‘Will streaming movies online eventually be the downfall of the cinema companies?

Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard

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Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard


This is a keyboard that is able to type in on up to three devices at same time (10 hot new tech gadgets – slide 2, no date). For example if you are working on a report with it you can also respond to a text message at the same time.


As everything has bad and good sides technology has it as well.

Technology is mostly joined into our everyday lives we use it all the time for external and internal communication, managing records, to make products, social networking, tracking contacts and so on. On the other hand because of too much dependency from it can cause loss of profit (Markovich, 2013).

Having the latest technology is an ongoing cost. There are initial buying costs with other expenses as well as maintenance, updates and training. If a system fail occurs there will be a loss of income that will also result as loss of service rendered or product fabrication will be stopped (Markovich, 2013).

By using technology there is always a high risk of cyber-crimes. Agreeing to U.S. Department of Justice news release, individuals as young as 21 are running crimes that are technology-based, stealing end user’s data and costing to customers and companies millions of moneys. A survey of 2007 of a computer security institute reported that there was 21.1 million of dollar lost for commercial fraud, 8.4 million of dollars due to viruses, 6.9 million of dollars for the penetration of the system by an unknown and 5.7 million of dollars for personal data theft (Markovich, 2013).

The technology plays a big role in the business world so people have become disconnected from the final products. Work activities are always delineated therefore, fewer people are part of the final creation. This can cause disappointment or boredom at job place. In the office environment employee can be very distracted because of personal usage of Information Technology which will lead improper working. Some offices to prevent this have restricted the usage of personal devices in working places.


With the increased usage and innovations of information systems has increased numerous cyber-attacks (online attacks), which caused several damages and ruin the reputation of the company. There are different types of cyber-attacks.


Phishing attacks are emails or malicious Web sites that solicit private data from an individual or company by pretending as a reliable organization or entity. The goal of this attack is to trick the victim and take the desired data. For example log in details or bank details (Levlne, 2015).

Phishing websites can contain malicious codes that are executed on the user’s personal device this occurs when the user clicks on the link that was on an electronic mail.

There are 5 types of phishing attacks and these comes often from the individuals private e-mail and these e-mail looks like real organizations email that are known and trusted by everybody(Levlne, 2015).

Five types of phishing attack are:

  1. E-mails that are asking for money by giving the reason that they are stranded in foreign country and they need money to get back home.

  2. E-mails that pretends to be a reputable and trustable organization and always these e-mails asks to click to read more about it which take the user in the malicious web site.

  3. E-mails that pretends to be organizations such as FTC or FDIC which referees to complain or asks to check bank deposits or coverage of insurances.

  4. E-mails that says to give a big amount of money if it is not given they will harm the individual or the company.

  5. E-mail pretending to be a confirmation of complaints, the innocent user not having made any complaint will click on it to find out what is going on after this action the end user will be directed into a malicious website.

Denial of Service Attack

This attack consists on attacking the network to make the service completely down, unusable. This attack targets websites or important services like banking details. It affect specially the company’s device that is connected into the internet (types of cyber-attack, no date).


Spoofing is an attack is when a person or a program that impersonates another creating false data in order to obtain illegal access to a system. Such threats commonly found in email messages where the sender address is spoofed (types of cyber-attack, no date).


Adware consists onmaking announcements to its author. It has advertising built into the application. Thus, when the program is running, you see advertising (types of cyber-attack, no date).


It is a type of attack that acts to be a real message system and guides to download and buy software unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Such scareware pop - ups appear to be similar to any system messages, but actually are not. The main purpose of scareware is to create anxiety among users and use that anxiety to convince them to download software irrelevant (types of cyber-attack, no date).


A recent example of a company being attacked in the UK is Talk Talk.

Talk Talk is a broadband company which received and e-mail that was asking to give moneys. Hackers accessed company’s private data which contained customers’ bank details and other personal information. A customer said that her parents after receiving a call that was pretending to be talk talk have lost £9000. A second customer named Hilary Foster have lost £600 from her bank account. The company have lost reputation, customers and profit (Talk Talk - BBC, 2015).


Now days with constant usage of technologies there is a very high risk of being attacked online. To prevent attacks and be safe is required to have a good knowledge about these latest systems. Security is a big issue to have in mind before any inconveniences take place on. Having good knowledge on it also helps to do not have any unwanted faults that can cause several problem to the business.

From small to big companies must have good knowledge on it before the usage of it. For example if someone do not know how to drive a car cannot sit on the driver seat, if he seats on it is certain that he will have an accident soon.

In these days there are lots of IT training providers that provides training for other business companies in order to have well trained employees to prevent undesirable faults.

