Xxix фясил Ibtidai пилляdə Инэилис дили пргорамынын мязмуну Сявиййя 01, 02 (D01, d 02) Тювсийя едилян мязмун

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3 Грамматика
Грамматиканын тядриси коммуникасийа мягсядляриня хидмят etdiyindən ону контексля баьлы (контекстдян kənar olmaz) юйрянмяк йахшы оларды. Грамматикanın təsviri-nəzəri cəhətdən tədrisi, qrammatik qaydaları вя терминляри язбярлямяк тювсийя olunmur. Шаэирдя грамматик хцсусиййятлярi вя конструксийалары мцшащидя еtмяк, tanımaq, мятни дярк etmək və onlardan контекстдя istifadə etmək имканы верилмялидир. Bунун цçцн yaxşı olardı ki:

  • qrammatik material həvəsləndirici, asanlıqla mənimsənilən şifahi və ya yazılı kommunikasiya vəziyyətlərində didaktik mətnlərin vasitəsilə çatdırılsın. Bu material yalnız və yalnız mənimsənilən dil materialında cəmləşdiriləcəkdir.

  • Rянэарянэ фяаллыглар вя çалышмалар тяклиф edilsin.



3.1. Исим


- xüsusi, цмуми, мцcярряд, маддi, топлу – Proper, common, abstarct, material, collective;

- Сайылан, сайылмайан – Countable, uncountable;

- Щал – Case, Double Genetive;

- Ядяд – Number;

-Исмин фелля сайда узлашмасы – Noun/verb



Артикл Articles

- Мцяййян - Definite Article;

- Гейри-мцяййян -Indefinite Article;

- Сыфыр - Zero Article;

Xüsusi адларда артиклдян истифадя – The use of articles with proper nouns;

3.3. Сифят


- ed, -ing adjectives;

- Мцгайися дяряcялярi - Comparison of Adjectives;

- Сифятиn конструксийаларı –Adjective constructions (so, such;

enough, too; to+infinitive after adjectives);

Сифятлярин sırası – Order of adjectives;

3.4. Сай


Мигдар, сыра– Cardinal, ordinal;

fractional, decimal;

3.5. Явязлик


- ШяхсиPersonal (subject/ objectforms);

- Ишаря – Demonstrative;

- Мянсубиййят - Possessive;

- Суал - Interrogative;

- Гейри-мцяййянlik - Indefinite;

- Рефлекsiv - Reflexive;

- Емфатик –Emphatic;

- Нисби – Relative;

3.6. Фел


- Qaydalı/qaydasız – Regular, irregular;

- Əsas, кюмякçи - Main, auxiliary;

- Bağlayıcı фелляр – Linking verbs (be, become, seem, etc.);

-Кеçиcи, лабцд– Transitive, intrasitive;

- Шяхсsиз формалар – Nonfinite forms (Infinitive, present/past participle);

- Модал фелляр - Modal Verbs;

- Фели контсруксийалар – Verb patterns: V+ing, V+infinitive, V+object+infinitive

- İfadə фелляри – Phrasal Verbs;
Тясирлик нювцнцн заман формалары:

Tense forms - Active Voice:

- Present, Past Simple;

-Will Future;

-Would+infinitive (Future in the Past);

- Present, Past, Future Continuous;

- Present, Past Perfect;

- Future Perfect;

- Present, Past Perfect Continuous;
Мяcщул нювцн заман формалары:

Tense forms - Passive Voice:

- Present, Past, Future Simple;

- Present, Past Continuous;

- Present, Past Perfect;

- Future Perfect;

3.7. Зярф


- Йер , заман, дяряcя, тярзи-щярякят, суал, гейри-мцяййянlik – of time, of place, of degree, of manner, interrogative, indefinite;

- Мцгайисяли дяряcяляр -Comparison of adverbs

so, enough, too constructions;

3.8. Sözönü


Йер , заман истигамят вя с.– of position, time, direction, etc.;

3.9. Баьлайычы Conjunctions

Бирляшдириcи, табеляшдиричи- Coordinating, subordinating: and, or, so, but, that, where, when, because, as soon as, if, etc.;

3.10 Ядаt


-no, not, too, only, almost etc.;

3.11. Cцмля

Sentence types

- Тясдиг, суал, инкар – Affirmative, interrogative, negative;

- Нягли, суал, ямр – Declarative, interrogative, imperative;

- Садя, мцряккяб табесиз, мцряккяб табели. Simple, compound, complex (relative, of time/place);

- Шярти I, II – Conditional I, II, Wish sentences;


Cцмля цзвляри Parts of the sentence

- Ясас/икинcи дяряcяли – Main/Secondary;

-Сюзлярин сырасы– Word order;

3.13. Васитяли вя васитясиз nitq Direct/indirect speech

- Васитяли вя васитясиз nitq– Direct/indirect speech;

-заманларын ардыcыллыьы– Sequence of tenses;

Indirect questions (Can you tell me where he. . . ?);

Сюздцзялтмя Wordbuilding

-Сонluq шякилçилəр – Suffxies (-y, -er, -able, ly);

-Юн шякилъиляр – Prefixes (un-, ir-, im-,etc.) ;



-there is/are, let me, to be going to, used to, make someone do something, etc.

