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1. Barani, Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, p. 483.

2. Shaykh Rizqu'llah Mushtaqi, Waqi'at-i Mushtaqi, British Library, Rieu, II, 802b, ff. 14-81.

3. Ibid., ff. 81-207.

4. Babur, tr. Beveridge, Babur-nama, pp. 456-74.

5. Ibid., pp. 550-3.

6. Ibid., pp. 554-74.

7. Ibid., pp. 531-3, 543-4, 548, 616-34.

8. Ibid., pp. 132, 604, 619-20.

9. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Beveridge, Akbar-nama, I, Delhi, 1972, reprint pp. 300-3.

10. Qanungo, Sher Shah and his Times, pp. 154-62.

11. Akbar-nama, I, pp. 337-9.

12. Ibid., pp. 349-97.

13. Qanungo, Sher Shah, pp. 330, 343-4.

14. Ibid., pp. 395-418.

15. Ibid., pp. 270-302.

16. Akbar-nama, I, pp. 364, 50-68.

17. Ibid., I, pp. 600-8.

18. Ibid., I, pp. 652-8.

19. Ibid., II, pp. 4-12.

20. Ibid., II, pp. 67-8.

21. Ibid., II, pp. 111-16.

22. Ibid., II, pp. 240-3.

23. Ibid., II, pp. 246-7, 294-5.

24. Rizvi, Religious and Intellectual History of the Muslims in Akbar's Reign, pp. 107-20.

25. Smith, Akbar, the Great Mogul, pp. 178-81; see also Rizvi,


Religious and Intellectual History of the Muslims in Akbar's Reign, pp. 141-60.

26. Ibid., pp. 161-5.

27. Smith, Akbar, the Great Mogul, pp. 210-15; Rizvi, Religious and Intellectual History, pp. 374-418.

28. Payne (tr.), Akbar and the Jesuits, p. 68.

29. Ibid., p. 68.

30. Rizvi, Religious and Intellectual History, pp. 394-403.

31. Akbar-nama, III, p. 1043.

32. Rizvi, Religious and Intellectual History, pp. 472-81.

33. Ibid., pp. 482-5.

34. Jahangir, tr. Rogers and Beveridge, The Tuzuk-i Jahangiri, I, pp. 5-10.

35. Ibid., I, p. 60.

36. Ibid., II, pp. 247-99.

37. Prasad, History of Jahangir, pp. 337-59.

38. Roe, ed. Foster, The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to India, p. 270.

39. Saksena, History of Shahjahan of Delhi, pp. 66—78.

40. Ibid., pp. 80-90.

41. Manrique, tr. and ed. Luard and Holsen, Travels of Fray Sebastian Manrique, II, pp. 325-39; 'Abdu'l-Hamid Lahauri, Badshah-nama, I, pp. 435-6.

42. The oration delivered on Fridays at the time of meridian prayer and after the two 'id prayers. The Sunnis in their khutba eulogize the first four successors to the Prophet; the Shi'is extol the virtue of the Prophet's cousin and son-in-law (the fourth Caliph in order of succession) and his eleven successors.

43. Rizvi, A Socio-Intellectual History of the Isna 'Ashari Shi'is in India, I, pp. 328-34.

44. Ibid., I, pp. 280-1.

45. Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, I, pp. 265-346.

46. Ibid., II, pp. 348-420.

47. Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India, pp. 393-4.

48. Ibid., pp. 362-4; Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, II, pp. 440-550.

49. Khafi Khan, Muntakhabu'l-lubab, tr. Anees Jahan Syed, Aurangzeb, pp. 135-6.

50. Singh, A History of the Sikhs, I, pp. 89-94.

51. MacKenzie, Poems from the Diwan of Khushal Khan Khattak, pp. 215-16.

52. H. Beveridge and Baini Prasad (trs.), The Ma'athir-ul-umara', Patna, 1979, I, pp. 247-53.

53. Satish Chandra et al., Marwar under Jaswant Singh, Meerut, 1976, pp. 255-68.


54. Jagdish Sarkar, The Military Despatches of a Seventeenth-Century Indian General, Calcutta, 1969; Jadunath Sarkar and Raghubir Singh, Shivaji's Visit to Aurangzib at Agra, Calcutta, 1963, pp. 1-27.