An example of IT training company is New Horizons which is known world widely (this is the web page: http://www.newhorizons.com/ ).


In this document is covered the importance of Information technology in business, advantages and disadvantages about usage of these technologies, common attacks and reason of expanding knowledge about it.


  • 10 hot new tech gadgets – slides (no date) Available at: http://www.itbusinessedge.com/slideshows/show.aspx?c=86885&slide=5
    Accessed: November 2015).

  • BBC (2014) GCSE Bitesize: Making goods or providing services. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/business/aims/aimsandactivitiesrev1.shtml (Accessed: November 2015).

  • Bryant, B. J. (2013) ‘Benefits of technology in business’, Small Business Chron, Kothari, H., Student, Follow, I. G., 88, mehwish, Schwartz, A., Langthasa, V., Mann, D. J., Pugalenthi, D. B., Rayan, M., 01, anpipt, Mal, T., Inam, J. and Pugal, D. B. (2011) Yogesh Saroj. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/hiteshpkothari/technology-in-business-communications (Accessed: November 2015).

  • Levine, K. (2015) How to identify 5 common Phishing attacks. Available at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/252401 (Accessed: 15 November 2015).

  • Markovich, M. (2013) ‘The disadvantages of using technology in business’, Small Business Chron.

  • Types of Cyber-attacks (no date) Available at: http://www.cybersecuritycrimes.com/types-of-cyber-attacks/ (Accessed: November 2015).

  • BBC talk talk attack (no date) Available at: ww.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34627541w (Accessed: November 2015).

What do you think the future holds for computer games?

  • Introduction

  • In this report I will be discussing on what the future holds for computer games and how computer games started.

  • Brief History of Computer Games.

  • In 1952 the first computer game was first created by Alexander Douglas which it was called OXO. It was a similar version of tic-tac-toe which he wrote for his Ph.D thesis on human computer interaction for the University of Cambridge. However a lot of people consider the first real interactive computer game to be Tennis for Two which was developed in 1958 by nuclear physicist William Higginbotham for the public who visited the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

  • Another real interactive computer game was Spacewar. This was developed in 1961 by a student called Steve Russell on a Programmed Data Processor-1 computer.

  • A number of people and companies started to seriously consider the exploitation of computer games. In 1966 Sega releases the arcade game called Periscope which was not really a computer game and did not show the possibilities of arcade game machines.

  • In between 1970-1979 Ralph Baer started researching interactive television, which led to the Odyssey game console which was released in 1972. Also first commercial exploitation of computer games came through the arcade machines. These machines were allowed to cost a significant amount of money, making it commercially possible to exploit computer games. The first arcade computer game was called computer space and it appeared in 1971 but it was not a commercial success. This inspired the creators to not give up and they founded Atari, and in 1972 they produced Pong which was a huge commercial success.

  • Soon Atari was followed by many other companies and new interesting games were created. One of interesting games which was created was Breakout and it appeared in 1976, and also Space Wars that for the first time used vector graphics. Around 1978 colour was introduced and Space Invaders was produced by Midway and in 1979 Asteroids appeared and had 50,000 machines sold worldwide the biggest success during that period.

  • The Merge of Video Games for Consoles

  • In between 1980 and 1989 the number of games increased rapidly. Many famous games were produced in this decade, Zork (1980), Donkey Kong (1981), Pole Position (1982), Pitfall (1982), Mario Bros. (1983), Dragon’s Lair (1983), King’Quest (1984), Elite (1984), The Legend of Zelda (1986), Metroid (1986), Mega Man (1987), Final Fantasy (1987), Metal Gear (1987), Popoulos (1989) and Prince of Persia (1989). Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • Because of the success of Atari other companies soon followed. For an example Mattel introduced the IntelliVision in 1980 and in 1982 the CoecoVision appeared. Many companies appeared creating games for the various consoles, often of poor quality. Moreover Atari was the market leader during that point, made some huge mistake with games such as E.T that cost millions of pounds and lost them a lot of trust from their customers. Atari decided to release the E.T game during Christmas and they only had 6 weeks to produce. Critics have arguably said it has been the worst game of all time. Consumers become confused and disappointed and the game console market crashed in 1984. Many companies in the U,S went into bankrupt or stepped out of the game business. This made production shifted to Japan. Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • Another reason for the crash was the introduction of new game computer. Personal computers appeared that were particularly suited for games because of their memory, graphics and sound capabilities. Probably the most famous are Radio Shack the VIC-20 and the ZX80.

