatelnыe standartы, nezavisimo ot organizatsionno-pravovogo Tarlev vse sektora obrazovatelnыx uchrejdeniy, organы upravleniya obrazovaniya i uchrejdeniya i organizatsii v ramkax sistemы konteynera

Integrated continuing education programs of varying degrees and directions, and the system of inclusive education, regardless of organizational and legal status, covering all sectors of educational institutions, education management bodies and their institutions and organizations




- eto individualno-psixologicheskie osobennosti lichnosti, otvechayuщie trebovaniyam dannoy deyatelnosti i yavlyayuщiesya usloviem uspeshnogo yeyo vыpolneniya.

are the individually-psychological features of the person who the requirements of given activity and being a condition of its successful performance.

Takt pedagogicheskiy

Pedagogik takt

Step pedagogical

– chuvstvo merы v povedenii i deystviyax uchitelya, vklyuchayuщee v sebya vыsokuyu gumannost, uvajenie dostoinstva uchenika, spravedlivost, vыderjku i samoobladanie v otnosheniyax s detmi, roditelyami, kollegami po trudu.

- feeling of a measure in behaviour and actions of the teacher, including high humanity, respect of advantage of the pupil, justice, endurance and self-control in relations with children, parents, colleagues on work.

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