4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

  1. Яняняляр вя гайда-гануnлар;

  2. Təhsil;

  3. Эянcлярин щяйаты: (asudə вахт, яйлянcə, истиращят; Иcтимаи щяйатда иштирак, мцнасибятляр, щявяслянмяляр; Эянcляр üçün mətbuat/верилишляр вя с.);

  4. Авропа İттифагы (цмуми мялуматлар)

  • Инэилисдилли юлкяляр щаггында cоьрафи мялуматлар;

  • Юйряниляcяк юлкянин сийаси гурулушу, инзибати идаря едилмяси;

  • Инэилисдилли юлкялярин пайтахтлары, онлaрын тарихи диггятялайиг йерляри;

  • Танынмыш şəxsiyyətlər (алимляр, сийасятçиляр, идманçылар);

  • Тарих – ящямиййят кясб едян дюврляр/щадисяляр, танынмыш тарихи шяхсиййятляр;

  • Инcясянятин мцхтялиф сащясинин нцмайяндяляри;

  • Ядябиййат – ядябиййатын мцхтялиф ядяби cяряйанларын нцмайяндяляри вя онларын ясярляриндян парçалар;

  • Реэионал хцсусиййятляр;

  • Инэилисдилли юлкялярин вя Эцрcцстанын мцнасибятляриндян мялуматлар.

XXX Фясил
Baza-орта пиллянин Инэилис дили програмынын мязмуну

Тювсийя едиляn мязмун

  1. 1 Нитг функсийалары

  2. Лексика

  3. Грамматика

  4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

Нитг функсийалары

1.1. Сосиал мцнасибятляр

1.2. Мялумат мцбадиляси

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя

1.5. Ещтийаc/истяк/тялябат

1.6. Щиссляр/емосионал реаксийалар

1.7. Заманда истигамятляnmə

1.8. Мяканда истигамятляnmə

1.9. Мянтиги ялагяляр

1.10. Медиа

1.11. Банк хидмяти

  1. Нитг функсийалары


Линqвистик gerçəkləşmə нцмуняляри

1.1. Сосиал мцнасибятляр

Саламлашма/щал-ящвал тутма/видалашма

-Hello/ Hi

-Good morning/afternoon/evening

-How are you keeping?

-Is everything O.K.? -How are things with you, Bill?

-Hope to see you soon! /later!

-(I’ll) be seeing you tomorrow/next week, etc.

Тягдим etmək/таныш олмаг

-I’m…Here’s my visit card!

-Nice/Happy to meet you.

Мцраcият (nəzakətli\etinasız)

-My dear! Darling!

-Is it all right/ OK if…?

-Would you mind seeing me off?

-Could you (possibly) do me a favour?

Цзр истямяк/тяклиф етмяк

-I’m really/terribly sorry about that.

-Please, forgive me/Sorry, that was my fault.

-I do apologize!

Тяшяккцр етмяк

-Thank you! /Thank you very much! / ever so much!

-I’m very grateful / thankful (to you).

-That’s so kind / nice of you.


-Excellent! / Super! / Great!/ Fine!/ Right!/

-That’s (quite) a good idea.

Тяклиф, дявят/разыlашмаг/imtina etmək

-What can I do for you?

-Don’t you think we could...?

-Sorry, but I’m busy.

-May I suggest / offer...?/It’s my pleasure to...

-If I were you...


-Attention please!

-Be careful not to fall over!

-Watch out!

Тясялли вермяк

-Take it easy! / Cheer up!

-Don’t bother about it!

-You needn’t worry about it.

Тиcарят обйектляриндя интераксийа

-Would you like to try these jeans on?

-Sure, the changing rooms are over there.

-I’m just looking round / for...

Сяйащят zamanı интераксийа

-You can keep the change. / it’s a tour tip.

-Could you tell me where to get off?

- When will the plane land / take off?

-I have to check in / out.

-What’s the flight number?

Йазышма (мцраcият\видалашма клишеляри)

-I am writing to you because.../I’d like to inform you/to let you know…

-I’m sorry, I haven’t written for a long time...