  • Atari also decide to enter into the market particular with their very popular Atari ST that was in introduced in 1985. Games for these specific computers were easier to copy this are because of floppy disks or cassette tapes. Because of this it was also made possible to save game progress, which allowed for more complex games to be created. During them days the computer player always had to start the game from the beginning, this means the game can only be completed in a single play session which was really annoying. Because of the Atari ST it made it possible to store the status of the game and, as a result, the computer player could stop and continue to play at any later stage.

  • The crash of the console market made it really possible for other companies to enter this specific market. Nintendo which is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics and software company was founded in 1889. Around 1989 Nintendo introduced the Game Boy in 1989 as the first handheld gaming system. Game Boy came with a game called Tetris that made it very popular. Tetris was designed by a Russian scientist called Alexei Pajitnov and it is considered the most addictive game ever. The Game Boy was soon followed by the Sega Game gear and the Atari Lynx. Because of this success the Nintendo was the prime producer of handhelds.

  • From 1990 to 1999 there was a huge increase in the power of the game consoles, while at the same moment the popularity of the game arcade machines declined because they were no longer of superior quality. Sega introduced the Genesis and in 1989 Nintendo Super NES. Both of these consoles were very successful. They both had 16-bit systems with a much faster processor and more memory. They had special hardware for drawing sprites and a higher screen resolution than previous consoles. While Nintendo had Mario as their main character, Sega introduced Sonic the Hedgehog. Sega and Nintendo had the majority of the game market.

  • In between 1994 and 1996 the next generation of game consoles appeared. Sega introduced the Saturn in 1994 and Nintendo the N64 in 1996.

  • What happened to the PC Games?

  • Even though Sega and Nintendo introduce popular games and was controlling the market PC games was becoming mature aswell. The PC was getting a very considerable advantage over the consoles. They were much more powerful. Their graphics resolution was better, they had more memory, they had hard disks to store game data, and they had a much higher processor speed. Loads of great games were produced for PCs, for example Sim City, Civilization, Tomb Rider, and Grand Theft Auto. Most of these games and many more continue to have successful sequels.

  • A lot of PCs could stream video and music from CD. This led to a new generation of games that relied on good integration of full motion video and excellent sound tracks and environmental sound effects. A very excellent example was Myst with its beautiful pre-rendered scenes and atmospheric sound effects. Another great example is Command & Conquer that used full motion video to tell its story.

  • Another advantage of PCs for gaming was that they had a mouse and keyboard. This allowed the player to quickly point to locations on the screen, and for games that required many different commands. Real time strategy games, like Command & Conquer needed such a pointed device for easy play as did the point and click adventures that became popular, like Monkey Island. Keyboards were for example crucial in the many complicated such as flight simulators games. Loads of PCs had modems, making it possible to play games against at other locations. This led to the rise of the many massive multiplayer online role playing games, which is still primarily the domain of the PC. Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • One of the problems of PC games was that it was to begin with very difficult to install them, in particular when most people were still using DOS. Every time they were issues with many different sound and video drivers and it required some expert knowledge from the players who knew about DOS. Because of this games on these devices became something of the nerds an image that kept hanging around computer games for a long time even till now. It also made the games hard to develop as the developers who created the game had to make sure it would work on many different specifications and different type of sound cards. Usually games came normally with a huge collection of drivers to make them work on all different devices. This started to improve considerably when people started to use Windows 95band in particular when Microsoft release DirectX in 1995 which it could be used to abstract away from the underlying hardware. It also boosted the developments of Windows games. Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • While console games were played primarily in the living room, PCs were normally located in the study room. This led to a different kind of gamers and a different type of games that were darker and could be played whilst you were alone. In 1993 the game Mortal Combat created a huge uprising in the United States because of its offensive visual including the showing of blood. It led to congressional hearings and the start of the discussion about the effect it has on people and if a banning order could be in place. It also led to the first ever official rating system of games. Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • There was a drive to create 3D looking games, but most PCs did not have 3D graphics hardware. So the extremely clever programmers tried to do fake 3D in software. The most well-known game is called Doom which was created in 1993. It is often considered the first first-person shooter, although there were others before. But it definitely was the most popular one. Although in some sense just a simple maze game, the first-person view, combined with the horror-style graphics created a very immersive experience and make the game tremendously popular. Initially the creators used the shareware model to sell their game and they were extremely surprised by the success. Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • The success of games such as Doom led to an increased interest in 3D graphics card for the PC. Because of the increased interest price dropped which in turn increased the sales. Because of this more and more games started supporting these graphics cards which again increased interest. This made the 3D graphics card became a standard ingredient of a gaming PC. But it was difficult for game developers because they had to create games that would work well on PCs with largely varied graphics capabilities. Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

  • What does the future hold for computer games?