55. Jadunath Sarkar, Shivaji and his Times, Calcutta, 1961, pp. 201-15.

56. Gokhale, Chatrapati Sambhaji, pp. 33-50.

57. Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, IV, pp. 362-94.

58. Ibid., IV, pp. 395-456.

59. Bhim Sen, Dilkusha, in Rizvi, Shah Wali-Allah and his Times, pp. 99-100; Engl. tr. Khobrekar, Tdnkh-i Dilkusha, pp. 230-2.

60. Manucci, Storia de Mogor, II, p. 505.

61. Singh, History of the Sikhs, I, pp. 94-5.

62. Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, V, pp. 232-91.

63. Rizvi, Shah Wali-Allah and his Times, p. 108.

64. Ibid., pp. 120-41.

65. Ibid., pp. 142-6.

66. S. C. Hill (ed.), 'Bengal in 1756-57', Indian Record Series, II, pp. 459-63.



Basic Arabic and Persian Sources

'Abdu'l-Haqq Muhaddis Dihlawi, Nuriyya-i Sultaniyya, India Office, Delhi, Persian 659b.

Abu'l-Fazl, A 'in-i Akbari, 3 vols., Lucknow, 1892: Engl. trs. I, H. Blochmann, rev. D.C. Phillot, Calcutta, 1939, 2nd edn.; II and III, H. S. Jarrett, rev. Jadunath Sarkar, Calcutta, 1948.

Barani, Fataw-i jahandari, Lahore, 1972; Engl. tr. Mohammad Habib and Mrs Afsar Umar Salim Khan, Allahabad, n.d.

Ghazali, Abu Hamid, Nasihatu'l-muluk, Tehran, n.d.; Engl. tr. F. R. C. Bagley, Ghazali's Book of Counsel for Kings, Oxford, 1964.

Hamadani, Mir Sayyid 'Ali, Zakhiratu'l-muluk, Lucknow, n.d.

Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah (Arabic); Engl. tr. F. Rosenthal, 3 vols. New York, 1958.

Nizamu'l-Mulk, Siyasat-nama, Tehran, 1956; Engl. tr. H. Darke, The Book of Government or Rules for Kings, London, 1960.

Qabil Khan (ed.), Addb-i 'Alamgiri, Lahore, 1971.

al-Turtushi, Muhammad b., al Walid, Siraju'l-muluk, Alexandria, 1872-4 (Arabic); Persian tr. MS. in Oriental Institute, Dushanbe.


Modern Works in English

Ahmad, M. B., The Administration of Justice in Medieval India, Aligarh, 1941.

Arnold, T. W., The Caliphate, London, 1965, 2nd rev. edn.

Aziz, Abdul, The Mansabdari System and the Mughal Army, London, 1946; Delhi, 1972, reprint.

——, Arms and Jewellery of the Indian Mughals, London, 1947.

Day, U. B., Administrative Systems of Delhi Sultanate, Allahabad, 1959.

Habib, I. The Agrarian System of Mughal India, Bombay, 1963.

Hasan, S. N., Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India, New Delhi, 1973.

Ibn Hasan, The Central Structure of the Mughal Empire, Karachi, 1967, reprint.

Irvine, W., The Army of the Indian Moguls, New Delhi, 1962, reprint.

Lambton, A. K. S., Landlord and Peasant in Persia, London, 1953.

Qureshi, I. B., The Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi, Lahore, 1944, 2nd edn.; Karachi, 1958, rev. edn.

——, The Administration of the Mughal Empire, Karachi, 1966.

Richards, J. F., Mughal Administration of Golconda, Oxford and London, 1975.

Saran P., The Provincial Government of the Mughals, Allahabad, 1941.

——, Studies in Medieval Indian History, Delhi, 1952.

Sarkar Jadunath, Mughal Administration, Calcutta, 1952, 4th edn.

Sen, S.B., Administrative System of the Marathas, Calcutta, 1925, rev. edn.

Sharma, Sri Ram, Mughal Government and Administration, Lahore, 1959, 3rd rev. edn.

Topa, I., Politics in Pre-Mughal Times, Delhi, 1976, reprint.

Tripathi, R. P., Some Aspects of Muslim Administration, Allahabad, 1956, rev. edn.


1. Qur'an, Chapter III, verse 25.

2. Abu'l 'Ala' Maududi, Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf, in M. M. Sharif (ed.), A History of Muslim Philosophy, Wiesbaden, 1963, I, pp. 687-8.