Мювгеni ифадя етмяк/сцбут етмяк

-I’d like to say that…/ That’s a good point.

-In my opinion/ To my mind…

-What I suggest as a solution is...

-I strongly believe that...

1.2. Мялуматын мцбадиляси

Шяхси məlumatlar щаггында: ады, сойады, йашы, цнваны, мяшьулиййяти, доьум эцнц, аиля

-Your first / second / middle /family name, please?

-How do you spell it?

-What’s your address? /My zip code is 0160.


-Where are you from? I’m from Europe.

-Where does he come from? She/he is/ comes from…

-I’m French by origin.


-The weather is very changeable / mild here.

-Let’s hope it keeps fine for the weekend.

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

Инсанын защири эюрцнцшц

-She is beautiful/ pretty/ nice/ ugly/ tall/ short/ slim…

-You looked quite cute then.

Инсанын характеризя edilməsi

-She has got a charming personality.

-She always treats everybody with respect.

1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя

Зювгц ифадя етмяк

-It’s difficult to say anything definitely.

-He is tasteless.

-She was dressed elegantly in a good taste.

-I favour /love / adore / worship / it.

Бяйянмяk/бяйянмямяk/фикри/тяяссцраты/мювгени ифадя етмяк

-I’m crazy about…

-I like neither…nor…/I don’t like it either.

-I think so/ the opposite/we’d better...

-I agree / quite agree / disagree / don’t agree.


-I wish…/I’m willing to…

-I would recommend…

-What do you want me to do?

-He made me ...

1.5. Щиссляри, емосионал реаксийаны ифадя етмяк


-I could not even think about it.

-All these made me...


-I expected better/rather poor!

-She was so disappointed/What a shame!

-It could be worse!



-It seemed to me...

-He could / might / must be...


-I’m so much surprised!

-What a surprise!

-Very strange indeed!


-I don’t mind.

-Who cares? / I don’t care.

-I’m not interested in…

-It makes no difference.

-It does not matter.

1.6. Заманда истигамятлянмя

Заманда йерляшмя (саат/эеcя-эцндцз кясийи/тарих\илин фясилляри/дювр)

-Which season do you like best?/I like winter / spring...

-Not long / Long ago.../Next spring/By the end of

-In those days/ a couple of days/a fortnight /a week

-At the same time.


- Then/ After/ before that…/ now…then…

-At first… Firstly/ secondly…

-On the following day.


-Once more….

-Once a week/ twice a year/ three times a day/ per day.

-Every now and then.

-Hardly ever...


-Forever/ All day long…/ all night.

-While reading...

-All the year round...

1.7. Мяканда истигамятляnмя

Йерляшdiyi йер

-In front of/ behind the… At the top.

-How far / near is...?

-It’s on the opposite side.


-Go straight ahead/ turn left/ right…

-Which way? - This way, please!

-Do you know how to get to...?/Is this way to...?

1.8. Мянтиги ялагяляр


-S/he came here to / in order to learn English.

-The faster was the wind, the louder was the noise.

-He is so careful that he never makes mistakes.

1.9 Медиа


-Which newspaper has the largest circulation?

-How many channels approximately can you watch?

-There are many channels available.

-I’m putting you through.

-Who is calling, please.

-You could just try surfing the web.

-I belong to a great chat forum.

-I downloaded a good program from the Internet.

1.10. Банк хидмяти

Банкда интераксийа/банкомаtда

-How do you want to pay? – (in) cash/by cheque, by credit card.

-What currencies are used in Japan, India......?

-If the bank lends you money, you have a bank loan.

-Income tax; wages and salaries.

-In a bank you usually have a current account.

-Pension age raised;

-Wages to be frozen;

-Interest rates down.

2. Lексика

2.1. Фярд

2.2. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

2.3. Фяаллыглар

2.4. Медиа

2.5. Орийентирляр

2.6. Байрамлар вя шянликляр



2.1. Фярд


wrist; palm; nail; neck; bone; finger, tongue; toes; back; ankles; skin; eye-lid; eyebrow; brain; heart; shoulder;

Защири эюрцнцш

handsome; dimpled chin; freckled face; bearded; mustached; masked; bald; wrinkled

Характеризя етмяк

responsible; practical; witty; perfect, honey -tongued, gentle, good-humored; tactful; diplomatic; shocked; talkative; tactical;


sneakers; scarf; mittens; nightgown; swimming-suit; belt; bracelet; chain; earrings; sun- blazer; engagement ring; clip-on earring; wedding ring;


nail polish, mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, razor, shampoo; comb; sponge; hair brush; soap; towel; gel; tooth paste / brush; vanishing / hand cream; hair / body care; perfume; make up; toilet paper;


pressure; ambulance; healthy; pulse; infection; symptom; wound; sharp pain; pills; prescription; soar throat; infection; symptom;