  • Nowadays, almost the whole population has played computer games, as you can see below I have done a bar chart. In the United Kingdom 65% both men and woman play games and they spend on average of over five hours a week. It definitely shows that something has changed. But altogether the industry continues to be continues to be dominated by men and still has trouble in creating enough interesting content for woman. But that could change in the future.

  • Another eye-popping new game that offer strong indications for the direction of PC games include Media Vision's first multimedia titles: Quantum Gate and Critical Path. The first title features Virtual Cinema technology by multimedia artist Greg Roach. Virtual Cinema is a fascinating technique that simulates real-time control of full-motion video. And Quantum Gate boasts more than 30 live-action characters from the Screen Actors Guild. Critical Path and Peak Performance also rely heavily on filmed actors, set against computer-generated backdrops, to simulate pulse pounding, real-time action. May Scott A. Apr94, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p86. 5p. 6 Color Photographs

  • New from Micro Prose is Blood Net, a cyberpunk/vampire role-playing game that challenges the imagination with mind-twisting animation and fantastic ray-traced art. This game is available on disk as well as in a full-voiced CD edition for PCs and compatibles. Producer Lawrence Schick (creator of Task Force: 1942) foresees growth in multiplayer and network gaming, whether through the traditional PC or so-called set-top systems such as 3DO or Sega-TV. "I've always found it more interesting to interact through computers than with them," Schick says. May Scott A. Apr94, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p86. 5p. 6 Color Photographs

  • Overall who knows what hardware will chart the future for PC entertainment-interactive laser discs, PowerPC, magneto optic floppy disks, cable networking, or full-fledged virtual-reality devices? As long as players strive for the ultimate challenge, game designers will continue to reach just beyond what's now possible. And our gaming experiences will be fuller and more exciting than we can currently imagine. May Scott A. Apr94, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p86. 5p. 6 Color Photographs

  • References

  • May Scott A. Apr94, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p86. 5p. 6 Color Photographs

  • Kate Berends, Geoff Howard. The Rough Guide to Videogames, Rough Guides, 2008. ISBN 978-1- 84353-995-7

  • Steven Kent. The Ultimate History of Video Games, Three Rivers Press, 2001. ISBN 0-7615-3643- 4.

  • Mark Overmars literature, history of games, docs, vakken, pdf

The exploitation of an influential technology: Computers

In this research paper I’ve been tasked with finding out the answer to “Computers have generally been a force for good, are there any areas were they haven’t been so”. The average person today is aware of hackers and computer misuse to an extent but is completely unaware of how terrifying a computer can be in the wrong hands and especially at a national level.

I’ll be looking into different cases of computers being misused, for this research paper I’ll be looking into a pre internet source that goes back to World War 2 and is a case of a nation using computers to do harm, as such most nations today now realise the very real threat of computers so I’ll be looking into another modern day example of cyberwarfare by one nation to another. I’ll also be researching other areas where computers are being misused and in most cases people today still are not aware is even happening. To quote a documentary made by Nova “Nova: Rise of the hackers, 2014” “Today the most dangerous weapon, is the keyboard”.


Privacy will always be a big talking point when talking about modern day misuse of computers. As our idea of privacy has changed over time especially since the inception of social media to the point where people are essentially spying on themselves. The way these companies treat the information you give them has changed since the birth of social media from you being completely anonymous to currently the company reserving the right to sell your information to a third party, mostly though not many people read the terms and conditions they agree to when creating an account on social media sites which I have to admit I’m guilty of myself, so the changes made to the privacy policies between 2001 – 2014 have gone mostly unnoticed and haven’t received the attention they deserve.

According to a documentary I watched while looking into some of the privacy policies these companies apply to our information called “Terms and Conditions May Apply, 2013” some law enforcement agencies such as the CIA and FBI would rather buy information from these social media sites rather get a warrant and go through the hassle of doing it through “legal means” I put legal means in quotes because technically them buying your information is not illegal, your information doesn’t belong to you anymore… at this point it’s starting to sound like conspiracy theory but this ties in to another point later in this research paper.

A privacy activist named Max Schrems who has taken issue with some of Facebooks use of information made a request under the European Right to Access provision which states that “European citizens and residents have the right to access documents of the EU institutions” according to the European commission site after repeated attempts to have his information made available to him he finally received 1222 pages worth of information gathered on him by Facebook. I would also like to point out that “Third Parties” is not only confined to law enforcement agencies literally any company that desires to do so could probably find a way to purchase your information, there are many such cases of companies selling information to another for advertising purposes, let’s not forget that these databases of information are also not always entirely safe from hackers.

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