3. Qur'an, Chapter IV, verse 62.

4. Ghazali, tr. Bagley, Ghazali's Book of Counsel for Kings, pp. 45- 6.

5. See above, p. 333.

6. Ghazali, Ihya' 'ulum al-din', in H. A. R. Gibb, Islamic Society and the West, London, 1960, reprint, I, p. 31.


7. Al-Turtushi, Sijaj al-muluk, pp. 88, 92.

8. Ibid., p. 12.

9. Barani, Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, pp. 70-1.

10. Ibid., p. 147.

11. Amir Khusraw, Qiranu's-s'dayn, Aligarh, 1918, pp. 21-2.

12. Amir Khusraw, Khaza'inu'l-futuh, p. 6.

13. Badr-i Chach, Qasd'id-i Badr-i Chach, pp. 14-16.

14. Mohammad Habib arid Mrs Afsar Umar Salim Khan, The Political Theory of the Delhi Sultanate, Allahabad, pp. 39-40.

15. Ibid., pp. 64-5.

16. Arnold, The Caliphate, pp. 140-1.

17. Bada'uni, tr. Ranking, Muntakhabu't-tawdrikh, I, p. 480.

18. Rizvi, Religious and Intellectual History of the Muslims in Akbar's Reign, p. 360.

19. Turtushi, Siraju'l-muluk, Persian tr. Dushanke, USSR, f. 3a.

20. 'Abdu'1-Haqq, Nuriyya-i Sultaniyya, ff. 6-11a, 14a.

21. Ibid., ff. 10b-11a.

22. Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India, pp. 223-32.

23. Qabil Khan (ed.), Abdb-i 'Alamgiri, Lahore, 1971, II, pp. 1146-7.

24. Encyclopaedia of Islam2, III, pp. 510-13.

25. Habib and Salim Khan, Political Theory of the Delhi Sultanate, p. 65.

26. Qur'an, Chapter IX, verse 29.

27. Barani, Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, p. 97.

28. Ibid., pp. 509-11.

29. Ibid., p. 522.

30. Nizamu'd-Din, tr. De, Tabaqdt-i Akbari, I, p. 239.

31. 'Afif, Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, pp. 382-4.

32. Bada'uni, tr. Lowe, Muntakhabu't-tawarikh, II, pp. 367-8.

33. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Blochmann, A 'in-i Akbari, I, pp. 287-8.

34. Bada'uni, tr. Lowe, II, p. 388.

35. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Jarrett, A'in-i Akbari, II, pp. 42-3.

36. Muhammad Salih Kamboh, 'Amal-i Salih, Calcutta, 1923-46, III, pp. 246-8.

37. Bada'uni, tr. Ranking, Muntakhabu't-tawarikh, I, p. 497.

38. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Jarrett, I, pp. 166-9.

39. Ibid., I, p. 165.

40. Manucci, Storia do Mogor, II, pp. 361, 400.

41. Qureshi, The Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi, 1958, IV, pp. 69-71.

42. Monserrate, Commentary, p. 201; Manucci, Storia do Mogor, II, p. 419.


43. Adabu'l-harb wa'sh-Shuja'a, India Office, London, Ethe, I, 2767, f. 52a.

44. Ibn Hasan, The Central Structure of the Mughal Empire, pp. 173-87.

45. Chandra, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, pp. 25-6.

46. Ibn Hasan, Central Structure, pp. 188-209.

47. Barani, Tarik-i Firuz Shahi, p. 145.

48. 'Umari, tr. Spies, Masalik al-absar fi mamalik al-amsar, p. 29.

49. Irfan Habib, 'Agrarian Economy', in Raychaudhuri and Habib (eds.), The Cambridge Economic History of India, I, pp. 70-1.

50. 'Afif, Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, pp. 296-7.

51. Manucci, Storia do Mogor, II, p. 377.

52. Aziz, The Mansabddri System and the Mughal Army, pp. 46-93; 'Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzib, pp. 40-7.

53. 'Abdu'l-Hamid Lahauri, Badshah-nama, II, pp. 715-16.

54. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Beveridge, Akbar-nama, III, p. 1032.

55. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Blochmann, I, p. 259-60.