Гиймятляндирмя/емосионал реаксийалар

be astonished; amazing; tremble; wonder; sob; shout; weep;

2.2. Фяаллыглар

Гаврама вя интеллектуал фяаллыглар

be conscious of; estimate; clarify; analyze; research; comment; fail; combine; transfer; predict; criticize; interpret; qualify;

Телефондан истифадя (радио, телевизийа)

dial; hold on; press the button; use the calling card; to make a call / disconnect; answer the phone machine;


take part in, hold first (second, etc) place (in), rest; play cards; go swimming / dancing; knit; ride a bicycle/ bike horse; take a voyage travel; play games; watch gardening program; gamble;


take off, travel by train, plain, air travel over the world, go on a trip, journey, start on a trip, from start to finish, arrive in/at, fasten; unfasten; to see off; hitchhike; gallop;

Малиййя ямялийатлары

put money into a bank / account.; pay cash by credit card / to cash a cheque;

Иcтимаи вятяндашлыг фяаллыглары

be involved in volunteer activities; keep the peace; become a member of a political party / charity organization; lobby; protect;

2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

Инсан (щяйат мярщяляляри)

visitor; host; male / female; the old / young; population; change / growth; inhabitants; the old; ambition;


The Houses of Parliament; society; Whitehall, Downing street, Constitutional monarchy, legislative/executive body, political parties.

Йер кцряси/cоьрафи адлар

capital; continent; gulf; the Atlantic Ocean; the Black Sea. territory; peninsular; mainland; South /North Pole; jungle; plain; border; port; harbor; shoreline; Sahara; Arctic; population;

Тябият/тябиi щадисяляр (щава)

natural resources; ecology; minerals; stream; space; flood; disaster; fauna; waterfall; axis; meadow; desert; coal; pole; wildlife;


avenue; rush hour; district; monument; cemetery; parking lot; downtown; Police Station; highway; sightseeing;

Йашайыш йери

house; flat; attic; lift / elevator; chamber; closet; urban / rural area; camp; hut; floor / storey; villa; inn; rancho; block of apartments; hotel; landlord; maid; skyscraper; residence; cabin; estate; campus; terrace; motel; rent; hostel.

Мебел/йашайыш яшйалары

toaster; oven; dishwashing liquid; can/bottle opener; blender; dish towel; cash book; dish-washer; computer; air-conditioner; electric heater; kitchen equipment; garbage bin / can; cork-screw;


Elementary / higher / secondary / compulsory education, tree education end in failure = meet with failure graduation paper. diploma of achievement; certificate;

Тиcарят обйектляри (işçilər) аваданлыг

stationery; bookstall; grocery; mall; musical shop; druggist; drug store; queue; booking-office; bill; label; shop keeper; price; shopping centre; parking garage, drugstore, bakery, lobby.


ingredients; mutton; cheese; pumpkin; /alcohol drink; champagne; ham; yogurt; custard, high tea, bacon, sweet dish, Seafood, chops, pizza, bacon, toast, salad dressing, mustard.


railroad; carriage; platform, compartment; passenger; yacht; truck; tram; conductor; air-liner; waiting room; ticket collector; helicopter.

Мядяниййят/идман обйектляри/işçiləri

film director / producer; audience; Olympic Games; gold / silver/bronze medal; concert hall; musician; composer; ballet; first night performance;


salary; broker; borrower; investment; make profit; income tax; inflation; short / long term credit; national / foreign currency.


tourist attraction; tourist information centre / agency; route; discotheque club; entertainment; relaxation; luxurious hotel; travel agent;

2.4. Медиа


telecommunication system; censorship /control; announcer; specific information; screen version; newsreel; telecast; Broadcast / world news; put on, put through, turn on/off turn over; breaaking news;


important news, amusement section, business page, interview; interviewer; press; / headline copy editor; columnist; print; editor; multimedia; issue; bestseller; sensational news.

2.5. Орийентирляр


calendar; usually; a.m./ p.m.; past; century; the other day; age; just; the whole time; period; daytime; while; long time ago; recently; suddenly.

2.6. Байрамлар вя шянликляр

Байрамлар вя шянликляр

congratulations; decorations; Thanksgiving; costumes / masks; carnival; occasion; habit; Independence Day; coronation; Royal tradition; inauguration; souvenirs; custom; cultural diversity; memorial day.

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