56. De Laet, tr. Hoyland and Banerjee, The Empire of the Great Mogal, Bombay, 1928, pp. 113-14.

57. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Blochmann, I, pp. 261-4.

58. I. A. Khan, 'Early Use of Cannon and Musket in India', Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 1981, pp. 146-64.

59. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Blochmann, I, pp. 119-21.

60. Thevenot, ed. Sen, Indian Travels of Thevenot and Careri, New Delhi, 1949, p. 62.

61. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Blochmann, I, p. 121.

62. Bada'uni, tr. Lowe, Muntakhabu't-tawarikh, II, p. 206.

63. Pelsaert, tr. Moreland and Geyl, Jahangir's India: The Remonstrantie of Francisco Pelsaert, p. 42.

64. Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, III, pp. 275-8.

65. Manrique, tr. and ed. Luard and Holsen, Travels, pp. 224—5, 236.

66. Monserrate, Commentary p. 214.

67. Pelsaert, tr. Moreland and Geyl, The Remonstrantie, pp. 54-5.

68. Encyclopaedia of Islam2, II, p. 566—7.

69. Firuz Shah, Futuhat-i Firuz Shah-i, p. 21.

70. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Beveridge, II, pp. 316-7; Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India, pp. 69—70.

71. Khafi Khan, tr. Anees Jahan, Muntakhabu'l-lubab, pp. 275—6.

72. See above, note 4, Chapter 1, p. 321.

73. Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, III, pp. 268-75; S. Chandra, 'Jizyah and the State in India during the 17th Century', Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, 1969, pp. 322-40.


74. Manucci, Storia do Mogor, II, p. 234.

75. Barani, p. 287.

76. Habib, The Agrarian System of Mughal India, pp. 204—14.

77. Ibid., pp. 301, 353-63.

78. Barani, Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, p. 497.

79. Bada'uni, tr. Haig, Muntakhabu't-taswarikh, III, p. 194.

80. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Beveridge, III, p. 1063.

81. Ma'athir al-umara ', I, p. 77.

82. Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib, III, pp. 82-92.

83. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Blochmann, I, p. 278.

84. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Jarrett, II, pp. 43-5.

85. Qureshi, The Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi, pp. 197-9.

86. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Jarrett, II, pp. 37-41.

87. Ibn Battuta, tr. Gibb, The Travels of Ibn Battuta, p. 594.

88. Pelsaert, tr. Moreland and Geyl, The Remonstrantie, p. 58.

89. Abu'l-Fazl, tr. Jarrett, II, pp. 41-2.



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Polo, Marco, Marco Polo: The Description of the World, Engl. tr. A. C. Moule and P. Pelliot, 2 vols., London, 1938.

Purchas, S. (compiler), Purchas, his Pilgrimes, 20 vols., Glasgow, 1905-7.

Rawlinson, H. G. (ed.), Narratives from Purchas, his Pilgrimes, Cambridge, 1931.

Roe, Sir Thomas, The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Great Mogul, ed. W. Foster; London, 1926, rev. edn; 1970, reprint.

Tavernier, J. B., Tavernier's Travels in India; Engl. tr. V. Ball, ed. W. Crooke, 2 vols., London, 1889; 2nd edn. 1925, New Delhi, 1977, reprint.

Thevenot, Jean de, Indian Travels of Careri and Thevenot, ed. S. N. Sen, Delhi, 1949.

Valle, Pierto della, The Travels of Pietro della Valle in India, ed. E. Grey, 2 vols. London, 1892.

Varthema, Lodovic de, Travels in Egypt, Syria, Persia, India, Ethiopia, tr. J. W. James, ed. G. P. Badger, London (Hakluyt Society), 1863.

Wheeler, J. T. and Macmillan, M., European Travellers in India, Calcutta, 1956.

Modern Works on Numismatics

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Ahmad, S., Supplement to Volume III of the Catalogue of Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta (Mughal Emperors of India), Calcutta, 1939.


Husain, M. K., The Catalogue of Coins of the Mughal Emperors (Treasure trove collection, Bombay), Bombay, 1968.

Lane-Poole, S., The Coins of the Mughal Emperors of Hindustan in the British Museum, ed. R. Stuart Poole, London, 1892.

Rodgers, C. J., Catalogue of Coins in the Government Museum, Lahore, 1891.

——, Coins of the Mughal Emperors of India, Calcutta, 1893.

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